Chapter 46 Never Forget

“I’m sorry, I was dealing with an urgent official matter just now, so I neglected you all.” When Fang Hongru brought five members of the Progress Club into the study, Ren Qingquan stood up politely and greeted them.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local coward, not to mention that the five members of the Progressive Society did not dare to think of themselves as strong dragons. Seeing that Ren Qingquan's attitude was quite kind, they could only disperse the dissatisfaction in their hearts.

"Mayor Ren, you are very polite. You are responsible for the livelihood of the people of this town. Busyness is the norm. We can completely understand it." Kou Heng said something serious and suddenly changed the subject: "In order to prevent too much of your time. , let me get straight to the point, we are here to apply to you for mobilizing the security team in the town to control the Taoist priests in Yizhuang and get rid of the bad feudal habits. "

Ren Qingquan remained calm and said calmly: "You are new here, so you may not know much about the situation in our town.

Yizhuang Linjiu has a great reputation in the town. If there is no definite evidence to prove what crime he has committed, there will be big trouble in Yizhuang!

Ladies and gentlemen, I fully understand your eagerness to do something great, but as the local mayor, I must focus on the overall situation. Do you understand and agree? "

 The five people were speechless.

 They think they are doing a just thing, so they can feel confident and have a clear conscience.

When this so-called justice becomes an unstable factor, it can no longer support them to remain confident, so they go from one extreme to another, becoming guilty and short of breath.

"Young people, don't worry, you still have a lot of time to investigate and collect evidence." As if he saw their strength, Ren Qingquan encouraged: "I will arrange a place for you first, take your time, wait for you If we find evidence of Lin Jiu's crime, I will immediately arrange for the security team to go with you to get the person."

The five young men were no match for Ren Qingquan. They were led by the nose in just a few words. They followed Fang Hongru obediently out of the mayor's mansion and disappeared into the street...

That night.

 In Yizhuang.

 The lights are bright.

 After dinner, Jiu Shu, Qin Yao, Qiu Sheng, and Wen Cai sat in the lobby and began the first internal meeting of the Yizhuang leadership team.

“Qin Yao, when you have time, go find a bookkeeper.”

Uncle Jiu, who is the taipan, was the first to speak: "I know that money bags are equal to rights, but I have tried it, and I really don't like this kind of life of counting money every day."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai: “???”

 Qin Yao looked at Uncle Jiu for a long time, and after confirming that he was not Versailles, he nodded and said, "I made a note of it, and I will go find an accountant tomorrow."

Qiu Sheng blinked and smiled: "Master, junior brother, why don't you let me count the money? I like this job."

Qin Yao glanced sideways: "In principle, there is no problem, but you have to understand one thing. The money that Master counts belongs to Master. The money that you count still belongs to Master. In addition to being a money counting machine, this money It has nothing to do with you. Even so, do you still like this job?"

ˆ Qiu Sheng: “…”

 When you put it this way, I don’t seem to like it that much.

“Forget it, I’ll continue to receive guests. I don’t want to be an emotionless machine.”

Qin Yao smiled: "After the Ming Paper Factory is established, the number of passengers we receive will increase significantly, so I plan to set up a sales department. Senior Brother Qiusheng, you will be in charge of this department from now on."

Qiu Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said hurriedly: "Okay, okay."

Wen Cai was filled with envy in his heart and looked at Qin Yao expectantly: "Junior brother, where am I?"

Qin Yao said: "Brother Wencai, your personality is not suitable for reception. From now on, all production in the factory will be called the production department, and you will be in charge of the entire production department."

Hearing that he could be responsible for a department alone, Wencai suddenly felt balanced and grinned, as happy as a child.

“Tomorrow I will go to the town and ask the mayor to enclose the land.”

Qin Yao saw through it without saying anything, and said instead: "Although the land near Yizhuang is currently ownerless wasteland, applying for a title deed may avoid some trouble in the future."

Uncle Jiu nodded: "You are very thoughtful and I can rest assured that you will do things... By the way, when you come back from town tomorrow, bring back a cart full of empty wine jars."

"What do you want an empty wine jar for?" Qin Yao asked in surprise.

Uncle Jiu pursed his lips and said silently: "The fierce ghost captured by the seal will accumulate virtue for you."

Qin Yao's heart trembled and he said with a smile: "Are you still thinking about this?" "I have never forgotten it."

Uncle Jiu said, secretly adding in his heart: Your ideal.

It was only then that Qin Yao realized belatedly that Uncle Jiu had asked him to find the accountant in the first place so that he could get away and do this.

 From beginning to end, I was thinking about him...

"I understand. I will bring back a cart of wine jars tomorrow." He couldn't refuse this, so Qin Yao accepted it calmly.

  Anyway, because there is the link of the system, they are connected as a whole. They are both prosperous and disadvantaged, so there is no need to be too pretentious.

 Early the next morning.

The sun is just right.

Qin Yao was dressed in black and came to the mayor's mansion alone. After receiving the news, the housekeeper who rushed over hurriedly saw his burly figure, his calves began to tremble inexplicably, and he forced a smile on his face: "You are here. ”

 “Why are you shaking?”

 “Clothes, there are too few clothes to wear.”

Looking at the thick cotton clothes on his body, Qin Yao couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"The mayor is waiting for you in the living room." The housekeeper unnaturally tightened his clothes and made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Yao said no more and followed the other party into the spacious living room of the mayor's mansion.

"Chang Gui, go out, close the door, stand guard at the door, and don't let anyone get close." After seeing Qin Yao, Ren Qingquan subconsciously took two steps forward, then reacted suddenly and shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, mayor." The housekeeper said obediently, turned around and left the house, closing the door behind him.

"Boss, I'm sorry..." After closing the door, there were only two of them here, Ren Qingquan said with a guilty conscience.

"If you are apologizing for not going out to meet me in person, you don't have to." Qin Yao said with a smile: "I will give you face, and you will give me dignity. That's good."

Ren Qingquan took a breath and said with a smile: "Thank you, boss."

“Have you seen those members of the Progressive Society?” Qin Yao waved his hand, walked to the main seat and sat down.

Ren Qingquan poured tea and water for him with a discerning eye, and replied: "I heard that they were going to deal with Yizhuang, and I planned to create an accident and kill them all.

Later, I thought that as long as the Progress Society is still open, this approach will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and may even bring greater risks to you, so I arranged for someone to take them to live in the town to warm them up. Jade is soft and fragrant, gold and silver treasures are honey pots, constantly corroding them.

Three of the five have fallen, leaving only the leader Kou Heng and a member named Yun Mu who have not indulged in this honey pot. "

"Well done." Qin Yao looked at him deeply, took out a jade porcelain bottle the size of a baby's fist from his arms, and threw it to him: "There are rewards for merit and punishment for mistakes. This is the rule of thumb for a big boss. , I give you this bottle of pills, take one pill a day for seven days in total.”

Ren Qingquan hurriedly caught the jade porcelain bottle and asked curiously: "Boss, what kind of pill is in this bottle?"

He is not afraid that Qin Yao will harm him, because he knows very well that if the boss wants to kill him, there is no need to use this method.

"This is the pill that a ghost and **** used to exchange for the ghost paper when he went to Yizhuang to buy the ghost paper. It is said to be able to replenish the emptiness inside." Qin Yao said.

 Ren Qingquan's body trembled, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

 What a good thing!

  When you are young, you don’t know the value of your essence. When you are old, you will feel empty and shed more tears.

 For people like him who have been drained by drinking and sex, this pill is nothing less than a panacea...

 “This big guy, you are following the right one!” Ren Qingquan said in his heart as he tightened his grip on the porcelain bottle in his hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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