I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 148: The words are rough but the reasoning is not rough (please subscribe)

Chapter 148: Rough talk but not rough reasoning (please subscribe~~)


The old master smiled slightly and glanced at every disciple present: "From now on, Shi Jian will serve as the elder of Maoshan Punishment Hall, and Chen Si will serve as the deputy elder of Maoshan Punishment Hall. Do you have any objections?"

The square in front of the gate was completely silent, with no one even looking around or whispering to each other.

 For them, the tit-for-tat confrontation between Shi Jian and Si Mu was an expected thing. Even though the process was somewhat twists and turns, the result did not exceed expectations.

That's it…

 Are you still discussing six?

"Elder Shi, do you have anything else to say to all the members of the sect?" After waiting for a moment and seeing that no one spoke up, the old master asked Shi Jian.

Shi Jian took a deep breath and shouted: "Let's forget about the past. From now on, all fellow disciples are asked to read the rules and regulations of the sect carefully and make it clear what can and cannot be done. Otherwise, once something comes to light, there will be consequences." As long as I am in the torture hall, the torture hall will never tolerate rape!"

 “I will obey the orders of the elders.” The fans responded enthusiastically.

The other Maoshan disciples all looked at each other, feeling strangely calm.

 Comparing the two sides, they are like water and fire.

"Master, I've finished speaking." Shi Jian stared coldly at the silent disciples. Except for those from the Yizhuang clan, all the disciples who caught his gaze lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at his sharpness. .

"Simu, do you have anything to say?" the old leader asked again.

He adjusted his robes with his eyes, faced the gazes, and said loudly: "Just one sentence, any aspiring disciples who want to join the execution hall can come to me at any time."

 Shi Jian: “…”

Sun thief!

 Co-author I play the bad guy, you play the good guy?

I have said all the bad things, but all the favors will be credited to you?

 Would you like to nod your face?

The old master smiled silently and spoke before Shi Jian got angry: "Disciples, did you hear clearly what the two elders said?"

 “Listen clearly!” the disciples responded.

"Okay, now I declare that the opening ceremony of the Maoshan Punishment Hall has come to a perfect end. Everyone should go back and take a good look at the sect's rules and regulations. If you make any mistakes in the future, you will be punished. The Punishment Hall will not treat you favorably." The old head waved his hand. .

After saying this, a group of 'outsiders' left one after another. Shi Jian didn't pay attention at all. He turned and walked towards the tower: "The disciples of the execution hall listen to the order, close the door, and have a meeting."

 “Yes!” The response from fans is still enthusiastic.

“Senior brother, will we participate in this meeting?” Watching the members of the Shi Jian Department enter the building, Taoist Master Qianhe asked his eyes softly.

"Of course you have to participate. Aren't you a disciple of the Punishment Hall?" Simu waved his hand and said, "Please come with me and see what farts he can make!"

“Don’t tell me, your eyes really look like that.” Uncle Jiu said softly to Qin Yao after being surrounded by his fellow disciples and walking into the tower.

“Success can be forced by reality. This is just the beginning.” Qin Yao smiled and said, “It will be more like this in the future.”

Uncle Jiu raised his head and glanced around, deeply convinced of this.

The two major factions walked into the tower. Shi Jian's supporters spontaneously gathered in the left area, while the Yizhuang faction stood silently in the right area. There was an aisle in the middle, clearly distinguishing each other.

“Today is the first day of the establishment of the execution hall. What we want to talk about in our first meeting is the essence of the execution hall.” Shi Jian stood alone at the end of the middle aisle and said loudly.

The two forces, more than 500 people, and more than a thousand eyes looked at Shi Jian at the same time. The atmosphere became thicker and solemn, making people subconsciously hold their breath.

"What is the essence of the execution hall? To put it simply, it can be said in four words: guard the rules!"

Shi Jian said loudly: "There is no need to say more about the rules of Maoshan. What I want to talk about now are the rules of my punishment hall.

 As those who carry out punishments, we should set an example for Maoshan. Not to mention things that are strictly prohibited in the sect rules, even if it is a gray area that is neither black nor white, I, the disciples of the Punishment Hall, are not allowed to step into it.

For example, wantonly interfering with the common customs, even competing with the people for profit, disrupting people's livelihood..." Hearing this, everyone present turned their attention to Qin Yao.

Looking at the entire Waimao community, the rest of the people put together may not have the same influence in the secular world as he alone.

“In ancient times, the aura of heaven and earth was so strong, why did the monks retreat from the world?

 In the final analysis, it can be summed up in four words: less involvement in cause and effect!

Having said that, the deeper you are involved with the world, the greater the karma will be. If the karma backfires, if the person concerned cannot bear it, it will inevitably affect friends, relatives, and even all relatives and friends. I don’t think anyone wants to be affected. Are others involved? "

Shi Jian's voice suddenly dropped, his voice was sincere, as if he was completely in everyone's perspective.

"The elder is right. If I am inexplicably involved, no matter what the final result is, I will definitely feel bad."

"Those in our punishment hall who have close ties with the secular world should immediately cut off these ties. Otherwise, we should withdraw from the punishment hall immediately, lest any disciples in the future when we enforce the law will say that our punishment hall has not solved its own problems, but only knows Point the knife at them."

“I sincerely advise some people to take care of themselves. As a monk, pretending to be the boss among a group of mortals is not a skill but a shame.”


Seeing these "praising" words becoming more and more intense, he held a gun and a stick and stabbed himself at the door. His eyes turned cold and he shouted angrily: "Shut up, everyone, what are you making such a fuss about? Is this a vegetable market? You guys?" Are they those talkative women who only know how to use their words?"

The fans were silent for a moment.

They can not give Qin Yao face, but they cannot openly contradict Si Mu, who is now the deputy elder of the execution hall.

 This is the embodiment of honor and righteousness, and it is the rule of the execution hall!

“Junior brother Simu, do you have any objections?” Shi Jian said calmly.

With four eyes, he walked out of the crowd and stood in the middle of the aisle, looking directly at Shi Jian at the end: "Yes, I object! Elder Shi, who doesn't know how to speak high-sounding words? There are great causes and effects in the world that you still need to emphasize?"

You said that you want to prohibit Xingtang disciples from interfering with the secular world. So what I want to know is, how to define the word interference?

Maoshan does not support freeloaders. Most of the disciples in Waimao are seeking a living in the secular world. Living in the secular world is called interfering with the secular world. Can you be responsible for those fellow disciples who are seeking to make a living?

If wanting to live a better life is called interfering with the world, then what is the purpose of cultivating Taoism? Is it to become more and more miserable?

 Elder Shi, everyone’s life is already very difficult, so don’t make things worse here. "

 Shi Jian: “…”

 The rest of the people: “…”

 Qin Yao was slightly startled.

Is it an illusion?

 Why do you feel that your uncle is imitating me?

“Elder Shi doesn’t need to support his family, I do!” Someone in the office area on the right muttered something, which immediately resonated with countless people.

This time, even the left area was silent.

  The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

After all, they are not the sword-wielding Qingming in the fairy tales, the immortals who traverse the three realms.

 They are Taoists who are tainted with the atmosphere of the market.

Making a living for your family is a common problem faced by all lower-level Taoists...

 Death to the secular world?

 I'll paralyze you!

 (End of this chapter)

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