I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 317: Uncle Feng: From now on, I am no longer alone (4000)

Chapter 317 Uncle Feng: No longer alone (4000)

 In the evening of that day.

Dayu Tea House.

 Qin Yao and Uncle Feng sat face to face in front of a table at the railing on the second floor. On the square table were a white teapot, two white porcelain bowls, and several plates of melon and fruit snacks.

“The skin is pale, the eyes are dull, the face is dull, and the limbs are rigid...it’s a walking corpse.” Uncle Feng picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then secretly glanced at the girl in the corner of the first floor.

"That's right."

 Qin Yao ate the nuts leisurely and said calmly: "This means that the clue given by Section Chief Yang is correct. If you dig along this clue, you should be able to dig out a big melon."

“How will we divide the work later?” Uncle Feng asked.

“You and I follow this walking corpse. As for the vicious buyers, Yang Kun will take care of them.” Qin Yao said.

Uncle Feng nodded silently and said with hatred: "Using living people to refine walking corpses and using the hands of walking corpses to sell drugs. The mastermind behind this case is really crazy!"

Qin Yao patted the crumbs on his hand, filled his mouth with tea, swallowed it with a gulp, and suddenly felt comfortable: "Evils appear in troubled times, and the world is not peaceful now. So the demons and ghosts stand together with people. When it reached the wind outlet, it was forcibly blown up by the wind outlet, and the demons danced wildly. "

Uncle Feng nodded silently, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he stared downstairs: "The buyer is here."

When Qin Yao heard the news, he saw a tall man wearing a gray gown and a gray straw hat, walking like the wind, sitting opposite the walking corpse. He gently placed a portable wooden box on the table and pushed it to the walking corpse. before.

The zombie raised a hand and placed it gently on the wooden box. He seemed to be able to sense the amount of silver coins through a layer of wood. He nodded slightly, picked up the wooden box and walked out.

The tall man reached out and pulled the wooden box she left in front of him, opened it a crack and took a look, then a smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, the railing on the second floor was empty. There was only a brand new silver dollar placed on the base of an upside-down tea bowl...

 After half a stick of incense.

Qin Yao and Uncle Feng chased the walking corpse to a city village full of alleys. As they walked, they saw many old men and women sitting on the horses in front of their respective gates, looking at them with an inexplicable expression.

“You two, do you want a girl?” As we were walking, a woman wearing a scarf suddenly struck up a conversation.

Qin Yao didn't squint his eyes and walked straight forward; Uncle Feng didn't react for a moment... What do you mean you want a girl?

 Human trafficking?

Until he saw a group of scantily clad women standing in front of different doors and waving at them, he suddenly realized: "Mr. Qin, doesn't the Public Security Department care about this kind of thing?"

"If you don't take care of it, many people will starve to death." Qin Yao said without looking back: "Etiquette, justice, integrity and shame are only discussed after you can wear warm clothes and have enough food. Who cares about those things when you are about to starve to death?"

Uncle Feng: “…”

Following the walking corpse all the way to a courtyard, Qin Yao turned over his hand and pulled out the God-Zhanping Sword, and jumped onto the wall.

In the Japanese-style living room, a beautiful woman with a long black dress and an enchanting face suddenly turned her head and looked out the door, her thin lips parted lightly: "Kill."

   "brush, brush, brush."

In the courtyard, as soon as Qin Yao's feet landed, a group of ronin wearing black masked samurai uniforms and holding bright black samurai swords rushed out from different rooms and surrounded him.

Qin Yao turned over his hand and took out the magic spirit bead, summoned the red and white demons, and ordered: "Kill without mercy!"

The red and white demons immediately turned into red and white flying streams, carrying an awe-inspiring murderous aura, and crashed into all the ronin.

Qin Yao's figure flashed, escaped to the wooden door facing left and right, and pushed open the wooden door with one hand.

 “Who are you?” The gorgeous woman raised her eyes slightly, revealing her face like a work of art.

"Maoshan, Shijian." Qin Yao asked seriously: "Are you controlling the ghosts and poisonous people in the city?"

"So be it." The corners of the pretty woman's mouth raised slightly: "What are you going to do with me, Mr. Shi?"

 After confirming the identity of the female boss, Qin Yao's heart dropped back into his stomach.

how to say…

Compared with the first four "Mr. Zombie", "Exorcist Police" is more focused on detective work and comedy, supplemented by a little love element. Most of the space has nothing to do with gods and ghosts, but detective work and comedy are the most important to Qin Yao. Like tasteless, no, not even as good as tasteless!

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, he had no idea of ​​​​looking for the second male lead "Officer Lin" and the third male lead "Officer 2237". He found Uncle Feng because Uncle Feng is the protagonist, and he needs to rely on the protagonist's luck to succeed...

The result did not disappoint him. Under the influence of the protagonist's luck, they easily found the mastermind. The only thing they need to pay attention to now is that they cannot let him go.

The protagonist who cannot be killed is acceptable, but the villain who cannot be killed is too much!

“Xiao Wenjun, seal this room.” Qin Yao ordered.

On the wooden floor, the black shadow in his shadow shook, as if in response.

“Are you so sure you can beat me?” The beautiful woman sneered, and before changing her hands, the index finger and **** of her right hand were clasped together, with a slender silver needle like an ice crystal in the middle.


The gorgeous woman flicked her middle finger, and the ice crystal silver needle made a crisp sound, stabbing Qin Yao's throat silently and at an extremely fast speed.


Qin Yao's eyes were like cold lightning, and his long knife was like the wind. He struck the silver needle heavily with one strike. The blade was exactly the same as the tip of the needle. In an instant, the silver needle shattered into slag.

 “This knife of yours feels like I’ve seen it before somewhere before.” The gorgeous woman murmured.


Uncle Feng jumped into the room, holding a palm-sized bronze mirror with runes on the back in his right hand. He pressed the sword finger of his left hand **** the back of the bronze mirror. A beam of golden light flew out from the bronze mirror and shot out. To a gorgeous woman.

The gorgeous woman reached out and took out a chrysanthemum from under the table, and threw it to Uncle Feng. With a bang, the golden light emitted from the bronze mirror shattered the pale yellow daisy, but was also annihilated in the chrysanthemum debris.


The gorgeous woman flicked a silver needle towards Uncle Feng. Uncle Feng changed his gestures, and the bronze mirror emitted golden light, blowing up the flying silver needle!

Qin Yao planted the soles of his feet on the ground, rose into the air, and spun in the air. A slash carrying his own weight rushed towards the opponent's body like lightning.

The gorgeous woman opened her mouth and screamed, and the sound waves turned into waves, which were actually visible to the naked eye, one layer after another, making the blade that seemed to carry the power of heaven and earth slow down.

Uncle Feng bit his index finger and pressed the blood on the back of the bronze mirror in his hand. The back of the mirror swallowed up his blood, and the mirror suddenly emitted a beam of light, heading straight towards the beautiful woman.

The gorgeous woman reacted quickly, avoiding her body like a fleeting light. As she turned around in mid-air, countless ice crystal silver needles and light yellow daisies flew out of her body one after another, shooting towards the two of them.

 “Bang, bang, bang.”

Qin Yao moved forward against the attack, swung his sword like a curtain, blocking all the silver needles and petals, his steps were firm and heavy.

Uncle Feng waved his arms rapidly, and an afterimage appeared on his arm. The golden light of the bronze mirror formed a golden circle, crushing all attacks.


The gorgeous woman turned over her hands and took out two black stones, smashed them on the ground, and tried to escape amid the sudden rise of white smoke!

However, until the white smoke was blown away by Qin Yao in one breath, her figure still stubbornly stayed in place.

The gorgeous woman looked down and saw that the floor looked like grass, covered with countless black hairs.

"Edict." Qin Yao stretched out his hand and touched the divine sword. The long sword suddenly turned into a black light and came to the beautiful woman's chest in an instant.

At the critical moment, a chrysanthemum flew out from her chest and blocked the blade.

"Pfft." The blade cut through Huang Ju, but it was stuck for a moment. The beautiful female body turned into an afterimage. She narrowly avoided the flying long knife. She waved her sleeves and countless silver needles shot out across the sky. Head straight towards Qin Yao.

 “Don’t be arrogant.”

Uncle Feng held the bronze mirror with both hands, and golden light beams flew out of the mirror again. As he quickly swung his arms, the golden light beams knocked down silver needles all over the sky.



No matter how fast the beautiful woman is, she can't escape the sweep of the light beam. Whenever the golden light shines on her, white smoke will fly out. In the blink of an eye, the originally gorgeous woman turns into a monster with a ferocious face. Roaring again and again.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

At this time, the red and white demons who had defeated the wanderers in the courtyard flew into the house and launched a brazen attack on the humanoid monster!

 After thirty rounds.

The humanoid monster's body strength was exhausted. Qin Yao took the right opportunity, escaped to the opponent's ground, and cut off its head with a knife. With a squeaking sound, black blood spurted out from the monster's neck, and its broken body fell down.

A trace of golden light appeared in Qin Yao's eyes, and he looked at the monster's body, but what puzzled him was that there was no soul in the monster's body.

What's happening here?

 Golem, zombie, or the legendary witch?

“Have you seen her soul?” Qin Yao blinked, his eyes returned to normal, and he pointed at the headless corpse and asked the red and white evil spirits.

 All the evil spirits shook their heads in unison.

"This is strange." Qin Yao frowned.

"Could it be that she sacrificed her soul to the evil **** in order to gain power? Or maybe she practiced some kind of evil magic to unite the soul and soul, and the soul was refined into the body." Uncle Feng said softly.

 “As long as she is not a puppet.” Qin Yao said quietly.

In his memory, the female boss Fuso is the final boss in Exorcist Police. If there are any changes, it will definitely be out of scope.

It's all over the top, and grasping the context of the story becomes a fool's errand!

"Whether it is yes or no, we will know in two days." Uncle Feng exhaled a breath and whispered.

Qin Yao nodded: "Go to the police station, ask someone to collect the body, and check if there are any drug addicts in this house."

“Yes, Mr. Qin.” Uncle Feng cupped his hands and said.

 A few hours later.


Alian held a popsicle in her hand and walked briskly to the door of the police station.

 Historically, in 1904, more than ten years ago, a British businessman opened the first mechanical ice factory in China, named Heli Ice Factory.

In 1906, Jewish businessmen discovered huge business opportunities and began to invest in opening ice cream factories, democratizing ice cream.

 The Republic of China was not as far away from modern times as later generations imagined, nor was it as backward as they imagined.

Of course, it is certain that the people are poor. In troubled times, the people are the most miserable...

“Stop!” In front of the police station, two guards guarding the door crossed their spears and stopped the girl.

“Hello, brothers, I’m looking for someone.” Alian swallowed the popsicle in one gulp and said with a smile.

 “Who are you looking for?”

 “Feng Siping, who just came to report today,” said Alian.

“Feng Siping?!” A guard suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Alian and said, “Who are you?”

“I am his niece.” Alian smiled and said, “You also know my uncle’s name? Didn’t he just come to the police station to report? How can he still be so well-known?”

"Your uncle is so lucky. He has made great achievements as soon as he came to the police station to report. Now the Public Security Department is holding a commendation meeting. He is probably going to be promoted." The guard said with envy.

Alian’s eyes lit up and she said happily: “Brother, can I go in and have a look?”

"Of course... no!" The guard waved his hand: "If there is no instruction from the superior, or someone comes out to take you in, otherwise we cannot give you passage."

“Then can you inform my uncle for me?” Alaian begged.

The guard felt soft and said: "That's okay, but he is receiving commendation now, and I may not be able to receive it."

"It's okay, you just go. If that doesn't work, I'll wait outside for him to get off work." Alian said.

 Public Security Section Office Building, Large Conference Hall.

Yang Kun, wearing a black Chinese tunic suit, stood upright on the podium in front of a group of police officers and said in a deep voice: "In this assault mission, Comrade Feng Siping single-handedly killed 16 Fuso warriors and seized more than 30 kilograms of poisonous drugs.

 Listen clearly, it’s kilograms, not liang, let alone grams. The harvest is remarkable!

If you have meritorious rewards, you must have been punished for a long time.

Now in front of all the police officers, I solemnly announce that Comrade Feng Siping has been promoted to the rank of second-level police sergeant in the Public Security Division. Please welcome Comrade Feng Siping to the stage to deliver a speech. "

After saying this, Yang Kun took the lead in applauding.


 With the leadership of the leader, there was thunderous applause among the police officers below.

 Amidst the flowers and applause, Uncle Feng seemed to be stepping on the clouds. He stepped onto the podium lightly and lightly, and drifted to Yang Kun's side. Looking at those complicated eyes, he felt mixed feelings in his heart...

Hasn’t he achieved this level of merit before?


 And more than once!

 But just because he has no backing or background in the police force, all the credit in the group tasks belongs to others, and all the blame belongs to him.

Therefore, in the movie, Officer Ma, played by Wu Ma, said to the second male officer, Officer Lin: Uncle Feng is quick to handle cases, quick to catch thieves, and quick to take the blame, so much so that he got the nickname "tornado" and his future was completely wiped out. …

But now, when he has a background, the credit he has made is his own credit, and he will have the so-called exceptional promotion.

The police have been hiding in the sea for many years, and he can see it too clearly.

 Hence, he felt heartfelt gratitude to the person who gave all the credit to himself and brought him flowers and applause.

From now on, no one can take credit for his achievements.

From then on, no one dared to underestimate him.

From now on, no one dares to say that a policeman is not a policeman or a Taoist priest is not a Taoist priest.

 In this police force that eats people but never spits out their bones.

 He finally has a backer!

“Police Officer Feng, tell me how you feel now.” After a long time, when the applause had subsided, Yang Kun said with a friendly smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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