I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 359: Descendants of the Heavenly Master, hidden NPCs! 〈Additional update, thank you package

Chapter 359 Descendants of the Heavenly Master, hidden NPC! 〈Added update, thanks to Mr. Baozi for the tip〉

Jiudi never believed in any horoscope theory, and Qin Yao's warning was nothing more than a means to pull each other off in her eyes.

  If the fortunes are in conflict, **** him away, take him to the door of his house, go upstairs to drink water...after drinking the water, he will do his business.

 No matter what the process is, the result is probably the same.

Men who pretend to be and behave the same way but cannot control their lower body have the same thoughts.


"I'm not your father, and I'm not your husband. I've already served your conscience by giving you a warning, but you still want me to send you away?" Qin Yao was speechless for a moment, then turned and left: "I've told you everything I need to say. Take care of yourself!”

Judy was dumbfounded.

Looking blankly at the other person's back as he left, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

 What does this guy mean?

 Is there something wrong with your brain?

 “Dong dong, dong dong.”

In the blink of an eye, when Qin Yao's figure disappeared from her eyes, knocks on the door suddenly came from the women's toilet, and the sound reached her ears.

Judy woke up from a dream and subconsciously walked to the toilet. When she came to the door, a gust of cool wind suddenly blew out from inside, which made her arms covered with goose bumps. Qin Yao's words echoed uncontrollably in her mind. if.

 “The fates are in conflict…the fates are in conflict…”

  I shivered suddenly, and my whole body suddenly became cold.

Judy raised her hands and rubbed her arms, then turned and left without hesitation.

However, before I could walk more than two steps, I don’t know whether it was because of nervousness or simply drinking too much wine, but my bladder suddenly felt turbulent, which made me walk slower and slower, and gradually stopped.

After hesitating for a moment, she couldn't hold it in any longer, so she had no choice but to run all the way into the bathroom, opened a partition door and walked in.

After relaxing, she straightened her clothes and walked out. As she walked, she suddenly noticed that a shadow gradually crossed her body from behind and came to the front of her.

Just by looking at this figure, Judy could tell that it was not her own shadow.

His breathing stagnated, Judy kept swallowing her saliva and turned her head to look back.

 Fortunately, the back is empty, there is nothing.

 “Scare yourself…”

Judy breathed a sigh of relief and just turned her head. A green-faced and fanged evil ghost stood directly opposite her, with a grin that was scarlet.


  Reception hall.

Hearing the screams that filled the room, Judy's boss's face changed drastically and he ran outside.

 In his career development, Judy is the sharpest knife.

If this sharp knife breaks here today, it will be unbearable pain for him and his company!

 A group of wealthy businessmen who had a relationship with Judy or wanted to have a relationship with her followed them and hurried out of the reception hall with most of the people in the hall.

 Humans’ habit of watching the excitement will never diminish as their wealth increases.

“Mr. Qin, don’t you go and take a look?” Mark asked from the sofa area.

Qin Yao smiled: "I won't go. Mr. Mark, please help yourself."

“Then I’ll excuse you.” Mark nodded and strode out.

"Mr. Qin, do you know what happened?" Looking at Qin Yao who looked indifferent and calm, Ren Tingting followed her intuition and asked.

As expected, Qin Yao nodded slightly: "It's hard to persuade a damned person with good words. If you don't show mercy, you will die."

Ren Tingting seemed to understand but not understand, and echoed: "If you don't listen to the words of good people, or even turn a deaf ear to them, it is not a pity to die."

 “Bang bang, bang bang.”

At the entrance of the stairs, in the bathroom, Judy's boss couldn't hide his panic. He frantically slapped the locked wooden door of the women's bathroom and roared: "Judi, Judy, are you in there?"

 “Security, security!” the person in charge of the reception shouted loudly.

"Here I come, I'm here." Soon, a middle-aged man with a mustache and disheveled clothes strode over with a baton in his hand and shouted in response.

 “Do you have a key?” the person in charge asked anxiously.

"No." The middle-aged security guard shook his head, then patted his chest and said, "But I know how to break the door open."

“Then hurry up.” Judy’s boss clenched his fists, pushed away the crowd, and shouted: “If anything goes wrong with Judy, I will definitely file a complaint against you and peel off this layer of skin on your body.”

The middle-aged security guard was furious at what he said and counterattacked: "I'm a man. What problem did she have in the women's restroom is none of my business? If you say so, I won't hit it. If you want to hit the door, hit it yourself. I See if you can take off my skin."


Boss Judy came to the security guard angrily, grabbed the other person's collar with both hands, and spat: "How dare you talk to me like this, who are you, who am I, and why do you have it?!"

"Ta." Just when the middle-aged security guard grabbed Boss Judy's hands and was about to fight back, the wooden door of the bathroom was suddenly opened from the inside, and a gorgeous black figure walked out.


  Hearing this familiar voice, Boss Judy relaxed, broke away from the security guard's hands, and walked quickly to the woman: "What happened just now?"

“You mean that scream?” Judy smiled: “That was when I stepped on a gecko in the bathroom and was frightened by it. I’m sorry for making such a big noise.”

 “It’s okay if it’s okay, it’s okay if it’s okay.”

Boss Judy exhaled and bowed deeply to the guests: "I'm sorry, everyone, I made too much fuss and disturbed everyone's interest."

"No, no." The person in charge of the reception laughed and waved: "Miss Judy is fine. This matter itself is worth a drink. Everyone, let's go back to the reception hall and have a drink together..."

During the conversation, the bustling group of people returned to the hall. Judy, who was among the crowd, raised her head and glanced at Qin Yao, with a complex look on her face involuntarily.

Like hatred, hatred and regret.

 It’s hard to put into words.

 A small episode ended here, and no one except Qin Yao knew that a storm was about to begin because of this episode...

"I'll go find her and ask her something, you can do whatever you want." Qin Yao stood up slowly in the sofa area, pointed at Qiu Di and said to Ren Tingting.

"Okay, Mr. Qin." Ren Tingting stood up and walked towards the crowd, and she was quickly crowded with people.

 “Mr. Qin.”

In front of the bar, the boss who was greeting the secretary suddenly caught a glimpse of Qin Yao, and immediately puffed up his chest silently and put his feet together.

"Hello." Qin Yao nodded and said calmly: "Can Miss Judy and I have a few words alone?"

Boss Judi was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Of course, you can chat, you chat, I will go find other bosses to discuss business."

After watching him leave, Qin Yao pulled out his chair, sat next to Qiu Di, and asked, "Are you still Qiu Di?"

"Of course I am Judy, otherwise, who else could I be?" Judy looked surprised. "It can also be...a ghost." Qin Yao said quietly.

Judy's eyes changed and she smiled and said, "Mr. Qin is really good at making jokes."

  Qin Yao: "I never joke with people I don't know well."

Judy was silent for a moment, and said with no doubt: "I am Judy!"

Qin Yao came close to her ear and whispered: "Before you entered the bathroom, I gave you a chance, but you failed to grasp it. Now, I'm giving you a second chance. Do you dare to take a gamble?"

 “I don’t understand what you are talking about.” Judy said seriously.

 Qin Yao sat upright and smiled nonchalantly: "If you don't understand, just don't understand. I'm not a bad person. I have to save you from the fire."

Judy kept struggling in her heart. In the end, fear defeated her trust in Qin Yao: "Mr. Qin, let's change the topic?"

"No need." Qin Yao stood up and looked directly into Judy's eyes: "I'll give you one last word. Those who work for tigers never end well, let alone... those who work for ghosts."

Judy's pupils shrank, and there was a chill in her heart.

How much does this man know?

 The fog shrouding the other party made her couldn't help but doubt her choice again...

“Wedding Dress, you follow Judy, I want to know what she does in the next few days.”

 After a long time, the cocktail party ended and the guests dispersed. Qin Yao summoned the red wedding dress in the bathroom.

 “Yes, sir.” The light red figure floating in the air responded.

 Qin Yao turned around and walked out of the bathroom, and said to the girl waiting at the stairs: "You go back first, I have something to do here."

Ren Tingting said softly: "Okay, Mr. Qin, I'll leave first."

 Qin Yao waved his hand and watched her back disappear into the stairwell. He reached into his pocket and took out a small compass with a pointer. After pouring a trace of mana into it, the pointer in the center of the compass suddenly started to rotate crazily, unable to fix a direction at all.

Generally speaking, whenever this happens, either the compass is broken, or there are too many evil spirits and they are too scattered, and the pointer doesn’t know where to point...

Qin Yao turned over his hand and put away the compass and thought carefully: In the original book, there were a lot of ghosts in this building. Looking at the rotation of the compass pointer, the number of ghosts in reality must be much higher than in the movie. !

In this case, the simplest way is to bombard the Menggui Building and eliminate the ghosts in the building together.

But the problem is, this is a **** hotel. Apart from the security team on duty here, from today onwards, there are also a lot of businessmen living in the hotel. We can't kill them all together!

“It seems that the only way to conquer this fierce ghost building is to use hard power.” Qin Yao narrowed his eyes slightly, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind...

The stories may be long or short, with different plots, and the final strength of the boss behind the scenes also varies greatly.

 For example, the old ghost from the ancient tomb in the previous story is actually useless except that he lives a little longer.

In the original work, a **** enshrined in the troupe can kill him instantly, but in reality, the red and white demons are enough to kill him. From the beginning to the end, Qin Yao did not make a move.

Another example is this ghost building. The Japanese evil spirit lurking here in the movie uses the building as a magic circle to create a demonic world. This kind of strength is not something that can be easily achieved by just thinking about it.

What’s more, the story of people scaring ghosts has not changed. This story is obviously related to the layout of foreign forces.

 As for the original work, you can refer to it, but you must not take it as a guide, otherwise I am afraid it will not end well.

After thinking over and over again, Qin Yao finally gave up the idea of ​​returning to Yizhuang to ask for help.

Maoshan is going to hold a celebration meeting about their masters and apprentices. Calculating the time, Uncle Jiu will take everyone in Yizhuang back to the mountain today. In the entire Yizhuang, except for Nintendo, there is no one else who can help him solve the fierce problem. The strong man of ghosts.

Speaking of which, I just asked Nintendo to help get rid of the Ghost Club, and in the blink of an eye, I have to ask the other party to take over the Ghost Mansion. No matter how I think about it, it is not appropriate.

 After all, the old zombie is retiring in Yizhuang, not working for him in Yizhuang.

 If you use it as an employee, it will hurt your feelings.

"Zhang Ling!" After some time, Qin Yao suddenly came back to his senses and softly uttered a name.

You can't count on your own people, but you can still use the strength of the protagonist group...

As soon as this thought came to mind, the female mage Zhang Ling, whose appearance and figure are not inferior to the heroine, and whose strength can kill the heroine in an instant, jumped out of his mind.

He vaguely remembered that Zhang Ling should be the direct descendant of Zhang Tianshi from Longhu Mountain?

If reality is the same, this girl is equivalent to a hidden NPC, the kind who can reveal epic plots!

Thinking of this, he immediately made up his mind and strode to a patrolling young security guard: "Hello, can you take me to the security room?"

 The young security guard obviously knew his identity, he nodded and bowed and said: "Of course, it is my honor, you come with me."

Qin Yao followed him leisurely and asked, "Is your captain's name Fan Jingzhou?"

“Yes.” The young security guard said respectfully, “Do you know our captain?”

“We know each other, is he in the security room?” Qin Yao nodded.

In the original work, Fan Jingzhou has a nephew named Zhu Xi, Zhu Xi has a girlfriend named Dai Xiaoxue, and Dai Xiaoxue has a god-sister. This god-sister is the descendant of Zhang Tianshi, Zhang Linger!

As for why Zhang Tianshi’s direct descendant is not in Longhu Mountain, but in the secular world, Qin Yao estimates that the twists and turns can be made into a movie, and there is no need to delve into it for the time being.

"Captain, captain, Mr. Qin is looking for you." Shao Yan, the young security guard opened the door of the security room and said loudly.

 “Which Mr. Qin?”

In the room, Fan Jingzhou, whose face was covered with notes and was playing cards with three colleagues, glanced back, stood up with a loud noise, and saluted: "Good evening, Mr. Qin!"

He can ignore Judy's boss because he knows very well that even if he offends him, he can't do anything to him.

complaint? It's drizzling, it won't hurt my bones.

But in Fucheng, it is normal to lose one's life, let alone lose one's job!

  After all, there are some young **** who want to curry favor with Mr. Qin, and he doesn’t want to become a prostitute.

“Fan Jingzhou?” Qin Yao asked, looking at his very recognizable thick beard.

"Yes." Fan Jingzhou straightened his back and said loudly, "Mr. Qin, please give me your instructions."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, I don't eat people."

Fan Jingzhou chuckled and relaxed a little: "Mr. Qin, are you looking for me?"

“To be precise, I’m looking for your nephew.” Qin Yao said, “By the way, is your nephew’s name Zhu Xi?”

Fan Jing was stunned on Monday.

I never expected that the idiot who knew and drinking Lazar in the family would one day have a relationship with the department store! !

 This gave him a very unreal feeling, like he was in a dream...

"What's wrong?"

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows: "You don't have a nephew, do you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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