I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1329: Zhen Yuanzi preaches and comprehends the Book of Earth

Inside the Taoist Hall.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled slightly, placed the book on the ground in front of him, and said: "Qingfeng, go and invite him in."

Qingfeng immediately stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Master."

The disciples looked at each other, many of them with expressions of excitement, excitement, and even longing on their faces.

As the saying goes, a person's name, the shadow of a tree, and the poplar flowers spread far and wide in the wind.

To this day, when the news spread that Shen Gongbao was causing trouble in the Tianji Department and slaying the Holy Heavenly Lord with his sword, the three worlds were shaken. However, almost no one who is practicing knows this name.

One step away, who in the world doesn’t recognize you?

A moment later, under the eager eyes of these disciples, Qingfeng led Qin Yao and Jin Guang into the Taoist hall, bowed and said: "Master, we have brought them."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded: "Go back and sit down."

Qingfeng obeyed the order, sat back in the crowd, and looked at the couple together with the brothers present.

Then, before Zhen Yuanzi could speak, Qin Yao took the lead in saluting and said, "I have seen the great immortal."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled, waved his sleeves, and two golden futons appeared directly opposite him: "No need to be polite, please take a seat."

"Thank you, great immortal."

Qin Yao sat down with golden light, faced Zhen Yuanzi directly, and then took out the letter of help written by Bodhi for him from his clothes, and raised his hands high: "Great Immortal, this is the letter written by my master Bodhi to you, please read it."

Zhen Yuanzi raised his hand, and the letter was picked up by a fairy wind and quickly flew into his palm.

Although he had already known the content of the letter through Qingfeng Boyzi, in order to show respect, he still opened the envelope in public, took out the white letter paper, and scanned it line by line.

After reading it, he put the letter away and said with a smile: "You came at the right time."

Qin Yao suddenly looked a little strange and asked, "Where is the coincidence?"

Over the years, he has come to Wuzhuang Temple once or twice, and he has corresponded and inquired with Qingfeng more times than he can count on one hand.

He missed it time and time again, and until now, this clever word really made his heart surge.

Zhen Yuanzi leaned over and picked up the bamboo slips in front of him, and said with a smile: "Just now, I promised to lend Qingfeng the book of earth for meditation, but before I could hand it to him, you two came."

'It turns out it's a coincidence...' Qin Yao muttered silently in his heart, but with a smile on his face: "Great Immortal, do you think I can join Qingfeng in studying the mysteries of the Earthly Book?"

Zhen Yuanzi said cheerfully: "Of course! Not to mention Bodhi's plea, even if there is not, in order to have a good relationship with you, I can't refuse it."

Qin Yao was overjoyed and stood up to worship, "Thank you so much, Immortal."

"Sit, sit."

Zhen Yuanzi was very elegant and easy-going. He pressed his palm and pushed the book to Qin Yao with his other hand: "Keep it, I hope it can help you. The beauty of adulthood."

Qin Yao caught the book with both hands, then turned to hand it to Qingfeng and said, "Let fellow Taoist Qingfeng keep it. After all, you promised him first, and I will participate with him."

Hearing this, both Zhen Yuanzi and Qingfeng laughed, and their eyes were full of goodwill when they looked at him.

Of course, the source of their favorability is different.

Zhen Yuanzi saw Shen Gongbao's humility and sense of proportion from this move, but Qingfeng actually felt the feeling of being respected.

"Forget it, let Qingfeng take it away." Shao Qing, Zhen Yuanzi said, stroking his beard.

Qingfeng raised his hands and took the letter: "Thank you, Master."

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand and then looked at Qin Yao: "As far as I know, Heavenly Court is currently preparing for Princess Azi's succession ceremony. Why did the Taoist Master come to me at this time?"

Qin Yao smiled: "That is Princess Azi's succession ceremony. It has nothing to do with me?"

Zhen Yuanzi said in surprise: "The Taoist priest doesn't serve in heaven?"

"In my heart, there is only the great road!" Qin Yao said concisely and concisely.

"What a man who only has the Tao in his heart." Zhen Yuanzi seemed to have seen a confidant, and took the initiative to invite: "Fellow Taoist, would you like to discuss the Tao with me?"

Just now, he had called Qin Yao Taoist Master. Now that he had determined that he was a like-minded person, the title naturally changed to Taoist Friend.

Qin Yao cupped his hands and said, "I dare not discuss it with you. Please give me some advice."

As a Taoist elder, Zhen Yuanzi liked the humility and courtesy in the other party.

Especially in the context of the huge achievements made by the other party, this humility becomes a rare and good quality.

"Since you are here for the book from the ground, let me talk about the content of the book from the ground. Starting from the most basic, you can also listen carefully. It may be helpful to you." Not long after, Zhen Yuanzi came from Qin Yao looked at the disciples and said warmly.


"Thank you, great immortal."

All the disciples and Qin Yao said at the same time.

Zhen Yuanzi immediately told the truth about the book on the earth, and there was no fanfare, and the vision of golden lotuses emerging from the earth, but he was able to use the most straightforward and simple language so that even people with no foundation in it could understand it.

This is a test of a person's lecturing ability. After all, knowing it and being able to speak it simply and clearly are two different things...

While listening to the lecture, after Zhen Yuanzi's voice poured into Qin Yao's ears, truth runes were born one after another in the realm of his divine kingdom. The more he spoke, the more these truth runes became, gradually occupying a large space. .

This is the biggest difference between listening to lectures and self-enlightenment.

In terms of reception efficiency, it can be said that it is as good as heaven and earth.

As time goes by, due to talent issues, even if Zhen Yuanzi has taught in a profound and simple way, most students still find it difficult to understand, until they do not understand it at all, as if they are listening to a book from heaven.

More than ten hours later.

Even the most enlightened immortals like Our Lady of Golden Light began to fail to understand. In the entire audience, only Qin Yao could keep up.

In this way, another three hours passed.

Qin Yao also felt the difficulty in understanding, so he immediately took out the Bodhi seed and placed it in the palm of his hands. In an instant, the spiritual platform was clear, his thinking was active, and the obscure content was easily solved.

Zhen Yuanzi kept observing the whole audience while he was preaching, but gradually the focus of observation became Qin Yao alone.

As he frowned in thought, he immediately realized that the other party must have reached the limit of his cognition, but he never thought that the other party could still resort to tricks!

So, when he saw the other party's brows stretched, Zhen Yuanzi kept talking, and the truth about the book from the ground was almost flooded, rushing towards Qin Yao.

Qin Yao has now realized that this is a great blessing, so he put down everything at this moment, concentrated on comprehending the law of calligraphy, and took the initiative to enter a state of selflessness.

In the realm of the Kingdom of God, densely packed calligraphy patterns like swarms of bees are constantly flying in the air, but they can never be condensed into the shape of a flower, as if there is something missing...

Another hour later.

Even with the help of Bodhizi, Qin Yao began to fail to understand the content of the book from Zhen Yuanzi, and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Zhen Yuanzi also stopped and said with a smile: "Let's come here first today."

Qin Yao stood up and bowed: "Thank you, Immortal, for your guidance."

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand, and his body turned into light and disappeared: "Fellow Taoist, I wish you an early gathering of three flowers. Qingfeng, come and arrange a place for them two..."

"Yes, Master." Qingfeng said.

When his figure completely disappeared, Zhen Yuanzi's disciples immediately jumped up and moved towards Qin Yao in unison until they surrounded him.

Qin Yao looked at them with a smile and asked, "Do you have any advice?"

"Can you tell us how you made a big fuss in the Tianji Department and killed the Supreme Saint?" A boy asked.

"Yes, yes, we all want to know this. He is the number one person in the Three Realms. How could he lose or even die?" someone echoed.

The words of the two of them instantly caused a chain reaction, causing everyone to ask for help.

For the sake of Zhen Yuanzi, Qin Yao narrated the whole story. The Taoist hall suddenly became silent, and only his voice was left...

After a long time.

When he finished saying that he handed over the soul of the Supreme Saint to Ah Zi, this legendary story finally came to an end.

"Have you ever thought about failure?" A Taoist boy asked in the silence.

Qin Yao chuckled: "Of course I have thought about it. Before thinking about victory, think about defeat first. But if you are afraid of failure and don't do it, then you will never have a chance to succeed!"

"What you said in the Taoist Hall was really good."

In the evening, as the sun set over the west mountain, Qingfeng and Qin Yao stood in a small courtyard and looked at the sunset, and suddenly said quietly.

Qin Yao asked: "I said a lot of things in the Taoist hall, which one are you referring to?"

"If you don't do it because you are afraid of failure, then you will never have a chance to succeed." Qingfeng said.

Qin Yao blinked and said, "Why do you say that?"

Qingfeng sighed: "Actually, after Master finished his sermon, I felt a little desperate. Originally, I wanted to imitate you and take a shortcut to achieve three flowers, but I never thought that I would be unable to keep up with the progress after listening for two hours.

Later, I knew every word Master said, but when combined, I didn’t know what it meant. "

Qin Yao said: "Then you wanted to give up, but you were inspired by my words again?"

Qingfeng nodded heavily: "Yes, you have to give it a try after all. If you fail after trying your best, you may have less regrets."

Qin Yao was silent for a moment, then took out the Bodhi seed and handed it to the other party: "I will lend you this treasure for a while. I hope it can help you..."

From then on, Qin Yao and Jin Guang lived in Wanshou Mountain and lived a peaceful life of studying and cultivating Taoism.

Half a month later.

Qingfeng sat on a futon in the courtyard, facing the book on the ground and grasping the Bodhi tree, but his mind was not on practice at all.

Opposite him, Qin Yao slowly opened his eyes and said warmly: "Don't worry, try again?"

Qingfeng shook his head, gently placed the Bodhi seed on the ground book, and pushed the ground book in front of Qin Yao: "I won't try it, this quick way is not suitable for me, and I can't use it.

From now on, you should practice step by step. Although the speed is slow, you can finally see progress. "

Qin Yao said: "That's fine."

Qingfeng stood up and waved: "You practice slowly, I'll go out and get some fresh air."


Qin Yao responded, then picked up the Bodhi seed from the scroll, unfolded the book, and continued to understand.

There is no time in the mountains, and there is no year in the cold weather.

This peaceful day lasted for a long time...

On this day, after another day of practice, it was Qin Yao's turn to stare at the book on the ground in a daze.

When Our Lady of Golden Light returned from the outside world and saw this scene, she asked softly: "Did you encounter a problem?"

Qin Yao woke up from a dream and said: "The immortals take the realm of thousands of miles as their nourishment, the three flowers gather at the top, and the five qi rise to the source..."

Our Lady of Golden Light didn't know why: "Huh?"

Qin Yao said: "I can quickly complete the three flowers, but after the three flowers are completed, I don't have the Wanwanli domain as soil to provide energy. What will be the consequences?"

The Golden Light Holy Mother thought for a while and said: "It is likely that you need to take drugs from time to time. The tiger becomes a sick tiger, but the prestige is still there and the strength is still there, but the drugs cannot be stopped."

Qin Yao exhaled lightly: "Is this a disadvantage of the quick method?"

The Golden Light Holy Mother said: "Maybe, but it can't be called a hidden danger... After all, during the process of taking drugs, the realm of the kingdom of God will continue to grow.

You have enjoyed the combat power of the celestial fairy level in advance without paying a considerable price. I think it is already very good.

In addition, you don't need to be so urgent to improve your strength in the future. The waves of the Conferred God Tribulation have passed, and there is nothing wrong in the world. Why are you so anxious?"

Qin Yao nodded, and just as he was about to speak, a line of light symbols suddenly flashed in front of him:

[The plot of Wukong Biography has ended. Do you want to continue the story line? 】

Qin Yao was discouraged by this line of words, and immediately thought that the succession ceremony of the heavenly court should be over.

There is a node at the end of the plot line.

The node in the original work is the demise of the Supreme Saint, Yang Jian's promotion to the God of the South Heaven Gate, and Sun Wukong's leading the demon clan to continue fighting against the sky.

In the world after the magic change, the node became A Zi's succession. When A Zi ascended to the throne, there was really no progress bar in this story line.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked the Golden Light Holy Mother: "Yao Guang, are you willing to leave this world with me?"

Yao Guang smiled and said softly: "I am willing, wherever you go, I will go. Wherever you are, home is there."

Qin Yao held her hand tightly and asked secretly: "System, if I want to take Yao Guang away, how much filial piety value do I need to consume?"

[System calculating...]

[Calculation completed, it takes 88888 filial piety points to take her to the main plane. ]

[Are you sure about the transaction? ]

Qin Yao said: "Does this 88888 filial piety value include the roots?"

[Including. 】

Qin Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

In this case, there is no problem.

It's just more than 80,000 filial piety points, he can afford it now.

"Confirm the transaction!"

[Transaction in progress, this transaction consumes 88,888 filial piety points, your remaining filial piety balance is: 121,677 points...]

After seeing this line of characters, Qin Yao looked up at the Golden Light Mother and said, "Let's go."

Golden Light Mother: "Where to?"

Qin Yao weighed the earth book in his hand and smiled: "Return the book first, and then rush to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea..."

He forgot anyone, but he couldn't forget Uncle Jiu!

We came together when we came, wouldn't it be outrageous to forget him when we left?

In the blink of an eye.

After bidding farewell to Zhen Yuanzi and Qingfeng Master and Apprentice, Qin Yao took the Golden Light Mother through the dimension gate and appeared in front of the Crystal Palace, which was now more and more gorgeous and beautiful... (End of this chapter)

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