I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 389: Put aside the facts (continuous updates 3)

Chapter 389: Putting aside the facts (continuous updates·3~)

“The red-robed fire ghost has an unknown origin, unknown life story, and unknown strength.

 The only thing that is known is that she is female, wears a red robe, and has the special ability to possess ghosts.

 After possession, the combat power will soar instantly. Whether the possession can be overlapped, that is, whether it can possess multiple ghosts is unknown..."

Recalling the information about the red-robed fire ghost in the original work, Qin Yao concluded: "In addition, the risk of mutation is not ruled out. Once the opponent mutates, he will be stronger and more difficult to deal with."

Ao Tianlong was frightened and thought to himself: If the facts were as he said, without their help, he really wouldn't be able to protect Xiaoshuang from the fire ghost's attack!

"Mr. Qin, I'm very curious. I've never heard of the red-robed fire ghost before, so how could it be related to her?" Xiaoshuang asked doubtfully.

Qin Yao: "The divine eye is not omnipotent. It can only see the entanglement of cause and effect, but cannot analyze related cause and effect. Therefore, your question can only be answered by time..."

Shortly after.

 The group finished resting and set out on their way to Santu County under the guidance of Ao Tianlong.

Time passes slowly, the evening breeze blows away the sunset, and the sky and earth gradually become dim.

 Xiaoshuang, whose **** hurt from sitting down, jumped out of the car. Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a rabbit lying in the grass and taking a nap. The smell of rabbit meat at noon suddenly appeared in her mind, and her face was full of energy.

 “Braised rabbit, stop!”

 couldn't help but let out a sweet shout, and rushed towards the rabbit. Ao Tianlong didn't even think about pulling him back.

"She is young and inexperienced. She is just like a child. Please be patient with her..." Ao Tianlong sighed helplessly and turned to Qin Yao and others.

Qin Yao shook his head, followed the girl's lively figure with his eyes, and thought to himself: The rabbit of fate has appeared, can the red-robed fire ghost be far behind? ?


On a piece of grass, the girl rushed towards the rabbit, but unexpectedly, the rabbit was more agile than her. When her body leaned down, he jumped up, jumped into a hole in an arc, and disappeared in front of her in the blink of an eye.


With an annoyed look on her face, Xiaoshuang quickly got up from the ground and came to the hole. She wanted to reach out to the rabbit, but she was afraid of touching snakes and insects, so she bent down and picked up a branch, and stabbed it into the hole with all her strength. Said: "Rabbit, come out, rabbit."

In the pit, a face with delicate makeup and fair skin was quickly disfigured by the attack of sharp branches. Black blood flowed from half of the face and slowly invaded the ground...

Beside the four-wheeled vehicle, Qin Yao, who had been watching Xiaoshuang, shrank back and came to the girl in an instant, reaching out to hold her hand that kept pounding the rabbit.

"What's wrong?"

  The girl outside the Great Wall is not familiar with the world. Even when her little hand is held, she does not show any shyness. Instead, she blinks her eyes and looks curious.

Qin Yao grabbed her hand, pulled out the stick, and looked at the black blood on the tip of the stick, his eyes slightly condensed.

“Ah, why is this blood black?” Xiaoshuang exclaimed.

With his eyes shining, Qin Yao looked towards the ground, looking at the **** corpse with half a face on the ground. The doubts that had been bothering him for many years finally found the answer...

 When he watched this movie in his previous life, he couldn't quite understand how an evil ghost could have half of his face destroyed by a little girl, and even bring about his own death.

Now that he saw this corpse, he understood that it was the other party's corpse that Xiaoshuang smashed, and as a result, large scars appeared on the face of the red-robed fire ghost.

Looking at the whole film, the death of the red-robed fire ghost is indeed a bit unjust. If there was no "Uncle Ying" in the protagonist group, it would probably attract a lot of sympathy.


Ao Tianlong walked over slowly, staring at the palms of the two people's hands.

Ao Ningshuang is not familiar with worldly affairs, but he knows everything...

Qin Yao calmly let go of the girl's hand, turned his finger and pointed at the ground: "Fellow Taoist, something happened."

Ao Tianlong didn't understand what he meant for a while, and said blankly: "What happened?"

Qin Yao sighed: "We were always puzzled before about how Xiaoshuang could be related to the red-robed fire ghost. The answer lies under this pit."

Ao Tianlong raised his right arm. His right hand was in the shape of a sword. The fingertips were shining, and the backs of the fingers were facing forward. They slowly slid past his eyes. His pupils suddenly lit up with red-gold light. He looked across the ground and saw the underground scene clearly...

 “Why is there a female corpse here??!”

 “Who knows why there is a female corpse here!”

Qin Yao spread his hands: "But she is indeed here. What's more terrible is that Xiaoshuang accidentally ruined her appearance."

  Ao Tianlong: "…"    The dead are the most important, and disturbing the deceased's sleep is a wrong thing in itself, let alone smashing the person's cheek with a stick.

This thing does not matter whether it is intentional or not. Even if you do something unintentionally, you must bear the corresponding consequences!

"Mr. Qin, you are a priest of the Yin Division and have a lot of knowledge. Do you think there is any way to remedy this matter?" Ao Tianlong, who had been silent for a long time and was at a loss to do anything, humbly asked for advice.

 In fact, the easiest way to deal with this kind of thing is to eradicate the root cause, draw out the ghost of the deceased, and beat her to ashes, and it will be over once and for all.

It's just that Ao Tianlong is not such a ruthless person in nature. Even if he is eager to protect his daughter and has the Fengdu priest who represents the "righteous way" here, he does not dare to use his brain easily. So at this moment, he is still thinking about how to achieve peace. resolve the matter.

"This has nothing to do with being well-informed. The outcome depends on whether the red-robed fire ghost is willing to negotiate compensation. If she doesn't want compensation and insists on killing your daughter, then one of them is destined to fall. !" Qin Yao shook his head and said.

Ao Tianlong glanced at the night and took a breath silently: "If nothing happens, she will appear at the end of the night at the latest. Let's wait here for a while."

At this time, Ao Ningshuang probably understood what happened. Her little face tightened and she said softly: "Dad, Mr. Qin, I just wanted to catch a rabbit. I didn't expect that there was actually a rabbit hidden in the hole." A female corpse…”

Ao Tianlong pursed his lips and said: "Don't worry, we all know it. Besides, people have a human world and ghosts have an underworld. The red-robed fire ghost refused to go to the underworld after death and stayed in the human world instead, which is an illegal act in itself.

Furthermore, it is inevitable that the body will be buried in the ground without the protection of a coffin, bitten by insects and rats, and gradually decay. Although you have made mistakes, you are not wrong..."

 “Really?” Ao Ningshuang was dubious.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Qin. He is the priest of the Department of Punishing Evil in Fengdu, and he represents the law of the Underworld!" Ao Tianlong pointed at Qin Yao and said firmly.

Xiaoshuang looked at the situation and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Qin, is what my father said true?"

 In fact, she was not afraid.

Over the years, she has followed her father to slay demons outside the Great Wall. What ferocious evil has she not seen? Just a red-robed fire ghost was not enough to make her fearful!

 What made her uneasy at this moment was a deep feeling of shame.

 After all, she is also a woman and knows what appearance means to a woman.

She felt that if she had experienced this kind of thing, she would not have done something crazy...

Facing the girl's nervous gaze, Qin Yao nodded slowly: "This is true from a legal perspective. According to the laws of the Underworld, after death, you are not allowed to stay in the world, and you are not allowed to borrow a corpse to resurrect, even if the corpse you borrow is her own."

After hearing the certification from "Fengdu Priest", Xiaoshuang breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down her anxious mood, and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Mr. Qin."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "Although the law is true, this is relative to our position. For the red-robed fire ghost, she will not abide by the law, otherwise she will not stay in the world. Therefore, wait for When she comes out, her words may be difficult to hear, so be prepared.”

 People who are unruly and unruly by nature hate the most when someone is unruly and unruly in front of them.

Suppose this little frost girl smashed the cheek of the red-robed fire ghost, but showed an attitude of not being a big deal and not caring, even if the source of the error was the red-robed fire ghost, even if there were "Uncle Ying" and "Beauty" With the blessing of double halos, he will not give the other party a good look.

After all, Ao Tianlong resembles "Uncle Ying" but is not Uncle Ying. His immunity to beautiful women is too high. The most important thing is his own mood.

 With his current strength and status, he doesn't need to care about the faces of the father and daughter.

 Fortunately, this girl is not crooked and still has compassion in her heart, which actually arouses Qin Yao's good impression.

Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, the moon was in the sky.

At midnight, a dark wind suddenly picked up, and the ground above the pit suddenly exploded. As loess flew all over the sky, a hazy red figure suddenly flew out of the ground and rushed towards the green **** the lawn not far away at high speed.


Ao Tianlong pulled out a sword with Bagua patterns cast on it, raised the sword to block the sharp claws of the ghost's hand that came at high speed, pushed it back with all his strength, and shouted: "Red-robed Fire Ghost, we want to talk to you."

The red figure turned somersaults in the air, the red embroidered shoes stepped on the void, suspended above everyone's heads, and glanced at the people below: "What are you talking about? What is there to talk about?"

“For my daughter to smash your cheek, I apologize to you on her behalf and am willing to compensate you!”

 Ao Tianlong Road.

"Compensation?" The red-robed fire ghost showed a ruthless look on his face and pointed at Ao Ningshuang: "Okay, you let me scratch her face too, and we will be clean."

Ao Tianlong sighed deeply: "This is impossible, please calm down. According to legal principles..."

 “Legal principles?”

The red-robed fire ghost said flatly: "What **** legal principles? If I cared about legal principles, why would I stay in the world of the world now? Don't talk about the legal principles of the underworld. I only know that **** for tat, she smashed my face , I’m going to smash her face, it’s only fair!”

  Ao Tianlong: “…”

 Chin Yao: “???”

A sentence comes to mind for no reason: Putting aside the facts, can't you face your mistakes?


 (End of this chapter)

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