I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1232: perish together

Chapter 1232: Die together

“It’s a good idea, but it’s difficult to do it with your strength alone.” At this time, a handsome woman dressed as a palace maid suddenly came to the two of them and said expressionlessly.

"Who are you? I have never seen you before." Di Xin asked in a deep voice, showing his dignity.

However, the palace maid was not afraid and said calmly: "I am Guo Mixiang, the personal maid of the Queen Mother of the West. This is the first time I have come to the palace on earth. Of course you have never seen me before."

“Queen Mother of the West?” Di Xin slowly widened his eyes.

Daji was moved in her heart and asked, "What did you mean by what you just said?"

Guo Mixiang nodded slightly, as a response to Di Xin, and then said: "Shen Gongbao has already sent people to strictly guard the Xiqi royal family. If you send that pheasant spirit to steal people, she will definitely never come back."

Di Xin gradually figured it out and asked, "Are you here to cooperate with King Gu?"

Guo Mixiang took a deep look at him: "Yes! Instead of trying to steal King Zhou's mother and wife, it is better to assassinate King Zhou directly and let the princes of the world see the consequences of rebellion."

Di Xin said: "Can you do this?"

Guo Mixiang shook his head and said: "I can't. Ji Chang was killed directly by our Heavenly Court. For this reason, Yuanshi Tianzun called on the saints and further imposed many restrictions on Heavenly Court, so I can't directly attack Ji Kao. But , if you can find a goblin who is willing to die, I can give it a secret treasure that can kill King Zhou..."

Daji pondered: "What strength does it need?"

"The worst, the worst, must be in the fairyland. Under the fairyland, you are not even qualified to activate the secret treasure." Guo Mixiang said.


 Is wonderland still second to none?

Monsters who can become immortals are like ancestors within the ethnic group, enjoying all the glory.

Even if you don’t want to be the ancestor of the ethnic group, you can still take care of yourself. Who would be willing to die?

 “What is the secret treasure you are talking about?” At this time, Di Xin suddenly asked.

Guo Mixiang took out a copper pill from his hand and said: "This copper pill is engraved with Yin Yang and Five Elements Thunder. It is activated by immortal energy and thrown to the ground. It explodes immediately. Its power is enough to kill the king of Zhou."

Daji stretched out her hand and said, "Please give me this treasure, fairy. I will find the dead man in the fairyland as soon as possible."

Guo Mixiang placed the copper pill in her white palm and said meaningfully: "If this matter succeeds, you will get further support from heaven; if this matter fails, you will really be hopeless. ”

After saying this, her body disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant...

“What is the reason why Heaven supports us, righteousness or orthodoxy?” Di Xin asked, turning to look at the copper pill in Daji’s hand.

Daji shook her head: "That can't be the reason. Maybe it's because it's directed at Shen Gongbao."

Di Xin thought thoughtfully and said, "Can the queen find a suitable assassin?"

Daji sighed quietly: "There is only one person who meets the conditions."

 Outside Xiqi City.

 Jizhou Military Camp.

When Qin Yao took Su Hu out of the gate of the dimension, the generals headed by Su Quanzhong gathered around and looked at their commander.

Su Hu glanced at the faces, and said in a trembling voice: "Shen... the national master is right."

 All the generals were stunned, and Su Quanzhong was even more in disbelief: "Dad, what did you see?"

Su Hu took a deep breath and told what he saw and heard. The eyes of everyone listening were straightened and their expressions were stunned.

 For ordinary people like them, this kind of thing is too mysterious.

"Dad, could it be an illusion?" Su Quanzhong glanced at Qin Yao, still highly doubtful of the result.

Su Hu took out the royal decree from his arms and said, "I have never left this royal decree."

Su Quanzhong was speechless.

 This was something that neither Di Xin nor Daji had expected. The royal edict they personally sent turned out to be the decisive factor in Su Hu's opposition to Shang!

"Is there any way to save my sister?" After a long time, in silence, Su Quanzhong asked Qin Yao with a complicated expression.

 Qin Yao shook his head and remained silent.

He doesn’t even know whether the nine-tailed demon fox has sucked Daji’s soul, so how can he dare to make a promise?

"Taoist Master Shen, I'm ready to retreat." Su Hu suddenly spoke.

Qin Yao said seriously: "Master Suhou, I sincerely suggest that you take these 100,000 Jizhou troops to surrender to the Zhou Dynasty. Emperor Yin Shang's Xin Wudao has caused evil spirits to run rampant. It is already the end of the dynasty, but Xiqi is like the rising sun, shining brightly. Wan Zhang is your best choice. What’s more, Da Ji’s revenge must be avenged.”

Su Hu actually didn't care about the end of the dynasty, let alone the rising sun, but the other party's last words still touched him.


Daji’s revenge must be avenged!

 “Please ask the national advisor to help introduce the king of Zhou.” Su Hu said with cupped hands.

Qin Yao breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly: "I have my wish, but I dare not ask for my ear."

 The next day.


At dawn, the pheasant spirit who received the summons from Daji rushed to the palace, appeared in the harem, and saluted: "Meet my sister."

Daji slowly came to her, held her hand affectionately, and said with a smile: "Sister, I have some good news for you. We have a new supporter."

Pheasant Spirit's eyes brightened slightly and he quickly asked: "What kind of backer?"

Daji stretched out her hand and pointed to the sky, giving the other party a look.

Pheasant Essence's face was full of astonishment: "It's actually God...how did sister do it?"

“Everything has two sides: yin and yang. The Ji family received strong support from Yuxu Palace, but they also offended their superiors. In fact, the superiors had already taken action, and this is how Ji Chang died." Daji explained.

Pheasant Spirit suddenly understood and said happily: "So, isn't the Xiqi Rebellion coming to an end soon?"

Daji, however, shook her head and said, "The superiors dare not offend the saint too much, so they cannot directly offend the Ji family."

As she said that, she took out the copper pill from her hands and handed it to the pheasant spirit: "But someone from above sent this artifact. As long as someone holds this object, appears in front of Ji Kao, and activates it with fairy energy, this artifact will It can kill the other person."

Pheasant Jingjing understood: "Sister, do you want me to do this?"

Daji said sincerely: "I'm still hesitating. After all, it's too dangerous. Even if I kill Ji Kao, how to escape from the palace is still a problem."

Pheasant Spirit took the copper pill from her hand and said confidently: "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to do it if something unexpected happens."

Shao Qing, watching the pheasant spirit flying into the sky, a touch of sadness flashed in Daji's eyes.

From now on, among the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb, I am the only one left!

 A few days later.

Qin Yao was cultivating as usual in the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, when a palace servant broke through the gatekeeper's blockage, ran straight into the courtyard, and shouted in a panic: "National Preceptor, Imperial Preceptor..."

"What's wrong?"

Qin Yao stopped his power and stood up, his body instantly flashed in front of the opponent.

The chamberlain immediately fell to his knees and shouted in a tearful tone: "Master, the king has passed away." Qin Yao said: "???"

 Are you kidding me?

 But looking at the appearance of the chamberlain, it didn’t look like he was joking.

Not long after, Qin Yao hurriedly entered the palace, only to see the palace was filled with solemn killings. Countless palace guards armed with weapons were walking and patrolling quickly. Ordinary palace residents did not even dare to make a sound while walking.

In a blink of an eye, he was led by the chamberlain to a ruins, where he saw Tai Ren, the ancestor of the Ji family, standing in front of the ruins with Ji Kao's wives and concubines, weeping silently.

Among the ruins, a dragon corpse and a human corpse were lined up. Above the corpse, a dragon soul floated, and Ji Kao stood next to the dragon soul.

"What happened?" Qin Yao had no intention of comforting Tai Ren and others, and asked Ji Kao directly.

 When other people saw this, they probably guessed who he was talking to, and even the cries of Ji Kao's wife and concubines were much quieter.

A hint of bitterness appeared at the corner of Ji Kao's mouth, and he said: "Half an hour ago, one of my concubines told me that there was an auspicious sign in her palace and asked me to check it out.

 When I came to this palace, I saw a psychic colorful pheasant.

Before I could start to think about whether there was something wrong with this, the colorful pheasant spit out a copper pellet at me. The copper pellet exploded the moment it hit the ground. When I regained consciousness again, I was already a dead soul... "

 Chin Yao: “…”

“I’m sorry, Taoist Priest, I failed to protect Ji Kao.” Prince Long Qi said with shame on his face.

Qin Yao summoned a piece of golden talisman with his hands. With a flick of his wrist holding the talisman, the talisman immediately burst into flames.

As the paper ashes fell to the ground, strands of spiritual energy rose upwards and turned into a white mist, recalling the scene that happened here.

Shao Qing, as he stretched out his hand to point at the water mist, the scene suddenly stopped at the moment when the pheasant spirit spit out the copper pills.

“That’s it.” Ji Kao said, “It looks like it’s the size of a pearl, but I didn’t expect it to be so powerful.”

Qin Yao's attention was not on the copper pill. Instead, he stared closely at the eyes of the pheasant spirit. He even continued to look back and carefully watched the other party's expression. Then the moment the copper pill landed, he stopped the scene again and concluded: "Pheasant" Ji Jing didn't show any signs of death, which shows that she didn't know the power of the copper pills, and she didn't expect that the copper pills would attack indiscriminately, and she was ultimately killed."

Ji Kao asked in confusion: "Is there any point in studying this now?"

“Yes, but we need to wait until the Prime Minister comes.” Qin Yao nodded.

Not long after, Jiang Ziya came with Jiu Shu, Long Xuhu, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi and others at a high speed. After seeing the ruins and the human and dragon souls, they all slowed down.

 “Meet the king.”

Jiang Ziya suppressed his complicated emotions and saluted meticulously.

"There is no need to be polite to the Prime Minister." Ji Kao waved his hand and immediately said to Qin Yao: "Master, the Prime Minister is here, you can speak."

Everyone in the Yuxu sect who had just arrived looked puzzled, and then they followed Ji Kao and looked at Qin Yao.

“Senior Brother Ziya, I need to trouble you to go to Qishan Mountain and bring Bai Jian here to gather the spirits of the pheasant spirit with the soul-calling flag.”

 Jiang Ziya was stunned.

Lei Zhenzi subconsciously asked: "The pheasant spirit harmed my brother Wang, why should we gather spirits for it?"

 “Lei Zhenzi, you must not be rude to the Imperial Master.” Ji Kao shouted lightly.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

Qin Yao shook his head, then pointed to the traced scene and explained: "The origin of this copper pill is strange, it does not look like a treasure that the Xuanyuan Tomb Demon Clan can take out. What's more, if the pheasant spirit really has such a treasure, it will definitely Can’t use it until now.”

"So you suspect..." Suddenly an idea flashed in Uncle Jiu's mind, and he raised his hand and pointed at the sky.

Qin Yao nodded and said: "If it were anyone else who died, I would not have such doubts, but it is the king who died... After gathering the pheasant souls, we can get the answer."

 Jiang Ziya understood everything, and immediately summoned Sixiang, who mounted the divine beast and quickly rose into the sky.

“Master, can you cast a spell so that we can see the soul of the king?” Watching the beast go away, Tai Ren came to Qin Yao with his daughter-in-law and grandson-in-law, and asked with sorrow on his face.

Qin Yao waved his sleeves, and streams of fairy light flew out from his sleeves, one after another, and entered the brows of these women.

As the immortal energy entered their bodies, the female relatives present had their psychic eyes opened one after another, and saw Ji Kao standing on the ruins.

 “Son,” Tai Si shouted with tears on her face.

Ji Kao was also grief-stricken, with deep reluctance in his eyes, but he could only pretend to be strong and said: "Mother, there is no need to be sad, my son is going to find his father."

Tai Si burst into tears: "How come the lives of you, father and son, are so miserable!"

 “Okay, don’t cry.”

Tai Ren secretly glanced at Qin Yao and saw that he had no reaction. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and shouted softly: "Even if my grandson goes to the underworld, he is going to enjoy the blessings. This is a happy mourning."

Tai Si didn’t dare to argue, but she did feel better.


 The Ji family is different from other ordinary families after all. Ji Kao was honored as a king before his death, so he should be able to avoid the suffering of reincarnation.

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to enter the underworld."

Everyone in the Ji family was stunned and looked at him blankly.

 What does it mean not to enter the underworld?

 Can you still go to heaven?

Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "After the death of the late king, the Saint of Yuanshi summoned all the saints and made it clear to the heaven that before the end of the Tribulation of the Gods, the Ji family was not allowed to be punished by means of heaven's punishment. If there is evidence to prove that Ji Kao died God's punishment, then his name must be on the list of gods, and his Dao fruit cannot be lower than that of the Immortal Emperor."

Members of the Ji family: “…”

Yuxu Palace Gatekeeper: “…”

 You are the Immortal Emperor when you open your mouth?

 This feels a bit magical to them.

Ji Kao was also stunned.

 He never thought that he would be blessed with the title of Immortal Emperor.

His father didn’t have this kind of opportunity, so why should he?

 Tao Zhang Shen's words seemed to provide theoretical basis, which made him feel sad and even full of expectations.

If you can be an Immortal Emperor, you don't have to be a human king.

 After all, kings on earth only have a lifespan of a few decades, and when they die, they are inevitably reincarnated.

In the silence, Jiang Ziya came back with Bai Jian. When the latter saw Qin Yao, he quickly bowed and saluted: "Meet my benefactor."

Qin Yao waved his hand and ordered: "Bai Jian, use your soul-calling flag to gather the demon souls of the pheasant spirits."


Bai Jian responded, stood up straight, summoned the Conferring God and Soul-Calling Flag, and started to dance fiercely towards the ruins.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds surged, and in the darkness, dots of colorful lights penetrated the gaps between the ruins, converging into the shadow of a colorful pheasant in front of Bai Jian...

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