I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 348: Twisted mind blackened

Chapter 348: Twisted Mind·Darkening

"I don't know anything other than that. The Japanese is very mysterious. I have never seen him. I have only seen a woman named Qing Meng." Chen Zhuo said tremblingly.

 “Green Meng?” Qin Yao asked, “What does it look like?”

“My face is quite good-looking, but I don’t know why it’s painted colorfully. I’m currently working as a receptionist in an underground club.” Chen Zhuo responded.

 “It turned out to be her...”

Qin Yao recalled the face of the young lady at the front desk. He reached out and took out the magic bead, summoned a red devil, and ordered: "Keep an eye on him. Without my permission, he cannot be allowed to approach anyone, let alone him." Get out of this room."

 “Yes, my lord.”

 Sha Gui clasped his fists to accept the order, turned around, and looked directly at Chen Zhuo, which made his scalp numb.

"Brother, Mr. Qin asked you to keep an eye on me, not just to keep looking at me. Can you please stop staring like that?" Chen Zhuo said boldly while Qin Yao was still here.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Yao disappeared from the room instantly.

 Chen Zhuo: “…”

That night.

Qin Yao took Nianying, Ah Li, Ma Jiuying, Li Jialing, Nintendo, Little Zombie and others to push past the wall of the Ghost Club and stopped in front of the closed club.

“There are fierce ghosts behind the door, at least two hundred of them, wearing black clothes, masked faces, and carrying sharp blades.” Li Jialing pressed the sword fingers of both hands on her temples, and with a little movement, her sight easily broke through the obstruction and looked into the door.

Qin Yao's eyes were filled with golden light, and he tried to open his eyes to see through. As a result, his vision was filled with blood...

 It seems that the other party was keenly aware of something wrong when they were expelling guests from the hotel. They set up defenses in advance, sealed the door, and prepared to fight back!

Under normal circumstances, if they are ordinary invaders, this kind of wait-and-see counterattack is enough to catch them off guard and even lay the foundation for victory or defeat.

However, the decision-makers inside would not have thought that the two people outside the door were outside the normal category, and the things they were doing were even more outside the norm.

“Mr. Ren, if there are ghosts coming over later, please stop them.” Qin Yao took out four cannons from the space bag, pointed the muzzles at the club door, turned to Nintendo and said.

Nintendo nodded slowly, with lightning flashing in his eyes, he took two steps forward, ready to go.

Qin Yao smiled, put away the space bag, took out the magic spirit bead, summoned the red and white demons, and shouted: "A group of six people, prepare to fire."

The last time he bombarded Jiuju Tower, he specifically told the red and white demons to watch and learn from them.

 Two days ago in the military town, I specially found the veterans of the artillery regiment and gave them some training. Now artillery shooting should not be a problem.


 Inside the gate, Qing Meng's face suddenly changed with his ears pricked up, and he shouted: "Everyone is here, take action and cast a spell to strengthen the gate."



Outside the gate, Qin Yao suddenly waved down his palm.


Special cannonballs flew out from the dark and rough barrels one after another. A row of volleys shattered the door full of light. The fragments with cinnabar powder shot out and instantly penetrated the bodies of the fierce ghosts in the front row. .


"it hurts…"

 In an instant, dozens of fierce ghosts fell to the ground, and green, white, gray, or black smoke kept coming from the punctured wounds.

Qing Meng was stunned, her eyes widened to the extreme.

 “Come out and kill them all!”

She was confused, but Roshan was not. His slender eyes were full of fear, he raised his long knife and shouted angrily.


Starting from the third row, the fierce ghosts in black raised their weapons, turned into streaks of black light, and rushed out of the room at high speed.

 “Zizzi, zizi.”

 Nintendo held the thunderbolt in his palm and threw it forward violently. The thunderbolt turned into a thunder net during the rapid movement, encompassing all the ghosts and monsters that rushed out. They were so shocked that they froze in place and twitched all over!

 “Boom, boom, boom…”

The artillery was roaring, the shells were whistling, and each shot was able to crush three or four fierce ghosts. Such a ferocious batch scared the four rows of fierce ghosts behind them that they did not dare to charge at all, and retreated one after another, even hiding behind Roshan. .

Roshan gritted his teeth, squeezed through the crowd, swam upstream, and yelled: "Why retreat? No retreat! Have you forgotten that ghosts cannot pass through the club? If we don't break through the defense line and kill them, the only thing waiting for us is It's a dead end. I'll be the vanguard and everyone will follow me."

  Listening to his roar, the fierce ghosts paused slightly as they fled in all directions, regrouped into formation, and silently followed behind him.

Nintendo followed the sound direction towards Roshan, and two thunderballs appeared again in the open hands. The next second, two thunder dragons suddenly jumped out of the thunderballs, and rushed towards Roshan with their teeth and claws.

 “Gather the fire and crush this evil ghost.” Qin Yao ordered immediately after.


Roshan raised his sword and slashed at the Thunder Dragon. The two Thunder Dragons were beheaded by him with one strike. But before he could be happy for a moment, the Thunder Dragon's head and body turned into lightning and surrounded him.



Roshan was instantly paralyzed by electricity, and the shells from the four artillery guns hit him immediately, breaking him into pieces in the blink of an eye.

  The "control" of Nintendo and the "concentrated fire" of the thunder cannon are almost invincible here. Needless to say, the former is needless to say, and the latter can kill Jizo with just one earthen cannon!

Hyakki Yakou, who was originally impossible to contend with, was successfully defeated under the coverage of strong enough firepower, which invisibly confirmed the truth: all fear comes from insufficient firepower.


Just like the age of guns and artillery in the world ended the age of cold weapons, at this moment, as the mountain of meat turned into pieces, the mentality of the remaining fierce ghosts suddenly exploded. How could they dare to resist the gunfire with their bodies, and they all turned around and fled to the club. flee…

 Qin Yao thought that Nintendo could defend Baigui, but he didn't expect that he also had the ability to "control", and he didn't expect that this control was so abnormal that not even the Ghost King-level Roshan could escape its confinement.

He also thought that the cinnabar divine fire and thunder cannon would perform meritorious deeds, but the power was still beyond expectation.

At this moment, he was finally able to understand the feelings of those martial arts masters who were trembling in the gunfire...

I practiced Sanjiu in the winter and Sanfu in the summer. After decades of hard training, I was taken away with one shot.

How desperate must the martial arts world be at that time?

 “Why do you do this?”

In the blink of an eye, the frightened fierce ghosts fled away, revealing Qing Meng hiding at the back with a face full of astonishment and shock.

A few days ago, when Qin Yao led people to leave the club, Roshan once said that he felt that Qin Yao was very dangerous. At that time, Qing Meng, who was full of confidence in the club, even said boldly that we were more dangerous.

Unexpectedly, within two days, the other party rushed back with unimaginable firepower and strength. He used practical actions to turn into a slap, slapped her **** the face, pointed at her nose and told her what Yelang is arrogant and what does it mean to be arrogant. Sit in the well and look at the sky!

"Why? That's a good question." Qin Yao was stunned for a moment, and raised his hand to stop the gunfire: "Don't you know how many crimes are hidden in your club?"

“I didn’t hurt you, why do you care so much?” Qing Meng gritted his teeth.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Because I am an official, and the official's duty is to catch thieves."

Qing Meng was stunned: "Officer?" "Let me formally introduce myself." Qin Yao smiled slightly, showing his teeth with a cold light: "Fengdu, the Secretary of Punishment of Evil, Qin Yao, you are welcome to seek revenge from me at any time."

After having this relationship with Zhong Kui, he became much more courageous. Even when facing a strong enemy, he dared to state his name openly...

 After all, who can refuse an experience package delivered to their doorstep?

Qing Meng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "As the old saying goes, leave a thin line in life so that we can meet each other easily in the future. Let us go. If you have any difficulties in the future, I can help you."

Qin Yao laughed: "If one day I am reduced to asking you for help, then even your ability will not be able to save me. After all, you can't even beat me."

Qing Meng frowned and said sincerely: "It is definitely not a wise move to offend the Hell Club!"

Qin Yao's eyes flashed: "The Devil's Club, is it very strong?"


Qingmeng raised his head and said: "This fierce club you see has only been established for two years. In Japan, there are many big clubs that are ten times or a hundred times stronger than this club. Once the big boss is determined to take revenge on you, If you do, everyone who is related to you will be in trouble.”

“I don’t believe it unless you tell me who your big boss is.” Qin Yao shook his head and said.

Qing Meng's expression was stagnant and he said indifferently: "I can only say that I don't know either."

"Don't know? Then I have to ask you to die!" Qin Yao's eyes turned cold and he waved his hand: "Blow up this devil's cave for me!"





at the same time.

 In a hotel not far away.

The minibus driver was lying on the big bed, covering his ears with both hands, but he could not isolate the roaring sound of explosions. He was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed, starting from the other party's parents all the way to his ancestors.

While cursing, the lamppost above his head suddenly crackled and a ball of sparks erupted, scaring him so much that he jumped out of bed.

“Dong-dong-dong, dong-dong-dong.” Just when he was about to breathe out the fragrant fragrance again, a steady knock on the door suddenly sounded in his ears.

“Who is it?” the CMB driver’s heart suddenly pounded, and he shouted in a low voice.

"It's me!"

A man's voice suddenly came from outside the door. The CMB driver recalled it carefully and found that there seemed to be no one with such a tone among this group of tourists.

"Who are you?"

"the Avengers."

The driver was stunned for a moment and shuddered suddenly: "Did you find the wrong room? Although I haven't done many good things, I haven't done anything bad either~"

“Who said that?” The man outside the door said quietly, “Is peeing on others considered a bad thing?”

"I'm going to hit you..." The driver looked confused. As he spoke, he suddenly remembered what happened during the journey, and a chill instantly hit his body: "You, you, you..."

  "If you don't open the door for me, I will have to come in by myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of green light penetrated the thin wooden door and manifested into a will-o'-the-wisp floating in the air in front of him.

"Brother, brother, I was wrong. You have a lot of people, so don't be as knowledgeable as me."

The CMB driver was trembling and knelt on the ground, kowtowing to the will-o'-the-wisp.

 At this moment, I regretted not being able to listen to that person’s words, and even deliberately committed suicide by urinating on the bones.

“If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price!” said the will-o’-the-wisp, and suddenly turned into a sharp arrow, piercing the man’s throat in an instant.

 Two hours later.


 The moon is at the middle of the sky.

A beam of moonlight shone into the house from the open window. The figure lying on the ground slowly got up and touched himself randomly: "I'm not dead? Haha, I'm not dead... It turns out that it was just a dream. I Just say, how can there be ghosts in the world? "

Hauntedly walking around the room, he suddenly kicked something soft, like a body.

The minibus driver's eyes widened and he looked down. When he saw the face of the body below him clearly, his expression suddenly changed. He stepped back and stepped back several steps until his back passed through the wall and came to the lighted corridor. inside.

 “I’m dead? I’m actually dead?”

The CMB driver was in a trance, his expression changing: "I just peed a little, I don't have to say whether I should be beaten or scolded, but the crime is not punishable by death, right? Why? Why should I die like this?"

"And...can I rely on me to pee on you? After all, it doesn't all depend on the man named Qin?"

After a long time, the CMB driver's eyes were filled with hatred, and he gritted his molars and said, "What if it wasn't for the man named Qin who told me not to pee on the bones on purpose, and why would I pee on the bones after I was full?"

The more I thought about it, the more I felt wronged, and the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Black smoke gradually emerged from the driver's light green soul, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a fierce ghost. The soul body carried a gust of sinister wind, shuttled through various rooms, and was bitten to death in a short time. Everyone in the hotel, including the nine members who came here for this trip.


The driver moved the nine corpses into the hall one by one, and with a wave of his hand, nine ghost hands appeared and forcibly pulled their ghosts out of the corpses.

“Are you leaving again?” A coquettishly dressed woman in a red short skirt patted her slightly dizzy head and looked at the driver standing in front of her.

 “What are you going to do? Look behind you.” The driver said coldly.

Everyone looked back with confused expressions, but found nothing unusual.

“You idiots, look down,” the driver yelled.

“Ah, why am I lying on the ground?” the coquettish woman said in shock.

"Hey, driver, what are you doing? What's going on?" A short bald man suddenly turned around and roared at the driver.

“It’s not me, but you all turned into ghosts!” the driver said indifferently.

 The nine ghosts were stunned as if they were struck by lightning.

“Okay, how could we become ghosts?”

I don’t know how long it took, but a man in a black trench coat silently clenched his fists with a fierce look on his face.

"Isn't it because of the man named Qin?" the driver said viciously: "On the way here, when he got out of the car to urinate, he deliberately peed on the bones, which angered the evil spirit, causing the evil spirit to follow us all the way, ready to wait for an opportunity. Revenge. All of us were dragged down by him."

"Isn't that right?" The coquettish woman suddenly said: "I didn't see him getting out of the car for convenience on the way!"

“Have you ever peed?” the driver asked rudely.

 Coquettish woman: “…”

“After you got off the bus, he got off the bus too. Before you came back, he came back. In this case, how could you see him get off the bus?”

The driver said with certainty: "We have all become ghosts now, will I lie to you? What good will it do me to lie to you?"

 The ghosts were silent.

Grief, unwillingness, resentment, and boundless resentment gradually began to flow around them. Every time they circulated, their souls would become darker!

 (End of this chapter)

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