I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 313: My mind is broken!

Chapter 313: My mentality is broken!

 “I’ll give you one last chance, will you obey or not?”

 Suburban ruins.

Shi kicked forward and kicked away the old lady who rushed at her again, and pointed the mahogany sword at Wang Xiaohong, who was lying limply on the ground.

"God, I'm afraid I won't be able to repay the kindness you bestowed upon me. I would like to turn my remaining soul into a blessing, and wish you can reach the top of the gods soon." Xiaohong tried her best to sit up cross-legged, holding her hands together, holding the joints of her two thumbs together. Place it in the center of your eyebrows and recite silently.

"If you still pray to God and worship Buddha at this time, should I say you are ridiculous, or should I say you are ignorant?" Shi Qianqian laughed and said, "Even if there is a God in the world, there are tens of millions of God's followers. If he can spare no effort, Responding to every believer, doesn’t the so-called **** become a slave to believers? "

Xiao Hong turned a deaf ear to his clamor, and was already prepared to face the situation of being wiped out in ashes.

"I'm curious, you are a ghost, which **** do you worship? Buddhism, Taoism, heaven, or the gods of the underworld." Now that the situation was under control, Shi Xiangqian was no longer in a hurry and asked with interest.

"it's me…"

A cold voice suddenly sounded from outside the door, like a voice from hell, which made Shi Xiangqian feel a chill in his heart.

Hands the wooden sword tightly, suddenly turns around, only to see a tall figure like a demon crossing the threshold and slowly walking towards him.

"It's you!"

A trace of panic flashed across Shi Qianqian's face, and he quickly jumped in front of Xiao Hong, who was full of surprise. The tip of his sword was suspended above her heart, and he shouted to Qin Yao: "I'm warning you, don't come over, and take another step forward. I will stab this female ghost to death.”

Qin Yao paused and said calmly: "Xiao Wenjun, go and guard outside the gate. If you see my master, please don't come in."

 A black shadow emerged from the ground, Pinpin Tingting, floating out of the room...

Shi Xiangqian suddenly felt uneasy in his heart and forced a smile: "Mr. Qin, to be honest, I am here today to resolve the grievances between us."

"It's time to settle it." Qin Yao nodded and agreed.

Shi's breath was stagnant as he moved forward, and fear flooded his body like a tide: "Mr. Qin, you may have heard wrong. What I said was resolution, not resolution."

"You heard me right, I said closure." Qin Yao asked, "Which one do you prefer, beheaded with a thousand cuts or beaten to death?"

Shi trembled forward, and the tip of the sword pressed down a few inches, almost sticking to Xiao Hong's body, and said fiercely: "You understand, it's me who has the hostage in my hand now!"

“You threaten me with this?” Qin Yao laughed dumbly. With a flick of his finger, a stream of pale golden Qi came out of his body and shot towards Shi Qianqian’s chest.


Shi Xiangqian clearly saw this beam of golden light, but his body could not keep up with the reaction speed of his eyes. He was instantly knocked up and his back hit the mottled wall hard. He fell to the ground and coughed up blood.

Qin Yao came to Xiao Hong, whose body was extremely illusory, took out the magic spirit bead, and called out in a low voice: "Red and white demons."

Two rays of light, one red and one white, flew out from the magic bead, manifesting into a bright red ghost in wedding clothes and a cold white ghost in mourning clothes.

 “Save her life.” Qin Yao pointed at Xiao Hong and said.

Ersha nodded silently, lifted him up from left to right, and took him aside.

"Have you thought about it?" Qin Yao broke off a table leg and walked to the corner step by step to the rhythm of Shi Qianqian's heartbeat.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, don't kill me!" Shi Qianqian endured the severe pain in his chest, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed frantically.

 “If an apology helps…”


 Qin Yao hit Shi Qianqian on the head with a stick. Looking at the blood gurgling from his head, he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I?"

“Madman, you madman!” While wailing, Shi moved forward and covered his head tightly with both hands, but blood still flowed out from the space between his palms, staining his eyes red.

“Bang.” Qin Yao hit his hands with a stick. The powerful force directly broke the opponent’s hand bones, connecting his fingers to his heart. The severe pain almost made him faint.

“I’m sorry, please forgive me?” Qin Yao said sincerely.

"Damn it, you bastard, you devil, you will eventually be punished!" Shi Xiangqian said crazily.


Qin Yao slapped him in the face with a stick, forcibly interrupting his insults: "You want to use your apology to make me forgive you, so why don't you accept my apology and forgive me?"

“Master, Master, save me!” Shi Xiangqian roared almost desperately: “You promised to save me!”

 In fact.

The white-haired wizard did come, but he was stopped outside the ruins by a person...

"Lin Jiu, you claim to be righteous, but your direct disciples commit atrocities in front of you. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"I don't think so." Uncle Jiu shook his head: "Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will lead to righteous results, and you will be worthy of your heart and become the right path. Some people really deserve to be killed. When it is time to kill, you can't be indecisive and be dragged down by common names."

"Don't change your focus." The white-haired wizard emphasized: "Deserving killing and cruel killing are completely different things. Listen to the miserable howls coming from the ruins. This is naked cruelty and harms the peace of the world."

Uncle Jiu sighed: "After all, you still underestimate me."

The white-haired wizard frowned: "I have never dared to lower my guard against you from the beginning to the end, so why should I take you lightly?"

"That's not what I'm talking about." Uncle Jiu said, "What I'm saying is that you imagine me as a rigid, foolish, ignorant, and narrow-minded person."

 The white-haired wizard: “…”

After being speechless for a long time, he said sharply: "Leave aside the last two points, aren't you a rigid and foolish person?

Even the disciple you want to protect has sent a female ghost to stop you and refuse to let you see the scene of him killing others...

Have you ever thought about why he did this? Isn’t he afraid that you would ruin his good deeds? "

Uncle Jiu said calmly: "A sinister person sees other people as sinister, and thinks in the most sinister direction about everything. After thinking about it, no matter how I think about it, I feel that he does this just because he doesn't want to embarrass me."

 The white-haired wizard: “…”

Aren't you still afraid that you will stop him from killing someone? !

 The strange thing is that the two of them are obviously talking about the same thing, but after saying it in different languages, they have completely different meanings.

"I think you just think too much and move yourself." Taking a long breath, the white-haired wizard sneered: "Your apprentice used the same method Shi Xiangqian used to deal with others. Shi Xiangqian's behavior is evil. Your apprentice Isn’t his behavior evil?”

“You mean, Shi Xiangqian beat people to death before?” Uncle Jiu asked.

 The white-haired wizard: “…”

 Is this the point?

 Can you focus on the key points?

 If you can’t speak, don’t speak!

"Why is it so difficult to communicate with you?" The white-haired wizard gritted his teeth: "I mean, your apprentice is a villain!"

Uncle Jiu: "I never said he was a good person!"

 The white-haired wizard: “…”

"I mean, if others do evil, you have to do justice for heaven. If your apprentice does evil, you applaud him. What kind of righteousness is this?"

Uncle Jiu: "When did I finish clapping my hands?"

 The white-haired wizard: “…”

 Nai Gong’s mentality is broken! !

 (End of this chapter)

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