I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 335: The father is more valuable than the son (4000, added for Duanjun Shangyu

Chapter 335 Father is more valuable than son (4000, extra for Duanjun Shangyu!)

"On the first day of the new year, please wait here for a while, I will go and come back."

In the crowd, Fifteen stood like a follower. He tightened the rope binding the holy sword on his chest and said to the fat man who was about to sit down and eat.

"What are you going to do?" Chu Yi grabbed his arm with a nervous look on his face: "I'm warning you, don't go crazy thinking about being famous. This is not a place for you to mess around. If you get angry..."


Fifteen forced his arm back and said dissatisfied: "Do you think I am a fool? I would cause trouble in a place like this!"

Chushi put down his arms and advised hard: "You think you are not causing trouble, but what you do may not be reflected in the eyes of others. It is best not to do anything, so you can avoid a lot of trouble."

"You may not get anything if you do it, but you won't get anything if you don't do it." Shi Fifteen turned around and strode forward without hesitation: "Brother, this may be my only chance."

With small eyes wide open, she stared at his leaving figure. After all, Chu Yi was worried and chased after him.

 “Senior Brother Qin…”

 The goal of the fifteenth day is very clear, and he goes straight to Qin Yao.

 “Who are you?” Qin Yao turned sideways and looked directly at the other person, inexplicably feeling that this face was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"You don't know me, my name is Shiwu, the current successor of the Mayi sect." Shiwu said with a smile.

After his master left, he made a living by working as a busboy in the inn over the years. His social status was extremely humble, it could even be said that he was as humble as the earth, and his apologetic smile almost became a mask on his face.

 “The fifteenth year of the Mayi sect…”

Qin Yao suddenly remembered an old movie and asked: "Do you have a senior brother named Chu Yi?"

“Have you heard of the names of our senior brothers?” Fifteen’s face was full of surprise.

 It seems like it is an honor to be known by Senior Brother Qin!

“I have indeed heard of it.” Thinking of the big BOSS Ksitigarbha Ghost King in “The Legend of Mai”, Qin Yao said kindly: “Do you have a problem with me?”

Fifteen nodded, quickly took off the long knife from his back, held the handle of the knife with both hands, and respectfully carried it forward: "Senior Brother Qin, I am here to present the knife!"

“Fifteen, are you crazy?”

In front of the palace gate, Chu Yi, who had planned to wait and see what happened, suddenly became furious and rushed over to grab the handle of the knife.

“Senior brother, this is my sword.” Fifteen frowned and said seriously.

"This is not your sword, it is the holy sword of Maimen." Chu Yi resisted the urge to beat the other party violently, and gritted his teeth: "In other words, you only have the right to use this sword, but not the right to dispose of it."

“Stop arguing, you two come with me.”

Qin Yao nodded towards the old master, stood up, hooked the two brothers' necks, and slipped them out of Yuanfu Palace like chickens.

“Speaking of which, what’s going on with you two?”

 All the way to the back mountain, Qin Yao found a secluded place and let go of the two of them.

Fifteen knelt down on one knee, held the handle of the knife and cupped his fist, saying: "Brother Qin, I want to make a living with you."

"What about you?" Qin Yao turned to look at Chu Yi.

“I’m not, I just came with him.” Chu Yi said firmly.

“Why do you want to work with me?” Looking at Shishi’s face at close range, Qin Yao finally thought about where the familiarity came from...

Nan Xia Zhan Zhao’s face is the same style. Not to mention a 100% replica, it’s at least 90% like it.

 “I want to get ahead.”

Fifteen did not dare to show off in front of Qin Yao, and said honestly: "Only when you have money can you marry Fu Rong."

Qin Yao remembered that in the movie, Furong was a girl from the medical clinic who fell in love with Shi Qi: "There are many ways to get ahead, why would you choose to work for me?"

"I can't find any other way." Now that he had made his decision calmly, Fifteen decided to make the decision calmly: "As long as I can find a good way to make a fortune, I won't have to work as a busboy in an inn for so many years."

 Qin Yao laughed.

This is very simple to say.

"The sword in your hand is the holy sword of your Mai sect. I can't take it away. But because you are brave enough, I will give you a chance to stay with me for a few days. After a few days, I will arrange another for you. For a job, if nothing else, it’s okay to at least save some money for the betrothal gift.”

 Fifteen was overjoyed. He knelt on his knees and kowtowed sincerely: "Thank you, Senior Brother Qin."

 Qin Yao waved his hand, took out a handful of oceans from his pocket, and handed it to the other party: "Open your hands and catch it."

"No, no, I can't take your money at will. I won't be rewarded for no merit." Shi Shi said quickly.

 “Stop talking nonsense, kowtow to me is not in vain, if I ask you to continue, you can continue.” Qin Yao shouted in a low voice.

Fifteen did not dare to bite his tongue and spread his hands. Qin Yao took advantage of the situation and put a whole handful of ocean into his palms.

 Looking carefully on the first day of the year, this handful of ocean cost at least 20 yuan.

 Twenty yuan...what is the concept?

In their town, three wives would be more than enough...

 In other words, it doesn’t matter if you kneel down on the fifteenth day, you can just kneel down and pay the betrothal gift money that was a big problem in the past. Why do you need to wait until later?

Thinking of this, Chuyi's feet went weak, and he knelt down with a bang, grinning from the pain in his knees.

“You want to follow me too?” Qin Yao asked.

On the first day of the new year, I couldn’t save my face. I even knelt down, but I was so stubborn: “No, no, I just stood for too long, and my feet are a little weak.”

Qin Yao was speechless.

 It’s strange that he believed such a poor excuse!

He reached into another pocket, grabbed a handful of ocean, and handed it to the fat man: "Open your hand."

"I'm really not." Chu Yi kept licking his lips, feeling as if a cat had scratched him.

 He is also a poor boy who came from poverty. When his stomach cramps due to hunger, he can even stuff dirt into his mouth.

The temptation of more than twenty ocean coins is simply fatal to him!

"Fifteen, he's too embarrassed to take it. You can keep it for him first..." Qin Yao put his hand holding Dayang in front of Shishi.

 “Yes, Senior Brother Qin.” Fifteen spread his hands again.

"You are not disciples of Maoshan, and Maoshan and Mayi sect are not from the same sect. It is not appropriate to call me senior brother. From now on, you can call me brother Yao, or you can just call me big brother." Qin Yao let go of Dayang Road.

 “Brother Yao.” Fifteen shouted without thinking.

The first day of the month struggled for a moment, until he was bumped by Shi Shi with his elbow, and then he shouted in a low voice: "Brother Yao."

Thinking of the famous scene in the movie where the fat man wanted to eat at someone else's house but couldn't save his face, Qin Yao couldn't help laughing and waved his hand: "I still have to go to the front to socialize, so I won't accompany you to say anything else. You guys will wait for me here tonight. , I have something to explain.”

 “Yes.” The first and fifteenth day of the lunar month said at the same time.

 After Qin Yao left.

Chushi stood up from the ground quickly and stretched out his palm towards Shishi: "Ocean."

“You don’t want it, don’t you?” Fifteen stood up, half-smiling.

“I was being polite to Brother Yao, do I still need to be polite to you?” Chu Yi said confidently.

Fifteen hesitated slightly, dumbfounded: "You really don't need to be polite to me."

 The two have been dependent on each other for many years. They are not relatives, but more than relatives.

“Weigh these oceans.” Fifteen handed a handful of oceans into his hand and said with a smile.

Chushi moved his hands: "What then?"

 “Now do you still think my fantasy is unrealistic?” asked Shi Fifteen.

Chushi pursed his lips and said, "I'm wondering if we have sold ourselves."

Fifteen sneered and said, "I'm not belittling myself. Do you think the two of us together are worth ten dollars?"

The first day of junior high school: "..." "Senior brother, this opportunity is hard to come by. We must firmly grasp it in our hands."

Fifteen said with firm eyes: "We brothers have been poor for so many years, waited for so many years, and endured for so many years, and finally got such an opportunity to change our destiny. No matter how high the price is, we can't let go easily. You don’t want to go back to the miserable days of being hungry and eating dirt, right?”

Recalling the scene of nearly starving to death in the past, I shuddered suddenly on the first day of the new year!

 He never wants to live that kind of life again...

When a person has no money, no ability, and no ability, he is surrounded by weird people, sarcastic people, mischievous people, disdainful people, people who add insult to injury, people who step on you and even spit on you. There is nothing you can't think of, and there is nothing that others can't do. of.

  When you become famous, powerful, capable and prestigious, the weirdos around you will disappear immediately. Don't worry about whether those people will curse behind your back, all you see when you look up are smiling faces.

 It is human nature to follow the trend of others.

  Even…it has nothing to do with good or evil.

Qin Yao was sitting at the round table with the highest level in Yuanfu Palace. On the left was the smiling old master, and on the right was the elder of Maoshan's Chuan Gong. From time to time, someone would come over with a smile on his face to toast, with a low attitude and a relaxed waist. Also very low.

 Obviously no one announced anything.

Even this time was not like the last time. The old head personally praised Qin Yao and gave him the title of chief in public.


Even the guests present can clearly feel that Qin Yao's status in Wai Mao has been raised to a new height.

It can be said that as long as Zhang Siming does not step down, even if he is domineering and evil, Maoshan will probably turn a blind eye!

 Compared to the foreign guests, the Maoshan disciples felt more deeply...

 Elder Shi Jian himself did not come, but all the disciples of Shi Jian's family came, which revealed a lot of information.

The most important point is that Shi Jian was convinced.

 In other words, avoid the edge for the time being!

 Eating and drinking, the day passed quickly.

Like last time, the old master stopped all those who wanted to build relationships for Qin Yao, and left the huge Yuanfu Palace to the master and apprentice...

 “You are too popular.” Sitting at the round table, Uncle Jiu said with worry.

There is still another sentence that he did not say: What flourishes must decline!

"I know." Qin Yao's cheeks were red and his breath was filled with the smell of alcohol: "I won't live in the future anymore. I will settle down for a while. If it is not necessary, I will not come here easily again, let alone stay in Maoshan any longer. "

Uncle Jiu took a sip of tea and said softly: "I'm afraid the old boss won't let you get what you want..."

 “He can’t control me anymore.” Qin Yao said the truth.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "What's going on with the Punishment Department? Although the borrowed external force is useful, it is not your own after all, and you cannot put the cart before the horse."

The corner of Qin Yao's mouth twitched: "Looking at what Heavenly Master wants, he is determined to recognize me as his sister-in-law. I have already repaid what I owe Maoshan, but it is difficult to repay this favor to him!"

 The higher the status of Si Ming.

  This favor is more serious.

Even if Qin Yao had no idea before, after this celebration, he had some understanding.

  "Is this what you are saying, a little reluctant?" Uncle Jiu said, "Why do I feel that you are a little ungrateful?"

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "Soft rice without love tastes like chewing wax. The point is, I have the right to choose not to eat it."

Uncle Jiu laughed: "This is the first time I've seen such a picky eater after eating soft food. I admire it, I admire it..."

"What are you master and disciple talking about?" At this time, the old master held a whisk in his hand and Shi Shiran walked in.

"Nothing." Qin Yao stood up: "Master, it's getting late. If there is nothing else..."

 “Sit down, I have something to do.” The old leader waved his hand.

 Chin Yao: “…”

"Qin Yao, I know you don't want to be the leader, so I won't force you." After he sat down again, the old leader said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Yao not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but cheered up: "Master, I am worthy of Maoshan."

"Don't be nervous. I know that you don't owe Maoshan any debt of gratitude. Maoshan owes you." The old leader said: "I just want to talk to you about the current situation of Maoshan. With your current status, you are qualified to share the same sentiments." Let me talk about this.”

"Is it okay if we don't chat?" Qin Yao said, "I swear, there is still someone waiting for me in the back mountain."

 “Instead of having a lengthy discussion, can we just have a simple chat?” the old boss said in a consultative tone.

Qin Yao took a deep breath and said, "Just say it, I'll listen."

"Do you know why I held the celebration meeting twice?" the old leader asked.

“Improve Maoshan’s status in the spiritual world and establish a positive image of a great religion through the ages.” Qin Yao said.

The old master smiled: "Why not be so happy about your success? I guess many Maoshan disciples will think so."

"The simplest and most direct point." Qin Yao raised a finger: "No Neimao ancestor came out to stop this behavior."

The old leader was stunned, and a look of sadness suddenly appeared on his face: "Such a simple corner of thinking, but there are still many disciples, even the elders don't see it! I don't know whether to feel sad for them, We should still feel sad for Maoshan.”

Qin Yao sighed: "Although I don't want to hit you, this is probably not the worst."

“What’s the worst that could happen?” the old boss asked seriously.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "The various sects exist in name only, and the sect's residence has become a tourist destination, which is managed uniformly and tickets are collected."

 Old leader: “…”

“Where do you think the way out is for Maoshan?” After a long time, the old boss asked sincerely.

Qin Yao paused slightly and said: "Underworld."

 “The orthodoxy of the human world…”

“Unless someone can cause the spiritual energy to revive in the human world, the entire world of human cultivation will inevitably decline endlessly until the monks are hidden in the mountains and seas, invisible to the world.” Qin Yao said.

The old boss smiled bitterly: "Originally, I wanted to tell you about Maoshan's current lack of acceptance, and hoped that you could take on the responsibility, but now I suddenly no longer feel like it...

I finally understand why you refuse to be the leader. Compared with this position that is destined to decline, you are like a rising sun with a bright future! "

Qin Yao didn't know how to comfort him for a moment, so he could only say softly: "You have done a good job, and the position of the leader is not unbearable. In fact, there are countless people who are desperately trying to sit on it... After all, He has the authority to control a thousand-year-old religion, and the resources he can enjoy are absolutely top-notch in the world."

"Will you go to the underworld to develop in the future?" The old boss was silent for a long time and suddenly raised his head.

Qin Yao thought for a moment: "Unless anything unexpected happens, no. Compared to the underworld, I prefer to be a soul ferryman in the earth."

"Can you promise me something?" the old leader said.

"Maoshan and I complement each other and achieve each other's success, just like my master and I." Qin Yao said seriously.

The old master smiled, with a smile on his face: "Thank you... Then I'll feel relieved. I won't feel guilty when I meet all my ancestors and even all previous masters in the underworld."

"You're welcome." Qin Yao said respectfully: "Although I don't owe Maoshan any more, I will never forget that my status as a disciple of Maoshan is the reason why I have been able to go smoothly along the way."

The old master gradually lost his smile and said to Uncle Jiu: "Lin Fengjiao, your contribution to Maoshan is extremely great."

Uncle Jiu chuckled and did not refute.

 The father is as valuable as the son.

If Qin Yao could protect Maoshan Taoism from extinction in the future.

Then his lineage will definitely become the Maoshan orthodoxy.

By then, he will be worthy of the phrase "make the greatest contribution"!

  This chapter took several hours to write.

Mainly because after I finished writing the original manuscript, I felt a little uncomfortable while reviewing it, so I kept deleting it, and deleting it again and again, until I only had about two thousand left, and then I was able to finish it.

   It’s a bit late, I’m sorry~



 (End of this chapter)

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