I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 14: Ren Mansion Murder Case

Chapter 14 Murder Case in Ren Mansion

Hearing that nothing happened, Ren Tingting felt at ease.

Perhaps it was because of Qin Yao's strong impression in her heart, or perhaps because of the life-saving grace he gave her. After her inherent world view collapsed, he unknowingly became a fulcrum for her new world view.

 Trust is more than admiration.

"Do you have the time?"

 “No.” Qin Yao said flatly.

  He knew the intention of the other party's question very well. For him, instead of investing time in a relationship that was impossible to start, it would be better to think more about how to get more filial piety points from Uncle Jiu.

In this world that is still very strange and the environment is not very friendly, filial piety is his biggest golden finger and the cornerstone of his life.

Ren Tingting was helpless, but there was nothing she could do.

The cow doesn’t eat grass, so she can’t press its head, and she doesn’t have the ability to do so.

"You'd better be faster, I'll go and get busy first." Qin Yao waved his hand, and as soon as he came to the door, he suddenly remembered something: "By the way, I have a question for you."

"I don't want to answer your question." Ren Tingting said angrily.

“That’s fine.” Qin Yao turned around and went out without hesitation.

Ren Tingting was stunned for a moment and was speechless for a long time.

"Qiu Sheng, what do you think Master lacks most right now?" Qin Yao asked seriously when he came to the gate and grabbed his senior brother who wanted to leave on a bicycle.

Qiu Sheng held the handle of the car with both hands and turned to look at Uncle Jiu in the yard: "I think what the master needs most now is a master's wife."

 “You think so too?” Qin Yao asked in surprise.

 “Who else said that?”

 “Literary talent.”

"This is what heroes think alike." Qiu Sheng leaned into his ear and whispered softly: "Don't you think Master is lonely sometimes? If he had a woman by his side, even if he had a quarrel from time to time, he would be more lonely than he is now. Can you bask in the sun alone?”

 Chin Yao: “…”

This statement seems to make sense.

After sending Qiu Sheng away, Qin Yao stood at the gate, trying hard to remember which women in Uncle Jiu's world were more suitable to be by Uncle Jiu's side. After thinking about it, he had no clue.

Given the idea of ​​finding an "acquaintance" for the time being, Qin Yao secretly thought: a young and beautiful girl is not suitable, and Uncle Jiu decided not to harm other girls. MILFs are not good at it. Judging from Uncle Jiu's behavior, if the other party has grown gray-haired, he will probably still be the same as he is now.

From this point of view, ordinary women are not suitable for Uncle Jiu at all. No wonder he is still alone until now. However, if you want to find something extraordinary, then apart from the female monks...it seems that there are only female ghosts.

Thinking of the female ghost, a name popped into Qin Yao's mind for no reason: Dong Xiaoyu!

In the original work, this female ghost inspired Qiu Sheng a lot of energy, and even made Qiu Sheng bear the honorary title of Ghost Knight.

 Qiu Sheng can't withstand the female ghost's attack, so Uncle Jiu should be fine...right?

 The female ghost and the mage are a perfect match. It’s worth a try, but I can’t stand Qiu Sheng.

"Hello... Hello, does Miss Ren Tingting live here?" Suddenly, a policeman came three meters away from Qin Yao. Seeing his strange smile, he subconsciously took two steps back.

He has been working as a police officer for three or four years. It is not that he has never seen murderous people before, but this is the first time he has seen such a tall and vicious person.

Facing ordinary ordinary people, he can still shake off his majesty as a policeman and taste the pleasure derived from class oppression. But facing such a big man, to be honest, he doesn't dare. Didn't he even change his name to you? ?

"What happened to Ren Fa?" Qin Yao asked subconsciously after seeing the police uniform on his body and hearing that he was looking for Ren Tingting.

The policeman was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes gradually became weird: "How do you know?" Qin Yao said calmly: "If it wasn't for Ren Fa's trouble, whoever comes to see Ren Tingting should not be the police."

The policeman nodded, and there was nothing wrong with what he said: "Mr. Ren died in his room this morning. The cause of death is still unknown."

Qin Yao sighed slightly: "I will take you to find him."

 The two of them walked into the courtyard one after the other, alarming Uncle Jiu who was taking a nap.

"What's wrong?"

 “Ren Fa is dead.” Qin Yao said.

Uncle Jiu was shocked: "How could..."

 Qin Yao didn't say much, and pointed at Ren Tingting's door: "Ren Tingting is in that room, police officer, please go over there."

Being assigned by such a random command, the policeman could not even think of resisting. He walked over and explained the situation.

 Then, a burst of heart-wrenching cries rang out in Yi Zhuang.

Uncle Jiu's face was dark and unreadable, and various emotions surged in his eyes: "Could it be that Mr. Feng Shui came back from the dead? Or is this a backup plan he left behind?"

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said, "Just go and take a look..."

 In Renjia Town, Renfa's mansion is wrapped in white.

 Qin Yao helped Ren Tingting, who was crying until she was weak, to step out of the rickshaw and walked into the main room with Jiu Shu, Si Mu, Wen Cai and the police.

 “My condolences, cousin.” A man with glasses wearing a tan police uniform and a starlight police officer’s hat quickly came over and supported Ren Tingting’s arms.

“Cousin, what is going on?” Ren Tingting sobbed.

Man with glasses: "Initially, it is suspected to be murder by gangsters. Cousin, do you know what gangsters my uncle has offended recently?"

"He was not killed by anyone." Uncle Jiu came to Ren Fa's body, turned his head, and his eyes suddenly froze when he saw the scratches on his neck.

"It wasn't a man who killed you, could it be a ghost?" The man with glasses looked at Uncle Jiu: "Who are you? I think you are very arrogant and arrogant, so I am very suspicious."

“Cousin, don’t talk nonsense, he is the famous Ninth Uncle in Renjia Town.” Ren Tingting pulled the sleeves of the man with glasses.

"Since it's so famous, why haven't I heard of it?" The man with glasses was unmoved. Instead, he said to Ren Tingting: "Cousin, it's said that you know people but don't know their hearts. Do you believe there are ghosts in this world?"

"I didn't say it was ghosts who killed people." Uncle Jiu said helplessly.

“It wasn’t a man who killed him, and it wasn’t a ghost. Who do you think killed him?” the man with glasses asked forcefully.

Not to mention the cousin relationship who has been out of the fifth server, let’s just say that as the security captain of Renjia Town, the tragic death of a local gentry occurred under his leadership, which was a huge test for him.

If the truth cannot be investigated as soon as possible and the murderer is brought to justice, he may not be able to keep the skin he finally got.

Without this body and the identity of a captain, he will be knocked back to his original shape in an instant. Let alone being arrogant, whether he can survive is a question.

Therefore, even if it is a false accusation, he will settle the case as soon as possible, or even make it a solid case. Originally, Zheng was worried about who to attack, but this guy named Uncle Jiu appeared and solved his urgent need...

Uncle Jiu never thought there were such twists and turns, and said with a serious look: "It's a zombie. Mr. Ren has been infected with corpse poison and must be cremated as soon as possible, otherwise he will also become a zombie!"

 (End of this chapter)

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