I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 404: "correct answer"

 Chapter 404 “Correct Answer”


Like a dream but not a dream, like reality but not an illusion, the pain came like a tide, making Qin Yao, who was in a state of confusion, wake up quickly and couldn't help but gasp.

 “You’re awake, do you want to eat something?”

 A pair of warm little hands held his palm, and a voice choked with excitement followed.

Enduring the soreness in his body, Qin Yao sat up straight and looked sideways at the little girl sitting by the bed: "Nianying...how long have I been asleep?"

"Including the time you spent on the road, it will take about eight days." The excitement on Nianying's face gradually faded, and her starry eyes were full of heartache: "Brother Yao, are you okay?"

 “It’s just a loss of strength, no big problem.”

Qin Yao smiled, his thoughts changed, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

Although I stayed in bed a little longer this time, fortunately, I didn't owe much in favor.

Like the ancestor Zhou of Huang Quan Si did last time, accepting nothing but asking you to remember his name is really troublesome.

He has used the magic technique so many times that he has remembered the names of two ancestors so far. One is Mao Santong and the other is Zhou Huaijin.

 Having a name and a surname, real favors must be repaid.

Besides, Zhou Huaijin and Mao Santong are different. Mao Santong really has no desire for him. He can repay this kindness by raising Mao Shanming. At most, he can support Mao Shanming for the rest of his life.

 Lao Zhou obviously wanted to get promoted and make a fortune, so this was more difficult to do.

It is true that he has this network of connections. With the help of his relationship with Zhang Deyang, it is not difficult to help Zhou Laozu. But the problem is that Zhang Deyang treats him like a brother and sister, and he cannot embarrass Lao Zhang!

 In every aspect, it’s all about human nature…

“It’s okay, you scared me.”

Nianying breathed a sigh of relief silently and said, "If you want to eat something, I'll go to the kitchen and ask the chef to cook it for you."

The pampered little princess has no fingers in the spring water. It's okay to ask her to make a fruit platter, but cooking... is too difficult for her.

 Two days later.

As soon as Qin Yao came to his office, he saw a tall girl with a hot figure wearing black professional attire in the room. She was holding a rag in her hand and was carefully wiping her desk.

 “Xiao Xue?”

 “Mr. Qin.”

 Dai Xiaoxue suddenly turned around with a smile on her face: "You are finally back."

Qin Yao nodded: "Didn't I arrange for you to be a clerk? Why did you start working as a secretary?"

Dai Xiaoxue smiled and said: "I am not doing secretary work, but sanitation work. I am now the leader of the building sanitation team."

Qin Yao laughed: "So that's it..."

He said that Ren Tingting would not arrange for such a beautiful girl to be his secretary.

 It’s too easy to get into trouble.

"Mr. Qin, are you free tonight? I would like to treat you to a meal." Dai Xiaoxue said expectantly.

 “Mr. Qin…”

The door to the office opposite suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman wearing light makeup and a suit looked at his back quietly.

 “Ren Dong.”

Qin Yao turned around to say hello and smiled: "Looking for me?"

Ren Tingting nodded slightly and gestured to come in: "There are some things I need to report to you."

Qin Yao nodded and said to Dai Xiaoxue: "You work hard. When you get home in the evening, I will say hello to Dai Erlong."

Dai Xiaoxue felt a sense of disappointment in her heart and forced a smile: "Yes, Mr. Qin."


 Qin Yao walked into Ren Tingting's office, glanced at the phone on her desk, and said: "When you are free, arrange for someone to go to Yizhuang to install two phones. It will be more convenient for future contacts."

Ren Tingting: "Yes, Mr. Qin, I will arrange for someone to do it later."

Qin Yao sat on a sofa, leaning on a soft cushion on his back, and put his left leg on his right leg: "What do you want to report?"

“Three days ago, Chief Luo Shi sent you an invitation to visit his home.”

 “Go to his house…”

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows: "Does he want to talk to me about personal matters?"

Ren Tingting: "There is chaos in the country again, warlords big and small are fighting, and the central government's control over local areas is gradually getting out of control."

Qin Yao understood this and said: "Prepare the car."

 “Go to Mayor Luo’s house?”

 “No, go to the military town!”

 Two hours later.

 Military Town, Marshal’s Mansion.

Liu Dalong, who was dressed in military uniform and had a thick beard trimmed neatly, glared when he saw Qin Yao and shouted: "Where is my cannon?"

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "I don't have time to chat with you, so hurry up and get rid of me. I have something to say to you."

Liu Dalong frowned and shouted to the guards guarding him: "Everyone, get out and close the door. No one is allowed to come in without my permission."

The guards, carrying long guns and wearing military uniforms, shouted in agreement, lined up in two lines, and trotted out of the hall.

"What do you want to tell me?" Liu Dalong said seriously after the guard closed the door.

 “Standing in line, and how to behave in troubled times…”

The conversation lasted until late at night, during which the two quarreled several times, but finally ended with Liu Dalong compromising.

There is no way. In the course of time, even warlords are just a wave in the torrent. Those who go against the general trend are like chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a blow.

Since Qin Yao knows the "correct answer", he will not sit back and watch Liu Dalong step into the abyss!

"I've said everything that needs to be said. As long as you join the group early, even if you can't enter the leadership seat in the future, the lower limit will be a senior general. After the warlord melee is over, I will tell you what to do next." At the end of the day, Qin Yao stood up and said.

Liu Dalong took a breath silently: "I listen to you and send someone to contact them now."

Qin Yao nodded: "The next test is your political wisdom. I have something else to do, so I'll take the first step."

Liu Dalong turned his head and glanced at the window and said, "It's getting late. Let's go back early tomorrow morning."

Qin Yao shook his head: "No, the company still has things to do. I plan to clear all the recent backlog of work in these two days so as not to affect the company's strategy."

Liu Dalong opened the door and led the guards to send Qin Yao out of the commander's mansion. He said sincerely: "If there is any need for me, just call me. The tens of thousands of guns in the military town can fire for you at any time!"

Qin Yao smiled slightly, turned his back to him, raised his hand and waved, and strode into the darkness.

Liu Dalong looked at his back with sharp eyes, his face was thoughtful, and he murmured: "China Red..."

 The next morning.

Yang Kun walked like a tiger and brought Uncle Feng, who was dressed in military uniform, to Dongcheng Department Store. As soon as he stepped into the administrative area on the fourth floor, his handsome middle-aged face was filled with smiles. Even if he met a clerk, he would nod slightly to show his kindness. call.

 “Dong dong.”

In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the president's office, silently tidied his clothes, and raised his hand to knock on the door.


 “Mr. Qin.”

Yang Kun pressed the door handle, opened the door and walked into the room.

"Mr. Qin." Uncle Feng greeted him and closed the door. “Chief Yang, Uncle Feng.”

Behind the desk, Qin Yao, who was sitting on the chair, put down his pen, raised his head and said with a smile: "Why did you come here together?"

Yang Kun said with a faint smile on his face: "Mr. Qin, we are here to seek support."

Thinking of the news he had received, Qin Yao felt suddenly. He stood up and greeted them to the guest lounge area, waving for them to sit on the sofa: "Speaking of which, what support do you want to seek?"

Yang Kun suppressed his smile and said solemnly: "The current situation is turbulent, wars are raging, people are panicked, **** crowing, dogs and robbers are common, and evil begins to breed in the darkness.

I think the police department should take a heavy blow at this critical moment and crack down on criminal activities severely. In troubled times, we should use heavy code.

However, Director Sun has strictly ordered his colleagues in the police station to seek stability amidst the chaos and keep everything as usual, regardless of the changing situation, which has led to frequent chaos in Fucheng recently.

Mr. Qin, the city cannot continue to be in such chaos. "

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and said, "I'll go see Luo Hao in the afternoon and see what he says."

He can understand Sun Zhipeng's choice at this moment, or in other words, this guy doesn't have a second option.

Without a gun, there is no one, and in times of peace, he can still use power to manipulate the rules and maintain the dignity of the police station's number one brother.

  Fighting together, the rules are trampled, and the power and tactics attached to the rules suddenly become rootless.

Without the support of the army, does he dare to be tough?

What is he so tough on? !

 Obviously, Yang Kun saw this opportunity and wanted to ascend.

 If he misses this opportunity, no one knows how long he will have to wait...

 “Thank you, Mr. Qin!” Yang Kun’s eyes were eager and he expressed his loyalty: “In the past, present and future, I will always follow Mr. Qin’s lead.”

Speech is an art, and loyalty is also a bargaining chip. If you don’t show loyalty at this time, when will you show loyalty?

 When everything is settled, loyalty will lose its bargaining chip attribute. No matter what the result is, the future will depend on how you do it, not what you say.

Qin Yao waved his hand: "Are there any other questions?"

Yang Kun slowly shook his head, and Uncle Feng stood up: "Mr. Qin, I have one more thing to do here."

 Qin Yao looked surprised. He originally thought that Uncle Feng was Yang Kun's tool to show his loyalty.

"what's up?"

"Last night, there were two murders in the city. The dead were both Taoist priests. I cast a spell to attract their souls. The two ghosts basically agreed with each other. They said that a pair of very scary evil ghosts came and were looking for you and Taoist Master Lin. "Uncle Feng said.

 “It came very quickly!” Qin Yao murmured to himself.

Uncle Feng: “Do you need my help?”

"No, just leave this case to me. I will bring those two guys to justice as soon as possible to comfort the spirits of those two Taoist priests." Qin Yao said solemnly.


 It is approaching evening, and the setting sun is shining slantingly.

 Qin Yao, dressed in a golden glow, stood quietly in front of an ancient courtyard. Taking another step forward, he entered the three stone steps of the gate.

 It is hard to imagine that the nominally number one person in Fucheng would actually live in such a shabby place.

 “Mr. Qin.”

Soon, Luo Hao, still wearing the black short-breasted jacket, came out with the guard and greeted with a smile.

 “Luo Shichang.” Without reaching out to hit the smiling man, Qin Yao cupped his fists and saluted, responding politely.

 “Mr. Qin, please come inside.”

Luo Hao stopped on the stone steps, raised his arms sideways, and made a respectful gesture.

Qin Yao stopped being polite and walked into the courtyard at the lead. He was immediately invited into the living room by Luo Hao who caught up later.

 “Mr. Qin, please sit down.”

Luo Hao pointed to the long wooden table in the living room and said with a smile: "A few of my friends brought me a few bottles of foreign wine from abroad. I asked Mr. Qin to help me taste them."

Qin Yao shook his head: "I won't drink anymore. If you drink too little, you won't have fun. If you drink too much, you'll miss something. Luo Shichang, let's just skip the small talk and side details and get to the point directly."

Luo Hao's expression froze, and he breathed out softly: "Since you have spoken, let me get straight to the point. Mr. Qin, no matter what, the city cannot be devastated by the army! Otherwise, under the artillery fire, many lives will be destroyed, and countless people will suffer. One hundred thousand civilians.”

Qin Yao: "So, you want to ask Liu Dalong to protect the city through me?"

Luo Hao nodded and said: "It's all for the people. Without the protection of the army, if a wave of soldiers and bandits come every three days to collect wages, the people will not be able to survive."

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and said: "The Fucheng Police Station has guns and people, which can be of great use."

Luo Hao: "They are good at managing city security and ensuring the safety of residents, but when it comes to fighting, they are far behind."

   “One soldier is a raging enemy, and a general is raging in a nest.”

Qin Yao said: "Forget it normally, at this critical moment, I think the Fucheng Police Department should be led by someone who dares to fight hard and can fight hard, instead of being led by someone who only knows how to be calm. What do you think?"

Luo Hao pursed his lips: "I will consider your proposal carefully."

Qin Yao chuckled, cupped his fists and saluted: "Please think about it slowly, I have something else to do, so go ahead."

 “I’ll send you off.”

Luo Hao sighed slightly in his heart and tried to put a smile on his face.

Shortly after.

 Under night.

Qin Yao stepped on the void and fell from the sky like a meteor. He landed in front of the gate of Yizhuang. He looked at the deep pits on the ground around him and the door wall that seemed to have been struck by lightning. His eyes suddenly froze.

"You haven't been attacked, have you?" Uncle Jiu opened the broken door and walked out with a group of Taoists in yellow clothes.


Qin Yao shook his head and asked, "Have you caught the Yin-Yang corpse?"

 “Didn’t catch it.”

Uncle Jiu said solemnly: "I wonder if they have become stronger because they sucked the brains of practitioners. If Mr. Ren hadn't been here, Yizhuang would have been attacked by them."

Qin Yao: "How was Mr. Ren's fight with them?"

"The old man is more powerful. He suppressed them from beginning to end." Uncle Jiu said.

Qin Yao breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Master, how are you doing with your divination skills?"

“The yin and yang corpse is not within the three realms and does not belong to the five elements. Its location cannot be determined through divination.”

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "I don't want you to divine this, but I want you to help deduce how many ten-year-old virgins there are in the city and where they are."

Uncle Jiu paused for a moment, then coughed dryly and said: "Although I am good at divination, I have only studied it for a short time, so I may have made some mistakes. If you want to be more accurate, you have to go to Aunt Sue."

"There's no need to look for me, I came here by myself." At this time, a bold old woman's voice suddenly sounded from behind Qin Yao.

Uncle Jiu blinked with astonishment on his face: "What a coincidence?"

“What a coincidence, I thought you were in trouble and came here to help.” Gu Gu raised her head and said.

 Qin Yao touched his chin and said: "My master means, how could you be so lucky to count him at this critical moment?"

Jiang Gu puffed up her chest and said, "I'll count him three times a day, once in the morning, noon and evening, can't I?"

 “Okay, that’s great.”

Qin Yao laughed and said, "Master, this is probably just one day of absence, like three autumns, right?"

 (End of this chapter)

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