I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1248: Five Emperors, Magic Sword

"I won't follow the army." Qin Yao shook his head and said: "After changing this scripture, my current cultivation state is excellent. The most important thing now is to cultivate the three flowers and five qi as soon as possible and be promoted to the first-class master of the Fengshen Universe. "

Hearing this, Uncle Jiu was both envious and pleased: "Except Patriarch Sanmao, no one in the Maoshan sect has achieved your level of achievement."

Qin Yao looked at the other party with a smile and said: "Master can be the fifth one, but the time may be slower."

 He ​​knew very well that the situation that Uncle Jiu was facing now was exactly the same as he had been before. To put it bluntly, the story could no longer keep up with the intensity of the story universe.

Even the Maoshan Talisman Scripture practiced by Uncle Jiu is not as good as the Shangqing Dadong Immortal Scripture that Qin Yao once practiced. Even if it has been improved by Xiao Maojun, it can only be regarded as an ordinary thing in the world of gods.

If you want to run faster and walk higher, the most direct way is to exchange your physical strength for this classic. But how can changing the original scripture be a matter of just one sentence?

It can be said that Qin Yao gathered the right time, place, people, and multiple opportunities to spread his energy and exchange sutras. Among them were the assists of Huanglong Zhenren, Lu Ya's assists, the three emperors' compensation psychology for exchanging the Xuanyuan Sword for the Chaos Bell, and his own personal experience. For the utilization value of the heroes who canonize the gods...

Even Jiang Shang, who is the protagonist of the title of god, can only occupy the last one at most, but he combined all factors to prompt the three emperors to personally reshape his practice system.

That's all, not counting the repair effect of the Twelfth-grade Fire Red Lotus on the "Da-grade Heavenly Immortal Art".

Therefore, his success cannot be copied at all, and it has no reference significance at all. All he can do is help Uncle Jiu from other places, such as donating resources, and taking him to reincarnate into higher-level universes...


At this time, Uncle Jiu sighed softly: "In Maoshan, no one else has such an extraordinary disciple who has the heart and ability to help the master except me."

 Speaking of this, his mood was a little complicated.

Qin Yao’s journey was not easy and he experienced countless stories and ups and downs. But as a master, his journey was too easy. In the words of the new era, he met Tongtiandai and won the whole process.

From earthly master to heavenly master, from heavenly master to immortal, from immortal to immortal, from immortal to earthly immortal... there is no pressure, no pressure at all.

Although he didn’t know what the upper limit of his disciple’s future would be, what he knew was that, if nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely be able to rise from an earthly immortal to a heavenly immortal, and it would not be impossible to eventually reach the level of the Patriarch Sanmao.

Looking back, the practice is quite simple. What are the four elements of practice in the Dharma Land? When you go out to hang out, the most important thing is to follow the right person!


Three years later.

 The Imperial Prefect’s Office.

 Qin Yao was dressed in green clothes, with his hair tied with wooden branches. He sat cross-legged under the fiery red mulberry tree, his mind sinking into the sea of ​​consciousness and falling into his soul.

The soul sits cross-legged on the Hongmeng Red Lotus that emits a faint red light, and the power of the laws within it constructs the eight extraordinary meridians as well as the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys and other human body structures.

As Qin Yao's thoughts turned, the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys turned into five shining little people one after another, gathering together and occupying the five directions of east, west, south, north and center.

The heart is the Red Emperor of the South, the liver is the Green Emperor of the East, the spleen is the Yellow Emperor of the Center, the lungs are the White Emperor of the West, and the kidneys are the Black Emperor of the North.

A stream of air rushes out from each of the Five Emperors' heads, pulses from the abdomen along the meridians to the head, and converges together in the skull.

However, the moment the five qi came into contact, it exploded, and the powerful force almost exploded the soul's head.


Outside, under the mulberry tree, Qin Yao spat out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, his consciousness gradually blurring.

At this time, the Hongmeng Red Lotus released a soft divine radiance, instilling it into his soul, fixing the disintegrating three souls and seven souls, and silently repairing the wounds of his soul until all hidden dangers were completely eliminated.

Qin Yao's consciousness quickly returned to his original form, he took a long breath and muttered to himself: "Failed again... How many times has this happened?"

 In three years, he used only two years to cultivate the Five Emperors of the Soul with the help of the great Immortal Art, which was like a quick magic skill.

But in the following year, no matter how hard he tried, he could not reach the state of the Five Qi Chaoyuan. He always missed something and the Five Qi exploded. If he had not been protected by the Twelve-Rank Karma Fire Red Lotus, he would have been doomed. .

“Is it the state of mind or the sudden enlightenment that is bad?” After a long time, Qin Yao stood up slowly and looked towards the sky.

Even though he failed so many times, he didn't look impatient at all. Instead, he was indifferent and peaceful.

In just two years, he has cultivated the five qi. Although he has not been able to reach the vitality with the five qi, his speed is second only to the legendary monkey. Why should he be anxious?

 This moment is completely different from the time before I revised this sutra...


After coming back to his senses, Qin Yao raised his hands, summoned a dimensional door with golden fireworks out of thin air, and stepped through the door.

 At the head of Xiqi City, in front of the city gate tower.

The soldiers guarding here immediately noticed the sparks gathering into a light gate, and were about to surround them with guns and guns in hand. When they saw the National Master in Tsing Yi stepping over, they quickly knelt down and shouted with the most majestic force. The voice shouted: "Greetings to the Imperial Master."

With a thought, Qin Yao dispersed the dimension door behind him, raised his hand and said: "Everyone, get up. Who can tell me what the current battle situation is like?"

Everyone was ordered to stand up. A soldier who was closest to Qin Yao was about to speak. Lei Zhenzi, wearing a battle armor and dancing his wings, flew down from the city gate tower. He cupped his hands and said, "Meet the Imperial Preceptor."

"You are the one guarding Xiqi." Qin Yao looked up and said with a smile.

Lei Zhenzi put down his arms, with a look of helplessness on his face: "I don't want to stay behind, but I am a member of the Ji family, and I have the more responsibility to protect Xiqi."

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said: "Protecting the homeland is as important as opening up the territory. You can't slack off."

Lei Zhenzi said quickly: "Don't worry, our master, I will never slack off."

Qin Yao chuckled: "Don't be nervous, I'm just reminding and encouraging... You came just in time. I have been in seclusion for three years and ignored secular affairs, but I don't know how far the war against merchants has progressed?"

Lei Zhenzi responded: "In the past three years, both sides have suffered casualties, but the merchant army suffered more casualties. At present, our army is marching eastward and has occupied Sishui Pass, Qinglong Pass, and Jiameng Pass, killing Jiejiao and There are countless immortals.”

 The map of Shang and Zhou Dynasty flashed in Qin Yao's mind...

After the Zhou army left Xiqi, they passed through Xiqi Mountain, Yanshan Mountain, Shouyang Mountain, and Jinji Ridge to reach Sishui Pass.

Jiameng Pass is located in the north of Sishui Pass, Qinglong Pass is in the south of Sishui Pass, and Sishui Pass leads directly to the front of the Yin Shang Dynasty, which is Jiepai Pass.

In those days, Huang Feihu passed the Five Passes and took the Five Passes Official Road. From Chaoge to the west, they were Lintong Pass, Tongguan, Chuanyunguan, Jiepai Pass, and Sishui Pass.

In other words, Zhou Jun is currently conquering Jiepai Pass, and in the story line, the leader of Tongtian seems to have set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation at Jiepai Pass. I don’t know if the sword formation has been set up now...

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Lei Zhenzi: "You can continue to guard Xiqi. I will go to the front line to take a look."

Lei Zhenzi hesitated for a moment, and finally said boldly: "After the Imperial Master arrives at the front line, can you mention the change of defense to the Prime Minister? If any of our brothers are tired after being on the battlefield for a long time, you can come to Xiqi City Switch defenses with me.”

Qin Yao couldn't help but laugh, waved his hand and said: "Okay, I will definitely help you ask."

Lei Zhenzi was overjoyed and bowed deeply: "Thank you so much, Imperial Master!"

"Protect Xiqi." Qin Yao raised his hand and patted his shoulder, then flew up and headed straight for Jiepaiguan.     In the afternoon of the same day.

 The sun is warm and the sky is clear and clear.

Qin Yao stepped on the white clouds. Not long after he passed through Sishui Pass, he saw the Zhou army's flag in an open space thirty miles away from Jiepai Pass, and it landed on the clouds.

 “Meet my uncle.”

Shao Qing, when his feet landed in front of the camp gate, Yang Jian, holding a precious mirror in his hand, hurriedly greeted him and bowed to salute.

Qin Yao subconsciously looked at the treasure mirror in the opponent's hand and was slightly startled when he saw a leopard's head reflected in it.

Yang Jian quickly put away the treasured mirror, cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, uncle, I've offended you."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said with emotion: "You have been fighting hard in the past three years, haven't you?"

He knew that the other party was not targeting him. Maybe someone had pretended to be him and wanted to break into the Zhou camp?

Yang Jian shook his head and said with a smile: "The Western Zhou Dynasty was destined to return and was blessed by God. Although we encountered some dangers, they were all saved in the end."

 “Take me to see Jiang Shang.”

“Yes, I’m here to lead the way for Uncle Master…”

Not long after, Yang Jian led Qin Yao to the central army commander's tent and said loudly: "Let me tell you, Prime Minister, the national advisor is here."


 Inside the handsome tent, Nezha, who had completely grown and no longer looked ugly, suddenly beamed with joy, turned into a red light with a whooshing sound, and jumped out of the tent.

“I’ve grown up, and I’ve also grown taller.” Qin Yao said with a smile, looking at the handsome young man who suddenly appeared.

Nezha opened his arms, threw himself into his arms, and choked with sobs: "Master, I miss you so much!"

Qin Yao laughed and touched his head: "His character has not changed much, he is still the same as a child."

“Zhaer, let go of the Imperial Master.” Li Jing followed Jiang Ziya and others out of the handsome tent. After seeing this scene, he shouted in a solemn voice.

If this matter were placed outside the military camp, he would not say anything at all, but inside the military camp, it would be unbecoming.

What's more, we can't let Jiang Ziya, a senior and officer, wait for Nezha to vent his emotions before speaking, right?

So, at his father's request, Nezha reluctantly let go of his master and turned around to get out of the way.

Jiang Ziya naturally came to Qin Yao and said with a smile: "Junior brother, I have been in seclusion for three years. I should have gained a lot, right?"

"The five emperors of red, green, yellow, white and black have been established, and it's time to return to the Yuan Dynasty." Qin Yao responded.

 Jiang Ziya: “…”

 How could it be so fast?

Could it be a quick-fix evil skill of cultivation?

“Senior brother, why don’t you laugh?” Qin Yao asked in confusion.

Jiang Ziya woke up from a dream and said quickly: "Junior brother, senior brother, I am worried about you. I have been practicing Taoism for decades, not to mention seeing or listening to people who have cultivated the five qi in the chest within three years. You Don’t lose the right path for the sake of greed.”

Looking at the solemn and solemn old man, Qin Yao understood: Isn't this just because he is afraid that his brother will have a hard time and that he will drive a Land Rover?

 He wants to be good, but he doesn’t want to be so good, let alone become someone he needs to look up to.

"What kind of deviant skills has Taoist Master practiced?" Everyone understood what Jiang Ziya meant, and Li Jing suddenly asked with concern on his face.

 In his eyes, Taoist Shen was not only a benefactor to his family, but also their future backer.

 So even if he puts aside his personal emotions, he cannot be indifferent to it!

 Qin Yao laughed dumbly, and then waved his hand: "Don't worry, let alone make wild guesses, I have not fallen into the devil's way."

Looking at the unfaithful smile on his face, Li Jing breathed a sigh of relief, but Jiang Ziya's mentality was a little unbalanced.

You started out later than me, and you don’t have much experience at all. I haven’t even achieved the Immortal Way here, but you are about to catch up with the average level of the Golden Immortal of the Chan Sect?


 Are my qualifications so dull?

But the question is, if my qualifications are so dull, what shining points can I have to be appointed as the envoy of the gods?

Jiang Ziya fell into confusion, and one question after another popped up in his mind.

“Everyone, why don’t we go into the tent and talk again?” Qin Yao glanced at Jiang Shang, who looked lost, and said in a solemn voice.

The thick voice immediately woke Jiang Shang out of his confusion, making him realize that this was not the time to think deeply about this: "That's right, everyone, please stop standing here. Let's talk in the commander's tent first."

 “Marshal, please, National Master please.” Nangong Shi and other Western Zhou generals took the lead and said.

 “There’s no need to be polite, senior brother, please go ahead.” Seeing Jiang Shang looking at him with twinkling eyes, Qin Yao raised his hand to show courtesy and at the same time signaled to the other party that he had no intention of seizing power.

Jiang Shang breathed a sigh of relief, and then led everyone back to the commander's tent.

 For him, not being as good as Shen Gongbao in spiritual practice is at most just a matter of feeling uncomfortable. But if you can't even match the other party's credit, then it's really unacceptable.

 Because of this, he is still quite afraid that the other party will seize power. After all, Shen Gongbao really has this strength and prestige. With an order, no one from the generals of the Zhou Army to the disciples of the Chan Sect would raise an opinion...

“I heard that Grand Master is in Jiepaiguan?” Qin Yao asked in a solemn voice when he came to the sand table.

Jiang Shang nodded: "The main resistance force at present is the immortal force headed by Grand Master Wen and assisted by Yu Hua. As for Xu Gai, the commander-in-chief of Jiepaiguan, he is currently the logistics chief responsible for logistics."

Qin Yao was moved in his heart and asked, "Did you fight with their generals?"

 “There have been three fights.”

Jiang Shang sighed: "Then Yu Hua found a magic sword from somewhere. It was very sharp. In the first battle, Nezha and Tai Bing were injured, and in the second battle, Tu Xingsun and Deng Chanyu were injured.

Fortunately, Yang Jian's nephew rushed to Luojia Cave in Putuo Mountain under the stars and the moon, and fetched nectar from Brother Cihang to feed them. Otherwise, the four of them would have been poisoned and died.

In the third battle, Yang Jian's nephew came out in person. Then he and Na Yuhua got a draw, but he still did not dare to confront the opponent's magic sword directly. "

Qin Yao slowly narrowed his eyes and said, "Senior Brother Cihang's nectar has been used up, hasn't it?"

He remembered very clearly that when he was pretending to be infected by the plague, Master Huanglong personally asked Taoist Cihang, and the other person's answer was that all the nectar had been used up.

 Jiang Shang: “…”

 Everyone: “…” (End of this chapter)

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