Chapter 373: Elf Transformation

“Boss, if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions.”

Han Chen said very cooperatively: "As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely handle it for you."

"What if it's something beyond your ability?" Qin Yao asked with a half-smile.

"Even so, I will try my best to do it, but there is no guarantee whether I can do it well or not." Han Chen said calmly.

"This is a good answer. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. There is no leakage." Qin Yao shook the ashes of his cigarette gently and looked at it with amusement.

Han Chen’s heart sank and he chuckled: “Boss, I really didn’t think that much...”

Qin Yao raised his hand and interrupted his self-defense: "It's not important. What's important is that I need you to help me investigate the various developments of the Japanese in Lujiazui, for example, what trading companies have been established and what groups they control. , What tall buildings were built, what events were held...especially the Summer Festival or the Sakura Festival.”

Han Chen said respectfully: "Yes, boss. I dare not say anything else, but on the border of Lujiazui, what I say is more effective than the police station."

Qin Yao put out the cigar in the ashtray, stood up slowly, and patted his shoulder gently: "It's a good thing to be proud, but it's not a good thing to be arrogant. You can do things well, but you can't talk too much. , otherwise something bad will happen.”

After being patted twice by him, Han Chen trembled slightly, nodded and said, "Thank you for your teaching, I will remember it."

Qin Yao smiled slightly and turned to look in the direction of the dining table: "Do I need to wait for you for a while?"

"No need." Zhang Ling picked up a napkin and wiped the little zombie's mouth, then stood up with him.

“It’s still early, where should we go?” Qin Yao asked.

“I see that the nightclub opposite is beautifully decorated, why not go and have a look?” Zhang Ling suggested.

Han Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "Sister-in-law, that nightclub is the property of our Ax Club. After you and the boss go there, as long as you tell me my name, everything will be free..."

“You are quite discerning.”

Zhang Ling smiled, flipped his hands and took out a jade porcelain bottle from somewhere, unplugged the red cloth stopper, and poured out a pill as big as a longan on the table: "For the sake of calling me sister-in-law, I’ll give you this Qi-boosting pill. Look, how will you be able to convince the public when you are so sick?”

Han Chen's eyes were full of fire, and he tried his best to restrain the ecstasy in his heart: "Sister-in-law, can this Qi-Replenishing Pill improve your physical condition?"

With his cautious and suspicious character, if someone else brought this thing out and told him that eating it can improve his health and Qi, he would not believe it 100%.

 But the pills were taken out by the elder sister-in-law, so there is no problem. After all, given the strength of the boss, it would be easy to take his own life, so there is no need to go to such trouble.

"You'll know after you eat it..." Zhang Ling didn't explain much to him. He led the little zombie and followed Qin Yao out of the Ax Club.

Han Chen strode to the table, reached out and picked up the dark brown pill, and threw it directly into his mouth...

The elixir melted in his mouth and instantly turned into countless streams of warm air, spreading to the eight extraordinary meridians, making his somewhat pale cheeks quickly turn rosy.


Han Chen couldn't help but let out a moan, feeling his body getting stronger and stronger, and the corners of his mouth kept rising.

 Hand reached out to take down the ax hanging on the wall, turned on the record player on the window sill, and Han Chen's body danced to the rhythm of the music.

 He had never been so strong before, and he was fascinated by this feeling of strength.

 The classic dance of the Future Ax Gang was quietly born under this opportunity...

at the same time.


Countless trendsetters who are at the forefront of fashion are also dancing to the music. Many men and women even hug each other, getting closer and closer, and their ears are rubbing together.

Zhang Ling placed the little zombie on the booth in the drink area and said to the waiter at the counter: "Are there any drinks suitable for children? Milk will also work."

 “There’s grape juice, ma’am.”

 The waiter said.

“Then let’s have a glass of grape juice.” Zhang Ling said, then turned to look at the man behind him: “Mr. Qin, would you like some wine?”

"Okay." Qin Yao sat on the booth next to her and looked around.

“Then let’s have two more glasses of wine.” Zhang Ling knocked on the table and smiled slightly.

 “Wow, that’s on point.”

In a booth not far away, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes happened to turn his head and glanced over. When he saw the smiling Zhang Ling, his eyebrows suddenly lit up and he was astonished.

"What's the point?" Beside him, a young man with a crew cut, oval cheeks, and narrow eyes followed his gaze, his face suddenly froze with curiosity, and his eyes stagnated.

  Everyone has different eyes for appreciating beauty, but there is always a kind of beauty that can span the eyes of countless people.

“Isn’t that on point, Azhi?” The young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes raised his elbow and lightly nudged the buddy next to him.

A Zhi woke up from the dream and took a long breath: "What does it have to do with us whether it is on time or not? Did you see the little child next to her? She may be the mother."

"So what if you have children? What if you get divorced?" The young man winked, stood up with the wine glass in hand and said, "I'll go find out about the situation for you."

"Hey, Ah Che, don't mess around." Ah Zhi subconsciously grabbed the opponent, but was easily dodged.

“Hello, Miss, how are you?” Ah Che said with a smile, holding the wine glass in front of Zhang Ling.

 “Hello.” Zhang Ling nodded.

 “Can I buy you a drink?” Ah Che raised the wine glass in his hand and asked.

 Zhang Ling took the wine glass from the waiter and said with a smile, "I ordered it myself."

Ah Che shrugged, turned sideways and pointed in the direction of Ah Zhi: "To tell you the truth, miss, my friend fell in love with you at first sight, but was too embarrassed to say it himself, so he asked me to help ask, are you Boy friend."

Zhang Ling secretly glanced at Qin Yao and saw that he didn't respond at all, so he shook his head and said, "I don't have a boyfriend."

"You don't have a husband, do you?" Ah Che chuckled.

“I don’t even have a boyfriend, how can I get a husband?” Zhang Ling continued to shake his head.

"That's easy to talk about." Ah Che snapped his fingers and said with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, miss, I just lied to you. It wasn't that my friend fell in love with you at first sight, but I fell in love with you at first sight. But, I was embarrassed to say it just now.”

 Zhang Ling laughed: "Glib tongue."

A Che smiled and said, "I'm just afraid of being rude to the beautiful woman."

 “I feel very abrupt right now.” Zhang Ling said.

"I'll punish myself with a glass of wine to make amends to you." Ah Che said and drank the wine in one gulp.

 Zhang Ling twirled his wine glass and said, "The punishment is over, you can leave."

“No, this drink is not the end, but the beginning.” A Che said enthusiastically: “Miss, how about playing a game?”

"what game?"

"drink wine."

 Achaideo: "You have one drink, and I'll have two. Let's see who gets drunk first."

“I’ll have one drink and you have three.” Zhang Ling said.

 “Ah this…” Ah Che hesitated.


"No." Ah Che waved his hand: "Come on, let's see who falls first." Zhang Ling carried the little zombie to Qin Yao's legs. The little zombie instinctively squeezed into Qin Yao's arms, drinking grape juice and watching Zhang Ling had a drinking contest with a strange uncle.

 Three cups.

 Six cups.

 Nine cups.


Seeing Ah Che drinking more and more, his face getting redder and redder, Azhi, who was staying far away, couldn't stand it anymore, came over and tugged Ah Che's sleeve: "Okay, Ah Che, don't drink anymore. "

“Let me go, I can still drink.” Ah Che pulled back his sleeve, looked at Zhang Ling and said, “Miss, continue.”

Azhi had no choice but to sit and watch Ache drink more and more, and finally collapsed on the counter with a bang, drunk to death.

 “I’m sorry, girl…”

 “You brat, so you are here!”

Suddenly, a vicious voice interrupted Azhi. Everyone followed the sound and saw a powerful and ugly man striding forward with two followers and grabbed Azhi by the collar.

“Brother Xiong, what a coincidence.” Azhi obviously knew the other person and said in a low voice.

 “What a coincidence, I’ve been looking for you for several days, please pay me back quickly.” Brother Xiong shouted sternly.

Finding that the "goddess" was staring at him, Azhi felt a little embarrassed and said softly: "Brother Xiong, give me some face, we will talk about it later."

"How can you, a person who puts makeup on corpses, have any dignity?" Brother Xiong reached out and patted his face, and said with a ferocious smile: "Hurry up and pay him back. If you don't pay today, I'll chop off one of your hands."

“Do you owe them money?” Zhang Ling suddenly asked.

"I don't owe them money. It was my friend who borrowed his money and is now running away." A Zhiyan said concisely.

 “Azhi, Ache, Xiongge…”

At the counter, Qin Yao's heart moved and he suddenly asked: "Azhi, are your parents dead and you only have Meiyi as your only relative in this world?"

 “How do you know?” Azhi asked in surprise.

"Hey, big man, I don't care who you are, I advise you to mind your own business and don't get yourself into any **** trouble." Brother Xiong shouted sternly.

“Get out of here.” Qin Yao waved his hand like he was shooing away flies.

Brother Xiong suddenly widened his eyes and rolled up his sleeves: "How dare you scold me! Brothers, go ahead and beat his mouth to pieces."

"Yes, brother." Behind him, two followers took out daggers from their arms and rushed towards Qin Yao quickly.

“Brother Xiong, this is the territory of the Ax Club, isn’t it appropriate to use a knife?” Azhi was startled and shouted immediately.

"It's inappropriate for others to use the knife, but Brother Chen and I have been friends for eight years, so there's nothing inappropriate." Brother Xiong smiled coldly and pointed at Qin Yao: "I'm going to tell him a truth with my blood today, there is a price to pay for meddling in other people's business. of!"



As soon as he finished speaking, his two followers fell to the ground with two loud slaps and struggled for a while without being able to get up.

“Brother Xiong, what did you say?” Qin Yao retracted his palm, took a sip from the wine glass, raised his eyes and asked.

Brother Xiong swallowed and smiled bitterly: "I said, brother, you are not a mortal at first sight. It was my younger brother who was rude just now."

Qin Yao waved to him: "Come here."

 “No need?” Brother Xiong waved his hand repeatedly.

"If you don't come over, I will." Qin Yao said indifferently.

Brother Xiong had no choice but to come to him with a nervous mood, fully alert to the sudden slap from the other party.

He knew very well how capable the two younger brothers he had brought were, but they were so good at hitting but couldn't even catch two slaps. Obviously the problem was not with them.

"Don't be nervous, I usually don't hit people randomly." Qin Yao comforted him softly, and then extended his palm to him: "Bring me the IOU."

 “What IOU?” Brother Xiong said blankly.

“Don’t pretend to be stupid, of course it’s the IOU left by Azhi’s friend here with you,” Qin Yao said.

 “Brother, this is against the rules.” Brother Xiong said bravely.

“If he doesn’t follow the rules set by someone, ask him to come to see me and I will help him change the rules.” Qin Yao said in a solemn voice.

 Brother Xiong: “…”

Who is this big brother? He is so loud!

 “Give you one last chance, give me the IOU.” Qin Yao put down his wine glass and looked directly into Brother Xiong’s eyes.

 Brother Xiong turned around and ran away without saying a word.

He didn't believe it. If this man could protect Azhi for a while, how could he protect him for the rest of his life?

Looking at his hurriedly running back, Qin Yao raised his palms and released his true energy, instantly wrapping his body and forcing him back to his side.


Brother Xiong was so frightened that he turned pale and shouted loudly.


Qin Yao slapped him **** the mouth and knocked him to the ground. There was a sudden silence.


Qin Yao leaned over and lifted it up, just like lifting a chicken.

 “Puff, puff.”

Brother Xiong spat out four teeth in two mouthfuls of blood. The severe pain made his whole face contort. He didn't dare to say any more nonsense. He took out a note from his pocket while trembling.

Qin Yao grabbed the note with his hand, pushed Brother Xiong out, and said solemnly: "I advise you to do more good deeds in the future and stop chasing Azhi and the others, otherwise there will be no good end!"

 He still remembered all the movies with "Uncle Ying" in his mind, and he knew very well that in this story, this guy was chasing Azhi all the time, only to be injured by the flames in the melee and jump off the building to his death.

If this guy is willing to listen to him, then he can get the virtue of persuading people to do good.

If this guy refuses to listen to him, at the right time in the future, he can save Meiyi who was killed by the other party in the original work, and Basho Girl who was severely injured, so that he can get two yin virtues.

He is like a banker who knows the plot well. No matter how the situation changes, he will always get a benefit!

Brother Xiong lowered his head to avoid letting the other party see the resentment in his eyes. He ignored the two followers who had just gotten up, turned around and ran into the crowd, disappearing from the eyes of Qin Yao and others.


Brother Xiong covered his mouth, crossed a big road at high speed, came to the opposite side of the nightclub, broke into the Ax Club, and shouted repeatedly: "Brother Chen, Brother Chen..."

 In the luxuriously decorated living room.

Han Chen, who was happily choreographing, frowned and looked up at Brother Xiong, who was running in all the way: "Xiong, what's the matter?"

“Brother Chen, someone broke your rules and asked you to see him in person and he will help you change the rules.” Brother Xiong kept swallowing the blood secreted from his gums and provoked.

A cold glint flashed in Han Chen's eyes, he banged the ax in his hand on the table, and shouted: "Who is so bold, dares to break my rules, and also sets rules for me?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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