Chapter 150 Curse…


When the red wedding dress was completely pulled out of the darkness, the witch turned her face on the spot, grabbed her arm, pressed her body, and fell heavily to the ground.

 “What do you want to do?” Hong Wedding Dress’s black hair spread out, revealing a terrifying face with bleeding from all the orifices.

The witch lowered her head to the neck of the ghost in wedding dress, with a ferocious face and fierce eyes. She opened her mouth and bit the ghost's neck fiercely, and her cheeks contracted inward to the extreme, making a sucking gesture.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." A stream of blood gushed out from the female ghost's neck and entered the witch's mouth. The wedding ghost struggled desperately, and her ten fingernails, which seemed to be releasing black smoke, swollen up and dug into the witch's body, making **** holes.

The witch kept vomiting blood and let out a blood-curdling howl. Her body was trembling with severe pain, but her arms contracted like iron gates, holding the female ghost's body tighter and tighter.

 As time went by, the already dirty floor was washed away with blood and turned into mud, creating a fishy smell.

“Shut up, keep breathing, I will curse you in the name of the wedding dress!” Hong Wedding Dress, whose soul is getting thinner and thinner, shouted at the top of his lungs.

Being refined as spiritual energy and swallowed in one gulp. This way of death, where she will never be reincarnated, is even more terrifying than the way she died when she turned into a ghost!

The witch seemed to have ignored the threat from the female ghost, and still desperately sucked the soul power from the other party's soul.

 Some soul flowed into her body along her mouth, causing her originally green eyes to gradually gain some red light.

After seeing that she couldn't push the crazy woman away, Hong Wedding Yi finally gave up. Her hair was black and swollen, wrapping her body and that of the crazy woman, forming a cocoon.

"I curse you in the name of your wedding dress. You died suddenly recently, your soul is gone, and you will never be reincarnated!"

After a long time, the cocoon burst. The witch opened her mouth and spat out a stream of dirty blood. She gasped for air, and her blood-stained chest kept rising and falling.

 Although the process was somewhat dangerous, she won in the end.

After she refines the soul of the red wedding dress, her personal combat power will increase exponentially, and then it will be her day of revenge!

However, before she could recover from her reverie, her hands suddenly felt itchy, and then her two index fingers moved at the same time.

The witch's eyes suddenly widened, she sat up straight with a groan, raised her hands, and saw that her nails had become black and long without knowing it, and her hands seemed to be swallowing black mist.

"How is this going?"

 She looked confused and muttered to herself.

"This is my curse, and it is also your retribution." Hong Wedding Dress's voice suddenly sounded in the room.

 “How come you’re not dead?” the witch said in horror.

"I am dead."


"The me who just died died, and now I am talking to a brand new me." Hong Wedding Yi said, "So, can you understand?"

 The witch couldn't understand: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

 “It seems you don’t understand.”

Hong Wedding Yi added: "'I' can be killed, but Hong Wedding Yi cannot be killed. You ate the last me, so the current me appeared.

I am not the rebirth of my previous self, but a new will born with the help of the wedding soul.

As long as there is resentment about wedding clothes in the world, the red wedding dress will never disappear. "

 Witch: “…”

 She understands now.

 But I don’t want to accept it at all!

"Where are you?"

 “I am in your body…”

The witch felt a chill in her heart and shouted angrily: "Get out!"

"Let's not say whether I can leave. If I say I leave, there will be no one to help you." Hong Wedding Dress said.

 “I have nothing to need your help with!” the witch said flatly.

 “Have you forgotten the last curse I placed on you?”

 “It’s just a curse of incompetence before death.” The witch sneered.

Hong Wedding Dress was noncommittal and said indifferently: "Let's go and see, I'll wait for you to ask me." The witch sat cross-legged and looked inside herself, trying to find it.

However, even if she searched inch by inch, she could not find any ghost.

"Don't waste your efforts. If you have this time, you might as well take care of the wounds on your body." Hong Wedding Dress said.

 Witch: “…”

 Damn red wedding dress,

How could it be so weird?

 A few days later.

 The third watch in the middle of the night.

The witch who recovered from her injuries slowly walked out of the abandoned old house, stood at the windy gate, and looked into the distance.

"Listen to me, you are not suitable to go out now." Hong Wedding Dress said.

“You’re helping me, and you’re trying to persuade me...I really want to know, where did you, a fierce ghost, get this kindness from?”

The witch sneered and said, "Think about it for yourself, is this common sense?"

"Two reasons." Hong Wedding Dress said: "First of all, without you, there would be no me. From this aspect, you are kind to me. Although I am a ghost, I also know how to repay kindness.

Secondly, the two of us share a body. If you really die suddenly, this body will be broken soon, which is also a bad thing for me.

 You see, my kindness to you is not simply out of good intentions, but rather well-founded and well-founded..."

This argument was almost perfect. The witch thought about it again and again, but she couldn't find any loopholes.

However, if she believed in ghosts and ghosts, her decades of life would really have been spent in a dog's belly.

"Okay, I believe you. Didn't you say that you should repay your kindness? I will give you a chance to repay your kindness."

Hong Wedding Yi paused slightly: "I have just recovered and my strength is still weak. I may not be able to do things that need to be done."

Witch: "It doesn't matter... I'm going to kill one person and save another, you just need to fight alongside me."

 “Who are you going to kill and who are you going to save?”


  Half an hour later.

The witch in a cloak walked slowly into Chenghuang Street, and the voice of the red wedding dress suddenly sounded in her ears: "Benefactor, it's not that I don't want to help you, and it's not that I want to shirk anything. The key is that this place is full of incense and is guarded by the City God. Once I take action, If it does, it will definitely attract the attention of the Chenghuang Temple, and the gain will outweigh the loss.”

"Shut up!"

The witch scolded: "The person I want to kill may not be here. Even if he is here, I will find a way to lead him out of Chenghuang Street."

Hong Wedding Dress didn’t say much, and silently looked at the street through the witch’s eyes, but the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became.

All the shops in the entire street are guarded by Shinto golden light. What is this concept? This means that every household worships the City God!

Leave aside those pilgrims who go to the City God’s Temple to offer incense, just saying that the City God’s dominance here is enough to reflect that the local City God is not a good person.

 “Grandma!” Just as she was thinking wildly, the witch strode to a building and called out in a deep voice.

 The fourth floor of the department store.

 Staff dormitories.

Glenqin suddenly woke up from his light sleep and stared blankly at the roof. He didn't react until a call came from outside again.

 This is not a dream.

 The saint is here again!

For a moment, she just wanted to pretend she didn't hear anything and escape from this thing she didn't want to face.

 Why should we insist on persisting?

 She is really not obsessed with anything, and she doesn’t need to be saved...

 (End of this chapter)

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