Chapter 453 Weird Mask

  "Invite the groom and the bride to enter."

Qin Yao stood up straight and shouted loudly.

Outside the door, a slim woman wearing bridal makeup and a red veil held her hands tightly together, looking down at the ground under her feet, and slowly moved forward.

"Hey Hey."

A man with a plump body and a face like dough was brought over by the housekeeper. He walked into the main room with a silly smile. He even didn't forget to talk to the bride while walking: "Don't be nervous. Although I have lost six wives, this time, I will definitely protect you."

Hearing this, the bride's body trembled violently, and she finally resisted the urge to run away.

At the same time, in the courtyard, the ghosts and tables beside the tables all turned their eyes to the lobby, witnessing this ceremony.

"Two surnames are united in marriage, and they make a treaty together. They will have a good relationship forever, and they will have the same name. Look at the peach blossoms today, and it will be a good home for you. It is predicted that the melons and melons will be abundant in the next year, and you will be prosperous. I would like to make a long-lasting promise and write to Hong Jian, good wishes The Red Leaf Alliance will be recorded in the mandarin duck book, and this is proof..." Qin Yao recited his congratulations and glanced at the silly boy emphatically, always feeling that the other person was a little strange.

It’s just that Mr. Jiang is watching from above, and there are a lot of ghosts and monsters below to witness, so he can’t open his eyes to see the reality.

 “Worship the heaven and the earth.”

After reading the marriage certificate, Qin Yao said loudly.

The silly boy has been married six times and is very familiar with this routine. He turned towards the door and knelt down with a bang.

 Even, he tugged on the bride's skirt and said innocently: "Kneel over here."

The bride had no choice but to turn around and kneel down with him.

 “Kowtow.” Qin Yao said.

 The two kowtowed.

 “Kowtow again.”

 The two of them kowtow again.

 “Kowtow three times.” Qin Yao finally said.

 Two people knock three times.

 Chin Yao: "Second worship at the high hall."

Master Jiang stood up quickly, knelt down to the two people behind the screen, and under the guidance of Qin Yao, he took the bride to kowtow to her parents three times.

 “Husband and wife bow to each other.” Qin Yao said again.

Mr. Jiang smiled, feeling very happy again. He faced the bride and knelt down.


 “Two kowtows.”

 “Kowtow three times.”

After three kowtows, Qin Yao did not wake them up. Instead, he came to the two of them. According to the process given by Master Jiang, he placed his left hand on the groom’s head and his right hand on the bride’s head, and recited: "Heavenly Spirit." The spirit, the earth, the golden boy and the jade girl meet each other, and the golden and jade marriage reaches the heavens. I pray to the gods to send the true spirit back. The three souls are flying back, and the seven souls are returning home. , the body is at ease, the soul returns to the person, the person is pure..."

While reciting the curse, Qin Yao clearly did not use any magic power, but two red lights flew out from the newlyweds and shot straight into the sky.

After a long time, when Qin Yao finished reciting the soul-calling spell, he saw two red lights flying out of the sky capture a soul from nowhere, and landed on the head of the innocent-looking young Master Jiang. He suddenly understood, This special spiritualism summons Master Jiang’s soul!

He had never figured it out before. With Mr. Jiang's strength, even if the reality was the same as in the original work, and it was the housekeeper who let a snake bite his daughter-in-law to death, it would be impossible for him to fail to find out the truth six times, right?

Then if the housekeeper is really so awesome, would he still use such underhanded methods to plan the Jiang family's wealth?

Now it seems that all of this is controlled by Mr. Jiang behind the scenes. Six daughters-in-law, six "happiest", exchanged for Master Jiang's six souls. Today, with the return of the seventh soul, the three souls and seven souls have returned to their places. Young Master Jiang The soul is complete.

 In fact, just as he expected, when the last soul entered his body, the foolish-looking Young Master Jiang quickly returned to normal. Looking around, he quickly understood the situation...

"The ceremony is completed and sent to the bridal chamber." Qin Yao said expressionlessly.

"Madam, let me take you to the bridal chamber first." Master Jiang stood up from the ground, stretched out his hand to help the bride in front of him, and said softly.

 The bride was a little stunned. I can't understand why Young Master Jiang suddenly seems to be a different person.

After a while, after Young Master Jiang helped his wife leave, Mr. Jiang slowly stood up from behind the screen and laughed loudly: "Ah Yao, thank you, thank you for your hard work."

Qin Yao waved his hand, and just as he was about to speak, a spine-chilling scream suddenly sounded from outside the door.

"It's a little late, don't worry." Seeing him looking out the door, Mr. Jiang said calmly.

 Obviously, he knew what was happening outside the house...

 Outside the gate of the mansion.

A thief leader with two swords on his back covered his face with both hands. To be precise, he should be pulling at the grimace mask that was suddenly slapped on his face. He fell sideways from his horse and struggled desperately.

 “Big brother.”

 “Big brother.”

Behind him, among hundreds of people, two thieves jumped off their black horses and came to the leader of the thieves, with expressions of concern on their faces.


The thief's body, which was lying on the ground and struggling, suddenly flew up. He screamed heart-breakingly, turned his hands and pulled out the two long knives tied behind his back, opened his arms, and rushed toward the group of thieves while spinning at a high speed.

 “Puff puff puff puff…”

The two knives that rotated at high speed with him were like round blades, cutting off hundreds of bodies in the blink of an eye. The four Feng Lei Yu Dian brothers who were hiding in the dark were so shocked that their hands and feet were cold and their limbs were stiff. For a moment, they did not dare to come out from the shadows. stand out.

They finally understand now why Qin Yao said that the mask chose the victim, this is just a direct blow to one person's face!

After killing everyone, the Ghostface Mask seemed to take a breath, and countless rays of blue light flew out of the corpse and penetrated into the mask.

 Absorbing the power of all the souls outside, Ghost Face Mask glanced at the hiding place of the four brothers, and immediately flew up and landed in the Jiang family mansion.

“Brother, what should we do now?” Yu said.

Feng took a breath silently and said: "The Jiang family mansion is too dangerous now. We should wait outside for news about Senior Brother Qin, so as not to become a burden to him again after entering."


The leader of the thieves, carrying two blood-stained swords, quietly appeared outside the wedding room. At that time, the groom, who had been talking to the bride for a while, had just walked out of the room. When he saw his appearance, his heart almost broke with fear, and he fainted as soon as he rolled his eyes. past.


The thief cursed secretly, put the two swords back into the scabbards behind him, squatted down, and grabbed the crack of the door with his right hand like lightning, and unexpectedly pulled out an ugly venomous snake from the darkness.

The thief leader held the venomous snake and walked grandly into the courtyard, stopping in front of Mr. Jiang who was toasting the ghost.

Mr. Jiang narrowed his eyes and looked at the thief leader quietly.

The thief threw the poisonous snake to the ground with a snap and said: "This snake almost killed your son, but I saved your son's life."

 “Thank you.” Mr. Jiang said with a stern look and cupped his hands.

 “There’s no need to thank you, just wipe off the grudge between you and me.”

The thief leader said, turning and leaving without hesitation.

 In front of the lobby.

 The interface between light and darkness.

Qin Yao, who was half light and half dark, raised his eyes slightly, and his body disappeared in an instant...

 (End of this chapter)

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