I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1332 Only with strength can you have freedom

"You are arrogant and domineering and don't care about human life. You are not worthy of being the city god of the imperial city of Shu." Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha shouted loudly.

"Confusing right and wrong, you are arrogant. Who do you think you are? How qualified are you to judge me?" Qin Yao said with a smile.

Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha: "..."

Ever since he defeated the previous City God, he had not encountered such a tough opponent for a long time. The mixture of anger and excitement made him smile in silence.

"Next, you will know what qualifications I have to judge you."

After that, he turned his back to the gods and Buddhas and waved his hands: "Suppress him and see if he can still be so arrogant when he kneels in front of me."

Qin Yao chuckled, and when he raised his hand, the four portals in the void suddenly emitted clanging sword sounds, and a chilling sword intent surged crazily, creating bursts of cold wind.

The gods and Buddhas stood behind the Thousand-Armed Sacred Buddha, but they were not surprised at all. Each of them used magic weapons, many swords, guns and sticks, and the vase and jade seal flew out with fairy light, gathered together, and rushed towards the City God Temple like a colorful torrent. Inside.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

These magic weapons hit the gap between the four doors fiercely, but were blocked by the barrier light film connecting the four doors.

As the magic weapon attacks repeatedly, the sound, light and electricity are very brilliant, but the only characteristic is the sound, light and electricity.

Not to mention the four rotating doors, even the barrier light film connecting the four doors has not changed at all.

The gods and Buddhas were astonished, and they all became serious, changing from tentative attacks to all-out attacks, or even overload attacks, but the result was that except for the stronger sound, light and electricity, there was no change.

"Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha, do it yourself. Don't send these stragglers out to embarrass themselves."

Qin Yao shouted softly, and the magic power in his body was fully activated. He held the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and a red lotus even slowly appeared between his eyebrows, which was strange and beautiful.

The Thousand-Armed Saint Buddha's face was solemn, and he finally understood why the other party acted so arrogantly and domineeringly.

All the plans and even the layout calculations are based on the fact that the strength is not strong enough.

If you have the strength to crush the level, how can you be conceited?

"Everyone, please step back." After a moment of silence, Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha said calmly.

The gods and Buddhas no longer had the same vigor as when they set out. They lowered their heads, formed seals with their hands, and silently took back the magic weapon near the Four Swords Gate.

The Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha stared at Qin Yao and said: "Your Excellency has such strength, either his disciples are extraordinary, or he himself is extraordinary. One of these two will always be famous in the world. I wonder which one you are?"

"You talk too much." Qin Yao completely lost his patience. With a thought, countless sword energy suddenly spewed out from the Four Sword Gate, like countless streams of light, rushing towards the opponent in a mighty manner.

The Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha clasped his hands together, and a milky-white Buddha bone relic suddenly flew out from his head. The relics were warm and white, emitting a faint white light, blocking the way of them.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Countless sword energy crazily collided with the relics, exploding one after another, causing the relics to tremble continuously.

The Thousand-Armed Saint Buddha's eyes flashed, his thoughts flew, and a demon-conquering pestle gradually materialized in front of him. The pestle was covered with runes, blooming with white-gold Buddha light, and its power was astonishing.

The next moment, the Demon-Conquering Pestle rushed out with wind and thunder, getting bigger and bigger as it rushed, like a shocking sword energy, carrying the chant of the Holy Buddha, hitting a sword gate.

He could see clearly that it was useless to attack the barrier of light between the sword gates. If the sword gates were not damaged, the formation could not be broken.

Inside the Sword Gate, the ten immortals took action at the same time, but instead of hitting the Demon-Conquering Pestle, they used their own magic power to bless the Sword Gate.

The sword door clanked, and countless sword energy swam away like streams of light, like a beast opening its mouth, waiting for prey to come to the door.

Jiangmochu quickly arrived in front of the sword gate and was immediately surrounded by sword energy as thick as cow hair.

Countless sword energy rapidly cut into the Buddha treasure, causing its light to dissipate and even cutting off the connection between it and the Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha.

So when the Demon-Conquering Pestle hit the sword door, it just made a crisp sound and then fell from the air.

Qin Yao slowly raised his hand, held the dimly lit demon-conquering pestle, and sighed: "This thing is a good thing, but it fell into your hands and wasted."

After defeating the demon-subduing pestle with all his strength, Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha wanted to turn the conflict into friendship.

But after hearing this taunt, his arrogant soul, accustomed to being pampered, was deeply humiliated. He summoned a white-gold Zen staff for melee combat with a flip of his hand, and walked towards the sword formation step by step.

"Holy Buddha..." the gods and Buddhas called worriedly.

"The Shinto of Shu can only have one leader. This battle is inevitable." The Thousand-Hand Holy Buddha responded, and then walked through the Sword Gate without hesitation and arrived at the City God's Temple.

Qin Yao instantly refined the Demon-Conquering Pestle in his hand and said with a smile, "I'll teach you how to use the Demon-Conquering Pestle correctly."

Before he finished speaking, the Demon-Conquering Pestle flew out of his hand and slowly rose up.

At the same time, as he clasped his hands together, the dharma body of a golden Arhat appeared out of thin air behind him and took the demon-conquering pestle in his hands.

The Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha paused and said in astonishment: "Dharma's golden body... are you a Buddha or a Tao?"

Qin Yao spoke, and the golden body of Dharma behind him spoke. His voice was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, which was thought-provoking: "Buddha is the Tao!"

The Thousand-Hand Holy Buddha's face changed slightly, he gritted his teeth, jumped up, and with a ball of white-gold divine light in his hand, the Zen staff hit the golden Arhat's head heavily.

Qin Yao smiled slightly, and the demon-subduing pestle in the golden Arhat's hand suddenly grew countless times in size. With a casual wave, it hit the Zen staff of the Thousand-Handed Holy Buddha, sending it flying and falling heavily to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the thirty-two gods and Buddhas on the golden cloud were all dumbfounded, and then felt cold all over their bodies.

There is a dragon crossing the river here. It is obviously a big boss from the heaven coming down to gild.

No wonder...

No wonder!


In the City God's Temple, the Thousand-Handed Holy Buddha climbed up with a Zen staff, looked at the seemingly invincible huge Dharma in front of him, and asked: "Who are you?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "My city god's surname is Qin, and his single name is Yao."

The Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha searched his memory, but he didn't expect where he had heard this name before, so he asked: "Who did you learn from?"

"Are you here to check your household registration?" Qin Yao sneered, and the golden body of the Dharma Immortal immediately chased after the Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha.

Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha shouted: "Wait a minute, I may have some connection with your sect."

"If you recognize me as your ancestor, there is indeed a connection."

Qin Yao sneered, and the dharma body controlled the demon-subduing pestle and struck it down heavily.

Seeing this man being so arrogant and unreasonable, Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha finally became ruthless and took the initiative to burn the Buddha's blood in his body in exchange for powerful power.

As the Buddha's blood continued to burn, his body gradually bloomed with holy brilliance. His body continued to grow in size in this brilliance, and in an instant it was indistinguishable from Qin Yao's golden body.


The Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha shouted loudly and waved his Zen staff to hit the golden body. For a moment, there was a loud sound of wind and thunder, and the Buddha's light was surging.


The Zen staff and the demon-conquering pestle clashed together instantly, and they were evenly matched for a while. Then they started a round of crazy fights, and the magic weapons hit them hard countless times.

It's just that the Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha seems brave, but the despair in his heart is getting stronger and stronger!

Because he can be sure that he has used all his strength, even overloaded, while the enemy on the opposite side certainly has not.

Where did this great god come from?

With such strength, wouldn't it be a good idea to stay in heaven and serve as an official? Why should I come down here to be a city god?

The Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha's mentality was shattered, and the more he fought, the more frustrated he became. Finally, he simply flew back, distanced himself from him, and shouted: "I surrender!"

The golden body of Dharma that came quickly to him also stopped attacking, but its momentum was still locked on the opponent and could explode again at any time.

"It's okay to admit defeat."

Qin Yao said: "Take your disciples, disciples, and fanatical believers and leave Shu. Don't let me see you again. From now on, there can only be one person who can talk about Shu's Shinto, and that is me. Anyone who is not convinced should get out."

Although the word "talker" has not appeared in Shu before, these three words are not difficult to understand. Whether it is the Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha or those who are watching or even watching in secret, they all understand him immediately. mean.

"Tao Lord, keep a line in your life so that we can meet each other in the future. I recognize that you are the master of the Shinto of Shu. Please let me stay in Shu and continue to be a national teacher. I promise that from now on, I will never go against you again. Maybe We can still be good friends." The Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha was unwilling to leave just like that, and begged sincerely.

Qin Yao shook his head: "You are not willing to leave now. If you stay in the future, you will not be willing to lose your divine power, and you will try every means to kill me and regain your authority.

Although I'm not afraid of you doing this, just because I'm not afraid doesn't mean I can accept it. Either die or leave today, your choice. "

Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha: "..."

Just kidding, this isn’t a multiple-choice question you’re talking about!

Who would be crazy enough to choose to die?

"I can leave, but can you tell me who your master is?" After a long silence, Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha asked.

Qin Yao thought about it and felt that speaking out of the master school was also a deterrent to him, so that he would not think about making a comeback after he was driven away.

"I studied under Maoshan, and my coming here was arranged by the Queen Mother. If you think you don't care about Maoshan or the Queen Mother, I welcome you to come back at any time. However, if you lose after you come here, it won't be so easy to escape."

Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha: "..."

I still feel a little complacent.

If I hadn't sent someone to invite this person at the banquet, but had inquired about this person's background first, maybe I wouldn't have left in despair today.

It's a pity that it's too late to wake up now...

"Master Dao, can you please return the Demon-Conquering Pestle to me?" Soon after, the Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha, who had become an honest man, said.

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "How can I take back what you gave me? Leave quickly, otherwise I will change my mind."

Thousand-Armed Holy Buddha: "..."

Forget it, just consider it the price of your defeat.

No matter what, it's a good thing if you can save your life.

Thinking of this, he clasped his hands together, performed a Buddhist salute, and then retreated in silence.

After he left, above the golden clouds, thirty-two gods and Buddhas looked at each other, and then they fell to the City God Temple at the same time. They knelt down on one knee and shouted together: "Greetings to the City God."

Qin Yao glanced at these gods and Buddhas and asked, "Where are the six officials of the City God's Temple?"

"City God, we are here." At this time, the bull-headed horse-faced man led his subordinates to appear outside the door and shouted loudly.

"Stop." Seeing that they were about to come in, Qin Yao said expressionlessly.

Twenty-four priests stopped outside the door at the same time, feeling uneasy. As the talker among them, Niutou immediately knelt down on the ground and said humbly: "Please give me your instructions."

The other twenty-three priests also knelt down and said in unison: "Please give me your orders!"

Qin Yao collected the golden body of the Dharma and the demon-conquering pestle as trophies, and also disarmed the Immortal-killing Sword Formation, and said indifferently: "From now on, you are no longer the priests in the City God's Temple."

The twenty-four priests were shocked and quickly kowtowed and complained.

They felt that they were indeed unjustly accused, and they did not do anything to harm the Temple of the City God, nor did they help the Thousand-Hand Holy Buddha to become the enemy of the City God. Why should they be relieved of their duties?

"Unjustly accused?"

Qin Yao snorted coldly: "During working hours, running together to wish others birthdays, does this count as being absent from duty? To be more serious, this is dereliction of duty.

Why didn't anyone return after knowing that I had arrived? Your bosses are here, but you are indifferent. Does this count as contempt for your bosses and disregard of laws?

When you heard that the Thousand-Armed Sacred Buddha sent someone to summon me to celebrate my birthday, did you ever stop me? If not, even the most basic loyalty is gone.

Finally, he showed up when the dust settled. Just like that, you still feel like you did nothing wrong? "

The twenty-four gods were so scolded by him that they were speechless.

"Go away too, don't let me see you again." Seeing the gods bowing their heads and saying nothing, Qin Yao waved his hand and said.

The twenty-four gods were so ashamed that they turned into light and left.

"Isn't watching the show enough?" Qin Yao looked at the thirty-two gods and Buddhas again and asked, "Do you want me to stay with you for a meal?"

The thirty-two gods and Buddhas smiled bitterly, hurriedly handed their hands and left, and disappeared in the blink of an eye...

"City God, what about me?" After they left, Chen Ling said cautiously, "How about I get out too?"

"Get out of here, who will run errands for me?" Qin Yao asked.

Chen Ling was overjoyed and quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "Thank you City God, thank you City God."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "I will give you three days to find candidates for the Sixth Division for me. I have no requirements for family background and appearance, and I can relax in terms of strength. The only thing is that I must have a kind heart."

Chen Ling suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and said solemnly: "Yes, City God, I promise to complete the task!"

He knew that from now on, he would reach the sky in one step.

Even if the six departments are completed in the future, he will still be a small chief clerk, but just because he recommended the six departments, his status will not be lower in the future Chenghuang Temple and even the imperial city!

"Go and get busy." Qin Yao waved his hand.

Chen Ling stood up and resigned, so only Qin Yao and his family servants were left in the huge Chenghuang Temple.

"It's better to have strength." Ah Li said with a smile, "Only with strength can you have freedom."

Qin Yao chuckled: "Madam, you are absolutely right. This is a sincere and wise saying."

Ah Ji rolled her eyes at him, and then greeted the other sisters: "It's okay, it's okay, let's go, continue to draw cards..."

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