I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 376: Elf Girl (Part 1) 〈3rd update 12000〉

Chapter 376 Elf Girl (Part 1) 〈Explosion·3rd Update·12000〉


Seeing Qin Yao coming with his "wife and children", Azhi and Ache immediately surrounded him and shouted in unison.

“Why are you shouting so disgustingly?” Qin Yao pushed the two of them away with a look of disgust.

“Master, please help us. You are the only one who can save us now.” Ah Che said.

 Chin Yao: “???”

"Yes, Master, losing money is a small matter, but embarrassing people is a big deal. If we lose this round, we will never be able to hold our heads high in the company for the rest of our lives." Azhi said solemnly.


Qin Yao raised his palms and frowned: "What on earth are you talking about? Why am I getting more and more confused the more I listen to it?"

The two brothers looked at each other, and Azhi glanced at A Che, who immediately shook his head wildly.

Azhi had no choice but to explain: "Master, when I think of women, my mother appears in my mind uncontrollably.

It has been almost ten years since my mother died. When I **** the banana, nothing comes out. But if something comes out... I don’t know how to deal with it. "

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Are you **** kidding me?

In the past ten years, you haven’t met anyone you really like?

 While secretly questioning, he suddenly remembered the "missing" Iris, and felt that the other party's statement seemed to make sense.

 In the original work, this guy’s past was not mentioned, and only bits and pieces between him and Iris (the plantain spirit) were shown.

"So, how do you want me to save you?" After thinking for a moment, Qin Yao turned to look at his uncle beside him: "Kill him?"

Uncle Tang: “…”

Depend on.

 What the hell? !

In this deep mountain and old forest, a chill instantly hit my heart.

"no no."

Ah Zhi quickly shook his head and chuckled: "We want to ask Master to pull bananas for us..."

"No!" Before Qin Yao could speak, Zhang Ling said categorically: "The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the plantain spirit you pull out. Based on your master's current strength, the plantain spirit pulled out will at least be The ghost king level is very difficult to deal with!”

 Azhi: “…”

Qin Yao raised his eyes to look at A Che and said: "A Zhi can't pull it, so I'll let you do it for me. Your strength is low, so you don't have to worry about pulling out the Ghost King."

A Che waved his hands repeatedly: "I can't do it either, Master. I always think of my grandma recently."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Grandma, what a leg!

 Are you kidding?

“Hey, let me tell you, have you master and disciple discussed who will pull the plantain essence?” After ensuring that his life was safe, his uncle couldn’t help but urge.

"I think it's better to silence him. This guy from the deep mountains and forests can just bury his body anywhere, and no one else can find it." Qin Yao thought he was annoying and deliberately threatened him.

 The uncle immediately closed his mouth.

After scaring his uncle, he had to deal with all the things that should be dealt with. Qin Yao suddenly calmed down and silently thought about the pros and cons of pulling a banana.

 After much deliberation, I can’t think of any disadvantages.

  After all, in the current "story setting", the banana spirit is an elf, not a murderous and blood-sucking ghost.

Even if he pulls out a banana spirit, the other party will only pester him and will not harm others.

 As for himself, are he still afraid of getting entangled?

In addition, he also has a small selfish intention, and he wants to use this to verify whether Basho can really pull out any kind of woman he wants...

This kind of magic is beyond his understanding!

"Okay, I'll help you." Thinking of this, Qin Yao said decisively.

 "Mr. Qin..." Zhang Ling looked worried.

"It's okay." Qin Yao smiled slightly and said with relief: "If any ghost king is really brought out, if she does evil, I will personally do it to make her soul fly away."

 Zhang Ling: “…”

She wanted to ask, what if the other party didn't do evil?

Is it possible that there will be one more person in their team?


 She has no status to raise such a question!

There is no status to interfere with Qin Yao's decision.

"Okay, then it's settled." After the dust settled, my uncle clapped his hands: "Let's go, everyone, let's find a suitable banana tree."

“Uncle, do you think this banana tree is okay?” Later, after walking into the banana forest, A Zhi pointed to a thick banana tree and said.

"This one won't work." My uncle glanced at it casually, shook his head and said, "The flower buds are too small and can't bear the strength."

“This one should be about the same.” Qin Yao selected a huge banana tree, reached out and patted the trunk gently.

 “Hey, this one is okay.”

As the uncle spoke, he took out the incense and oranges from his cross-body backpack, inserted the incense with a toothpick tied at the bottom into the top of the orange, and enshrined it in front of the banana tree. He stood up and looked at Qin Yao: "Get ready. Yet?"

“No need to prepare, you can do it anytime.” Qin Yao shrugged.

 “Okay, then take off your shoes.”

The cousin took out a red rope from his bag, handed it to the two brothers, and ordered: "You two, find a way to tie one end of the red rope to the bud. Remember, tie it firmly in the middle, and don't lightly tie it." Just pull it off.”

With quick eyes and quick hands, Ah Che took the lead in grabbing the red rope. He looked at the height of the flower buds and pressed his palms towards Ah Zhi: "Squat down, squat down, and carry me up."

 Azhi: “…”

While the two brothers were tying the red rope around their necks, Qin Yao took off his right shoes and socks, turned his back to Basho, and silently thought about who he wanted to think about later.

The faces of celebrities from his previous life flashed through his mind like a slideshow, but no matter whether they were coquettish or innocent, whether they were Xiaojiabiyu or a lady, they could not make him make up his mind.

“Elf changes, elf, elf...the most beautiful elf?”


 A figure in a white dress, with long golden hair, and holding a silver-white long bow suddenly comes to mind.

Have a face that can be held in your hands, eyes as deep as a lake, a high bridge of nose, ears like a small animal, and a slim and well-shaped body...

 No matter her appearance or figure, she is not as beautiful as a real person. She was even considered to be a CG beauty because of her beauty, until her information was exposed in China.

 The most beautiful elf in history, the female elf Savannablade.

 A promotional animation for an online game, which almost satisfies all people’s fantasies about elves…

"Here, tie it up." At this time, the uncle picked up one end of the red rope on the ground and handed it to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao raised his right foot, tied the end of the red rope to his big toe, and said: "Che, go and seal the surrounding area with talismans to prevent the demons from coming to devour the elves."

“Yes, Master.” Ah Che quickly dodged away.

 “Speak clearly and logically, it’s important not to be timid later.” Uncle Tang beeped in a low voice.

 Soon, Ah Che rushed back and said, "It's done, Master."

Qin Yao nodded, took out a small bowl of chicken hearts, and lightly scratched his index finger with the thumb nail of his right hand. A cut was immediately made in the center of the index finger, and drops of blood flowed into the small bowl of chicken hearts, forming a slightly larger drop of blood. beads.

He raised his right foot, with blood on his left index finger, and smeared it on one end of the red rope. Then he handed the small bowl to Ah Che and ordered: "Go, pour this blood on the other end of the red rope."

A Che did as he was told, and then put the small bowl into his arms.

"Okay." Uncle Tang said to Qin Yao: "Who is that? You can imagine in your mind the woman you think is the most beautiful." Qin Yao closed his eyes and silently recalled in his mind the "most beautiful elf" holding a silver The appearance of a white longbow.



Suddenly, dark clouds covered the moon, and a strong wind blew up in the forest, raising dust.

“Here we come!” Uncle Tang said in a deep voice, looking up at the buds of the banana tree.

I saw a faint red light shining on the flower buds, even beating gently like a heart.



The violent wind between heaven and earth became stronger and stronger, making it difficult for everyone to open their eyes. After an unknown period of time, the strong wind stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the bright moonlight once again shone into the banana forest.

Including Qin Yao, everyone looked at the flower buds, only to see that the flower buds were exactly the same as at the beginning, with no change at all.


This thought came to everyone's mind at the same time.

Zhang Ling stretched out her hand on her forehead, opened her heavenly eyes, and looked at the flower buds, but found nothing unusual, not even a slight fluctuation of spiritual energy!

 “It seems to have failed...”

Qin Yao used his magic power, his pupils turned into golden ones, and he stared at the flower buds for a long time, but he also found nothing unusual.

“Cousin, take the money, take the money…”

Ah Che and Azhi breathed a sigh of relief one after another, and the next moment they squeezed in next to their uncle.

Uncle Tang stretched out his hand to push the two of them away and said, "Why are you in a hurry? It's still early when the agreed time comes."

Qin Yao dispersed the golden light in his eyes, untied the red rope tied to his toes, and while putting on his shoes and socks, he thought in his heart: Is it because I am not the protagonist in this story, so I can't pull out the banana in this story? Refined?

 It’s strange... Then in the movie, my cousin said before that someone pulled out the plantain essence. What happened?

Time passed quietly while waiting, and soon it came to the beginning of Yinshi.

Yawning Ah Che glanced at the night, immediately jumped up from the ground, raised his foot and kicked the old guy who was napping against the banana tree: "Uncle, uncle, wake up quickly, Yin Shi is here."

Uncle Tang opened his eyes drowsily and said, "Has the plantain essence come out?"

 “What the hell, there is no plantain essence at all.” A Che said.

 “Give me money, give me money.” Azhi leaned over and spread his palms.


Uncle Tang helped the old man stand up, slapped Azhi gently on the palm, and scolded: "I'll give you a slap... You guys will bring so much money out at night, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Ah Zhi stuck out his tongue and said, "Bring the money to the company early tomorrow morning. Otherwise, even if you ask for leave, you have to go back and get the money for us."

“You are a money man.” My cousin complained silently, picked up the oil lamp on the ground, and walked out with the lamp.

 “Help me hold it.” In front of the banana tree, Zhang Ling delivered the little zombie in his arms to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao turned around, motioned for her to put the little zombie on his back, and then walked out of the forest with the little zombie on his back.

Shortly after.

 Everyone left, and there was silence in front of the banana tree.


Suddenly, the flower buds, which were still tied with a red rope, exploded suddenly. A white light flashed on the thick tree trunk, and a naked figure walked out, holding a silver-white long bow.

Small cheeks, sky-blue eyes, tall nose, graceful figure... She is the elf girl Qin Yao imagined in his mind.

The girl looked down at her towering chest. With a thought, white light shone outside her body, and a set of extremely fairy-like white long skirts suddenly appeared.

Looking at the beautiful long dress on her body, the elf girl smiled with satisfaction, took two steps with her bare feet, paused slightly, and a pair of white shoes appeared out of thin air on her feet.

 “Whoop, whoop…”

The girl sniffed gently, smelling the scent of the man left in the air, and slowly came to the edge of the scorched forest. When she glanced at it unintentionally, she saw a yellow talisman attached to the tree trunk.

A touch of curiosity appeared on her palm-sized cheeks. She held the bow in her right hand, raised her left hand, and gently took off the yellow talisman.

The amazing thing is that the talisman used to ward off evil spirits and suppress demons has no effect on her!

 “Hoo, hoo, hoo…”

 Later, just when she lost interest in the yellow talisman and threw it away, a strong wind suddenly blew in front of her, as if something was coming at a very fast speed.

The elf girl's expression tightened, and she instinctively raised her long bow, unstretched the bowstring, and a white-gold long arrow was immediately pulled out of the silver-white long bow.

The color of this long arrow is almost the same as the magic power of the Immortal Sutra in Qin Yao's body.


A tall figure emerged from the strong wind, with a green face and fangs, and a fierce look. It looked like a fierce ghost at first glance.

At this moment, this fierce ghost is looking at the elf girl in a daze...

It’s not that he has never seen a banana spirit before, but this is the first time he has seen a banana spirit that is as beautiful as a fairy concubine.

 “Panho essence, be mine…”


The moment he opened his mouth, the elf girl loosened her fingers on the bowstring, and a long silver arrow shot out of the air, heading straight for the ghost's head.


The next moment, Li Gui's ugly head exploded, and his body turned into yin energy, gradually dissipating in the air.

The elf girl was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that she could be so strong. After a long time, she came back to her senses and turned the long bow. The silver-white long bow suddenly turned into countless light spots and merged into her body.

   “咻, 咻.”

She pursed her lips, sniffed again, and pursued the smell of that person again...

 That day.

 After dawn.

Qin Yao came to the living room with two freshly made hand-written scriptures and gently placed the books in front of Azhi: "These two are the Maoshan Talismans and Earth Escape Techniques I mentioned earlier. Take them with you, and A car exchange to see."

"Thank you, Master." Azhi wiped his wet hands on his clothes, took the book, and started reading eagerly.

Qin Yao could understand his current mood, so he turned around and walked out without saying anything.


 At this time, Ah Che rode a bicycle to the front of the house, waving and shouting.


Qin Yao waved his hand and asked, "Is your uncle at home?"

  Although Uncle Ying is only a supporting character in this story, it has no meaning for him to obtain Yin De.

 But now that we are in this story, it would be a pity not to see each other again.

“He’s at home.” Ah Che got off his bicycle, patted the back seat and said, “Master, do you need me to take you to him?”

"No need." Qin Yao shook his head and smiled: "You just need to tell me how to go."


 Qin Yao came alone to the pharmacy called "Chen Fusheng's Injuries and Injury Clinic". Just as he was about to open the door, his ears suddenly heard the overwhelming sound coming from inside.


 In broad daylight, the world is bright, Chen Fusheng, what are you doing?

 (End of this chapter)

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