I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 419: The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the

Chapter 419: The hemp rope is cut at the thinnest part, and the bad luck only seeks out the miserable.

 “Dong dong dong.”

That night.

The moon has few stars.

A dashing young police officer and a middle-aged policeman, led by Ah Chu, arrived at the door of Zhang’s mother’s house. The middle-aged policeman spontaneously took two steps forward and knocked on the door.


 In the yard, Zhang’s mother asked in a low voice, holding a kitchen knife in her hand.

“Mother Zhang, it’s me, Sanyuan.” the middle-aged policeman said loudly.

 Ma Zhang's face changed slightly, and she slowly came to the door: "Sanyuan, what are you doing here?"

“We heard about a case and came to you to find out the situation.” Sanyuan glanced at the young police officer and said loudly.

Zhang Ma hesitated for a moment, then put the kitchen knife on the cover of a water tank in the courtyard, moved to open the door latch, looked up and saw Ah Chu on the other side of the young police officer, and her heart suddenly sank: "You are here for Old Man Xu Is it because of the family massacre? "

"Exactly." The young police officer said: "Mother Zhang, we heard that you once personally admitted that it was you who caused the death of Old Man Xu's family. Do you have anything to say about this now?"


Ma Zhang seemed to have expected that they would ask this question, and she also had an idea about it: "At that time, someone held a gun and forced me to say this."

The young police officer was stunned for a moment and said, "Did he teach you word for word?"

"That's not true." Zhang Ma shook her head and said, "But in that environment, life is at stake, so I can only tell what the gangster wants to hear."

Ah Chu was also stunned.

Unexpectedly, this aunt actually retracted her confession at this moment and gave reasonable reasons!

 “Then what’s the real situation?” the young police officer asked.

Zhang's mother sighed: "The real situation is that I did not run away. The Xu family's daughter-in-law left because of dystocia and heavy bleeding. Old man Xu did die for her. I am just a steady woman who is responsible for delivering babies. I have no ability or the courage to contaminate such a big family." lawsuit."

 Ah Chu: “…”

Is this the legendary reversal of right and wrong?

"How do you identify the gangster? Let's just say he is a gangster. I want to hear this from you?" Sanyuan asked.

“Because the gangster and the disaster star are obviously the same group. If you force me to say this, I can save the disaster star of the Lao Niu family.” Zhang Ma said plausibly.

 “What kind of disaster star is this? Please explain it clearly.” Sanyuan looked confused.

 Ma Zhang: “There was a woman who was like a disaster star, and she sat on the ancestral grave of Lao Niu’s family, causing Lao Niu’s daughter-in-law to have a disaster star.

The misfortune star wanted to keep the misfortune star, and he did not hesitate to fight against the elders of the village.

 And in order to protect the bad luck and disaster star, the gangster must pour dirty water on me to prove that what I said is false.

At that time, I was so blessed that I did not hesitate to defile myself. Otherwise, I might not have been able to save my life.

 Sanyuan, and Captain Song, this is the process. I feel that I may be attacked at any time. Can your police station send someone to protect me? "


 Captain Song: “…”

 Ah Chu: “…”

The three of them were not fooled by Zhang Ma's rhetoric.

The key is that it has been so long since this matter, how difficult is it to obtain evidence?

 The right and wrong, the causes and consequences, all depend on Zhang Ma’s mouth.

“Giving birth has been a nightmare for women since ancient times. Under today’s conditions, the mortality rate is not high.

The Xu family’s daughter-in-law died in childbirth because of her bad fate, and the old man Xu committed suicide because of his bad mentality. They have nothing to do with me.

Captain Song, you must believe me. If you really don’t believe me, you can go and find out how my mother Zhang’s reputation is in the countryside. "Seeing that they were indifferent, Zhang Ma could only emphasize again.

“Captain, what should we do?” Sanyuan whispered.

Captain Song hesitated for a moment and said, "Then there's nothing we can do. Mother Zhang, please come with us."

"No, I've already explained it clearly. I'm not guilty, why should I follow you?" Zhang Ma's eyes widened.

Captain Song: "Didn't you say you are in danger now? We took you back to the police station to protect you."

 Zhang’s mother: “No, prisoners only go to the police station. I’m not a prisoner, so what police station should I go to?”

 Captain Song did not argue with her and said calmly: "Sanyuan, arrest her."

Zhang Ma quickly came to the water tank, picked up the kitchen knife placed on the tank cover, chopped it randomly, rushed to Sanyuan and shouted: "Don't come over, I said I won't go to the police station, so I won't go to the police station." You want to take me to the police station, do you have a warrant?"

Captain Song held down Sanyuan’s hand that was drawing the gun and said to Zhang’s mother: “I’m not arresting you, I’m just calling you for questioning. Zhang, please don’t resist the arrest, otherwise things will become more serious!”

Zhang Ma’s hands holding the kitchen knife were trembling slightly. After a moment of confrontation, she saw that Captain Song no longer stopped Sanyuan from drawing his gun, so she just dropped the kitchen knife...


A woman with long flowing hair came outside the town police station. Just as she was about to go up the stairs, a figure in a gray robe suddenly stopped in front of her.

 “Why did Master Mao stop me?”

 The woman raised her head and asked.

"If what I expected is correct, you came on Qin Yao's orders, right?" Mao Xiaofang asked.

The woman smiled slightly: "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

"If yes, I advise you to leave. If not, Pindao will take you in." Mao Xiaofang said seriously.

 Woman: "Master Mao, you should know that the police station can't convict that woman, right?"

“Even if the police station in the underworld cannot make a decision, the judge in the underworld will definitely not make a wrong decision.”

The woman chuckled: "In other words, we want her to enjoy peace and live the rest of her life in peace, so that she can practice justice after her death."

  Mao Xiaofang: "Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds, and evil deeds will be rewarded with evil deeds. It's not that you won't be rewarded, the time has not yet come."

“Can justice that has been delayed for decades still be called justice?” the woman asked. Mao Xiaofang: “It’s been so many years too late, so what’s the difference in these few years?”

The woman smiled and said, "You can only be compassionate if it doesn't concern you. Taoist Master Mao, I have a question. If you were that old man Xu, and your wife and child died tragically due to one person's fault, would you still be able to say this?"

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

Seeing that he was stunned and silent, the woman raised her head and glanced at the night, and said: "It's getting late, I should go back, see you, Taoist Master Mao."

Watching the female ghost drift away, Mao Xiaofang suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart, turned around and rushed into the police station.

"Hey, Master Mao...it's so late, are you okay?" A policeman on duty saw him and immediately greeted him.

 “Where is Mother Zhang?” Mao Xiaofang asked bluntly.

 “I don’t know.” The policeman looked confused.

 “Where’s the three yuan?”

 “Master Mao, I’m here.”

In the quiet night, the two of them talked loudly, which caused Sanyuan to yawn.

 “Sanyuan, where is Zhang’s mother?”

"In the detention room, I was interrogated for half a night, but the story has not changed, and I don't know if it is true." Sanyuan said with a sleepy face.

 “Take me to the detention room quickly.” Mao Xiaofang shouted.

Sanyuan was stunned: "Why are you going to the detention room?"

 “Stop talking nonsense, hurry up.” Mao Xiaofang urged.

Sanyuan had no choice but to take him outside the detention room and ask the police uniform guarding the door to open the iron door.

The moment the iron door opened, Mao Xiaocong rushed in, looked at the empty room, and gradually fell into deep thought.

"where is the guy?"

Sanyuan shuddered and woke up instantly. He turned to the military uniform at the door and said, "Who was here before?"

 “No one has been here, Brother Sanyuan.” Jun Yi said in shock.

“If no one has been here, where is Mrs. Zhang? Could she have escaped and disappeared?” Sanyuan roared.

An idea suddenly flashed in Mao Xiaofang's mind, he pushed aside the angry Sanyuan and the confused military uniform, and quickly rushed out of the police station.

at the same time.

 Under night.

 In front of the pond.

A burly figure struggled to throw the trembling bamboo cage into the pond. Watching the bamboo cage gradually sinking into the water, he relaxed and sat down on the ground.

"I have to go now…"

Behind him, a woman with blond hair and shining white slowly flew up and said indifferently.

The burly figure quickly got up, knelt down to the woman who looked like a goddess under the moon, and kowtowed heavily, making a banging sound with each head.

 At the home of old man Xu.

Mao Xiaofang looked at the sleeping disciple lying on a wooden bed, his face shadowed under the candlelight.

“Taoist Master Mao!” Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a figure holding a child suddenly appeared outside the door.

 “Sister-in-law Niu.”

Mao Xiaofang saluted and said: "The situation is urgent, I came in without telling you, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, let's talk." Sister-in-law Niu, who was dressed like an authentic peasant woman, said softly.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Mao Xiaofang's face and he said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Niu, I still have..."

 “It’s too late.” Mrs. Niu suddenly interrupted him.

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

“I grew up in the fields since I was a child. I have been miserable and poor all my life. I lived with a man and never had a good life. Every day I was either doing laundry, cooking or working in the fields.

 I don’t blame him, because I know that I only deserve such a man and such a life.

 Overall, I was quite satisfied with my previous life. "Sister-in-law Niu smiled and spoke in a low voice.

 “This kind of satisfaction...until today, it stopped abruptly.

I don’t ask him to be very capable, I don’t ask him to give me a good life, I don’t expect him to be a good husband, but I hope he can be a good father.

  However, when someone was about to drown my son, I could see clearly that he stood there like a piece of wood or a stone, watching helplessly. Do you know how desperate I was at that moment? "

“You know what he is doing now, can I not know, can I not be clear?

 I beg you, I’m begging you with my child, don’t stop him, okay? "

Sister-in-law Niu knelt on the ground holding the child, pressing the child's little head, and kowtowed to Mao Xiaofang together: "Today, he did this, and he deserves to be a father.

If he had not done this and allowed that person to live well, then he would not be worthy of being this father and not worthy of having this child.

Even if I have to starve to death outside with my children, I still want to leave this broken home...

Taoist Master Mao, please, don’t stop him. Just leave this matter alone, okay? "

 Mao Xiaofang froze in place.

  He reached out and touched his face.

 Hands full of moisture…

  The next update will be at noon.

Around twelve o’clock~



 (End of this chapter)

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