I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 392: Well-known double standards (continuous updates 3)

 Chapter 392 Famous Double Standards (continuous updates·3)

“Can weasels drive people crazy?” Xiaoshuang asked in surprise and fear.

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe this kind of thing.” The aunt recalled the scene she had seen, with a face full of horror: “The weasel next door is not an ordinary evil thing.

 I forget the day when it suddenly appeared in the village. It first stole the chickens from Old Man Geng's house, and after being kicked out, it turned around and stole the grain from Old Man Geng's house.

From then on, it seemed to have a fight with old man Geng, and it caught his family stealing. The old man who stole had no food to eat and got angry. When he was caught, he beat him violently. His expression was crazy, and his attacks were extremely cruel. He beat him badly. Whining again and again.

Probably because Huangxian has a special status here, some people were afraid of killing Huangxian and causing trouble to the village, so they persuaded old man Geng to stop the weasel and rescued the weasel.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the weasel appeared at the persuader's house and began to steal his things. Soon, the house was completely stripped to the ground, and he beat the weasel like crazy until the next adviser appeared.

 One, two, three…

 Gradually, everyone knew about it. The last unlucky guy is my neighbor, who is now on the verge of half-crazy.

 It was only now that everyone discovered that the weasel was probably unkillable. "

 Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

This weasel's way of repaying his kindness is really special...

 Absolutely awesome!

"That's why I said, it's a good thing you didn't talk to each other just now, otherwise, you will know what despair is after being entangled by that weasel!" the aunt said with emotion.

 “How could it be like this?” Xiaoshuang murmured.

Auntie: "God knows... but fortunately it only stole things and didn't harm anyone. Otherwise, if it had died, it would have been easy to escape, and the village would have been empty long ago."

"That's it." Qin Yao nodded silently and whispered: "I understand, aunt, you can go and do your work. After you clean up the room, just call us."


 After putting aside the heavy topic of weasels, the aunt felt much lighter and walked towards the side room with a smile.

"Mr. Qin, do you care about this matter?" Ao Tianlong asked in a low voice after watching the aunt leave.

Qin Yao shook his head: "I am the priest of Fengdu. Catching ghosts is my bounden duty, but catching monsters is not."

 In fact, the most fundamental reason is that he does not see any benefit in this matter, but feels like a mud pit.

 It is one thing to not be able to afford it without profit, but it is another aspect to be unwilling to jump into the mud pit.

 He is not Uncle Jiu after all, he is willing to do any dirty work in order to practice justice!

Ao Tianlong paused for a moment, glanced at his daughter who was staring at Qin Yao and didn't know what he was thinking, and silently gave up the idea of ​​exploring the matter.

 The courtyard next door.

 In the lobby.

The swarthy man who beat the weasel violently outside was now kneeling in front of the weasel with tears in his eyes, begging: "Master Huang, ancestor, please let me go.

 You have been eating at my house for two months. You are willing to eat things that I am not willing to eat.

 When I have no appetite, you have a better appetite than me.

  Two months and sixty days, the food reserves were used up, the savings were used up, and the family was devastated.

My wife took the children and fled back to her parents' house overnight, for fear that you would take away the food in their hands.

 It is conceivable that if you don't leave, this family may be broken up.

 Master Huang, I miss my wife and children..."

The weasel stood in front of the mentally broken man, with a cold face and distant eyes, like the aloof gods and Buddhas in the temple, looking at mortals like ants...

"Master Huang, I know you can understand what I say, otherwise you wouldn't bother me. Please show mercy, give me a chance, and let me live." The man's tears fell on the floor. The center of his forehead was bruised with blood.

 “Some strangers came to the village today.” The weasel was silent for a moment, and then suddenly spoke something human.

 This should have been a horrifying scene, but the man’s face was full of surprise and his eyes were shining.

It has reached this level. If you are not afraid of Huang Xian talking, you are afraid that Huang Xian will not communicate with him!

"Huang Xian, how do you want me to cook those foreigners? Kill them, scrape them, cook them, and boil them."

A flash of fluctuation flashed in the weasel's cold eyes, and he shook his head: "You don't have this ability!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The man quickly echoed: "What do you think I can do with my ability?"

"Among those foreigners, there is a blond woman with blue eyes. I want you to find a way to make her my sweet girl. If you can do this, I will no longer pester you in the future. If you can't do it, If so..." Weasel said indifferently: "Then we will continue to live together in the future."

Since the two women who came were wearing bamboo hats and veils, the man did not see any blond hair and blue eyes, but the Huangxian was definitely not wrong. If it said there was one, then there must be one.

 The problem is that he doesn’t know them, and those people are hard to mess with at first glance. How can he make them voluntarily become Huang Xian’s sweet boy?

Thinking about it over and over again, his mind was almost exhausted, and he couldn't think of any good solution. He couldn't help but reach out and scratch his messy hair...

too difficult!

next door.

 In the yard.

 Outlanders gathered in the corridor, watching water droplets gradually fall from the clouds.

"I heard that the horse immortals here in the Northeast are very powerful. Does Mr. Ao know about this?" Zhang Ling suddenly asked in the silence.

Even before she heard that she was coming to the Northeast, she had been curious about this mysterious profession, but it was a pity that she had never seen a disciple until now.

Ao Tianlong nodded and said: "Chu Ma refers to animal immortals. After hundreds of years of cultivation, after their cultivation reaches their own bottleneck, in order to break the bottleneck or accumulate merit, they will choose to punish evil and promote good, so as to save the world.

However, since their bodies were not yet fully formed, it was very inconvenient for them to walk around the world, so the form of kaitangchangma was born, that is, they possessed the bodies of human beings who were destined to be immortals, so that they could travel around the world and carry out salvation.

They call this kind of combined human being Xiangtong, and we humans are generally called Chuma disciples. "

 Zhang Ling nodded and said, "Have you seen the disciples who have come out? How strong are they?"

"I have seen one, how should I put it... mysterious and powerful."

Ao Tianlong said: “The stronger the immortal family is, the stronger Xiangtong will be.

As the times changed, Xiangtong families from different clans intermarried with each other. Gradually, some Xiangtong families emerged, and they began to compete with each other in love and death with the five major immortals, until now. "

 “This Xiangtong looks very much like a summoner.” Qin Yao said to himself.

 “What is a Summoner?” Ao Tianlong looked curious.

"It's a mage who conquers monsters and drives them." Qin Yao said: "Or a mage who summons magical creatures from some alien space."

 “It’s really similar.”

Ao Tianlong nodded: "In addition to Chuma Immortal, Chuma disciples can also summon gods and ghosts to fight."

"The Immortal Chuma possesses the Xiangtong to save all sentient beings, accumulate good deeds, and eventually achieve enlightenment. As for the Xiangtong, is it possible to follow him and become a Taoist?" Zhang Ling asked: "We have this saying in Taoism. One person can achieve Taoism. Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.”

Ao Tianlong was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "I have only heard that Chuma Immortal became a **** and became an ancestor, but I have never heard of Chuma's disciples achieving Zhengguo."

 Zhang Ling: “…”

 She doesn’t quite understand.

 You said that you have become a **** and an ancestor through the help of others, why can't you turn around and support them? “It’s getting late, let’s go back and rest.”

Qin Yao stood up from a chair and stretched: "I hope there will be good weather tomorrow..."

 No words all night.

 Early morning the next day.

After breakfast, the aunt's family still enthusiastically sent Qin Yao and others out of the gate. When they looked up, they were suddenly stunned. They saw a crowd of villagers standing at the gate of their house. Many of them even held in their hands With sickle and axe.

The aunt’s heart skipped a beat and her eyelids twitched: “Folks, what are you doing this early in the morning?”

“Aunt Chun, my child is missing.”

An old farmer with a wrinkled face, as if his back was bent by life, said.

Aunt Chun was stunned for a moment and said, "If the child is gone, hurry up and look for her. Why are you crowding around my door?"

The old farmer's lips trembled and he whispered: "I've been looking for most of the night. I've gone to all the places I can think of, but I still can't find anyone... Aunt Chun, you know this child Aning. She has always been well-behaved and will never be too big." He ran out in the middle of the night without saying a word."

Aunt Chun frowned and her heart sank: "So what you mean by blocking here is..."

"Yesterday morning everything was fine. After this group of strangers came in the afternoon, Aning disappeared in the evening."

At this time, a girl with a yellow face said sharply: "We think there must be something wrong with them."

Aunt Chun looked at Qin Yao and others, speechless for a moment.

 The more remote the place, the more unclear the legal awareness. For most people who can't even read, it doesn't matter whether the evidence is there or not. What's important is whether the person under suspicion can prove his innocence.

 If it cannot be proved, then...

"So, what do you want to do?" Qin Yao asked lightly.

 “Give Aning back to us.” The yellow-faced girl said loudly.

Qin Yao said calmly: "We didn't see the child."

 “How do you prove it?” the girl asked.


Qin Yao shook his head and said: "Let me tell you the most basic legal principle. Whoever claims it has to provide evidence. Accusing others without any evidence is called frame-up.

For the sake of losing your child, I won’t argue with you. However, if you can’t produce evidence to prove that we are related to this case, don’t stand in front of us and ask us to give an explanation in a stern manner. "

"We don't know anything about the law. We only know that you can't leave without seeing Aning." The yellow-faced girl said solemnly.

Qin Yao: "In other words, you want to illegally detain us?"

"We just want to find Aning." The yellow-faced girl said with seriousness.

"Mr. Qin, why don't we help them find their children?" Ao Tianlong said.

Qin Yao waved his hand: "I want you to help them find it. I'm not a good person. I can't stand this arrogance."

Ao Tianlong was helpless.

He originally expected Qin Yao to do something, but he didn't expect that the other party would not be able to get rid of any sand in his eyes, and he would not compromise in the face of this situation.

“I don’t know what you do, but whatever you do, please give me my daughter back.”

The old farmer said to everyone with tears in his eyes.

Qin Yao licked his lips and said indifferently: "Mr. Ao, have you thought of what to do?"

 Ao Tianlong shook his head.

It's okay if you're surrounded by a group of ghosts, but you can't fight your way out when you're surrounded by a group of villagers, right? But the problem is, they don't know this village at all, let alone what kind of child is missing. Where can they find clues?

"You have no choice, so you have to use my method." Qin Yao smiled slightly.

  Ao Tianlong: “…”

Even if he thought with his toes, he could guess that the other party's method was definitely not a good one.

How can these villagers who are sick and rushing to seek medical treatment be a match for a priest?

 In the crowd.

The weasel hiding at the very back vaguely sensed something was wrong and stepped **** the instep of the dark man next to him.

The man's feet hurt and he almost screamed. He endured the pain of being hit by a hammer and raised his hands and said, "I have a way!"

The crowd looked over in unison. After seeing clearly that it was him, many people's expressions suddenly changed slightly.

They are not monolithic either. Because of the weasel, everyone now keeps away from it and even looks at it with suspicion.

“Changgui, what can you do?” asked the wrinkled old farmer.

Jin Changgui leaned over and picked up the weasel and raised it above his head: "This is the way!"

 Everyone: “???”

Qin Yao's eyes flashed and he chuckled: "I'll see you later...Fortunately, this can be easily solved."

  Ao Tianlong: “…”

"Why did you bring it here?" The old farmer narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

“I’ll just tell you something, do you recognize it?” Jin Changgui put down the weasel and said in a solemn voice, “This weasel is psychic, do you recognize it?”

 Villagers: “…”

Isn’t he a psychic?

 It’s almost a disaster!

“Speak, do you recognize me?” Jin Changgui shouted sharply.

 “Yes.” The old farmer gritted his teeth and said loudly.

 “Channeling is the magician.”

Jin Changgui shouted: "You only need to ask this immortal to attach to the human body and borrow the person's spirit to perform divination and calculation. Borrow the person's mouth to tell the truth. If you want to find Aning, this is the fastest way." "

 Old farmer: “Do you have a way to make it possess you?”

Jin Changgui nodded: "During the time I spent with it day and night, I was not idle. I kept trying to communicate with it. Today, I have finally achieved something."

The old farmer took a breath and said decisively: "Then let it possess me. As long as I can find my daughter, it doesn't matter if I die later."

Jin Changgui shook his head: "There are conditions for possession. You don't have this blessing. It is a male and must be possessed by a woman. This is called the combination of yin and yang."

The old farmer was startled and subconsciously looked at the yellow-faced girl.

The yellow-faced girl trembled and immediately said sternly: "No, no, I won't agree. Even if I die, I won't allow that thing to get on my body!"

“Ajuan, you are the only one who can save my sister now.” The old farmer murmured.

 “I said, no.”

The yellow-faced girl looked gloomy and silently clenched her fists: "Dad, don't force me, you can't do this!"

 (End of this chapter)

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