I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 167: Old Qianpo (1st update)

Chapter 167 The Old Goddess (1st update)

"Even if Qin Yao eventually helps you to reincarnate in order to gain virtue, can he guarantee that he will give you a good birth? You have to know that joining an official family and joining a poor family are completely two extremes... Since ancient times, It is difficult for a poor family to produce a noble son, do you want to live in poverty and spend your next life doing nothing?" Before the spirit baby could reply, the ghost in the wedding dress bewitched him again.

 Ling Ying was speechless.

 Regardless of whether it’s deception or not, what the ghost in the wedding dress said is the truth.

For the sake of moral virtue, it was Qin Yao's duty to help them reincarnate, but it had nothing to do with the other party as to what kind of reincarnation they would take.

 After all, they are not related to Qin Yao, so the other party will not be responsible for his own life in the next life, and he cannot make corresponding demands.

 “I can do what Qin Yao can’t do.”

The Wedding Dress Ghost knew that it was hesitating, so it was just short of the last point of defection. Xu Xu said seductively: "I can take you to choose the family you want... Is there anything more important to you than this?"

 Lingying's mind was very confused, but there was an impulse lingering in his heart, and he froze in place.

"Poor child, you have to understand that even if your parents don't want you, there will be no one in the world who will think about you from your perspective. You need to think carefully about yourself, and you need to think about your future. Take responsibility." Wedding Dress Ghost said quietly.

Hearing the word "parents", Lingying couldn't help but have a flash of evil in his eyes, and walked step by step towards the jar where the wedding ghost was sealed.

"Sixteen, don't do anything stupid!" At this time, another spiritual baby appeared and stood in front of it.

Sixteen pushed him to the ground, strode to the front of the jar, stretched out his hand to grab the talisman paper at the mouth of the jar.


When its small palm touched the talisman paper, it was like touching a red-hot iron, burning its fingers red and bursts of white smoke.

 Inside the jar.

The Wedding Dress Ghost circulates ghost energy and lifts the talisman paper high in cooperation.


When the talisman paper reached its peak, Shiliu tore it off, looked at the female ghost flying out of the altar and said, "Take me to choose someone now."

"Not urgent."

The Wedding Dressed Ghost waved his hand and turned to look at the three demon babies on the stage: "Then Mr. Qin has sealed me for so long. Before I leave, I have to prepare a big gift for him..."

"not good!"

In the bedroom, Uncle Jiu, who was sleeping with his clothes on, suddenly opened his eyes and hurried out of the room without even having time to put on his shoes.

 When he came to the Spiritual Infant Hall, he saw only one spiritual infant, three demon infants, and a female ghost. Only a group of children stayed in the hall at a loss.

Uncle Jiu frowned and asked softly: "What happened?"

 When all the spirit infants saw him, they seemed to see the backbone of his mind, and they began to speak in a flurry of words, gradually explaining the causes and consequences.

“You guys just go back and stay, I’ll take care of this matter.” Uncle Jiu waved his hand, stepped away, brought the afterimage to Gu Gu’s door, and banged the door.

 “Who is it? It’s so late at night. He’s sick!”

Jiu Gu stood up and opened the door angrily. After seeing the person clearly, she suddenly turned from anger to joy: "Brother Jiu, have you figured it out?"

 “Something happened.” Uncle Jiu said seriously.

Looking at his expression at this moment, Gu Gu also stopped playing around: "What's wrong?"

“The ghost of the married woman seduced the spirit infant and let her and the three demon infants go.” Uncle Jiu said concisely: “Junior sister, I need your help.”

Ze Gu said decisively: "Open the altar!"

Not long after, Aunt Sue was sitting on her knees in front of the altar burning incense. She made dharma seals with her hands, closed her eyes tightly, and muttered something. Her body was trembling as if she had been stimulated by something.

Suddenly, her trembling body stopped, her eyes widened, and she shouted: "Our Lady's Hospital, the Marshal's Mansion, the Fishing Port Village."

 After saying that, her breath suddenly declined.

 “Are you okay?” Uncle Jiu asked with concern.

"I'm fine. Find someone to go to these three places quickly, or something will happen later." Gu Gu said.

Uncle Jiu nodded heavily, went out immediately, and summoned his fellow disciples living in Yi Zhuang...

 Gradually, the sky becomes brighter. In front of the Marshal’s Mansion.

Qin Yao and Nianying put away their cars and stepped onto the stone steps side by side. When the guard at the door saw Nianying's figure, they immediately put their legs together and raised their arms in salute.

“You’re back so soon, have you seen any zombies?” After receiving the news, Liu Dalong asked someone to take them to the hall, stroking his black beard and asked.


Mi Nianying nodded, and then said: "Brother-in-law, can you help me find someone?"

 “Looking for someone?” Liu Dalong was stunned.

“The one you have seen is the old woman who is blind in one eye and whose grandson died of illness.” Nianying said.

“That old godly woman is not a good person, why are you looking for her?” Liu Dalong asked in confusion.

“We encountered a red and white evil spirit on the way back, and I was the one who was responsible for the robbery.”

Nianying explained: "After much thought, this grandma is the only one who has the most reason to invite ghosts to harm me."

Liu Dalong was shocked and immediately shouted out the door: "Guard, go and call Hua Taisui..."

Hua Taisui is not named Hua. This name is a bandit name in the world.

  Half an hour later.

Hua Taisui bowed his waist and guided Qin Yao and Nianying with a smile on his face, his humble expression undisguised.

 In fact, there is nothing to hide.

  No matter how powerful the Jianghu boss is, he can only be a loyal dog in front of the local warlords.

 If you don’t want to be a loyal dog, you will have to be a dead dog.

"Mr. Qin, Miss Mi, this is the house." Hua Taisui led the two of them to stop in front of a dilapidated house and said in a low voice.

 “Knock on the door.” Qin Yao said.


“Bang, bang, bang.”

Hua Taisui responded, turned around and started banging on the door, shouting loudly: "Po Mi, a distinguished guest is here to visit you, why don't you open the door quickly?"

There was silence inside the door, as if no one was inside.

"Mr. Qin..." Hua Taisui knocked again and again, but when no one opened the door, he turned around and asked.

 “Push away.” Qin Yao said indifferently.

Hua Taisui nodded and pushed the door violently open with all his strength. A burst of smoke suddenly floated out of the house and hit Hua Taisui's face.

“You are so poor, yet you still burn so much incense, hoping that the gods and Buddhas will change your luck!” Hua Taisui had a gloomy face and muttered silently in his heart.

The three of them walked into the house and saw a nine-son ghost mother holding a child and surrounded by evil spirits enshrined on the altar amid the incense mist.

This ghost mother has a weird smile, and if you look into her eyes, you can't help but feel a chill.

"Do you still have the nerve to come see me?" A hoarse, resentful, and gloomy voice suddenly sounded from the corner. Hua Taisui's scalp went numb with fright, and his heart suddenly jumped. Nianying even trembled and hugged her tightly with both hands. Qin Yao's arm.

When Qin Yao heard the sound, he saw a skinny, stooped figure curled up on the ground in the darkness. A pair of dead fish eyes stared at Nianying, like a poisonous snake looking at its prey.

"What the **** are you pretending to be?" Hua Taisui endured his surprise and kept rubbing his arms with goosebumps.

 Mi Apo turned to look at Hua Taisui, stretched out her hand to point at him, and said something indistinctly. Her blabbering look made Hua Taisui want to urinate.

 “Uh, uh…”

  After a while.

Hua Taisui's breathing was stagnant. Even if he opened his mouth wide, he couldn't breathe. It was as if someone had covered his mouth and nose with his hand...

 (End of this chapter)

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