I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 1348: Master and apprentice reunite and assign tasks

In fact, there is no need for a systematic explanation at all. How could Qin Yao, who was familiar with the prehistoric system, not know what the Hongmeng Purple Qi and the Good Fortune Jade Disc were?

It’s hard to say which of these two things is higher and which is lower, which is more expensive and which is cheaper. It can only depend on the stage and the demand. But what is certain is that, looking at the entire prehistoric system, there are only a handful of items that are more precious than these two things.

The "countless" mentioned here is not an adjective, but a statement. You can really count them on one hand, and it will never exceed five fingers!

For Qin Yao now, these two things are actually almost the same. They are very needed, but not urgently needed at the moment.

He has not even cultivated to perfection as a heavenly being, so why does he want to become a saint?

But when this opportunity came before him, he seemed to be on fire from the inside out. The fire in his heart burned his soul and made his whole body tremble wildly.

Oh shit.

damn it.

Hongmeng purple energy.

The jade dish of good fortune.


Is it such a big deal? ! !

More than half an hour passed before his mood, which was like a roaring river, calmed down a little, and he turned around and began to think about this mission.

The mission information has been made very clear, but Wutian's obsession still overwhelms his reason. He knows that what he said is right, but he still goes in the wrong direction, trying to break the general trend of Heaven's Dao and make something happen. One way to go.


This is Wutian, this is Wutian’s destiny.

In the original work, Wu Tian once told his subordinate Black Protector that he could only rule the three realms for thirty-three days. This was a given.

Ying Yao then asked the Buddha, can this number be changed?

Wu Tian said, if it can be changed, is it still called a fixed number?

But then, he changed the subject and said to the four guardians: But I want to change this fate!

It's a pity that he really can't change this fate.

The most critical problem was not the seventeen relics, but the dilemma that Qin Yao had pointed out to him at the beginning: he did not have enough manpower to rule the three realms, and he only had the unrivaled divine power.

This makes it easy for him to capture the Three Realms, but what happens after he captures it?

It is easy to conquer a country but difficult to defend it. This is not an empty statement, it is a problem that all rulers will face.

Wutian reuses the evil demon, and the evil demon harms living beings. A steady stream of karma comes back to Wutian, and seventeen relics will inevitably come out and destroy him.

The more thorough and thorough the explanation, the more Wutian is invincible, but he is only a creature under the law of heaven, and cannot be beyond the control of heaven!

"What a pity. If you are willing to listen to my advice, we may not be able to live in peace." Qin Yao sighed.

To this day, he has not set out to find the relics, but is living in Qiaojiazhuang to seize the Tathagata's creation, just to have a glimmer of hope for Wutian.

But now, this expectation has been completely shattered.

Whether it is for the mission reward or for the sentient beings in the three realms, whether he is willing or not, he must embark on the path of fighting against Wutian!

There was a long silence.

Qin Yao took out the communication device from the Kingdom of God, injected it with magic power, connected the communication devices of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Xiao Bailong, and said: "Disciples, something big has happened, gather at Yanta Temple!"

Sun Wukong: "Master, what's the big deal?"

Zhu Bajie: "Yes, yes, there won't be any disaster, right?"

Xiao Bailong: "Listen to Master and just go directly to Yanta Temple."

Sha Wujing: "Xiao Bailong is right!"

Listening to the voice coming from the communication device, Qin Yao smiled silently, and then said: "It's a very important matter, let's talk about it after we meet."

A few hours later.


Yanta Temple.

The five masters and disciples gathered in a Zen room. Sun Wukong asked eagerly: "Master, tell me quickly, what big thing happened again?"

Qin Yao said solemnly: "Wutian still rejected the kingly strategy I tailored for him and chose domineering to rule the three realms with hegemony."

Fourth disciple: "..."

The news was shocking and left them speechless for a moment.

"In other words, Wutian has controlled the Three Realms now?" After a long time, Sun Wukong asked.

Qin Yao shook his head: "It's not control. He doesn't have so much grassroots power to control the Three Realms. He controls the leadership of the Three Realms with his personal strength and obtains the status of the Supreme of the Three Realms, but the political orders cannot reach the places.

In order to change this situation, he will inevitably reuse monsters, and these monsters, both good and bad, are the calamity of the three realms and the calamity of all living beings. "

Sun Wukong's eyes narrowed and he said: "We must not sit idly by and watch!"

Qin Yao said: "This is the purpose of calling you here."

Sun Wukong cupped his fists and said, "Please master, I will do my best to complete the task."

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "Bajie, Wujing, little white dragon."

"Here you are." The three saints clasped their fists and saluted.

"From now on, you will patrol the human world. If you encounter the kind of monsters that do evil, oppress the human race, and kill living creatures, you will directly kill them. Remember, you can only go alone, and change places. You must not stay in one place for too long." Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "I hope this can serve as a warning to others, so that the demon clan under Wu Tian will not cause trouble everywhere, and feel a little afraid."

"Yes, Master." The three disciples said in unison.

"Wukong." Qin Yao immediately looked at the monkey and called in a deep voice.

"Master, please give me your instructions." Sun Wukong said with a firm face.

Qin Yao looked into the monkey's eyes and said, "Your task is much more difficult than the three of them. Do you still remember what I said about the seventeen relics?"

Sun Wukong nodded: "Remember, when I was at the Great Leiyin Temple, Wutian's expression changed after he heard you talking about the seventeen relics."

Qin Yao said: "Yes, the seventeen relics are the only thing that can defeat Wutian. Your mission is to find these seventeen...no, it's sixteen relics. The relics of the ancient Buddha Lantern are I’m here as a teacher.”

Sun Wukong took a deep breath and said, "I'll set off soon!"

Qin Yao suddenly hesitated in his heart.

He knew where the relics in the original work were, but he was worried that if he said it out loud, something would change under the influence of Tianxin!

This variable also includes two parts, one is the change of position, and the other is the locking of heaven.

Fortune tellers often say that revealing the heavens will damage your longevity. The more you reveal, the shorter your life will be. This is the punishment locked by the law of heaven.

To put it bluntly, let alone saying that you have changed the destiny arranged by God, you cannot even say it out loud, because if you say it, the other party may change your destiny!

"Master, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Sun Wukong suddenly noticed that Master's face was full of tangles, as if he was weighing something, and he couldn't help but ask.

Qin Yao raised his hand and said, "Wait a moment, let me think about something."

Sun Wukong: "..."

What is it that makes Master so confused?

After half a cup of tea, Qin Yao finally made up his mind to let the monkey find it on his own without giving him any hints.

This kind of thing is suitable to be done without saying it. After all, the general trend of heaven is to collect the seventeen relics and eliminate Wutian...

"It's okay, you four just do as I say." After thinking clearly, Qin Yao took a long breath and waved his hand.

The four disciples were speechless, but they knew enough not to ask any more questions.

However, Zhu Bajie then asked something else: "Master, the four of us have missions, what about you?"

Qin Yao said: "Of course I also have tasks. I can't arrange for you to do things. I can enjoy my own leisure."

Zhu Bajie suddenly became curious: "Master, what is your mission?"

"More. The most urgent task now is to insert nails into Lingshan Mountain." Qin Yao said.

"Insert a nail?" Sha Wujing looked confused.

"It's just to arrange internal responses and monitor the movements of demons, so that we don't know anything about anything happening," Qin Yao said.

This time he was able to learn that Wutian had captured the Three Realms through a system reminder, but it was impossible for the system to remind him of everything Wutian did.

Therefore, he needs internal response and intelligence. Once he has the intelligence, he can adapt to the situation and become invincible.

Sun Wukong's heart skipped a beat and he said hurriedly: "Master, please don't go to Lingshan. You are our backbone now. If you are not here, we don't know what we will do."

Qin Yao smiled, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't put myself in danger unless a gentleman stands under a dangerous wall."

Zhu Bajie: "Then can you tell us the specific arrangements so that we can have an idea."

"No." Qin Yao said: "If the matter is not kept secret, it will cause harm. I can't tell you how to arrange it, otherwise the people who are arranged to enter Lingshan will be in more danger."

Zhu Bajie scratched his head: "We won't talk nonsense either!"

Sun Wukong raised his hand and twisted it in front of him, and said: "Idiot, don't talk so much nonsense, it's whatever the master says."

Zhu Bajie instinctively put away his ears and shouted: "Don't twist my ears, I, old pig, have become a Bodhisattva now and a person with status."

"Hmph." Sun Wukong sneered: "What can a Bodhisattva like Tathagata be proud of? Even in terms of status, can you, the envoy of the Pure Altar, be better than me, the victorious Buddha?"

Zhu Bajie: "..."

Come on, I can't beat you, I can't resist you, just bear with it.

"Go, everyone, do your best." Qin Yao said solemnly.

The four disciples bowed and saluted, and then turned into light and left one by one.

Qin Yao meditated for a long time alone in the Zen room, and then cast a spell to open a dimensional door leading directly to Zhongshan.

The next moment, he walked past the door, stepped on the void, and stood in front of Zhongshan.

In Zhongshan Cave, Zhu Jiuyin sensed his aura, and his eyelids suddenly jumped wildly.

This guy showed up suddenly for no reason, so it's definitely not a good thing!

"Zhulong." Qin Yao called loudly in the void.

Zhu Jiuyin closed his eyes and pretended that he didn't hear.

Qin Yao opened his Dharma eyes, his sight penetrated the mountain wall, and he saw the scene clearly, and said with a smile: "Stop pretending, I know you heard it."

Zhu Jiuyin was helpless and reopened his lantern-like eyes: "What are you doing here?"

Qin Yao said: "Isn't it good to just chat across the mountain wall like this? Either you come out, or I go in."

Zhu Jiuyin really didn't want this evil star to enter his cave, so he swam out of the cave and settled on the top of the mountain: "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

Qin Yao nodded and said calmly: "I'm here to conquer you."

Zhu Jiuyin was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes: "Have you read too many heroic stories?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that I need a group of monsters to do things for me." Qin Yao said sincerely.

"I'm not interested." Zhu Jiuyin said and was about to swim back to the cave.

He felt that this person was probably suffering from some serious illness, should he be subdued? Conquer your grandma’s legs!

"Are you interested in becoming the Dragon King?" Qin Yao said lightly.

Zhu Jiuyin's body froze, and his head went into the cave. Then he slowly stepped out and stared at Qin Yao: "What are you talking about?"

Qin Yao smiled and said: "Let me tell you, are you interested in becoming the Dragon King? Are there any waters in the three rivers and nine sects, the eight rivers and four rivers, or even the five lakes and four seas that you are interested in?"

Zhu Jiuyin's eyes kept flickering, and he hesitated: "What do you mean?"

Although he has no legs, he is still a dragon.

Since he is a dragon, how can he not be greedy for the position of Dragon King?

It's just that he is a remnant of the ancient Demon Court, and is not tolerated by the Heavenly Court. It would be great to live on this island and become a wild mountain god, but he still wants to be established by the Heavenly Court?

If there are no accidents, it’s basically a dream!

"Do things for me, and I will ensure that you become the Dragon King. The lowest is the level of Dragon God of the Five Lakes. If it is higher..." Qin Yao said slowly.

Zhu Jiuyin's heart trembled, and the four words Dragon King of the Four Seas suddenly flashed in his mind!

Most people in the world think that the Dragon Lord is a small god, and that if placed in the sky, he might be a small god like a sesame seed or a mung bean, but this is not the case.

There are demon world, demon world, and Buddhist world in this world, but the three realms people talk about are heaven, human world, and Hades.

Among them, the devil world belongs to the underworld, the demon world belongs to the human world, and the Buddhist world belongs to the heaven world. The human world has never been a small place, and the waters of the Four Seas occupy most of the world. The wealth owned by the Dragon King of the Four Seas is immeasurable to outsiders, and his power is, It is also immeasurable to outsiders.

So having said that, does Zhu Jiuyin want to be the Dragon King of the Four Seas?

He thought too much, thought crazy, thought blindly, but he just had no chance.

"Stop fooling me here."

After a long time, Zhu Jiuyin gasped and said: "I know you have some status in the Buddhist world, but even Tathagata Buddha has no right to interfere in the appointment of the Dragon King of the Four Seas. Why do you have that?"

Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for me to interfere in the appointment of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, but now, a huge change has come.

Wutian...well, you may not know this name. Let me tell you this. The great protector of the Buddhist world in ancient times turned from a Buddha into a demon and became an unparalleled demon king who surpassed the Tathagata.

This demon king invaded the Lingshan Mountain and scared off the Buddha. Now he has transformed into the Buddha, ruling the Buddhist world and even the three realms. "

"Impossible." Like Ksitigarbha, Zhu Jiuyin could not believe such a shocking thing.

Qin Yao chuckled and said, "You will know if it is true or false when you go to Lingshan Mountain."

Zhu Jiuyin was stunned for a moment, then said: "Wait, you want me to go to Lingshan?"

Qin Yao nodded and said: "Yes, I need someone to be my internal correspondent in Lingshan and inform me of the movements of the demons in Lingshan at any time. After thinking about it, don't I think of you?"

Zhu Jiuyin: "..."

His grandma, you think of me when you have to work hard with your head in front of your head. Why don't you think of me when something good happens?

"Assuming what you said is true, then Wutian can scare away even Tathagata, why do you want to be his enemy?" After a while, Zhu Jiuyin asked.

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