I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1325: Tatian Palace, unstoppable!

Taimu Star.

Since when, thick fog has covered the entire star, blocking countless prying eyes.

When Tianpeng followed Qin Yao, passed through the dimension gate, crossed layers of white fog and barriers, and came to a frosty forest, he saw a monkey demon holding a whistle stick, naked upper body, fighting fiercely with more than 20 sturdy men, as if crazy and unstoppable.

The two stood there quietly, watching the monkey knock down more than 20 sturdy men, and roared to the sky. The sound seemed to carry the terrible power of breaking gold and splitting stones, and dispersed the layers of white fog in the sky.

"Qu Kui."

"Qu Kui..."

At this time, the human generals who were also watching the battle in the forest found their traces and came over to greet them.

"Master Shen."

Hearing their shouts, Sun Wukong hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

The next moment, he saw his feet stomping hard on the ground, and after flying up, he landed lightly in front of the two.

This huge gap made Tianpeng narrow his eyes slowly, and a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Qin Yao looked at the monkey with a smile and asked; "Have you challenged Erlang Shen?"

Sun Wukong paused, and said in an unnatural manner: "I went ten times and lost nine times."

"You actually won once?" Qin Yao was surprised.

Sun Wukong scratched his head and said angrily: "I didn't win. The opponent was distracted that time. It was a draw at most."

Qin Yao nodded: "If it goes on like this, how long do you think it will take you to beat him?"

Sun Wukong turned his head to look at his sparring partners and exhaled softly: "With so many human geniuses polishing every day, I will definitely surpass him within a hundred years."

"I don't have a hundred years to give you, not even a year." Qin Yao said: "I have a method that can make your strength increase dramatically in a short period of time."

Sun Wukong was immediately excited "What method?"

Qin Yao said in a serious tone: "Broken heart!"

Sun Wukong was stunned: "What?"

"Your power comes from and is limited by your determination." Qin Yao raised his hand and gently poked his chest, saying: "Do you remember the origin of your name?"

Sun Wukong murmured: "When the universe was first created, there was no surname. To break the stubborn void, you need Wukong."

Qin Yao asked: "What is stubborn void? What does Wukong mean?"

Sun Wukong immediately became serious and said respectfully: "Please enlighten me, Taoist priest."

"Stubborn void is persistence, for what is in front of you See the emptiness. Whether it is attachment or what you see in front of you, it is felt by the heart, and it is the heart that tells you. Wukong means to realize the true vacuum. What is the true vacuum? Open your heart and see your true nature, that is... see the Tao. "

Sun Wukong scratched his head and said, "Master, I don't understand. Can you put it more bluntly?"

Qin Yao said, "To put it more bluntly, this unyielding heart affects your ability to see the Tao, and only allows you to see itself. An empty heart is Wukong, and Wukong can realize the Tao. Without this unyielding heart, you can find your own It, is suppressing you. "

Sun Wukong took a breath silently, and suddenly reached into his chest, forcibly pulling out the heart of not giving up, trembling with pain: "Master, how should I deal with this heart of not giving up? Break it or throw it away?"

"Why waste it?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "This heart contains huge energy. You don't need it to restrict you, but you can absorb its energy."

"I understand." Sun Wukong finally understood, sitting cross-legged, holding his heart with both hands, and madly devouring the energy in it.

"Too much effort." Qin Yao sighed silently in his heart, then summoned the Three Emperors Order, and shouted: "Fire, gather!"

In an instant, streams of light flew rapidly from all over Taiyin Star, manifesting into figures.

A total of 107 people.

Not one less.

Qin Yao looked around at the faces and said in a serious tone: "It takes a thousand days to raise an army and only a moment to use it. It's time for you to shake the three realms again. This time, I will lead you to fight against the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Secrets, defeat the Supreme Saint Tianzun, and break the Heavenly Secrets Instrument!"

Speaking of this, seeing that many heroes' faces changed, Qin Yao summoned the God-beating Whip with a flip of his hand and raised it above his head: "I know that some of you are afraid of the power of the Heavenly Court.

Don't worry, don't be afraid, I have managed to get the God-beating Whip and lifted the Supreme Saint Tianzun's control over the gods.

In addition, the Jade Emperor is now going to experience the tribulation, and we have to face only the Supreme Saint Tianzun herself and her team."

Looking at the God-beating Whip in his hand, the heroes who were originally hesitant in their hearts also calmed down.

Qin Yao held the magic whip in one hand, calmed people's hearts, and turned to look at Tianpeng: "General Tianpeng, do you still think it's impossible now?"

Tianpeng glanced at the 107 heroes, as well as Sun Wukong, who was madly devouring the energy of the stone heart and whose face kept changing between human and monkey.

Finally, he looked at the magic whip held in Qin Yao's hand, and a trace of fear suddenly emerged in his heart.

These people, including Sun Wukong, were not gathered overnight.

What does this show?

This shows that Shen Gongbao had the intention to plot against Shangsheng Tianzun a long time ago, and set up a killing game for this purpose.

A Zi, himself, and Sun Wukong are all part of this killing game.

With intentional calculations and unintentional achievements, can't you really defeat Shangsheng Tianzun?

After all, although the name of the Supreme Saint Tianzun has the word "sacred" in it, this is completely to put gold on her own face and has nothing to do with the saint at all!

While he was silent, Qin Yao raised his hand to summon a dimensional door to return to Jin'ao Island, and said lightly: "Tianpeng, the three hundred heavenly machine army, is your certificate of surrender!"

Although Tianpeng loves Ah Yue very much in the original work, the problem still cannot be solved...

After Ah Yue went down to the lower realm, why didn’t Tianpeng follow him into the lower realm?

He even chose to stay with Shangsheng Tianzun and work for him.

Because of this, Qin Yao couldn't completely believe in Tianpeng based on the original plot alone.

If he doesn't surrender his name, then this battle will have nothing to do with him, and Ah Yue will also have nothing to do with him.

Just sit back and enjoy the results?

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Tianpeng silently held the flying knife, returned to Jin'ao Island without saying a word, stood in the peach forest and shouted loudly: "Tianji Army, charge!"

After hearing his order, the three hundred demon immortals immediately rushed into the formation barrier and were separated by ten formations by the Ten Heavenly Lords. There were only twenty or thirty people in each formation...

Tianpeng rushed into the Tianjue Formation with a flying knife in his hand, and more than twenty demon immortals gathered in front of him and obeyed his orders.

But what caught them off guard was that Canopy suddenly launched a merciless killing spree against them. The flying knives in his hands kept harvesting the lives of the surrounding demon immortals. Countless flying knives flew out of the knife box behind them and penetrated the bodies of other demon immortals.

In the blink of an eye, all 20 or 30 people in this formation were killed. Then, filled with murderous intent, Tianpeng passed through the barrier between the formations and came to the next formation, repeating the killing process.

In this way, in less than half a moment, he relied on surprise to kill three hundred Tianji troops. A large amount of immortal energy flew out of these demon immortals' bodies and returned to the world.

Seeing this scene through the dimensional gate, Qin Yao turned to the one hundred and seven talented people and said: "You guys wait here, be ready to fight at any time. I have to arrange some things."

Everyone responded in unison, and then watched helplessly as he walked into the dimension door, and the time and space portal turned into fire and disappeared.

"Traveling to the Heavenly Palace and fighting the Queen Mother, no matter whether we win or lose, this is a feat that is destined to be praised for thousands of years." A burly man in the crowd murmured.

Starting from him, the crowd started talking in various directions.

"As expected of Shen Gongbao, who has become a god in Zongheng. He will do things that most people would not even dare to think about."

"I was still a little bit dissatisfied at first, but now I am convinced. At least I don't dare to think about such crazy things, let alone do them."

"If we win, it will be a shock to the past, right?"

"Of course it is worthy of the title. It can even be said that it is unprecedented and unprecedented!"

Hearing them become more and more excited as they talked, Cangjie slowly narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, adjust your state, and prepare for battle!"

Jin'ao Island.

In the peach forest.

In front of everyone here, Qin Yao summoned a dimensional door out of thin air that led directly to Biyou Palace. He turned to the Holy Mother of Golden Light and said, "Jinguang, please help me tell Master Tongtian that the plan can begin."

The Holy Mother of Golden Light nodded silently and strode into the door of the dimension.

Shao Qing, watching the door of time and space turn into sparks and dissipate, Ah Zi hesitated and said: "How about I go and persuade Brother Erlang? I'm afraid that at the critical moment, Brother Erlang will appear to help Shangsheng Tianzun."

Qin Yao asked back: "But how can you be sure that after you explain this matter to Erlang Shen, he will not turn around and tell Shangsheng Tianzun?"

Ah Zi said: "My status in Brother Erlang's heart must be far greater than that of the Supreme Saint."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "What if he informed the Supreme Being for your own good and to prevent you from taking the wrong path?"

Azi: "..."

"Erlang Shen's composition is too complex and difficult to control, so we can't have any contact with him now. If he really comes out to help Shang Shengtian Zun by then, then Wukong will give him a surprise."

Ah Zi hurriedly said: "Don't really kill Brother Erlang, he is not a bad person."

Qin Yao laughed: "Don't worry, we won't poke this hornet's nest."

Erlang Shen is different from Shangsheng Tianzun.

Shangsheng Tianzun is the "King of Loneliness". She is lonely. As long as the connection between her and the gods is cut off, she will only have her own team available.

However, Erlang Shen is not a "lone immortal". This person is backed by Chanjiao, and is even the most outstanding among the three generations of Chanjiao.

If you really kill him, the consequences will be very troublesome, even more troublesome than killing the Supreme Saint.

Soon after.

Leader Tongtian sent invitation letters to the other saints and gathered them in Biyou Palace, including even the three emperors of Huoyundong.

For a time, the Three Realms entered a short-lived era without saints.

Shangsheng Tianzun was the first group of people to know about this matter. Although she didn't know that this was directed at her, the combination of this matter and A'Zi's delay in returning gave her an inexplicable feeling of strong uneasiness.

Driven by this uneasiness, she not only personally guarded Tianji Pavilion, but even ordered Erlang Shen to be transferred over and placed on the barrier bridge as the first line of defense.

In addition, she also gathered all the team members together and formed an array in Si Tianfang as the second line of defense.

These two lines of defense plus her own constituted three lines of defense and three iron barriers. She felt that unless a strong man of Kong Xuan's level forced his way into the formation, he would not be able to harm Tianjiyi at all.

That's right.

From the beginning to the end, she never thought that anyone would dare to plot against her. The biggest guess was that someone wanted to destroy Tianjiyi!

It’s another time when the sunset is bright and beautiful.

At this moment, Qin Yao, in the image and identity of Shen Gongbao, led one hundred and seven human geniuses to step into the sky and arrive in front of the majestic and majestic black fairy palace at Tianji.

"Shen Gongbao, why did you bring so many people to my Tianji School?" Dean Tianji soon led a group of outstanding teachers and students to stand in front of them and asked in a solemn voice.

Qin Yao said: "I want to borrow a way to go to Tianji Pavilion."

Dean Tianji's heart trembled and he asked: "Are you going for Tianjiyi?"

Qin Yao grinned: "You can say that. Dean, this matter has nothing to do with you. I hope you won't interfere."

Dean Tianji shook his head and said, "If you want to borrow a passage from me, just step over my body."

Qin Yao waved his hand and ordered: "Down with them, don't kill them."

As soon as he finished speaking, hundreds of talented people swarmed forward. In just a moment, all the teachers and students in the way were knocked down, and Limu even captured Dean Tianji alive...

Qin Yao sealed Dean Tianji with the laws of time and space, and then led the geniuses straight through Tianji School and quickly arrived in front of Tianji Pavilion.

"I'll break down the door." Looking at the black door in front of him, Limu stretched his bow and said.

"No, just go through." Qin Yao raised his hand to form a dimensional door leading to the barrier bridge, and walked in first.

When he entered the door, one hundred and seven human experts followed him and came to the barrier bridge.

At this time, Yang Jian held a three-pointed two-edged sword, slowly descended from the air, and stood in the middle of the barrier bridge: "Dao Zhang Shen, you shouldn't have come."

Qin Yao said: "Yang Jian, you shouldn't be here either."

"I am the God of Justice in Heaven, why shouldn't I appear here?" Yang Jian asked.

Qin Yao said seriously: "Have you ever thought that the existence of Tianjiyi is a kind of destruction to your judicial grade?"

Yang Jian said flatly: "I don't need to think about this! Taoist Master Shen, I know you are very eloquent, so I don't plan to listen to you anymore. If you want to cross this bridge, you must cross my level first."

"Then I can't do anything but the bridge." Qin Yao shook his head and directly drew a dimensional door in the air leading directly to Si Tianfang.

Yang Jian's eyes narrowed, he quickly flipped the three-pointed two-edged sword and rushed straight towards the door of the dimension.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Suddenly, an iron rod flew over at high speed, passed over everyone, and hit Yang Jian hard.


Yang Jian violently swung the three-pointed two-edged sword and slashed hard at the iron rod, sending the iron rod flying back, but he was also blocked from advancing forward.

"Er Lang Shen, I will definitely be able to defeat you this time!"

Sun Wukong turned into a ray of fairy light and descended. He grabbed the iron rod that flew back and said firmly. (End of chapter)

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