I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1317 Mr. Li, the Third Master invites you!

While he was scolding vigorously, when he saw the other party slowly raising his right hand, Master Juling quickly covered his face and shouted: "Come here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of men in black appeared out of nowhere and rushed into the classroom, surrounding Qin Yao.

"Hit him, don't hold back, I'll be responsible if he dies." The next moment, Master Ju Ling pointed at Qin Yao and shouted loudly.

After hearing the news and receiving the order, the group of men in black clenched their fists and charged forward one after another.

Qin Yao's mind turned, and the realm of the Kingdom of God turned into light and shadow invisible to all living beings, overlapping with the entire classroom.

Then, the laws of time that they could not see turned into chains and fell down, binding each man in black.

So in the eyes of the students, this scene turned into a man in black rushing in front of the teacher and then stopped, as if his body was tied up by invisible ropes, and he completely lost control of his body.

After seeing this scene, some students who were originally dissolute subconsciously sat upright and swallowed silently.

Even Young Master Giant Spirit was restrained by this counterattack and asked in a solemn voice: "Who are you?"

Qin Yao said: "My surname is Li, which means longevity. You can call me Mr. Li."

Young Master Ju Ling searched all the memories in his mind, and the only important person named Li that he could think of was his backer Li Jing, and the Li Changsheng in front of him could never be the son of King Li Tian.

Thinking of this, the fear that had just arisen in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he pointed at Qin Yao and asked: "Don't think that you are more powerful because of your magic skills. This is Tianji School, and there will always be immortals who are stronger than you. "

Qin Yao flicked his fingers forward, and the time chain suddenly swayed, throwing all the locked people in black out of the classroom, and the originally crowded living room became empty again.

"I don't think my magic skills are very high, but I'm just teaching you, as long as I'm better than you."

Young Master Juling hummed and said: "It seems that you are also stubborn. You only know how to practice and don't know anything about the ways of the world. Just wait, I will look good on you in the future."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "I can wait in the future as you said, but if you don't sit still, you will be beaten now."

Mr. Giant Spirit: "..."

Under the smiling gaze of the substitute teacher, he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast.

He touched his cheek, which was still aching, and in line with the principle that a good man should never suffer the consequences of his immediate loss, he silently sat upright.

After getting rid of this thorn, Qin Yao turned to look at the other students, and immediately found that most of the more than 40 people in the class had straightened their postures, except for one man and one woman who were still sitting loosely.

However, they were not as over-the-top as the giant spirits. Qin Yao ignored them. Instead, he returned to the lecture, opened the lesson plan and said, "Let's start the roll call. Bian Feng, is Bian Feng here?"

There was silence in the classroom, but Qin Yao noticed that quite a few people looked at the man who was still sitting loosely.

"Are you Bian Feng?" Qin Yao asked him.

"Yes, I am Bian Feng." The man said calmly.

Qin Yao asked: "Then I just called your name, why didn't you say anything?"

"You didn't tell us to be silent!" Bian Feng spread his hands, looking innocent.

Qin Yao narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and said, "Please stand up now, okay?"

Bian Feng stood up reluctantly: "Just order, why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Qin Yao pointed at the giant spirit: "In his words, who is your backer?"

Bian Feng said: "In your words, my backer is myself."

"It's interesting." Qin Yao said with a smile: "Then did anyone tell you that you should respect your teachers in school?"

Bian Feng looked Qin Yao up and down and said, "I'm sorry, I don't see anything worthy of my respect in you."

Qin Yao didn't take it seriously and asked with a smile: "What kind of talents are worthy of your respect?"

"Shen Gongbao!"

Bian Feng said lazily: "I won't talk about this unrivaled monster's achievements in the Battle of the Gods, but let's talk about the fact that he helped Ksitigarbha enter the eighteenth level of hell after the war.

Damn, it’s so fierce to stand up to Heaven and the Holy Cult. My uncle is not as exaggerated as he is.

The key is that he succeeded, and neither Heaven nor the Holy Religion could do anything to him afterwards.

Only such an incredible monster with a proven track record is worthy of my respect.

As for you... you're just a teacher, so save it. "

Qin Yao: "..."

After a moment of silence, he suddenly remembered someone and asked, "Is your uncle Bian Zhuang, the general manager of Tianhe?"

Bian Feng waved his hand: "Let me tell you Shen Gongbao, why are you teasing my uncle?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said with a smile: "Okay, let's get back to the topic. No one told you before that you should respect your teachers in the school. I tell you now, no matter you face any teacher in the future, unless the other person's character is defective, otherwise you will There must be a certain amount of respect.”

Bian Feng frowned and said, "Why?"

Qin Yao smiled slightly: "Just because I am stronger than you, do you also want to be slapped like the giant spirit?"

Bian Feng's expression changed slightly and he stopped talking.

He didn't want to be slapped in public, it would be too embarrassing.

"Sit down, swallow your arrogance, and don't offend me, because I have a bad temper." Qin Yao gently patted the other party's shoulder and said warmly.

Bian Feng: "..."

After pressing him down and sitting down, Qin Yao returned to the podium, picked up the roster and said: "Let's continue the roll call, Qian comes in."

"I'm here, teacher."

Among the students in black, a weak-looking boy stood up and said.

Qin Yao nodded: "Please sit down and you can answer the questions later. Next, Niu Yuntian."

"Here we are." Another student in black stood up and said angrily.


Qin Yao glanced at the other person, remembered his appearance, and continued to call him, and soon he called out more than twenty names.

With the precedents of Young Master Ju Ling and Young Master Bian Feng, the rest of the second generation men in red were all honest. No one dared to go against Qin Yao anymore. After his name was called, he stood up and answered obediently.

"Azi." After reading the name along the list, Qin Yao's eyes flickered slightly.

This is the heroine of the story, a "ruffian" with good intentions but a flamboyant personality.

Under the podium, the girl with double ponytails who was sitting loosely stood up: "Here we are."

"Sit tight." Qin Yao specially asked.

Azi pursed her lips, but did not argue with the new gentleman. She calmed down a little after sitting down.

"Rolling curtain." Qin Yao continued to call names.

"Here we are." A fat man with a smile on his face stood up, nodded and bowed: "Sir, I am the roller blind."

Looking at his naive appearance, Qin Yao praised: "Not bad, who is your backer?"

Roller's smile froze slightly, and then he forced out a smile: "Sir, I am an ascended person. I have just been admitted to Tianji School not long ago, and I have no supporter."

Qin Yao nodded slightly and said: "Now that you have it, from now on, I will be your supporter. Whether you are in the class or outside the class, if you are bullied, it may be useless to report my name, but you will definitely come back to me It’s useful. As long as you are not at fault, I will help you get your place back.”

Roller blind: "..."

Other students: "..."

This gentleman seems a little different.

Qin Yao suddenly turned to look at all of them and said, "The same goes for you. I will bully anyone who bullies my classmates internally.

If anyone is being bullied, come to me and tell me, I will bully the bully.

As long as you are my students, I will be responsible for you. "

Everyone fell silent again, not knowing how to respond.

Before I knew it, the names in the class were all taken, and the time of the class had passed.

When the end of get out of class bell rang through the school like a twilight drum and a morning bell, Qin Yao left with the roster under his arm without any hesitation.

After he left, the Giant Spirit Master was the first to turn into a stream of light and fly out of the classroom, disappearing in an instant.

The other students all knew that he was going to call someone.

Let's see if Mr. Li can withstand the help that the giant spirit calls for.

If not, what the other person said in class just now is a complete joke, and the gentleman himself will also become a joke.

It’s not scary to have no strength. What’s scary is to brag even if you don’t have the strength.

If you brag and get slapped in the face, it will be more than just embarrassing...

Let's say that after Young Master Juling flew out of the school, he immediately flew to the Tota Palace and came to the courtyard in the name of paying respects to the third prince. He looked around at the wealthy layout in the courtyard, his eyes full of envy.

It is true that he is the second generation immortal, but the gap between the second generation immortal and the second generation immortal is too big to be calculated.

My father had been in heaven for so many years, and he was already a partial general before he became a god.

As a result, after being conferred as a god, the gods came to the court, and my father's position as a partial general was nothing at all. With a wave of his hand from above, it was assigned to the control of King Tota...

The world is changing so fast, it’s so fast that it’s dizzying to see.

Who would have thought that in just a few days, so many great gods would appear in heaven?

If they had known that becoming a god would have such great benefits, they and their son would have come down to earth to help Zhou.

Even if his father cannot obtain the title of King of Heaven in the end, he can at least become the commander of an army, right?

"Hey, Xiaohei, what do you want from me?"

Just as he was giggling while imagining that scene, Nezha, dressed in a divine costume and holding a night terror gun, strode into the yard and asked bluntly.

The giant spirit looked at the pieces of equipment on Nezha's body, feeling sour in his heart.

He knew that Nezha's divine costume came from Huoyun Cave and was a gift from the three emperors, so it was extremely valuable.

Looking at the entire heaven, this is the only person who can obtain the artifact of the Three Emperors!

"Third Master, I was bullied."

Holding back the saliva that almost flowed out, the giant spirit cried out with a black face.

Nezha looked surprised: "You are from my Heavenly King's Mansion. Is there anyone in Tianji School who dares to bully you?"

"Yes, I have already announced my family status, but that person ignored me at all. It is clear that he does not care about Jiang Tian Wang Mansion, Jiang Tian Wang, or Third Master Jiang." The giant spirit said with added jealousy.

Nezha frowned and asked, "Who is that person?"

The giant spirit responded: "The bully's name is Li Changsheng, and he is a new substitute teacher in Tianji School.

Today in class, he slapped the villain in public, and everyone else was watching the joke. Third Master, this is not a slap in my face, this is obviously a slap..."

Nezha glared and scolded: "What are you talking about? The more I look at it, the more I think you are making trouble."

The giant spirit shuddered in his heart and smacked his mouth twice: "I am a rough person. I speak the wrong words outright. I should be beaten, I should be beaten!"

Nezha was silent for a moment and said: "Forget it, I will accompany you to Tianji School to meet with Li Changsheng for a while to see where he has the courage to insult my disciples."

The giant spirit was overjoyed: "Thank you, Third Master. Thank you, Third Master. I will guide you the way..."

Inside Tianji School.

Qin Yaozheng and Jin Guang were in the gentlemen's lounge, exchanging information about each other's classes, when they suddenly felt vaguely aware that someone was spying on them.

Looking back, he saw Ah Zi in a white shirt poking her head at the door, wanting to enter but not entering, as if there was a fierce battle between heaven and man.

"Azi, what are you doing?" Qin Yao asked proactively.

After his name was called, Azi seemed to have made up his mind and walked into the lounge and said: "Sir, the giant spirit has gone to ask for reinforcements. It is very likely that they are from the Heavenly King's Mansion!"

Qin Yao was stunned: "Reinforcement?"

Ah Zi nodded: "Yes, you slapped him in the face in public and trampled his pride into the dust. With his character, this matter will definitely not be forgotten. If you have anything to do with it, please tell me now Find it quickly so you don’t suffer a loss later.”

Qin Yao's expression suddenly became strange: "Oh, okay, I understand."

Seeing that he didn't look afraid at all, Ah Zi quickly said: "Don't worry. Although King Li Tian is just a new noble in heaven, for various reasons, his power in heaven cannot be underestimated. Unless you can find the emperor People of this level must make peace, otherwise..."

Qin Yao looked at the other party with a smile: "Why did you come to tell me this?"

Ah Zi paused for a moment and said angrily: "I have long disliked the giant spirit, and that slap was exactly what I wanted."

It was also difficult for her. She was clearly the daughter of the Supreme Saint, but she was asked not to reveal her identity as a princess, and not to actively cause trouble, otherwise she would be kicked out of school.

In this case, before her endurance reaches the limit, she really doesn't dare to attack the giant spirit at will.

Qin Yao nodded: "I understand, I'll find someone right away."

Ah Zi breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hand and said, "Then I'll leave first, sir, take care."

"This kid is pretty good." Watching Ah Zi turn around and leave, a gentle smile appeared on the face of the Golden Lady.

Qin Yao said: "He is pure and kind-hearted, playful and straightforward, which goes well with the monkey."

Our Lady of Golden Light: "..."

Soon after.

The third prince Nezha, led by the giant spirit, came to the huge black stone door of Tianji School and ordered: "Xiao Hei, go and call that Li Changsheng out.

After all, Tianji School is a subordinate school of Tianji Department. If I go in to find trouble for him, I'm afraid it will be even more troublesome afterwards. If there is a problem, it is better to solve it outside the classroom. "

The giant spirit nodded heavily: "Okay, Third Master, I'll go get that guy out right away."

After that, he flew straight into the school, and after some questioning, he quickly found the lounge where Qin Yao was.

"Are you okay?"

In the room, seeing his arrogant appearance, Qin Yao had a smile in his eyes.

The giant spirit snorted coldly: "Li Changsheng, Third Master has invited me."

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows slightly: "Third Master...which Third Master?"

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