I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 21: Teacher's kindness is like a mountain

Chapter 21 Teacher’s kindness is like a mountain

 “What’s the matter?” Uncle Jiu asked doubtfully.

Qin Yao: "Don't compromise yourself for the sake of my future."

Uncle Jiu smiled and said, "You are overthinking it. It doesn't matter. Even if I, Lin Jiu, ask for help, I will never grovel."

Looking at his "arrogant and proud" appearance, Qin Yao laughed dumbly: "What a coincidence, so am I. This means that for every disciple, there must be a master."

“It is said that like a teacher, like a disciple, without learning or skills.” Uncle Jiu raised his leg and kicked him, then turned to look at the bright moon outside the window: “There is still time, let’s go, follow me to the underworld...”

In ancient times, there were many entrances from the Yang world to the underworld, most of which were in the City God's Temple in different cities. It was extremely convenient for gods and ghosts to enter and exit the Yin and Yang realms.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy of the underworld is seriously depleted. In order to prevent the spiritual energy of the underworld from flowing into the underworld, the senior officials of the Yin Division have strictly sealed most of the entrances. Except for the five gates of the underworld guarded by the ghost emperors of the five directions, only a few sects have retained the access to the underworld. aisle.

 The ancestors of the Maoshan sect were once broad, and at that time they left behind the yin and yang portal of the sect. As time passed and the world changed, Maoshan split into Inner Mao and Outer Mao in the turbulence of the years. The Inner Mao is higher than the Outer Mao. They live in groups with the Yin and Yang portal as the center. They can also practice with the help of the underworld spiritual energy that overflows from the portal. If you succeed in cultivation and no longer love the mortal world, you can escape into the underworld and embark on a new journey.

 Because of this, even if the Maoshan sect becomes increasingly declining, it is still a famous sect in the world of spiritual practice!

 “Meet senior brother.”

 “Meet my uncle.”

 “Meet my uncle.”


Taking advantage of the darkness, Uncle Jiu led Qin Yao and the female ghost to Maoshan Mountain quickly. Amidst the greetings from the disciples guarding the mountain, they passed through rows of palaces and reached the top of Damao Peak, stopping at the Three Palaces and Five Views. In front of Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace.

The gateway to the underworld in Maoshan is in front of the Second Holy Temple, one of the four entrance halls of Wanfu Palace, called the Ascension Platform.

According to rumors, Mao Ying, the founder of Maoshan Sect, also known as Da Mao Zhenjun among the Three Mao Zhenjuns, attained enlightenment and became an immortal on this ascension platform, and he became an immortal and ascended to heaven.

"Lin Jiu, a disciple of Waimao, applies to enter the palace." Standing in front of the high white stone steps at the entrance, Uncle Jiu bowed his hands and bowed.

The black door in the center of the red exterior wall slowly opened, and a woman wearing a blue robe walked out of it.

 The face is like white jade, the eyes are like peach blossoms, and a wooden branch is entangled with three thousand long black hair.

When the wind blows, the Taoist robes rustle, just like the water in the lake, and the ripples are shining, forming a worldly scene of its own.

Looking at this woman who seemed to be coming with light, Qin Yao's eyebrows raised slightly.

 I have lived two lives, but this is the first time I have seen a woman more beautiful than the Internet celebrity live broadcast area in real life.

"Greetings to Uncle Qiu." Just as Qin Yao's thoughts were racing, Uncle Jiu saluted meticulously and respectfully.

 Chin Yao: “…”

This girl is Uncle Jiu’s uncle, so shouldn’t I call him uncle?

  Can snap.



"What's the matter?" Qiu Yunshui glanced at the two people and one ghost in front of him indifferently, and subconsciously stayed on Qin Yao for a while.

  Not because of his abnormal body compared to ordinary people, but because I always felt that the way he looked at me was a little strange.

“I want to send this female ghost to the underworld in exchange for virtue, so I would like to ask my uncle for help.” Uncle Jiu pointed at Dong Xiaoyu and said softly.

Qiu Yunshui: "Are you still unwilling to enter Neimao?"

Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment and exhaled a puff of white air: "It's still the same as before, 20% of the profits will be given to the master."

Qiu Yunshui nodded slightly and looked at Qin Yao: "What's his condition?"

"His name is Qin Yao, and he is my third disciple." Uncle Jiu said, "This time we went to the underworld to sacrifice evil spirits because we wanted to get an official position for him, even if it was a false title without any real power." Qiu Yunshui :"not enough."

“Plus the moral virtue I have accumulated over the years, it should be enough.” Uncle Jiu said with a smile.

Qiu Yunshui was startled for a moment, then slowly frowned: "Is it worth it? You use those shady virtues..."

"It's worth it. Please help me, uncle." Uncle Jiu interrupted Qiu Yunshui with a hint of apology on his face.

“In that case, come with me.” Qiu Yunshui pondered for a moment, then turned around and said.

 “Master.” Qin Yao opened his mouth.

“Shut up.” Uncle Jiu waved his hand and said, “Watch this female ghost closely and follow your master as a master.”

Qin Yao squeezed the ghost-binding rope with both hands, his heart heavy.

Although Uncle Master couldn't finish what he said, he was not a child anymore, so how could he not understand the meaning?

 He regarded Lin Jiu as a golden finger, but Lin Jiu ignored herself and did her best for him...

 It can be said as follows: Teacher's kindness is as great as a mountain!

Qiu Yunshui returned to the palace and picked up a copper lamp. Holding it in his hand, he led the master, apprentice and the female ghost to the front of the Erlong Palace. He pointed to the stone archway with the three characters "Ascension Platform" engraved on it and said, "Go up." , I will send you to my master."

 “Thank you, uncle.” Uncle Jiu thanked him sincerely.


Just as Qiu Yunshui was about to reply, rays of light suddenly lit up on the ground of the ascension platform. Countless light points rotated rapidly to form a vortex, and a figure was pulled out from the ground.

 “Four eyes.”

 “Senior brother?”

Taoist Priest Simu said in surprise: "And Qin Yao, why are you here?"

Uncle Jiu: "Qin Yao caught a evil spirit who has done many evil things. I am planning to take him to the underworld to exchange for some evil virtues."

Looking at Dong Xiaoyu with all his eyes, his face was full of surprise: "What a deep resentment, Qin Yao, where did you catch such a top-notch female ghost?"

Qin Yao was not in the mood to explain, so he asked: "Uncle, have you found out clearly? Is Mr. Feng Shui dead?"

His face suddenly became solemn: "Let me make it clear that your master and I killed only his substitute, and the real one is still alive."

Uncle Jiu said: "We will discuss this later. I will take them to the underworld first so as not to delay Uncle Qiu's time."

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry." Qiu Yunshui said calmly.

He arched his hands towards her and smiled: "Uncle Master, if you open a passage once, there is almost no difference between two people and three people. Please allow me to follow them one more time."

Qiu Yunshui: "Okay. Lin Jiu, please bring your apprentice and the female ghost to the stage."

After two people and one ghost came on stage, Qiu Yunshui raised his right hand towards the ascension platform, and a ball of golden light quickly gathered in his palm, and he quickly rushed towards the arch on the stone platform.


The golden light hit the top of the arch, and the entire arch suddenly lit up with water-like golden light. The three characters "Ascension Platform" were particularly bright.

At the center of the ascension platform, Qin Yao looked up and felt a strong sense of weightlessness suddenly hit him. His body swayed and he almost fell to the ground, feeling dizzy.

I don't know how long it took, the dizziness gradually subsided. Qin Yao pressed his head with one hand and looked around, but he saw that he was standing in an empty courtyard at the moment. In front of him was a red yamen lobby with hanging hangings on it. A black plaque reads: A bright mirror hangs high.

 (End of this chapter)

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