I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 341: Who is Li Jialing? (4000)

Chapter 341 Who is Li Jialing? (4000)

"How will you be here?"

 Early in the morning, the high-altitude wind blows away the clouds, and the morning sun wakes up the earth.

Qin Yao walked into Yizhuang at the pace of a tiger. When he passed by the pavilion in the courtyard, his footsteps suddenly stopped and his face was full of astonishment.

 Inside the pavilion.

Zhong Li hugged his legs with one arm and sat on the stone bench without any image, in sharp contrast to the quiet and well-behaved Nian Ying beside him.

 “Can’t I come here?”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

Qin Yao smiled and stepped into the pavilion: "I'm just a little surprised to see you here suddenly."

Zhong Li smiled like a flower: "Just a surprise? Isn't there a surprise?"

 Chin Yao: “…”

 You are brave enough to tease me in front of my wife.

Turning his head to look at Nianying, he saw that this guy was still smiling heartlessly, as if he didn't notice anything at all.


"Qin Yao, your heart is too cold." Seeing that he was silent, Zhong Li said again.

Qin Yao couldn't laugh or cry: "Isn't it because I'm not surprised when I see you that I feel cold?"

 “That’s not what I said.”

Zhong Li took Nian Ying's hand and said, "Nian Ying has been guarding Yizhuang since I followed you, fulfilling your filial piety to Uncle Jiu and serving you wholeheartedly.

 I often have to work hard for several months, finally waiting for you to come back. As a result, you stay at home for two days and then leave, leaving no extra time for others.

 The reason why people persist until now is because they are soft-hearted and kind-hearted, but you subtly take this as a matter of course. You say, are you cold-hearted? "

 Qin Yao was dumbfounded.

I have only been out for a few days, and the relationship between the two of them is so good?

 Do all girls get along so quickly?

“Sister Li, why are you talking about this?” Nianying pulled Zhong Li, her face turned red.

Zhong Li turned around, touched her little head, and said, "You don't understand. Men are very stupid in this regard. If you don't explain it clearly to him, he really won't care about your efforts."

Qin Yao twitched the corner of his mouth and was speechless for a moment.

“Brother Yao, don’t listen to Sister Li, I’m fine.” Nianying couldn’t talk to Ah Li, so she raised her eyes and said to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pinched her round little face, and looked sideways at the woman who was "suggesting discord": "Are you done? Tell me what you mean after you finish speaking."

He didn't believe that Zhong Li was just fighting for the injustice of the "good sisters", let alone that the other party was doing it just to satisfy his taste.

 In fact, Zhong Li’s purpose in saying this is indeed not simple...

“Autumn is here, the air is crisp and cool, it’s neither too cold nor too hot. It’s a great time to travel... Shall we go to Hong Kong Island for a trip?”

Qin Yao was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "We?"

"Yes, us!" Zhong Li said, "I suggested it. You two can't get rid of me, right?"

Qin Yao was speechless. He caught a glimpse of the light in Nianying's eyes from the corner of his eye and asked, "Want to go?"

Nianying said softly: "Will it delay you from doing other things? If you are traveling, you can wait until you finish your work."

"It's okay, don't delay. You go and clean up. I'll say hello to Master. We'll set off when we get back." Qin Yao said with a smile.

Nianying smiled, revealing eight teeth like braided shells...

 Perhaps it’s because of his childlike appearance, but his smile still looks like that of a child.


 Qin Yao took Ermei back to Fucheng and chose the most expensive Chaozhou travel company among the many tour groups.

He doesn’t think that the most expensive one is necessarily the best, but he is sure that the cheap one is not very good.

Of course, the reason why this Chaozhou travel company is expensive is not because it cuts leeks too hard, but because they have cars.

Things that are commonplace or even standard in the 21st century are definitely considered a killer in this era of relatively backward technology...

 “Wow, what a pretty girl!”

At the gate of Chaozhou Tourism Company, a young man bumped his companion with his elbow and pointed forward while suppressing his voice.

The companion with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a shaved head, looked in the direction of his finger. His big eyes instantly looked straight, and the cigarette **** in his mouth fell to the ground unconsciously.

"Should we wear a veil? Many people are looking at us along the way..." At the gate, Nianying, who was wearing a royal blue dress and looked like a little princess, tugged on Ah Li's skirt and asked softly.

Ah Li was wearing a fairy-like white dress. As a result, because she was too tall and plump, she not only did not wear the fairy-like look, but instead wore a forbidden beauty. The sharp limelight overwhelmed the little princess-like Nianying. Go down.

 “We are not ashamed to meet people, so why do we need to wear a veil?”

"I'm afraid there will be trouble..." Nianying whispered.

Ah Li pointed at Qin Yao behind them and said with a smile: "We are only responsible for looking good, and he will be responsible for making those who are looking for trouble look good."

Nianying couldn’t laugh or cry, but she was speechless.

“Brother Yuan, can’t you go up?” Not far away, the young man asked Cun Tou.

“Damn it, didn’t you see that there is a murderer behind those two pretty girls? If you rush to catch girls, you will easily get beaten!” Cun Tou said in a low voice.

"So what if you follow the murderer? You can't both be his wives, right?" The young man didn't care: "Or maybe he is a bodyguard... After all, although the war between Guangdong and Guangxi has subsided, there are still two beautiful women. It’s definitely not safe for children to go out alone.”

"You go, but I won't go." Brother Yuan shook his head repeatedly: "I'm warning you, if you get beaten, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Hello, pretty boy, pretty girl. Can I take the bus here when going to Hong Kong Island?" Just when the young man was about to make a move, a rustic, sweaty, short-haired lady took the lead and came to Qin Yao and others.

“Yes, eldest sister, are you traveling too?” Nianying asked curiously.

After all, today is no different than later generations. In this era where ordinary people have problems eating. Most people who have spare money and the leisure to travel are either rich or expensive. But no matter what Nianying thinks, she can't tell from this simple elder sister. A hint of wealth.

"I'm not going on a trip... I guess I'm going on a trip." said the short-haired eldest sister.

  Nianying: “…”

 What’s the difference between what you said and what you didn’t say?

"The car is coming, the car is coming." At this time, the people surrounding the door suddenly started to make a noise.

 “That’s amazing!” The short-haired elder sister followed the sound and looked at the slowly approaching tin box, her face full of surprise.

“Get in the car.” Qin Yao glanced at the eldest sister casually and quickly lost interest...

 It’s not because the other person looks plain and rustic, it’s purely because there is no spiritual energy fluctuation in the other person’s body.

 It is strange that he is interested in an ordinary older sister...

"Beautiful girl, pretty girl, sit here with me!" Shaoyan, after the four of them boarded the minibus, they saw that all the two seats in the car were occupied. Some men who came together deliberately occupied one seat. He sat down and waved to Ah Li and Nianying.

“I don’t want to sit with them.” Nianying whispered.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it..." Qin Yao said, strode to a young man who stood up and waved, grabbed his clothes, lifted him out of the seat inside, and said with a smile: "Thank you, brother!"

 Young people: “…”

 “Nianying, come here.” Qin Yao turned around and waved.

 The young man shook his fists, but after comparing their figures, he wisely sat in the back.

"Little brother, can you give up these two seats to us?" Ah Li didn't want to sit with a man she didn't know, so she immediately pulled the stupid short-haired eldest sister to the seat in front of Qin Yao and faced a man who deliberately occupied the seat. said the young man.

The young man looked at Ah Li with confused eyes and tried to struggle: "You can sit with me and let this eldest sister sit in front of us."

A'li shook his head, his eyes flashed, and the young man's blurred eyes suddenly became glazed over. He walked to the front seat like a zombie and sat next to a big man.

“Beautiful girl, do you also have special powers?” After being pulled down by Ah Wei, the short-haired lady asked softly as she had a panoramic view of the scene just now.

 “Special function?” Ah Li looked confused.

“Yeah, I don’t know what it’s called here, but in our place, it’s called a special function.” said the short-haired eldest sister.

Ah Li suddenly became interested: "You just said that I can also have special powers, right? Could it be that you can too?"

After witnessing Ah Li's "special power" with her own eyes, the short-haired eldest sister seemed to regard him as a similar person. She nodded and said, "Yes, I can do it too. As long as I use my power, I can do anything if I have enough power." arrive."

 “So powerful?” Ah Li was surprised.

The short-haired lady nodded heavily, glanced at everyone in the car, pointed at a scantily clad woman not far in front and said, "I'll give you a show."

 A'li looked attentively.

She clearly didn't feel any energy fluctuations from the other party, and was curious about what this so-called special function was.

The short-haired lady stared intently at the woman's bag in front of her, spread her hands, lowered her head, and suddenly there were eight or nine small contraceptive raincoats in her hands.

 “Hey, what is this?”

 “It’s Skittles.” The big brother next door said with a smile.

Looking at these colorful things, the eldest sister asked blankly: "Eat?"

“Yes, yes, for food, you can take one apart and try it.” The eldest brother said hehe.

Zhong Li looked up at the other person. When he saw Zhong Li's eyes, the elder brother seemed to have been hit **** the head with a sap. He had a splitting headache and couldn't help shouting.

“Don’t open it, this thing is not for food.” Looking back, Zhong Li put his hand on the elder sister’s hand who was trying to open the package.

 “If it’s not food, what is it?” The eldest sister looked curious.

Zhong Li came close to her ear and whispered something.

"Huh?" The eldest sister's eyes widened suddenly, as if she had heard something extremely shocking.

In fact, although the raincoat appeared at the end of the 17th century, it has not become popular in China until the 19th century...

 The short-haired lady comes from a remote countryside and has definitely never heard of this thing!

“Thank you, otherwise I would be sick to death if I really ate this thing.” After a moment, the eldest sister threw all the raincoats under the seat and looked at Zhong Li with gratitude in her eyes.

Zhong Li waved his hand and said, "Did you take this thing out of that woman's bag?"

“Yes, not only the things in the bag, I can also take out things from people’s bodies.” The short-haired lady said confidently.

“But why didn’t I feel the energy fluctuation just now?” Zhong Li muttered to himself.

 “What kind of energy fluctuation?” the short-haired eldest sister asked doubtfully.

Zhong Li shook his head and said, "Did you just say that as long as you have enough power, you can do anything?"

"That's right." The short-haired eldest sister said proudly: "Unlike other people's single special function, my special function is omnipotence!"

Zhong Li's eyes flashed, and he leaned into her ear again and whispered: "Then can you use your power to make the man behind you fall in love with me at first sight?"

Short-haired eldest sister: “???”

"is it not OK?"

 “I’ve never tried this...” the eldest sister said honestly.

“Then just give it a try, please.” Zhong Li begged softly.

"Oh, okay, okay, for the sake of helping me once." The short-haired eldest sister said, standing up suddenly, holding her temples with both hands, and looked into Qin Yao's eyes.

At that time, Qin Yao had been talking to Nianying sideways and didn't even listen to what the two people in front of him were mumbling. Seeing this situation, he was a little confused and didn't know what the elder sister meant.

 “Excuse me, is something wrong?”

The eldest sister's fingers suddenly emitted white smoke when she pressed her temples, and she sat back down in her seat with a swish.

“How is it? Is it successful?” Zhong Li asked eagerly.

 The eldest sister fell into her arms and murmured: "I'm overusing my brain. I'm too tired. Please let me slow down."

This respite lasted for nearly two hours. It was not until the driver suddenly stopped and got off the car to urinate that she managed to regain some energy and sit up straight: "It's so strange. I have never been so exhausted."

 “Are you okay?” Zhong Li said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's okay." The eldest sister took a long breath and said, "I don't know if it was successful or not. You can check it yourself after you get off the car."

Zhong Li said seriously: "No matter what, thank you. By the way, my name is Ah Li, what's yours?"

 “My name is Li Jialing.” The eldest sister said with a smile.

“It’s noon. There is a restaurant ahead. Let’s get out of the car and have some food.” Not long after, the driver suddenly stopped the car and turned around and said.

  After sitting on the train all morning, everyone on the bus was already hungry, so they had no objection at all. After the door opened, they got off in an orderly manner.

Qin Yao held Nianying's hand and led her down the bus. He looked back and saw a figure in white with soft cheeks and a graceful figure. Her smile was like a flower, with a hint of taboo beauty, like a roaring train. , crashed into his heart, exploded suddenly, exploding the most primitive desires.

 He always said that if he had less feelings for him and lacked that stunning look, he would have no desire to possess him!

If you don’t even have the intention to be interested in sex, how can you talk about feelings?

 But he didn’t know why, but in this look, his heart suddenly jumped.

 Like, the feeling when I first met Xiaozhuo and the first time I met Nianying...

 “Why are you looking at me so straight?” Ah Li brought her eldest sister to him, as if she saw the fire in his eyes, and she suddenly felt joyful in her heart.

 Could it be that...that special function really works?

How could it be so powerful? !

"Nothing!" Qin Yao tried his best to suppress the throbbing in his heart, his eyes roamed around her and the eldest sister, and he joked: "After sitting together for a short while, you have become sisters?"

"Yeah yeah."

Ah Li pulled the eldest sister to him and said with a smile: "Let me introduce you solemnly. This is the friend I just met. Her surname is Li and her name is Jialing."

 “You really can become anyone…wait a minute!”

As Qin Yao spoke, he was suddenly startled: "What did you say her name was???"

 (End of this chapter)

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