I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 178: I, Qiusheng, am devoted to the Tao (please subscribe)

Chapter 178 I am Qiu Sheng, and I am devoted to the Tao (please subscribe~)


 Plantain forest.

The evening breeze ruffles the banana leaves, making a rustling sound like the sound of waves.

In the midst of the scorched earth, Qin Yao held a large shovel and dug the soil quickly. After a while, the shovel hit something with a bang, pushing aside the moist soil on it, and a sarcophagus suddenly came into view.

“Open the coffin, master?” Qin Yao asked while standing in the pit.

"open it."

Qin Yao held the handle of the shovel with both hands and shoveled the shovel head into the coffin lid. With a little force, he pushed up the coffin lid and flung it out of the pit.

Then he picked up the shovel and looked down, only to see countless vines shining with a faint green light wrapped around a skeleton, like blood vessels of the skeleton, and the flowing green light was the blood of the skeleton.

"What is this stuff?"

“Corpse grass has similar properties to coffin fungi.” Uncle Jiu said, “Don’t you want to pick yin to replenish yang? Just pick it.”

 Chin Yao: “???”

What the hell?

“Pull out the grass and I’ll tell you what to do.” Uncle Jiu said.

Qin Yao nodded, threw away the shovel, leaned over and wrapped the vine-like corpse grass around his arm, and pulled it all off at once.

"Master..." After jumping out of the pit, Qin Yao delivered the corpse grass to Uncle Jiu.

“Sit down.” Uncle Jiu pointed to the ground.

Qin Yao sat cross-legged and watched quietly as Uncle Jiu wrapped the vines on his arms around his chest. Then he took out a piece of yellow talisman paper and shook it gently. The soft paper stood up like a One side is thin.

“Turn the true energy in your body.” Uncle Jiu held the talisman between the index and middle fingers of his right hand and ordered.

Qin Yao followed his words and did not notice any difference from usual until Uncle Jiu took the talisman paper and gently cut a vine, and dark green liquid flowed from the vine and flowed on his skin.

This liquid looked extremely dense, but it quickly blended into his body along the pores, giving him a cold feeling.

The Zhen Qi that was originally running smoothly sensed this Yin Qi, just like a shark smelling the smell of blood. It became violent instantly, rushed over crazily, and swallowed up the Yin Qi that kept pouring into the body.

Uncle Jiu pulled down the vines that had withered because the liquid had drained out, and cut new vines, and started over.

The temperature on Qin Yao's skin is getting higher and higher, white smoke comes out from the top of his head, and the Dahuangting spirit pattern between his eyebrows shines with golden light, like the eye of the sky...


 He fell into a state of selflessness, forgetting that he was practicing and forgetting all the worldly things.

The Da Huang Ting Qi in his body is jumping for joy, plundering the Yin Qi to his heart's content and strengthening his own foundation.

Fa Li, who was hiding in his lower dantian, quietly poked his head out and tried to follow him to drink some soup, but was instantly beaten back.

 Time flies by.

There are fewer and fewer vines wrapped around Qin Yao's body, but the aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger.


 A certain moment.

A beam of bright golden light burst out from above his head, cutting through the darkness and illuminating the night sky.

This is the performance of breaking through the realm barrier. What that bright golden light breaks through is the realm of the soul!

  Less than two hours.

 The fifth level of the human teacher will be promoted to the sixth level of the human teacher.

 Uncle Jiu had a smug smile on his face and gently cut the last vine.

This guy also said that he would go to the underworld to find something for him to break through the realm. In the end, shouldn't he help the other person get promoted first?

This kind of psychological satisfaction is even happier than him breaking through a small realm.

Qin Yao's eyelids trembled and he slowly opened his eyes.

 The abundant Da Huang Ting Qi in the body is like a full shark, slowly swimming back to the upper Dantian.

"Sixth level of human master..." Uncle Jiu smiled and said: "If you break through the third level of small realm, you will be qualified to be an official."

Qin Yao raised his head: "Speaking of official appointments, Master, do you know anything about the official system of the Yin Division?"

Uncle Jiu said: "I know a little bit about it, but I don't understand it deeply." "Tell me about it, I don't even know a little bit about it." Qin Yao said with a smile.

“Simply put, Yinsi officials can be roughly divided into nine grades.

 Emperor Dongyue, Emperor Fengdu, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, etc., are above the ninth rank and are the leaders of different camps.

 Below them, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions is the first rank, the Yama of the Ten Palaces is the second rank, and the Six Cases Gongcao is the third rank.

 Samsara, judge, the director of the three Yin Cao divisions are of the fourth rank; the ten great Yin commanders are of the fifth rank, and the various Yin envoys are of the sixth rank.

The ghost king on one side is the seventh grade, the judge on the other side is the eighth grade, and the black and white and impermanent bull-headed and horse-faced ones are the ninth grade.

 Below the ninth grade, all are not in the flow. "

Qin Yao was thoughtful and asked casually: "So, master, you, the senior class member of the bank, didn't even get into the ninth grade?"

Uncle Jiu glared at him angrily: "Do you think the ninth rank is so easy to get into? If it were so easy to be an official in the Yin Division, the Yin Division would have been overcrowded with officials for countless years."

Qin Yao chuckled and said, "Why don't you set a small goal first..."

"Shut up." Uncle Jiu shouted: "There are gods three feet above your head. Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

 Chin Yao: “…”

I haven’t even said it yet. Where did the nonsense come from?

"Go and offer three sticks of incense to someone, then close the lid of the coffin and bury it with dust... Your sixth level as a master comes from the other person's gift. You can't just walk away and let his body be exposed to the daylight." Uncle Jiu He patted his back and pointed at the dead bones in the coffin.

Qin Yao nodded, took out three sticks of incense from the cloth pocket brought by Uncle Jiu, lit them in front of the unknown grave, and muttered: "Thank you, thank you..."

When the three sticks of incense were burned out, Qin Yao buried the coffin with earth and soon filled up the deep pit. The morning light pierces the night, and a ray of skylight shines on this land. The renovated soil represents a new beginning...

 Early morning.

 After returning to Yizhuang.

Qin Yao specially called Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to his side, and asked with a smile: "What difference do you see in me?"

 “There is gum in my eyes.” Qiu Sheng said.

“Fuck you.” Qin Yao glared at him, “That’s not it.”

“I don’t see any difference.” The two looked at each other and said in unison.

Qin Yao had no choice but to cough lightly and said softly: "I am a sixth-level human master."

 “Oh.” Unexpectedly, the reaction of the two people was even calmer than his, and they responded perfunctorily and then nothing happened.

“I’ve reached the sixth level of human master!” Qin Yao emphasized with a twitch of the corner of his mouth.

“I heard it, there’s no need to be so loud.” Qiu Sheng said, picking his ears.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Your indifferent state makes me very confused.

“Junior brother, keep up your efforts and strive to become a master as soon as possible.” Wen Cai encouraged.

 Chin Yao: “…”

Depend on.

 What exactly went wrong?

  I'm just showing off, and I'm not here to comfort you.

Shortly after.

Qiu Sheng and Wencai left the confused Qin Yao behind and left together. Qin Yao, who had an amazing ear, even heard their discussion after they left.

"It took several months to break through. Junior brother has been very slack recently." Wen Cai said.

Qiu Sheng said: "Isn't it...either flirting with female ghosts, or deceiving other innocent girls? All my thoughts are devoted to this, how can I practice faster?"

 “We can’t imitate him.”

 “If I don’t learn from him, if I don’t learn from him, I will be Qiu Sheng and devote myself to the Tao.”

 (End of this chapter)

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