I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 310: I just have money, right? (8000)

Chapter 310 I just have money, can’t I? (8000+)

“I once had a dream.” After pondering for a moment, Qin Yao slowly said: “In the dream, Abao was your eldest disciple, and he had a fiancée named Zhu Zhu…”

Uncle Jiu raised his eyebrows and said to Fei Bao, "Abao, can you tell me your birth date?"

"Of course." Fei Bao glanced at Qin Yao in surprise and told his birthday without any precautions.

In his opinion, his life was saved by Uncle Jiu, so the other party definitely didn’t have any bad intentions in asking for his birth date.

What surprised him now was how he could appear in other people's dreams, considering that he and Mr. Qin had never met each other before.

"Weird, so strange. Is there something wrong with my calculation ability?" Uncle Jiu muttered Fei Bao's birth date and kept counting in his hands, but his face became weirder and weirder the more he calculated.

 Some time ago, he calculated that Xingyue and he were related as a master and disciple, and now the calculation results told him that A Bao and he also had a master-disciple relationship.

 Where did the relationship between so many masters and disciples come from?

 I am just a small town Taoist priest, not the legendary sage!

"Is there a master-disciple relationship?" Qin Yao said with a smile, and gave an assist lightly.

 Judging from his performance in the movie alone, Fei Bao can be said to be a very capable player in Uncle Jiu's movies, with good qualifications.

If he can stay with Uncle Jiu and succeed in his studies, he will be a helper to any powerful enemy that Yizhuang encounters in the future.

 Just as a party involved, Uncle Jiu’s perspective on the issue was completely different from his...

Three apprentices turned him into a "worker". Wouldn't a few more apprentices cost him his life?

"There is a master-disciple relationship, but there are many kinds of master-disciple relationships, such as the teacher of enlightenment, the teacher of one word, the teacher of enlightenment, the teacher of life, the teacher of destiny, etc... Maybe it's because I saved Abao , will this happen?" Uncle Jiu put down his palm and murmured to himself, not knowing whether he was explaining to them or enlightening himself.

It was impossible for Qin Yao to force his master to do anything, so he gave Fei Bao a meaningful look.

At this glance, it was like a bolt of lightning flashed through Fei Bao's heart, making him suddenly enlightened. He fell to his knees with a plop, ignoring the hard floor and sharp gravel, and kowtowed: "Uncle Jiu, I admire you very much. Taofa, I want to become your teacher and learn Taoism from you, please give me a chance!”

Uncle Jiu shook his head and stretched out his hand to help Fei Bao up: "It's not that I don't want to take you in, it's just that I don't have the energy. With three direct disciples, I have so much to worry about, I can't spare the extra energy to teach you. ”

"It's not a direct disciple, it can be a registered disciple." Qin Yao said with a smile: "Master will lead you in. It depends on the individual's practice."

Uncle Jiu kicked him angrily and scolded: "You think I'm the same as you, so irresponsible!"

Qin Yao said: "This is a free-range education, which can fully mobilize their self-learning ability."

Uncle Jiu rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He turned to Fei Bao and said, "If nothing else happens, I should stay in this town for a few more days. Let's get along for a while first, and then we can decide whether to become my disciple." How are things?"

 “Okay, okay, it all depends on the master’s arrangements.” Fei Bao said with a smile.

Uncle Jiu nodded silently: "The time for chatting is not short. You should go back and rest early."

Fei Bao looked up at Qin Yao and said with a smile: "It's okay. I'll clean up a room for Senior Brother Qin first. You'll stay here until your things are done."

 A flash of approval flashed in Qin Yao's eyes.


 I like this kind of sensible person.

 The next morning.

 In the small courtyard.

Fei Bao stood in front of the well. He had just finished washing when he saw Qin Yao pushing the door open and walking out. He greeted warmly: "Senior Brother Qin, good morning."

 “Morning.” Qin Yao smiled: “Have you had breakfast?”

“I’m getting ready to eat, senior brother, do you want to come with us?”

“Okay, let me call you master.” Qin Yao said, turned and walked to the next room.

“There is no one in the house, the master went out early in the morning.” Fei Bao said quickly.

Qin Yao was startled and quickly realized that the master was most likely looking for the evildoer...

 Lean less.

Feibao took Qin Yao to a porridge shop and ordered two bowls of lean meat porridge and four soup dumplings. He said with a smile: "Brother, try their steamed buns. They are delicious and meaty. They are the best in Ningping Town." ”

"Even if you say so, I won't charge you less later." A hunched old man came over with a steamer and said with a smile.

“I’m not saying that just to pay less.” Fei Bao responded with a smile: “Just pay whatever it is.”

The old man chuckled, put down the buns and left. He turned around and brought over two bowls of fragrant and brightly colored meat porridge on a wooden plate.


 After eating three buns in one go and taking a sip of meat porridge, Fei Bao showed a happy smile on his face and looked up at the teahouse opposite.

At this happy moment, if you can still see your fiancée, you will be twice as happy!

With so much hope and hope, Fei Bao finally saw the figure that haunted him, but just as they looked at each other and smiled knowingly, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. In front of the girl, he almost knocked her to the ground.

Fei Bao suddenly stood up from the chair and looked into the teahouse with concern.

“Sir, are you okay?” Zhu Zhu tried her best to support the other person in the teahouse and asked softly.

The man hooked Zhu Zhu's thin waist and pulled her into his arms: "Zhu Zhu, your body is so weak, how could anything happen to me?"

"Let me go, please let me go." Zhu Zhu struggled, but the other party hugged her tighter and tighter, and a flush appeared on her face.

“Fuck my wife!” Fei Bao slapped his chopsticks on the table and rushed into the teahouse desperately. He grabbed the salty man’s hair and pulled him behind him, pulling him out of the teahouse.

This is not the first time he has dealt with this kind of problem. After suffering a lot, he knows that the problem cannot be solved in the teahouse.

 “Master, that fat guy, keeps ruining my good deeds.”

In the corner, a young man with oily hair, glasses, and a hairy pimple under the corner of his mouth pointed at the fat figure and said to an old man with white beard and white hair opposite, wearing a black robe.

“How are Mr. Shi going to deal with him?” the old man said with a smile.

 “I want to give him a good beating first.”

 “Then let’s fight.”

Mr. Shi was speechless: "The key is, I can't beat him!"

"With me here, it will be easy for you to hit him." The old man said with great confidence.

Mr. Shi narrowed his eyes, pointed at the other party and said, "I trust you once."

 After a cup of tea, Fei Bao, who had dealt with Mr. Xianshi, walked into the teahouse. Zhu Zhu, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly greeted him and said with concern: "Brother Bao, that person..."

 “Don’t worry, I’m careful in my actions.” Fei Bao said with a smile.

“Zhu Zhu, Zhu Zhu, I’m almost dying of thirst, why don’t you come over and serve me tea?” Mr. Shi suddenly shouted loudly on the tea table in the corner.

Hearing his wanton voice, the smile on Zhu Zhu's face disappeared instantly, and she said in a serious tone: "Brother Bao, please wait for me first, and I will bring him tea."

 Faibao shook his head: "Give me the tea, and I'll bring it to him."

 “But…” Zhu Zhu was obviously worried.

 “It’s okay, don’t worry.” Fei Bao said seriously.

Outside the teahouse and the bun shop, Qin Yao took out the money to pay the bill and suddenly asked: "Boss, are there any cockroaches around here?"

 The old man was stunned: "What do you want a cockroach for?"

 “Fighting.” Qin Yao said with a smile.

The old man couldn't figure it out, so he pointed to the alley and said, "You can go and look in the cracks in the corners of the walls. There is a high probability that there will be something there."

“Thank you very much.” Qin Yao cupped his hands and walked into the alley.

 Inside the teahouse.

Fei Bao came to Mr. Shi's table with a cup of tea, served the tea with both hands, and said politely: "Mr. Shi, this is the tea you asked for."

"Why are you, my Zhu Zhu?" Master Shi glanced up at him and asked arrogantly.

Fat Bao's cheek twitched: "Master Shi, Zhu Zhu is not yours, she is my fiancée."

“The fiancée is not a wife. Even if she is a wife, there is still the story of Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian.” Mr. Shi sneered.

 “You!” Feibao was furious.

“Brother Bao.” Not far away, Zhu Zhu, who had been paying attention to this place, said worriedly.

Faibao took a deep breath and gently placed the teacup on the table: "Master Shi, please be more respectful."

"Respect? Why don't I respect you? How can a gangster who doesn't even have a formal job deserve my respect?" Mr. Shi shouted crazily.

 “You come out with me!” The clay figurine had a certain fire nature, but Fei Bao was really angry with him and reached out to grab the hem of his clothes.


Beside Mr. Shi, a folding fan suddenly appeared in the hand of the white-haired old man, and it hit Fei Bao's hand as fast as lightning. The severe pain caused the latter to withdraw his palm suddenly.

 “Theory is just theory, don’t touch it.”

Fei Bao looked at the old man with fearful eyes. He saw that the old man had a dull expression, but in front of him, he delivered a cockroach to Mr. Shi.

Mr. Shi rolled his eyes and immediately understood what he meant. He took the cockroach and threw it into the tea bowl, shouting: "Fat man, there are cockroaches in the tea you brought me. What does this mean?"

 “Let’s go.” Qin Yao said softly in front of the teahouse.

Both red and white demons clasped their hands, and their bodies appeared next to Mr. Shi in an instant, and put their hands into his pockets.

The white-haired old man frowned, a green light flashed from the folding fan in his hand, and he hit the two evil spirits hard with his arms.


A palm suddenly appeared, taking the sharp blow and holding the fan firmly in the palm.

The white-haired old man slowly raised his eyes and looked at the figure who teleported over even he didn't see clearly: "Who is your Excellency?"

 “Have you ever killed anyone in Renjia Town?”

The old man was shocked: "Are you from Yizhuang?

"It seems you are the one." Qin Yao sneered: "You are so bold, you dare to disturb Tai Sui."

"You two, can you put your grudges aside for a moment?" Mr. Shi looked at them dissatisfied, and his words were inadvertently filled with anger.

Qin Yao glanced at this ignorant thing, pondered for a moment, and actually let go of the folding fan in his hand.

Since this guy’s face has already been brought up, wouldn’t he be losing face if he didn’t beat him?

Mr. Shi, who didn't know the truth, took this as a retreat, and his arrogance resurfaced. He stood up and poked Fei Bao in the chest: "Let me ask you, are you responsible for this matter, or should the tea house be responsible?"

“Master Shi, Mr. Shi.” At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a black dome hat and a black cardigan, with a dough-like face and two mustaches, walked over quickly and greeted him enthusiastically.

“Boss Zhu, you came just in time. I was about to ask you whether it was you who added cockroaches to my tea, or the fat man’s.” Mr. Shi sneered.

Beside him, the white-haired old man gently tugged on his sleeves. When he saw him turning his head to look, he whispered: "Master Shi, forget it."

"Forget it? How can we forget it?" Mr. Shi saw him winking at him and mistakenly thought that he was cooperating with him, so his attitude became harder and harder: "This matter must be made clear today! "

Boss Zhu complained in his heart, and looked at Fei Bao with disgust in his eyes: "A Bao, come and explain to me, what is going on?"

I regret it so much. How could I have done such a stupid thing as getting married?

Abao said honestly: "Father-in-law, I can see clearly that he released the cockroaches himself."

“Don’t call me father-in-law, he’s not even a cursory character yet.” Boss Zhu said sternly: “You mean Mr. Shi framed you?”

“I have nothing to do, so I came here to frame this **** fat man.” Mr. Shi said coldly.

Boss Zhu glared at Fei Bao: "Look at what I do, explain it!"

"Boss Zhu, open your eyes and look, what is that?" Just when Fei Bao was holding back his anger but had no way to vent, Qin Yao suddenly patted Boss Zhu on the back, and the powerful force almost knocked him down. land.

Boss Zhu glanced at Qin Yao's burly and fierce figure, subconsciously shrank his neck, and looked in the direction of his fingers. He happened to see a few big cockroaches desperately crawling out of Mr. Shi's pocket...

"Where did the cockroach come from?" Mr. Shi was so frightened by this scene that he quickly took off his coat and threw it on the table. Countless cockroaches crawled out of his coat and covered the table.

“Mr. Shi, what’s going on with you?”

Boss Zhu was slightly startled, but even so, he did not show the same arrogant attitude toward Fei Bao when facing Mr. Shi.

 Still humble.

“How do I know what is going on, Master???” Mr. Shi asked towards the white-haired old man.

The old man sighed softly: "Didn't I tell you? Forget it, but you just didn't listen to me, so you stepped into someone else's trap."

"Who tricked me?" Mr. Shi glanced at everyone, and suddenly pointed at Qin Yao: "Is it this guy?"


Qin Yao took two steps forward and slapped the guy **** the face with a big hand. He slapped him to the ground with violent force and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Try pointing again. Do you believe I can pull your teeth out with my bare hands?" Qin Yao looked down at him and said coldly.

Mr. Shi’s pupils shrank, but his eyes widened.

 Since childhood, he has lived for more than twenty years, and this is the first time someone has slapped him in the face.

 Does being beaten hurt so much?

The pain was so painful that he almost burst into tears!

"Master..." Mr. Shi stood up from the ground and covered his face, shouting with a trembling voice.

The white-haired old man's eyes narrowed, and he was about to talk to Qin Yao when he suddenly felt something. He looked up and saw a Taoist wearing a yellow Bagua robe and carrying a demon-conquering peach wood sword crossing the threshold and Shi Shiran walked into the teahouse. .

 “Forget it.” The old man’s eyes flashed slightly and he said to Mr. Shi.

Mr. Shi: “…”

This time he understood what the other party meant, but was the slap he received in vain?

"Have you seen the Taoist priest who just came in? He is an evil Taoist, and his spells are vicious and cruel. If you continue to entangle yourself, I'm afraid he will be harmful to you." The old man came close to Mr. Shi's ear and whispered softly. Mr. Shi felt a chill in his heart and secretly wanted to leave, but he couldn't save his face, so he shouted at Fei Bao: "I'll let you go today. I would like to advise you not to walk at night in the future, otherwise you will easily encounter ghosts."

After leaving a harsh word, he did not wait for Fei Bao to respond. He avoided Qin Yao's eyes and waved, "Master, let's go."

Boss Zhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to say goodbye to Mr. Shi, Qin Yao suddenly stopped the two of them and said coldly: "How can it be so easy to leave just after finishing things?"

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I don’t mind.” Boss Zhu said quickly.

 He didn't have the courage to offend Mr. Shi. He didn't care who was right or wrong. He just wanted to get over this matter as soon as possible.

Of course, if Fei Bao was caught and brought to justice, it’s hard to say whether he would still have this peaceful attitude.

“Shut up, you have no place to speak here.” Qin Yao shouted.

 In my teahouse, I don’t have the right to speak? ? ?

Boss Zhu felt bitter, but because of the strong aura displayed by the other party at this moment, he did not dare to refute for a while.

As a teahouse owner, he has seen many kinds of people over the years. He can tell almost at a glance what kind of people can be offended and what kind of people cannot be offended.

 This vicious person is obviously a taboo type!

“If your Excellency insists on stopping us today, the guests in this teahouse will definitely suffer.” The old man said quietly.

Qin Yao's eyes turned cold: "Are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, it's just a simple statement of a fact. Are you right, Taoist Lin?" the old man asked the Taoist who came to Qin Yao's side.

“Qin Yao, the overall situation is the most important thing.” Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice.

 He has been fighting this demon for a long time, and he knows that the opponent has weapons of mass destruction. Once a war breaks out, the entire teahouse may not be spared.

By then, although most of the karma is from demons, he will also have a hard time with his own psychology!

Qin Yao was helpless.

As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. This point is completely invalid for him and Jiu Shu.

 Having been together for several years, he has not been infected with "red", and Uncle Jiu has not been infected with "black".

 Belongs to a state where no one has ever fought against anyone.

“Let’s go.” Seeing Qin Yao compromise, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed Mr. Shi’s arm and walked out.

Qin Yao: "I would like to advise you two, don't walk at night, you will definitely encounter ghosts."

 Old man: “…”

Mr. Shi: “…”

This guy is really determined to retaliate for his anger!

“Sir, Taoist Priest, do you want to sit down and have a cup of tea? I’ll take it!” Boss Zhu’s face changed for a while, then he smiled and said to Qin Yao and Uncle Jiu.

"Why should I invite you? Do you think we can't afford tea?" Qin Yao didn't really have a good impression of this guy and said indifferently.

 Boss Zhu: “…”

“Senior brother, I’m fine, thank you.” Fei Bao said, half touched and half relieved.

He is not stupid, so how could he not know that if Senior Brother Qin were not here today, he would probably get into big trouble, and even his old father-in-law would be disgusted with him!

Qin Yao was still willing to give Fei Bao face, waving his hand and saying: "Forget it...Boss Zhu, go prepare tea."

Boss Zhu wiped the sweat from his forehead and ordered: "Xiaozhu, take care of these guests, I will prepare tea."

Zhu Zhu nodded and said: "Yes, Dad, I will definitely take good care of them...Brother Bao, come with me. I will take you upstairs. It is clean upstairs."

After a while, everyone sat down by a window on the second floor. With the refreshing breeze blowing, Qin Yao asked: "Master, is that old man just now the evil path you were following?"

Uncle Jiu nodded: "Yes, this person is ruthless and has vicious methods. To avoid hurting innocent people, we can't do anything here."

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "Looking at the way he and Mr. Shi are obviously in cahoots, should we go to the house named Shi to ambush, or maybe we can just wait and see?"

Uncle Jiu waved his hand and said: "It's impossible. If he hadn't seen me today, he might still be living in Shi's house, but he was biased against me today. With his cautious temperament, he definitely wouldn't Standing under a dangerous wall."

Qin Yao frowned and asked a more pointed question: "What if he threatens us with the lives of ordinary people every time?"

Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment: "Kindness is not foolishness... This approach is not a foolproof way to save life."

Qin Yao felt at ease: "Speaking of which, today's quarrel is also beneficial. At least it brought him out of the dark and into the light. It seems that Mr. Shi has coveted Zhu Zhu for a long time, and he hates A Bao deeply. He will definitely not That’s it.”

“And you.” Uncle Jiu said, “They hate you no less than they hate Abao.”

Qin Yao chuckled: "That's great. Then I will feel more comfortable when I kill them."

At the entrance of the stairs, Boss Zhu, who had just come up with a tea tray, heard this sentence, and his heart suddenly tightened, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

Now I can be sure that this strong man is a murderous demon without blinking an eye!

Thinking of this, his hands holding the tea tray were trembling.

“Dad, are you okay?” Zhu Zhu saw him first and hurriedly came over to greet him.

"I'm fine." Boss Zhu forced a smile and delivered the tea tray to his daughter: "You can help dad deliver the tea. I have to take care of the business downstairs."

“Boss Zhu, come and have a chat.” Just as Zhu Zhu reached out to take the tea tray, Qin Yao, who was by the window, suddenly waved.

Boss Zhu’s heart skipped a beat, he swallowed, and slowly moved to the tea table: “What are your orders, sir?”

Qin Yao pointed at the fat treasure and said with a smile: "Listen to my brother, he and your Zhu Zhu are married on the fingertips?"

Boss Zhu said boldly: "It was just a joke..."

“You want to regret your marriage?” Qin Yao glared, and a fierce murderous intention immediately locked onto Boss Zhu, causing his buttocks to tremble and the urge to urinate.

“Dad, my daughter is in love with Brother Bao, and she will not marry him unless she is in this life.” Zhu Zhu didn’t know that her old father was almost scared to death. After serving tea to everyone, he immediately turned around and said.

 Boss Zhu: “…”

The elbow of this arm is turned outward.

 The little cotton-padded jacket was exposed to the wind.

"No, I mean, it's okay to get married, but the bride price must at least be prepared first?" Boss Zhu said with difficulty.

 “What do you want as a betrothal gift?” Qin Yao asked.

Boss Zhu thought for a while and said: "For your sake, I will not embarrass him. I will give you sixty catties of gift cakes, sixty catties of mushrooms, sixty catties of lotus seeds, six hundred chickens, and six hundred fishes." That’s it.”

“Dad, this is not a problem for you!” Zhu Zhu said, “It’s not like you don’t know the situation at Brother Bao’s family. If you want to take out so many things, you can only sell the ancestral home.”

"If you don't tell me, I have forgotten. I have to add one more thing. She must have a decent job. Otherwise, if my daughter follows you in the future, won't she have to eat chaffy vegetables and live in poverty?" Boss Zhu said with his palm. .

 Zhu Zhu: “…”

A bitter look appeared on Fei Bao's face, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Qin Yao’s mouth corners slightly raised, trying his best to suppress a smile on his face.

This kind of plot is what he likes the most, of course, not because of any quirks, but because the beauty of a gentleman has some shady virtues!

 He has helped Shi'er and Ai Yun before, so he has rich experience in this regard.

"That's all...there are no other requirements, right?" Qin Yao confirmed.

 Boss Zhu: “???”

 Faibao: “???”

 Except for Uncle Jiu, everyone else was also stunned.

 The use of the word "jiu" is very spiritual.

 “That’s it, nothing else.” After a long time, Boss Zhu said with a strange expression.

Qin Yao nodded, took out Jinlan's pocket, unsealed it, took out a gold bar and placed it in front of Fei Bao: "Is this enough?"

Fat Bao was dumbfounded.

 Boss Zhu almost stared out of his eyes.

"It seems not enough." Qin Yao murmured to himself, took out another one, and piled it on top of the gold bar: "Two, are they enough?"

 Faibao: “…”

Uncle Jiu looked up at the sky speechlessly.

 It started again.

 This thing has started again.

 Has a habit of throwing money at people.

 The perverted thing is that he hits it accurately every time!

"If two are not enough, then three." Qin Yao took out a gold bar again, piled it on top of the gold bar, and said with a smile.

Faibao seemed to be struck by lightning, and he suddenly woke up: "That's enough, that's enough, but how can I ask for your money?"

Qin Yao laughed: "There is a man named Shi'er who said the same thing as you."

 Faibao: “???”

 “Then what happened to him?” Zhu Zhu couldn’t help but ask.

 “I lived a life without shame or impatience with his wife.” Qin Yao replied with a half-smile.

 Zhu Zhu: “…”

 His face suddenly turned red.

Boss Zhu looked at the three gold bars almost greedily. He wanted to say that I don't want those betrothal gifts, just give me the gold bars. But the only reason left in his mind told him that if he really said that, he might end up in a different situation. So good…

 Money is very important.

  But it is obviously not a pleasant thing to have a life to earn life flowers.

“Stop beeping too much, just take it first. If it’s not enough, ask me for it. I’m so poor that I only have money left.” Qin Yao said to Fei Bao with a serious look on his face.

 Faibao: “…”

Why do you want to laugh and cry at the same time?

 “Brother, I’m afraid I can’t afford it!”

Qin Yao thought for a while and said, "Then sell your life to me."

Fei Bao's face immediately became serious and he said solemnly: "Senior brother, I have taken these three gold bars from you. From today on, my life, Hong Xiaobao's, will be yours."

 Chin Yao: “…”

Even though we know that human life is despicable in this era, this guy is still the hero of the story after all!

 Three gold bars bought a male protagonist who can fight hard and has great potential for development. This is a shady business...

I like!

"Drink tea, drink tea. After drinking tea, we will go buy the betrothal gift." Not long after, Qin Yao came back to his senses and said with a smile.

“Um...can I say something first?” Boss Zhu suddenly asked.

"As long as the order is not changed overnight, you can say it." Qin Yao responded.

Boss Zhu paused slightly: "I want to say that before buying a betrothal gift, Fei...A Bao must first have a decent job. Otherwise, even if the betrothal gift is given, I will not hand over my daughter."

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said with a smile: "This matter is easy to solve. Abao, take the money and buy the building next door, and imitate your old father-in-law to open a teahouse. By the way, you should be familiar with Zhu Zhu. Let’s go through the process of the tea house. When the time comes, I will directly become the proprietress and coordinate the affairs of the tea house.”

 Boss Zhu was dumbfounded.

 Fuck you.

 Is this serious?

Seeing that his father's face turned green, Zhu Zhu didn't know why. Not only did he have no sympathy, but he even wanted to laugh: "I understand the operation process of the tea house."

 Boss Zhu: “…”

This little cotton-padded jacket is not ventilated, it has a knife hidden inside~

 Fortunately, Fei Bao was a kind person and said, "It's okay to open a teahouse. It's okay to open a restaurant. Then I can ask my father-in-law to send a few people to make tea in the restaurant, and all the income will go to the teahouse."

 Boss Zhu’s mind moved and he thought to himself: What a great idea!

But for now everything is still verbal, and he didn't show any joy about it.

 “Can you cook?” Qin Yao asked suspiciously.

"I'm not good at cooking, but I know a few master chefs who cook excellent food." Fei Bao said confidently.

Qin Yao nodded: "If you have a goal and a direction, then do it boldly. Don't be afraid of failure, let alone making mistakes. I can guide you through it."

Fei Bao looked moved, and suddenly understood what it felt like in the play, "A scholar dies for a confidant"!

After all, he doesn’t know that he is the hero in this story, nor does he know his potential. He even doesn’t know the purpose of Qin Yao’s adult beauty.

From his perspective, the other person is not close to him, but he supports him unconditionally financially and spiritually. What the **** is this? He is a noble person!

“Senior brother, don’t worry, I will definitely achieve results.” Fei Bao said with firm eyes.

Seeing him speaking like a senior brother and shouting so fluently, Uncle Jiu suddenly started to doubt his life.

It seems like you haven’t agreed to take him in yet, right?

 At the end of the day, will Qin Yao, the bastard, come to act as a teacher and accept a disciple?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was something Qin Yao could do...

 A few days later.

With the sound of a string of crackling firecrackers, Hong's Restaurant next to Zhu's Teahouse officially opened for business.

Fei Bao was wearing new clothes. After Qin Yao's suggestion, Fei Bao saw the four newly recruited girls holding menus in front of the restaurant to solicit customers. He asked softly: "Brother, is this possible? The restaurant is not a brothel. In my case, In my impression, only brothels attract customers like this.”

 “You know nothing!”

Qin Yao sat at a table with a firm look on his face: "Even if it takes two hundred years, this method of solicitation will still be effective. Having said that, apart from the difference in the essence of the service between a restaurant and a brothel, is there any difference in the essence of the service? Don't they both? Is it to meet people’s physical needs?”

 Faibao: “…”

I admit.

you're right!

 (End of this chapter)

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