I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 189: On the eve of the war (second update, more than 8,000 words, please

Chapter 189 The Eve of the War (Second update, more than 8,000 words, please subscribe~)

“God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the face of the abyss, but the Spirit of God was hovering on the waters.”

 “God said, Let there be light, and there was light.”

“God saw that the light was good, and divided the light from the darkness…”

The desire to become a **** and go to heaven defeated the integrity and compassion in the headmistress's heart. She obediently bit her finger, pressed it on the Bible, formed a blood contract, and chanted loudly.

As the prayers resounded through the hall, rays of holy light suddenly emerged from the birdman's body.

This holy light seems to have the power of creation, converging on the cross section of the birdman's wings, creating a white feather of light out of thin air.

When the abbess recited, "God said, Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness," the white light on the birdman's new wings was restrained, and then danced flexibly, apparently returning to normal.

For Uncle Jiu, this is not the worst. What is even worse is that in the chanting of the Bible, the birdman's fighting power surges. The strong and weak sides reverse instantly, and the force of the opponent's cross sword is getting heavier and heavier. , if this continues, his copper coin sword will break into pieces sooner or later.


Suddenly, a scarred vampire ran out from the priest's lounge next door. When passing by the main hall, he instinctively strangled the abbess and bit her neck.

 He was seriously injured and needed blood to heal his wounds.

 “No!” In the main hall, the birdman became anxious and roared.

The vampire paused slightly. At this moment, his fangs were only half a finger away from the woman's fragile skin, and his nose could even smell the fragrance of blood.



At this time, Qin Yao came after him, and the Gauss gun in his hand continuously shot out beams of light, which penetrated deeply into the vampire's back.

The vampire bared his teeth in pain and roared repeatedly. He strangled the headmistress by the neck and turned around, using her body to block the muzzle of the gun.

Qin Yao frowned, lowered the muzzle of his gun, and said to the birdman in the main hall: "Ask him to release the man!"

Birdman raised his sword and slashed the copper coin sword flying into the air. He ducked to the side of the vampire and shouted at the master and apprentice: "You guys get out of here right away. I guarantee that nothing will happen to her."

Qin Yao laughed and said, "Are you sick? Threaten us with your own people!"

 Looking at their 2V2 tit-for-tat situation, the female dean was dumbfounded.

At this moment, she suddenly understood what Qin Yao said when he came, and also understood why the angel helped the vampire.

 Because this 'angel' is Father Qi, and the vampire... is Father Lei.

What is even more absurd than this result is that she has now become a bargaining chip in the hands of the two priests!

 A wave of shame and anger rushed straight from the bottom of her heart to her mind, causing her body to tremble slightly!

 Repent for the past.

 “Roar!” Seeing that Qin Yao refused to cooperate, the vampire roared and buried his fangs in the headmistress’ neck again.

 “Don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious.”

Birdman tried his best to comfort the vampire, turned to the master and apprentice and roared: "Don't force us. From now on, wouldn't it be good if we don't offend the river?"

If Uncle Jiu was not there, Qin Yao would not care at all whether there were hostages in the other party's hands.

 But since Uncle Jiu is here, I have to give him face no matter what...

“Master, what do you think we should do?”

Uncle Jiu said: "Let's switch. You beat the birdman, and I beat the vampire."

 Chin Yao: “???”

 Birdman: “???”

 The female dean: “???”

 They thought about Uncle Jiu’s various replies, but they didn’t expect him to say this.

“Master, are you okay?” Qin Yao asked softly after a long time.

 It is very unethical to not care about the life or death of the hostages at all.

“When I was fighting Birdman just now, Birdman asked her to help deal with me. I explained the matter clearly to her, but she abandoned justice and morality for her faith.

I can understand her approach. After all, the so-called Lord is the **** she has believed in for half her life, but I cannot accept it!

 What is unacceptable is not just her dealing with me, but...she is from our country and believes in Western gods. For the sake of Western gods, she would give up everything and harm her compatriots. "

Uncle Jiu suppressed his anger and said, looking directly at the female dean: "Let me ask you a question. If your Lord tells you in the future that you must sell the Chinese Republic in order to ascend to heaven, will you reject the Lord's conditions?"

 The female dean: “…”

 She couldn't answer this question.

Let alone this era, even many believers in later generations don’t understand what ‘faith has no borders, and believers have nationalities’!

Hearing this, Qin Yao grinned.

This is a good question!

 The foreign devils are certainly hateful, but the second devils are even more hateful.

Strong ships and powerful cannons open the door to a backward country, but the spread of faith enslaves the souls of the people.

It is undeniable that not all missionaries are bad people, and not all foreign sects are evil. It’s just that...a mouse excrement can ruin a pot of porridge!


There is nothing more to say, Qin Yao raised his hand at the birdman and shot him.


Birdman held the sword with both hands, and struck the bullet hard with the sword. The blade bounced high and almost fell out of his hand.


Qin Yao quickly pulled the trigger, and the birdman swung his sword like lightning. The water splashed away and all the bullets were shot away, but his body was retreating step by step.


Just as Uncle Jiu was slowly walking toward the vampire with his sword in hand, a loud wolf howl suddenly sounded across the mountain in broad daylight.

Uncle Jiu paused, turned around and saw a giant wolf as big as a bull leaping over the wall and looking at the master and apprentice with eager eyes.

Seeing the giant wolf approaching, the birdman couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief and shouted to Qin Yao: "You don't think that I have done nothing in the past ten years and just live in the church, do you?"

 “Ah, there is a wolf!” At this moment, the girl suddenly shouted outside the church.

Qin Yao put down his gun and frowned.

Uncle Jiu took a breath silently, turned around and said, "Qin Yao, let's go."

Qin Yao nodded and suddenly asked the headmistress: "I took away the five nuns outside. Do you have any objections?"

The headmistress looked at the wolves and vampires in the yard and shook her head silently.

“Master, you go first, I’ll take the back seat.” Qin Yao looked at the wolf and vampire and spoke.

 Subsequently, Uncle Jiu walked in front, Qin Yao turned his back to Uncle Jiu, and the two slowly walked out of the church.

"You five, follow me." When he arrived at the gate, Qin Yao turned slightly and waved to the five nuns with a gun.

“Mr. Qin, are you okay, the dean?” The young and beautiful nuns came to him with a gust of fragrance and asked with concern on their faces.

"She's fine." Qin Yao said, "There are both vampires and wolves in this church. It's not very safe. I'll take you out of here first."

“Ah?” The nuns were at a loss: “Prince, won’t she come with us?”

"Don't worry about her, she is protected by the so-called heroic spirit, and she will be fine." Qin Yao said, taking the lead to walk towards the wolves surrounding the church.

 With their aura at full strength, without orders from the head wolf, these wolf cubs whimpered and made way...

"Qi, maybe you should change your place." Inside the wall, the giant wolf looked away from the door and uttered human words. Birdman shook his head: "This is my burial place, my roots are here."

The giant wolf said: "I have a hunch that they will not give up."

"So I need you to stay here with the wolves for a while... Lei, you can let the child go, don't really hurt her." Birdman said.

 The vampire hesitated for a moment, then slowly let go: "I am seriously injured and need a lot of blood. Please, you must find a way to get me blood."

The birdman paused for a moment, then the headmistress interjected: "You can't use human blood."

The vampire's eyes were slightly cold: "You have no place to speak here."

 “I am doing it for your own good.”

The female dean said: "Master and disciple Lin Jiu are already difficult enough. If you continue to kill people wantonly, you will inevitably attract more difficult people... Father Qi, Father Lei, you have lived in China for so long, You shouldn’t understand this.”

 The vampire was speechless.

Birdman said: "What she said makes sense. Wolf King, let your wolf cubs go hunting. Capture more wild animals and squeeze out all the blood for Lei."

 The Wolf King nodded and slowly walked out of the door.

 That day.


 Before dinner, Uncle Jiu held a Yi Zhuang meeting. All the Taoist priests and ghosts gathered together, while Xiaobao and the little zombie stayed in the corner to join in the fun.

“I’m calling everyone here today mainly to talk about one thing.”

Uncle Jiu was sitting on the main seat, his back straight, his face solemn and upright: "In the next county, there is a Western church in Dagu Village. The two Western missionaries who once founded this church have now become a ghost, and the other has become a ghost." Became a vampire.

Two foreign devils are working together. If they are not dealt with as soon as possible, they will definitely harm the people around them.

Therefore, I intend to start a war with them early tomorrow morning. You have a good rest tonight and think carefully. Those who are willing to go with me will gather outside Yizhuang at six o'clock tomorrow morning. There is no shame in those who don't want to go. Just take a fancy to Yizhuang. "

 “Yes.” The Taoist priests responded in unison.

“Uncle Jiu, I also want to join the war.” Xiaoli raised her arm and said.

"Okay." Uncle Jiu said, "Early tomorrow morning, before dawn, I will put a light protection charm on you."

 “I’m going too.” Yan Ruyu said immediately.

Uncle Jiu smiled and said: "All the ghosts and ghosts who want to go will gather here before dawn tomorrow. Okay, let's disperse and get ready to eat..."

  Half an hour later.

 Qin Yao had eaten and drank enough, and was just about to take Nianying back to his room to study dual cultivation, when the little zombie suddenly stood in front of him wearing the hat he bought.


The little zombie pulled the rope on the hat, and the front of the hat suddenly parted to the left and right, revealing a piece of white paper with two crooked small words written on it: Join the war.

Qin Yao laughed dumbly and leaned over to pick him up: "No, you are too young and not very strong to go to the battlefield."

The little zombie shook his head repeatedly, reached out and pulled off the first piece of white paper on the hat, and saw the second piece of white paper saying: There are weapons.

 “What weapons do you have?”

The little zombie broke away from his arms and opened his coat, revealing dozens of big firecrackers tied to the coat.

Qin Yao was stunned for a moment.

He knew very well that these things were not firecrackers, but bombs, as powerful as hand grenades.

 In the movie, the little zombie used this bomb to kill his cousin who turned into a vampire and rescued Uncle Jiu from the dungeon.

 “Where did you get these things?”

 The little zombie closed his shirt, took out a handful of notes from his cuffs, rummaged through them, pulled out one and handed it to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao lowered his head and saw, well, just two words: self-defense.

"Who got you some self-defense?" Qin Yao asked, but he already had the answer in his heart.

It is estimated that it is either Dabao or Xiaobao. The little zombie plays best with these two little ghosts in Yizhuang.

To his surprise, the note that the little zombie took out later had the four words "Sister Xiaoli" written on it.

"Xiao Li..." Qin Yao put him down, pinched his nose and said, "You are quite good at hooking up. You have been imitating others to eat soft rice at a young age."

The little zombie didn’t understand what eating soft rice meant, so he just laughed, smiled, and raised the first piece of white paper again.

 Join the war!

"Okay, okay, I'll take you with me tomorrow. But you have to promise me that you can only hide in the rear and set off explosives, and you are not allowed to run to the front to show off as a hero." Qin Yao said.

 The little zombie's jumping feet and nodding head look like a sewing machine.

 For him, participating in this war was like going out to play.

"Go to bed quickly. Don't get up early tomorrow morning. I won't call you!" Qin Yao patted his little head and said with a smile.

The little zombie shook his head and jumped into the yard and corridor. He found Xiaobao who was whispering to Dabao. He kept babbling and dancing.

“It’s so cute.” Nianying hugged Qin Yao’s arm and said while looking at the two children.

Qin Yao took advantage of the situation and grabbed her waist and led her towards the room: "Although I don't want children, I like the process of creating life."

Nianying’s round face turned slightly red, and her ears felt as if they were burning.

Even if a simple girl is a woman, she cannot bear such explicit words.

  After a long time.

 In the room, the clouds have settled and the rain has stopped.

Nianying's breathing gradually returned to steady, she raised her shining eyes and said softly: "I also want to participate in the war tomorrow."

 “You can’t do it.” Qin Yao said decisively.

“You can do any little zombie...” Nianying said coquettishly: “I’m just like it, hiding in the back and never leaning forward.”

Qin Yao still shook his head: "Don't compare with him. Despite his low strength and young age, the zombie's body has extremely high defense. If he gets hit, it will hurt for a while at most, and there will be no risk to his life.

You are different. You are delicate and frail. No matter whether it is a vampire or a giant wolf, you will not be able to bear a beating. "

Seeing his resolute attitude, Nianying suddenly didn't dare to say anything more.

 Just silently make up your mind to practice Taoism even harder in the future.

 I don’t seek to become an immortal or an ancestor, I just seek to be his helper.

 Early the next morning.

 The sky is still dark.

 Xiao Li, Yan Ruyu, Xiao Wenjun, Dabao, Xiaobao and little zombie stood side by side in front of the lobby.

Uncle Jiu took out a stack of white paper and red talismans from his cuffs, put them into their bodies one by one, and warned: "You guys are not very strong. You must not be beaten head-on, just look for opportunities to make sneak attacks."

By the way, even if it is a sneak attack, except for the small zombies that can be blown up with bombs, you guys must not provoke the white light birdman. His power has a natural restraint effect on you... Do you hear me clearly? "

 “Listen clearly.” Except for the little zombie, all the other ghosts shouted in unison.

Explosion more to subscribe ~~ Villagers, older brothers and sisters, life -saving ~



 (End of this chapter)

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