Chapter 469: Just do it

“Precious pomelo floats in the sea, white rice does not sink, and resentful souls never cease. The village chief is afraid that chaos will arise.”

In front of the beach, a fat Taoist priest with oval cheeks stood behind the altar, looking at the precious pomelo and white rice floating on the sea, and said quietly.

Behind him, the silver-haired and wrinkled old man Hua Shan stood in front of a group of villagers and asked in a deep voice: "Master, what should we do?"

The Taoist priest pondered for a moment and then said slowly: "Find a troupe as soon as possible. Tomorrow, on the anniversary of his death, after the sun goes down, we will immediately sing "Shui Man Jin Shan", hoping to resolve their grievances..."

Not far away, listening to their endless conversation, Qin Yao understood clearly in his heart.

The "they" mentioned by the Taoist priest are obviously the resentful souls whose bodies were thrown into the sea.

About two or three hundred years ago, the ancestors of the three surnames in this village hacked into a tribute ship belonging to the imperial court, killed all the officers and soldiers on board, threw their bodies into the sea, and divided up the ship's gold and silver treasures.

 “They” refers to the resentful spirits of the officers and soldiers on the ship.

It is worth mentioning that there was not only gold and silver on the ship back then, but also a sealed Qin corpse.

 Later, there was a story about Qin’s corpse reviving, and a Taoist borrowing a sword to seal it again…

 “Village chief, there are foreigners.”

 At this moment, a villager suddenly approached the old man and whispered.

The village chief frowned and turned to look at the burly figure walking slowly: "Who is your Excellency?"

Qin Yao: "I am a Taoist priest from Maoshan. I was passing by here and saw the dark clouds covering the village behind you. It seemed that a disaster was about to happen, so I came over to inquire about the situation."

The village chief's heart beat violently and he quickly looked at the fat Taoist: "Taoist, are you serious about this?"

The fat Taoist shook his head and said: "The poor Taoist has a low level of cultivation and can't see any dark clouds, but this is not unreasonable."

The village chief's mood became increasingly heavy and he looked at Qin Yao: "Can this Taoist priest help this village resolve this crisis? Don't worry, the reward is easy to say."

Qin Yao muttered: "Prepare a place for me to live. If any evil spirit appears, pass me first!"

He is not very interested in saving the three surnames, because the premise that the disaster will not affect future generations is that the stolen money will not benefit future generations.

These sinners later used that ship of **** gold and silver to live happily until now. Not to mention that they deserved to die, it would not be a loss to die anyway.

 The main reason is that he needs an excuse to live in the village so that he can have a chance to improve his moral character. After all, if you come here just to get back Zhong Kui's sword, then this story will be in vain!


The village chief was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately said: "The village has prepared a place to live and three meals a day for the Taoist priest. After this disaster is over, I will give you a big thank you."

 At this point, he turned to look at the fat Taoist: "Taoist Master Yun, you can stay here too. This village will definitely entertain you well."

The fat Taoist priest waved his hands repeatedly: "I still have something to do in the mountain, so I won't stay here."

 He knows that his skills are shallow and his skills are okay, but he must not do it if he stays and takes risks!

The old village chief was a man of his own. He immediately figured out what Taoist Yun was thinking. Then he looked at Qin Yao with a gentler, kinder look and said with a smile: "That's alright. If Taoist Yun has anything to do, he will go back first." Well, what do you call this new Taoist priest?"

 “The poor Taoist Qin Yao.”

“Taoist Chief Qin, please come with me. There happens to be a vacant house in the village hall.” The village chief said with a smile.

 It was night in a blink of an eye.

 The tides are coming, the moon is crescent.

The village chief, who was kind and kind during the day, now had a stern face. He led dozens of young men holding torches to a house. The light of the torches immediately alarmed the women in the room.

A flash of pain flashed across the woman's face. She looked deeply at her son who was sleeping soundly on the bed. She gritted her teeth and walked out of the room resolutely.

The village chief led people to **** the woman to the river. At this time, someone brought a pig cage and threw it in front of the woman with a bang.

"Xiao Xiangma, our village will not kill people for no reason, let alone kill people randomly. Now I ask you, do you know why you have to dip your body in the pig cage?" the village chief asked seriously.

Xiaoxiang’s mother lowered her head and said, “Annihilate the men from other villages.”

The village chief shook his head and said: "You are wrong, it's not because of this.

Your husband died early. It would be morally wrong for you to find a lover at most. We will not kill people because of moral wrongness. Your capital crime is to betray the secrets of this village and tell your assassin about the treasure, which may very well bring disaster to this village.

 Now the village chief wants to dip you into a pig cage, are you convinced? "

“Village chief, I just mentioned the treasure casually...” Xiao Xiang’s mother said reluctantly.

 “Did you just mention it casually?”

The village chief said indifferently: "But the news I received is that you gave all the treasure maps to the annihilator."

 Xiao Xiang’s mother: “…”

"Put it in a pig cage and sink it into the pond." Seeing her slumped down, the village chief said seriously.

At the same time, under the starry sky, in the darkness, Qin Yao, who was hiding in the corner, said lightly: "Athena, save that woman, send her away from here, and let her never come back again."


There was a subtle response in the void, and then a white light streaked across the night sky and disappeared into the river and sea...

“Atong, go kill her killer and get the treasure map back.”

In front of the beach, the village chief said indifferently as he watched the woman trapped in the pig cage sink into the sea.

 “Yes, Uncle Biao.” A young man in the crowd said respectfully.

“This village is much better than Gantian Town.” Qin Yao murmured as he looked at the villagers by the river who looked like wild ghosts.

If it were the group of ignorant people in Gantian Town, they would probably still be discussing whether to deal with Xiao Xiang's mother, let alone Shen Tang who was so straightforward.

the next day.

Village office, in a two-story building with elegant decoration.

Qin Yao sat in front of the bed by the window on the second floor, took out the white jade official seal, and called up the recent details:

 Save Xiao Xiang’s mother and gain forty-seven points of Yin De.

The current total of Yin De is: one thousand Wu Qianbai is picking up.

 “No matter how small a mosquito is, it’s still meat!” Qin Yao sighed softly as he put away the white jade official seal.

 Originally, he would never take a gain of less than 100 yuan seriously, but now that he has a debt of more than 80,000 yuan, his mentality can't help but have some changes...

 “Brother Feng, this is the village.”

 At the same time, outside the village.

A middle-aged man with a round face wearing a suit and sunglasses with a full beard pointed at Sanxing Village, turned to his companions and said.

The companion has a crew cut, thick eyebrows, sparse beard, and a calm complexion. His appearance matches Uncle Jiu perfectly. He is clearly the rising star of the Fucheng Police Force—Uncle Feng.

“Ah Chun, are you sure this village is a poisonous village?” Uncle Feng looked up at the village where the smoke was curling up and asked seriously.

Shi Chun paused for a moment, then said helplessly: "I'm not sure, but apart from Qi Du, I really can't think of any way to be rich for generations without engaging in production and without any superficial business channels.

To be honest, I also secretly disguised myself and sneaked into the village to investigate for a period of time, but I still found nothing.

Every family has money, but those with a lot of money have no land to put it on.

I have no choice but to invite you here from Fucheng. "

Uncle Feng: “…”

 This is outrageous.

"I understand, you go back to the police station first." After a while, Uncle Feng ordered: "I will pretend to be a tourist and go to the village alone to investigate. Remember, only I can find you, you must not come. I!"

 (End of this chapter)

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