I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1296: Thousands of dragons bow down together, and the Ninth Heaven Fairy descends to the mor

"Not yet."

Uncle Jiu also responded by voice transmission: "The Ninth Grade Pure World White Lotus should be fulfilled only after the results are implemented. Now the entire dragon clan has not yet gained freedom."

Qin Yao nodded silently and said no more.

Not long after.

The auspicious cloud flew over the Chentangguan General's Mansion, and under Qin Yao's control, it slowly fell into the mansion.

At this moment, as a family servant discovered their traces, the servants of the whole mansion ran over panting in a blink of an eye, lined up in two teams in front of them, and shouted in unison: "Master, Madam, Taoist Master, Young Master."

Li Jing nodded and waved his hand, saying: "Hurry up and prepare the banquet, I want to entertain Gao Xian."

"Yes." The servants of the whole mansion responded in unison and immediately got busy.

"Dragon King, Taoist Master, and Tai Bing, please come in." Li Jing raised his hand and pointed to the living room.

"No hurry." Qin Yao waved his hand: "It will take time to arrange the banquet. Taking this opportunity, the Dragon King and I will go back to the East China Sea to convey the news of the dragon clan's unsealing to the East China Sea dragon clan."

"Master, I will go too." Nezha said impatiently before Li Jing answered.

Seeing this situation, Li Jing couldn't persuade him, and smiled and said: "Okay, then my wife and I will wait for you to come back in the mansion."

Qin Yao smiled and said: "It's fast, after all, the East China Sea is outside the city..."

In a blink of an eye.

Uncle Jiu, Qin Yao, Nezha, and Tai Bing came to the beach of the East China Sea.

When they crossed thousands of miles and came to the sky above the Dragon Palace, they saw a terrifying immortal army wearing silver armor on the sea. The powerful killing aura made no sea creatures dare to approach within a hundred miles.

In front of the army, the master and the apprentice looked at each other and almost guessed the reason why this heavenly soldier appeared here at the same time.

"Ao Guang, long time no see."

The next moment, the silver-armored heavenly soldiers suddenly made way for a wide walkway, and a taller and more burly god general wearing a silver helmet and holding a spear stepped out from the walkway and said with a smile.

Looking at the other person's figure, a name suddenly jumped from the Dragon King's memory to Uncle Jiu's mind: Tianhe Navy General Manager - Li Yingtian!

At the beginning, the four seas dragons did not obey the discipline of the heaven, and it was the other party who led the Tianhe Navy and the West Kunlun immortals to defeat the dragons.

"General Manager Li." Uncle Jiu clasped his fists.

Li Yingtian nodded slightly and said, "Dragon King, I have been waiting here for a long time to deal with the evildoers in the East China Sea in accordance with the order of the Jade Emperor."

Uncle Jiu nodded and said, "Please follow me to the sea."

Li Yingtian: "Good."

After a while, a group of five people led 80,000 navy soldiers into the Dragon Palace. The East China Sea dragons biting the chains heard the noise and looked in the direction of the sound, and then shouted "King".

Uncle Jiu smiled at these dragon children and said, "I have good news for you. Taoist Master Shen Gongbao, at the cost of his own merits in deification, refused the position of the leader of the three realms and exchanged the grace of the Taoist ancestor to unseal the dragons. My sons, my children, from now on, you are free!"

The dragons of the four seas, thousands of dragon descendants were stunned and petrified, and were controlled in place by this news.

"Big brother, is this true?"

The female dragon king suddenly broke out of the magma and shouted with surprise.

"Bang, bang..."

Then, accompanied by two explosions and dragon roars, the purple dragon king and the red dragon king also flew out of the magma one after another, looking at Uncle Jiu with shining eyes.

The reason they didn't show up just now was not because they were slow to react, but because they were afraid of the Tianhe navy following their big brother.

They didn't know why these navy came, but they were afraid that the big brother's family had caused trouble outside, and the heavenly court sent the navy to punish the four seas dragons.

If so, if they didn't show up, when the navy slaughtered the dragons, the three dragon kings might still have a chance to escape.

"Of course it's true."

Facing the gaze of the dragon eyes like lanterns, Uncle Jiu smiled and said: "Not only that, under the layout of Master Shen, the dragon clan has now been bound to the Son of Heaven... that is, the former Human King. The Human King has now evolved into the True Dragon Son of Heaven. Our dragon clan is slowly becoming the faith of the human race, and is no longer the evildoer that everyone shouted and killed in the past."

The three dragon kings knew about this matter a long time ago, so the impact of this news on them was not very great.

But for ordinary dragons who were not aware of it in advance, this news was as shocking as the unsealing of the dragon clan.

As the human race gradually became the protagonist of heaven and earth, when did the dragon clan be taken seriously by the human race?

Ordinary people were fine. They were afraid of the tyrannical strength of the dragon clan and dared to talk about it behind their backs. However, those powerful immortals once used the dragon clan as mounts and spiritual pets.

Even now, many dragons with royal blood are still acting as the immortals' foot beasts.

It's different.

It's really different...

"Thank you, Master Shen, for your kindness."

The female dragon king was the first to react, swimming to Qin Yao, crawling to the ground, and showing great respect.

"Thank you, Master Shen, for your kindness." The Purple Dragon King and the Red Dragon King quickly came to her side, one on the left and one on the right, and followed her to kowtow.

"Thank you, Master Shen, for your kindness."

Thousands of dragons bowed their heads and called out in unison. The sound was like thunder, shaking the waters. The scene was shocking, and many heavenly soldiers and generals were shaken.

Qin Yao slowly raised his arms and said, "Everyone, get up. We are all demons, so I have the obligation to do my best."


Hearing this, thousands of dragons stood up directly without even the order of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Everyone present understood what this meant, but the Dragon King of the East China Sea did not show any strange expression on his face, but instead had a smile on his face.

This smile made Tai Bing relax slightly, and then he realized that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Li Yingtian took a deep look at Qin Yao, and immediately said to Uncle Jiu: "Dragon King, let all the dragon clan loosen the sealing chains."

Uncle Jiu nodded and ordered: "The Dragon Clan of the Four Seas listens to the order, loosen the chains and fly to the top of the Dragon Palace."


Countless dragons took the order and spat out the chains they were holding in their mouths, or shrunk their bodies and escaped from the chains. Like rays of light, they quickly rushed out of the cage called the Dragon Palace.

When all the densely packed dragons escaped from the Dragon Palace, the sleeping demons below the Dragon Palace woke up one after another.

They swam, roared, neighed, and scurried wildly in the magma in the center of the sea. Then they broke through the earth and rushed to the Dragon Palace, roaring into the sky.


These monsters saw a silver light...

"Tianhe navy, attack, leaving no armor behind." Commander Tianhe waved down the bright silver gun in his hand and said in a deep voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, the archers set up their bows and shot arrows, and silver arrows poured out in an instant, killing the monsters that were frozen in place or still roaring.

More and more demons flew out of the sea center magma, and then they were pierced by divine arrows one after another.

Blood of various colors merges into the sea water, dyeing it into colorful colors.

Afterwards, screams and roars continued to sound, and the demons who reacted began to organize an organized attack on the Tianhe navy, trying to fight for a chance of survival.

However, as the ace army of the Heavenly Court, the Tianhe Navy's attack on the Sihai Dragon Clan was like cutting melons and vegetables, let alone defeating these Sihai Dragon Clan's subordinates.

No matter how evil they are, no matter what methods they use, whether they are invisible or mutated, or even if they turn into light and shadow, they cannot escape the punishment of arrows.

Under this wave of arrow rain, all the monsters who dared to take the lead were shot to death. Seeing this, the monsters that were originally running slowly huddled in the magma and no longer dared to rush out.

"Hold your bow, hold your gun, and kill without mercy." Looking at the corpse-strewn front, Manager Tianhe said coldly.

The 80,000 Tianhe naval forces grasped their spears one after another and rushed towards the depths of the magma.

The boiling magma could not bring them any harm, and the escaping monsters had no home field advantage. So a new round of killing began again, and hoarse screams continued to be heard underground...

"Master, this Tianhe Commander-in-Chief is not Marshal Tianpeng, right?"

Listening to the screams below the Dragon Palace and looking at the statue-like god general not far ahead, Qin Yao secretly transmitted a message to Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu nodded inconspicuously and responded privately: "They are probably the seniors of Marshal Tianpeng. At this time, Marshal Tianpeng should not have been born yet."

Qin Yao slowly narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

It is said that Marshal Tianpeng, whose surname was Bian Mingzhuang, was born in the same era as Confucius. He was also a tiger-fighting hero. Confucius personally praised his bravery.

Confucius was a Confucian sage of the human race during the Spring and Autumn Period. It is still the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Tianpeng must not have been born.

It is worth mentioning that the legendary Tathagata Buddha Sakyamuni was also a person from the Spring and Autumn Period. In terms of age, he was only about ten years older than Confucius.

In other words, Marshal Tianpeng, the sage of Confucianism and Taoism, and the sage of Buddhism were all born in the same era.

Well...that's not even counting the supreme saint who transformed into Lao Tzu and the founder of hundreds of schools of thought.

By the way, there are also Fan Li, the god of literature and wealth, and Gui Guzi, a strange man through the ages, all from the Spring and Autumn Period...

Just as he was thinking about the strange people and gods of the Spring and Autumn Period, the underground massacre gradually came to an end, and all the screams disappeared, along with the anklets that had bound the dragon clan for thousands of years.

"Report to the manager, all the demons have been beheaded, and not a single one is left alive." Not long after, the Tianhe navy flew out of the sea center magma pool in groups, dripping with fiery red magma liquid, and came step by step in front of Li Yingtian .

Li Yingtian nodded slightly and said sideways: "Ao Guang, my mission as the manager has been completed, and I will return to the Tiangong to resume my life."

Uncle Jiu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li."

Li Yingtian waved his hand and left quickly with 80,000 sailors.

In this battle, the Tianhe navy destroyed countless demons without causing any casualties, which shows how terrifying this army is.

"It would be great if our dragon clan had such a strong army!" Looking at the direction in which the navy army was leaving, the female dragon king said in confusion.

Qin Yao glanced at her and said, "Do you want to rebel?"

The female dragon king quickly woke up and said quickly: "No, no, I would never dare to do this..."

Seeing that she gave in so quickly, Qin Yao gave up the idea of ​​continuing to beat him. He turned to look at Uncle Jiu, only to see a happy look on his face.

The next moment.

A line of light symbols suddenly flashed in front of Qin Yao's eyes: [Filial piety moves heaven, filial piety is commendable. Congratulations on helping Uncle Jiu obtain the top-quality innate spiritual treasure, the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus. The reward is 100,000 filial piety points. Your current filial piety balance is 220565 points. 】


Qin Yao took a long breath, bursts of joy surged in his heart.

A hundred thousand filial piety is worth it.

It is indeed the best innate spiritual treasure, and the benefits it brings are actually equivalent to the reward of resurrecting Uncle Nine!

From now on, with these 220,000 filial piety points in hand, he will be more confident in completing the tasks assigned by Hongjun.

"Taoist Master, it's time for us to go to the banquet." On the other side, Uncle Jiu, who had just obtained the twelfth-grade Pure White Lotus, finally suppressed his excitement and looked at Qin Yao with a smile on his face.

Qin Yao chuckled and said: "Dragon King please first..."

Chentang Pass.

General's Mansion.

The housekeeper looked at the night, walked quietly into the living room, and said respectfully: "Master, Madam, are you not serving the dishes yet?"

Li Jing shook his head: "Wait a little longer."

"Yes." The housekeeper bowed slightly and left quickly.

"Excuse me, is General Li Jing here?"

After a while, Qin Yao and others had not returned yet, and a question suddenly came from the sky outside the hall.

Li Jing and his wife looked at each other, and then went out together. Looking in the direction of the voice, they saw a goddess with a round divine light behind her head, wearing a phoenix golden crown on her head, wearing a colorful fairy skirt, with a beautiful face and fair skin floating in the air, smiling at the couple.

Judging from the goddess' image alone, the couple could sense that the other party's status was not low. Li Jing then took his wife to pay his respects and said, "I have met the Goddess. May I ask her name?"

The goddess smiled and said loudly, "I am the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady."

Li Jing was shocked and said hurriedly, "It is the Mysterious Lady who has come in person. I am sorry for not welcoming her. Please forgive me."

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady waved her hand and said, "I came without asking for permission. What crime have I committed?"

Li Jing said, "Please come into the mansion and have a seat..."

"You don't have to come into the mansion. I have to go to Guanjiangkou later." The Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady said, "To make a long story short, Li Jing, are you willing to ascend to heaven and become a god?"

Li Jing said in surprise, "Isn't the Conferred Gods over?"

"The Conferred Gods of the Conferred Gods List are over, but the Emperor of Heaven can confer the Yang God again." The Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady said, "If you are interested in ascending to heaven, His Majesty can confer you the title of the God of War and Heavenly King of the Heavenly Court and allow you to establish a government and system."

Li Jing: "..."

This matter is too big.

It was so big that he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"Xuan Nu, can you let me think about it carefully?" After a while, Li Jing simply used the delaying tactic and bowed his hands.

"Okay." Jiu Tian Xuan Nu said lightly: "If you are interested in going to heaven, then go to Ling Xiao Palace, and His Majesty will receive you in person."

"Thank you Xuan Nu." Li Jing said with gratitude.

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu nodded slightly, and turned into light and disappeared in an instant.

Coincidentally, just as she left, Qin Yao and others rushed over from the East China Sea. Seeing the couple standing in the yard waiting, Nezha was surprised and said: "Dad, Mom, have you learned the magical power of foresight?"

"What foresight?" The two were stunned by what he said, and Mrs. Yin asked in confusion.

Nezha then said, "Aren't you here to welcome us?"

Mrs. Yin shook her head and said, "Just now, the Queen Mother of the Nine Heavens came..."

"The Queen Mother of the Nine Heavens, why is she here?"

"Let's talk inside...Butler, give the order and start the banquet!" Li Jing said solemnly.

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