I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 361: Since he is the protagonist, it is normal for him to be chased backwards, right?

Chapter 361 Since he is the protagonist, it is normal to be chased, right?

“A few days ago, a Japanese-invested Golden Palace Hotel opened, and I was invited to attend the opening reception.”

Qin Yao sat upright and said solemnly: "At the cocktail party, I discovered that there were countless Japanese ghosts hiding in the hotel with ulterior motives.

 Last night I received news that the King of Ghosts... Let's just say he is the King of Ghosts.

The ghost king controlled a beautiful woman, had **** with a wealthy businessman living in the hotel, and in the midst of extreme pleasure, he took out the woman's soul and replaced it with the soul of a Japanese ronin. What he did was destructive!

There was a celebration in Maoshan recently, and my master returned to the mountain with a group of his disciples, so that I couldn’t even find anyone with whom I could discuss the matter.

Hearing that Miss Zhang was a blood descendant of Zhang Tianshi and had profound magical powers, he took the liberty to come here and wanted to ask Miss Zhang to help out. "

 Zhang Ling twirled a card with his fingers and said thoughtfully: "I want to go to the Golden Palace Hotel first."

Qin Yao said without hesitation: "I will take you there."

"Xiao Ling, I'll go with you." Dai Erlong looked sincere.

Zhang Ling shook his head and looked directly into his eyes with gentle and generous eyes: "Brother Long, you are good at beating people, but you are also good at beating ghosts... I don't want to see you get hurt!"

  Derron: “…”

He has always had a prestige, and relying on his unwillingness to admit defeat, he has gained his current fortune from a low-income person.

 However, his unwillingness to admit defeat failed after meeting Zhang Ling. I don’t dare to say that I like someone, I don’t dare to marry someone if I want to, and being brave and brave won’t help the other person at all, and may even become a drag.

It’s okay if he doesn’t encounter trouble. Every time he encounters something, the helpless feeling of not being able to help him will clearly tell him that they are not from the same world...

"Where did Mr. Qin learn that I am a descendant of Zhang Tianshi?" Soon after sending Dai Erlong away, Zhang Ling led Qin Yao to a big red convertible car and waved for him to get in.

Qin Yao opened the passenger door, lowered his body and sat in: "Dai Erlong, didn't you tell me? I am his good friend, so of course he told me. In addition, he also asked me not to get close to you, Otherwise, it will definitely end badly.”

 Zhang Ling leaned over and got into the driver's seat and started the car: "He actually even told you this...are you afraid?"

Qin Yao glanced sideways: "What are you afraid of? I am a hard-working person by nature, and I have never been afraid of such taboos. What's more, I don't have any objections to you!"

Zhang Ling stared straight ahead and drove the car speeding along the road.

 In the current era, you never have to worry about traffic jams.

“I had two husbands who said the same thing, and then they married me and died inexplicably.”

It was obviously a sad thing, but Qin Yao wanted to laugh inexplicably, and finally suppressed the raised corners of his mouth, and quickly changed the subject: "Your car is nice..."

"Of course." Zhang Ling put aside the complicated thoughts in his mind and smiled: "It took me five years of savings to ship it directly from the United States."

 Qin Yao nodded slightly and gradually pondered in his mind: Should he also customize a sports car from abroad? After all, although the magic walking talisman is easy to use, two legs are not as good as four wheels...

 In the blink of an eye.

Zhang Ling drove to the front of the Golden Palace Building and parked the car in the underground parking lot under the guidance of the security guard at the front door.

"Mr. Qin, do you know that in today's era, not many people can buy a car at all, so why has this hotel built such a large parking lot?" After getting off the car, Zhang Ling pointed to the wide road.

Qin Yao recalled the plot of the original work and hesitated: "Feng Shui?"

"That's right." Zhang Ling praised enthusiastically: "I didn't expect Mr. Qin to study Feng Shui."

Qin Yao chuckled and thought to himself: I have a chicken study. I only learned how to draw talisman from Uncle Jiu. I haven't touched Feng Shui yet. At most, I know one fate, two luck and three feng shui. I don't know how to answer the next sentence.

“I looked carefully when I came here. When this building was being built, a Feng Shui master must have been involved.

The entire building was specially built into a Yin Gathering Formation. The top rooftop and the underground parking lot are the heaven and earth gates of the Yin Gathering Formation. They are connected to Qingming at the top and Netherworld at the bottom. They are the first-class ghost-raising places in the world. "Zhang Ling said seriously.

Qin Yao slowly suppressed his smile: "In other words, if you want to eliminate evil, you must destroy the gate of heaven and earth?"

"not only that."

Zhang Ling greeted him and walked forward, flipping his hands and taking out a folding compass from nowhere: "Sealing the gate of heaven and earth is only the first step. The second step is to lock the spiritual eye, which is to dismantle the elevator, seal the seventh floor, and separate the upper and lower floors. yin and yang.

 The third step is to reverse the green dragon and white tiger, that is, the front door becomes the back door, and the back door becomes the front door. In this way, the Yin Gathering Formation can be broken and all evils can be prevented from arising. "

“The hotel will be completely scrapped in this way, and the hotelier will not agree.” Qin Yao said flatly.

"I understand." Zhang Ling nodded and sighed: "But this is the only way to break the Yin Gathering Formation. Apart from that, even if we destroy the formation, we cannot change the nature of the building to attract ghosts."

“Can the eye of the Yin Gathering Formation be transformed into a small space?” Qin Yao asked solemnly, thinking about the ‘demon world’ in the original work.

"As long as the ghost energy is enough, the formation eye can be turned into a ghost." Zhang Ling said, silently unfolding the folding compass in his hand, and golden runes suddenly lit up on the seemingly wooden compass: "If this fierce ghost If the building has evolved to this level, it will be really troublesome. At least, I have no way to open the door to the two realms and destroy the ghost."


Perhaps stimulated by the compass in her hand, streaks of green light emerged from the ground, forming rows of green-faced black warriors. The leading ronin held his hand on the hilt of his knife and stared at him: "China Pig, you are not welcome here. ”

"Young ghosts, you are not welcome here." Qin Yao's face darkened, he stepped forward and slapped the opponent's face hard with a palm like a leaf fan.


To his surprise, this powerful and heavy punch directly passed through the opponent's soul body, as if it hit a hollow point.

"He is not a real person, but a projection." Zhang Lingjia is knowledgeable and can tell the truth with his words.

"No kid can act arrogant in front of me in this land, not even a projection."

Qin Yao's eyes were as cold as frost. He raised his hand and took out the white jade official seal. He controlled the divinity in the official seal to immobilize the more than ten ronin warriors. With a thought, the power of faith stored in the Yuan Detai family used the official seal as a medium to transform into Taoist gods. The sword stabbed hard at the Ronin's soul.

 “Bang, bang, bang…”

All phantoms stabbed by the Divine Sword of Faith exploded one after another. At the same time, in a mirror in the women's bathroom on the 13th floor of the building, in the 'Devil Realm', thirteen ghostly phantoms kneeling on the ground exploded instantly. The soul was scattered, and then disappeared into ashes.

 “Divine power?”

At the front of the dark ronin warriors, holding a long-handled samurai sword, the ronin leader with a mustache in the middle of his lips suddenly opened his eyes, with a cruel look on his narrow and gloomy cheeks: "God comes to kill the god. , The Buddha came to punish the Buddha, and there is no room for failure in our great cause!”

 “Behead the gods and destroy the Buddhas!”

With a clang, the ronin closest to him suddenly pulled out the long sword in his hand, raised it and roared.

 “Behead the gods and destroy the Buddhas.”

 “Behead the gods and destroy the Buddhas.”


The next moment, hundreds of samurai swords were unsheathed at the same time. The sword light was condensed and murderous intent surged into the sky. In an instant, it condensed into a big "momentum", and the shadow of a snake was faintly visible above the heads of the ghosts.

With his military spirit at his disposal, the Ronin leader had a terrifying smile on his face and called out: "Tanaka..."

A tall faceless ghost wearing a white robe and long hair shawl appeared out of thin air outside the mirror, bowed and saluted: "Lord Sasaki."

"We need to continue to strengthen the demon world and cannot leave easily. I leave those two Chinese pigs to you. Don't let us down." The leader of the ronin said coldly and solemnly. The faceless man knelt down on one knee and struck his chest with his right hand: "I will live up to your trust."

 “Go, be careful.” Sasaki ordered.

 The faceless man stood up slowly, and as his mind turned, his body suddenly disappeared into the air.

 “No response.”

In the underground parking lot, when Qin Yao put away his official seal and turned his head to look, Zhang Ling raised the folding compass in his hand towards him.

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and waved: "Come with me, I will take you to a place."

Zhang Ling nodded silently and hurried to the elevator entrance with him. When the silver-white elevator opened to the left and right, looking at the empty interior of the elevator, an inexplicable throbbing suddenly surged into his heart.

 “Mr. Qin!”

Suddenly, she grabbed Qin Yao's big hand and pulled him towards the elevator.

Qin Yao paused, turned slightly sideways, and looked down at the other person's small hand with a touch of warmth.

Under his gaze, Zhang Ling retracted his palm with a magnanimous expression and said seriously: "Don't get on the elevator, I feel something is wrong with this elevator."

Qin Yao rubbed his fingers as if nothing had happened, raised his arm and pointed to the stairs: "Then climb the stairs, the target is the top floor!"

 Zhang Ling looked straight at him with moist eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Thank you."

 “Thank you for what?” Qin Yao asked in surprise.

"Thank you for trusting me, even if I can't provide any evidence for my intuition." Zhang Ling said.

Qin Yao laughed: "Since you followed me to the building, the two of us have been comrades in arms. I don't believe who you believe? In other words, if I don't want to believe you, I don't have to go out of my way to ask you for help. ”

Zhang Ling smiled knowingly, showing eight white teeth: "Favor is valuable, trust is priceless, and for your trust, I will try my best to help you."

 “Thank you very much.” Qin Yao cupped his fists in salute and expressed his sincere thanks.

 One floor.

 Two percent.

 Ten floors.

 Twelve floors.

When the two of them walked like the wind and climbed to the twelfth floor in one breath, a faceless figure holding a long knife suddenly appeared. The shocked Qin Yao raised his hand and slapped him.


The faceless ghost dodged back and drew out his long knife as fast as thunder. His body turned into an afterimage in the air, and he slashed it down with the knife.


Qin Yao didn't move his body, and even his upper body didn't move much. He pushed out an ordinary palm, and a shadow of an almost invisible palm flew out of thin air and hit the center of the faceless ghost's chest hard. Swatt it like a fly against the wall.


Dizzy and with disordered ghost energy, the faceless ghost braced himself hard, gritted his teeth, and suddenly the human sword merged into one, and he quickly stabbed Qin Yao between the eyebrows.

Qin Yao's face became a little more serious, he clenched his right fist, punched the edge of the fist hard, and struck the blade hard with his fist. He heard a loud bang, his true energy surged, and the ghost energy dispersed. His body trembled, but the long knife flew up upside down with a roar, and penetrated deeply into the wall with a pop.

 “The body of a god?”

Not far away, Zhang Ling’s eyes revealed something brilliant: “No, the body of a simple **** and man is definitely not so fierce, this is the body of a god!”

 “Xiao Wenjun, catch him alive.” Qin Yao ordered.


Strands of black hair shot out from the ground like steel needles, rushing towards the Ghost Head Saber at high speed with a sharp sound that was unheard by mortals.


The Ghost Head Sword made a dull buzzing sound, spinning away from the wall at high speed, whistling and slashing at countless black hair tips.


The sharp blade stood on the black hair, and there was a sharp clear sound, like the intersection of gold and iron, and the collision of the blades.

 Inside the ghost-headed sword, the faceless ghost was panicking.

 Obviously, Lord Sasaki misjudged the strength of these two people.

 The problem is, he doesn’t want to pay for the leader’s mistakes!

The body and soul wield the ghost-headed sword, and the faceless ghost tries to get rid of the imprisonment of his long hair and turns around to escape. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the hair clinging to the blade became a piece, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not move the blade at all. Even if he wanted to break away from the state where man and sword were one, he couldn't.

Three thousand black hair, tightly holding on to the trembling ghost-headed sword, forced into Qin Yao's shadow, the stairwell suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

"Mr. Qin, that was..." Zhang Ling blinked and pointed at his shadow.

"she is my friend."


Zhang Ling's heart moved, and he thought to himself: The eighteen unknown kinds of ghosts and monsters can't do anything to him, so the curse on me should be nothing to him, right?

 What you can’t get is always in turmoil!

Over the years, she has been married seven times, but none of them have been successful. Over time, this turmoil has gradually turned into obsession.

Therefore, in the movie, when she figured out that Fan Jingzhou, who wanted no one but no money, had a good destiny and could overcome his own curse, she was obsessed with it and involuntarily accepted him, so much so that she met him twice. The three of them lived together.

Regarding this plot, many film critics criticized the lack of progress, lack of process, and inexplicable liking.

 But in fact, falling in love is something that is unexpected and inexplicable.

 Some people have been together for more than ten years, and if they don’t feel anything, they just don’t feel anything; some people just meet once and feel it in their hearts at a glance.

A relationship that develops quickly does not mean that it is a fast-food love. On the contrary, the love plots in some love movies and TV dramas are completely divorced from reality. They are entangled, separated and reunited, and pulled and pulled, as if there is only love and love in life. There is no other life.

 Speaking of which, it was not easy to meet such a tough-minded person. Zhang Ling wanted to try and plant a relationship with him to see if it would bear fruit in the future...

 Happiness comes when it succeeds.

There is no regret in defeat.

"Yes, friend." Qin Yao couldn't read minds, so how could he know that he had unknowingly become prey in the eyes of others. At this moment, he explained sincerely: "People are divided into good and bad, and ghosts are divided into good and evil. , I am not the kind of stick who kills ghosts whenever I see them. As long as the other party does not infringe on my personal interests, then they can become my friends, whether they are human beings or ghosts. "

 Zhang Ling'er smiled brightly and brightly: "What a coincidence, I thought so too..."

 (End of this chapter)

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