I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 353: wilderness troupe

Chapter 353 Wilderness Troupe

 “Uncle Simu.”

 “Uncle Four Eyes…”

Before he could figure out what the twitching double eyelids were, the Taoist boy from Yuanfu Palace was guided to the entrance of the Green Bamboo Forest.

 Middle section of the bamboo forest.

After hearing the other party's voice, he stood up with a loud sound, his expression changing.

He remembered very clearly that last time it was this guy who came to inform him to see the leader. As a result, he received a fatal mission after arriving at Yuanfu Palace...

If I hadn't been lucky last time and completed the task on time, I would have been walking around without food. Coming here again this time will most likely not be a good thing!

At this moment, he finally understood what the double eyelids were dancing about... it was a flash!


 In the blink of an eye, there was no trace of him in the bamboo forest.

“Master, please forgive me, but my disciples have not found any trace of Uncle Simu.”

After searching the entire bamboo forest, the Taoist boy was stunned for a moment, looking at the vast Maoshan Mountain. He didn't know where to go, so he had to turn back to Yuanfu Palace.

 “This guy can run faster than a rabbit…”

The old head murmured and silently reflected: Was the order he gave to the four eyes too harsh last time when he was too excited?

 Otherwise, how could you scare him like this?

As for the possibility that Tao Tong simply failed to find the four eyes, in his opinion, it was almost non-existent.

After all, Simu has not gone down the mountain. If he hadn't been hiding from the Taoist boy, he would have been found sooner or later!

"If you can't find it, you can't find it. Go and call Qianzhe." After a long time, the old master said calmly.


Qin Yao knew it well: after word reached Maoshan that he and Uncle Jiu were promoted to priests, the old master would inevitably hold a celebration meeting again to publicize the matter and enhance the overall image of Maoshan.

But for him, since the end of the last conference, he had already made a strategy of hiding his strength and keeping a low profile, and he no longer wanted to play with the old leader. So after returning to the earth from the underworld, the old and young zombies took Ah Li Nianying with them and walked around Hong Kong Island for ten days. They visited all the places worth visiting on the island without any intention of returning to the capital.

Ten days later, both zombies were tired of shopping. Qin Yao didn’t even say he would send them back. Instead, he gave Nintendo 300 yuan and asked him to return with the little zombie...

In short, he has made up his mind to delay as long as he can, until the excitement in the old boss's heart is gone and he is not in the mood to celebrate.

 Three more days.

Qin Yao wrote a letter of recommendation for Ma Jiuying and told him clearly that because his performance was not very good, there was no need to take him to see Uncle Jiu in person. A handwritten letter would be fine, depending on his willingness. I don’t want to travel far away to gamble!

Then, he ignored Li Jialing and Ma Jiuying's conspiracy mission and drove the Chaozhou tour group's CMB to Chaozhou.

 In my previous life, I was busy, trapped and trivial, and I never had the opportunity to travel, let alone intercity self-driving tours...

I didn’t expect that in this time and space, not only would my previous life’s wish be fulfilled, but I would even take my two wives on a honeymoon trip. In the past, I couldn’t even think about it, which was enough to make others envious.

The only regret is that he waited for more than ten days on Hong Kong Island, but still did not receive revenge from the Hellraiser Club. It felt like a huge amount of evil had just passed him by...

Speaking of Yin De, I don’t know what went wrong with Uncle Jiu, and the filial piety value for his appointment as a priest this time has not been paid yet!

 A few days later.

The CMB had just entered Chaozhou. The last bit of fuel in the tank was exhausted and it slowly stopped in a wilderness.

The three of them got out of the car one after another. Qin Yao took out the space bag and cast a spell to send China and Pakistan into the island.

Even with his financial resources, he is not so arrogant as to abandon his car when it runs out of gas.

“Golden-winged Dapeng, five hundred years ago, you ate the King of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, as well as all the civil and military officials and people in the city, seized the country, established the Demon Kingdom, and caused harm to everyone.

Good deeds will be rewarded with good things, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil consequences. It is not that there will be no retribution. The time has not come yet, and now your evil retributions are coming. Let me ask you, are you willing to take refuge? "

 In the evening, in the wilderness, there was a gentle breeze and the chirping of insects.

In the sky, there are stars and bright moon, illuminating the broad road ahead of Qin Yao and others.

As they were walking, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the ears of the three of them. Following the sound, they saw a stage standing in the wilderness ahead. On the stage, the Eighteen Arhats were trapped in the Dapeng. Under the stage, all the people wearing clothes were dead.

 “A dead man’s play?” Ah Li muttered to himself.

Qin Yao: "It's okay if it's just one or two ghosts. There are at least thirty ghosts sitting here listening to the play. We can't ignore it. Let's listen to the play first, and then we can make any fuss after listening to the big play."

 Ah Li and Nianying nodded repeatedly and immediately followed him to the rear of the ghosts.

The ghosts sitting in the back row sensed the popularity and turned to look at them one after another, and then turned their heads towards the stage.

People are not common, and drama is even less common. No ghost wants to cause trouble at this time.

  After a long time.

 On the stage.

 Eighteen Arhats used all their magic weapons to subdue the Dapeng. The drama gradually came to an end, and the actors bowed and left the stage.

“Okay, great, Uncle Sheng, you troupe really have nothing to say.”

In front of the stage, an old man took the hand of the class leader in black and put a stack of banknotes into his hand: "Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work."

The class leader, who had a gray crew cut, a short gray beard, and a mole under the corner of his mouth, glanced at the banknotes, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said: "Too many, old man, this is too much, we can't charge so much."

 “Take it, take it.”

The old man forced the bank note into Uncle Sheng's arms and said with a smile: "I invited you all the way here without saying anything, and you are still singing at this hour. You deserve the money."

Uncle Sheng couldn't force the other party, so he had to say with a smile on his face: "I'm sorry."

“It’s getting late, go and have a rest quickly.” The old man said gently: “If we still want to listen to a play next time, we will definitely come to see you.”

 “Thank you, old sir.” Uncle Sheng looked grateful.

The troupe, this is what they eat, and they rely on their sponsors!

After a while, the old man arranged the check-in arrangements for the entire troupe, slowly came to Qin Yao and others, raised his hands and said, "Where are the guests coming from?"

 “Hong Kong Island.” Qin Yao returned the greeting.

 “Xiangjiang? That’s quite far away...”

The old man nodded and looked up at the night sky: "It's getting late, and we are the only village within a hundred miles nearby. Why don't the three of you stay in our village for one night and set off again early tomorrow morning?"

 “Then thank you very much, father-in-law.” Qin Yao cupped his hands and said.

 “Being convenient to others and forming good relationships will surely bring about blessings.”

 The old man smiled, stretched out his right arm, and made a respectful gesture: "Three guests, please follow me."

Qin Yao and the other three silently followed him into a ghostly manor.


Soon, the old man reached out and pushed open a wooden door, pointed at the simple room and said: "Three guests, you can just stay in this room tonight."

Qin Yao nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you very much, father-in-law."

"You don't have to be so polite." The old man waved his hand, turned around and said, "You guys should go to bed early. I'll go to the stage to see if there are any mistakes."

“He, or rather they, don’t look like evil spirits.” Ah Li said softly after walking into the room and watching the old man’s figure drift away. “We’ll talk about it one night later,” Qin Yao said rationally.

A few words of getting along doesn't mean anything. Whether they can live peacefully tonight is the key to judging each other...

“Brother Yao, did you just pay attention to the class leader named Uncle Sheng?” Nianying suddenly asked.

“You want to say that he looks a lot like my master?” Qin Yao asked.

Nianying kept nodding her head like a chicken pecking at rice: "Except for the lack of energy and the extra mole at the corner of his mouth, in terms of appearance alone, he is at least 70% similar."

Qin Yao smiled: "Maybe it's a coincidence."

 In fact, he knows better than anyone else that there is no such thing as collision in the world, let alone such a possibility, but when this phenomenon appears in front of him, it is definitely not a coincidence.

The wilderness theater troupe is full of ghosts and gods, plus the troupe leader named Uncle Sheng. When these three pieces of information are connected together, the answer is ready to come out...

 The classic trilogy of humans and ghosts, "Man Scares Ghosts".

 The remaining two parts are "Ghosts Fighting Ghosts" and "People Scare People", both of which Qin Yao has experienced before.

The protagonist in the ghost-fighting game is the coachman Zhang DaChang, and the scary protagonist is the fat man Zhu Dachang.

 As for this movie about people scaring ghosts, the protagonist is Uncle Ying (crossed out), or rather Uncle Sheng!

 A night of chatting, everything was calm.

 The next morning.

 Lying on his side on the ground, Uncle Sheng's eyelids moved slightly as he rested his arm on his pillow. He suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

Looking around, there is no house here. It is clearly a deserted ridge, with actors lying on the ground in various shapes.

Uncle Sheng's expression changed. He quickly reached into his arms and took out a stack of banknotes. He took a closer look and saw that the silver paper in his hand was clearly a stack of paper money!

“Why are we sleeping here?” While he was absent-minded, the actors woke up one after another, and the crowd screamed.

Uncle Sheng took a deep breath and said, "We must have hit a ghost."

Members of the troupe: “…”

“Please rest assured, I will pay for your appearance fees out of my own pocket, and I will never let your hard work go in vain.” Uncle Sheng threw away the stack of paper and looked at the troupe members and said.

 It should be a happy thing to get money, but the troupe members are not happy no matter what.

“Uncle Sheng, will singing for ghosts cause any hindrance to us?” a tall voice asked with a trembling voice.

“As long as there is no close contact, just go back and bask in the sun and remove the yin energy.” Qin Yao walked over with Nianying and Ah Li and said with a smile.

“Excuse me, who are you?” Uncle Sheng raised his hand.

"I am Qin Yao. I passed by here last night and was invited by an old ghost to stay one night in this barren mountain." Qin Yao returned the greeting.

Uncle Sheng narrowed his eyes with a curious look on his face: "Do you often see ghosts?"

"Why do you ask?"

 “Because you don’t look scared at all.”

Qin Yao chuckled: "If even ghost hunters are afraid of ghosts, how can there be any ghost hunters in the world?"

“Are you a ghost hunter?” Uncle Sheng was surprised: “Did you catch those ghosts last night?”

 “That’s not true, let’s catch it now.”

Qin Yao shook his head, stepped forward to a pile of dead bones, and shouted: "All the ghosts obey the order and show up quickly!"

 “What is the guest’s instruction?”

In the midst of the dead bones, a response suddenly sounded, frightening many of the actors to jump up and down.

“Brother Gui, do you think this is true?” In the crowd, a young man with a watermelon hair reached out and tugged on the clothes of the thin-faced young man next to him.

"I guess it's definitely not true. Maybe it's a skill similar to ventriloquism." Agui said softly: "Think about it, even if there is a real ghost, how could it make a sound in broad daylight? Have you ever heard of it during the day? The ghost came out?"

 Xiguatou shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

“Isn’t that enough?” Agui said firmly, “So I am sure that this person is just pretending to be a ghost. Just look at it, he will definitely try his best to ask for money from Uncle Sheng later!”

“Why don’t you go to the underworld and be reincarnated, instead of staying here and interfering with Yin and Yang?” Qin Yao asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to you, Sir, it's not that we don't want to go to the underworld, but my whole family, young and old, has been cut off here. No one has collected and buried the bones, and they are not allowed to rest in the ground. The souls have turned into lonely ghosts and cannot enter the gate of hell." The ghost in the bones responded.

Qin Yao scanned the wilderness, reached out and grabbed ten ocean coins from his pocket, and handed them to Uncle Sheng: "I will send ten ocean coins, and you and your troupe will collect their bones and help them bury them in peace." ?”

Uncle Sheng was slightly startled and said hesitantly: "If we don't buy a coffin, we won't be able to use so many oceans."

"I know." Qin Yao said calmly: "So after you help them bury them in peace, you must respect the deceased, offer incense, and kowtow."

Uncle Sheng: “…”

"I am willing." Agui said loudly: "Even if you only give me an ocean, I am willing to kowtow to you."

Qin Yao glanced at him and said indifferently: "You don't have one ocean. Your entire troupe will get ten oceans after you do what I said."

At this point, he added pointedly: "I am rich, not stupid!"

 Agui: “…”

 I regret that I shouldn’t have come forward.

 Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been hit so hard!

"Thank you, Mr. Qin." Uncle Sheng thought for a while, and finally caught the ten pieces of ocean. He turned to the troupe and said, "Guys, let's start the work. Gather the bones, dig a hole and erect a grave."

"Brother Gui, didn't you say that Mr. Qin would try his best to get money from Uncle Sheng?" Looking among the bones, Xiguatou followed Agui with a poop.

“Stupid, he is playing a long game to catch the big fish.” Agui said seriously: “If Uncle Sheng falls into the trap, not to mention the ten yuan he just got, he will have to pay for the coffin itself.”

 Xiguatou: "Then why don't you remind Uncle Sheng?"

"How to remind? Tell him to return ten oceans and then drive away these three people?" Agui whispered: "Do you believe that if I do this, it will be me who Uncle Sheng wants to drive away?"

 Watermelon Head: “…”

  Seems to make sense.

"Why do you want to help us?" At this moment, the old man's voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Qin Yao and others last night.

"The reason lies in what you said to us last night." Qin Yao said with a smile: "Repaying evil with blessing does not mean not not repaying it. The time has not come yet, you can regard it as your blessing."

The old man was silent for a moment and said with emotion: "I have been doing good deeds for many years, and this is the first time I have seen blessings come back to me."

“There is a book of life and death and a book of yin and yang in the underworld. All good and evil are clearly recorded.” Qin Yao said: “So, if you really do good deeds for many years, more blessings are yet to come...”

“Mr. Qin, all the bones that can be found have been piled together.” Not long after, Uncle Sheng came to Qin Yao’s side.

Qin Yao nodded and said with a smile: "My husband, you should be able to cast spells during the day, right? Please identify your own bones so that they can be buried separately later!"

In the original movie, the Chaozhou ghosts with low magical powers can appear during the day and spread the news. There is no reason why these ghosts cannot do this.

 (End of this chapter)

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