I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 483: Chaos will arise, and experts will appear frequently

Chapter 483: Chaos is about to arise, and experts appear frequently

Mao Xiaofang pondered for a moment, then slowly took two steps forward and said to the parrot: "No matter what your purpose is in coming to Gantian Town, please don't harm these livestock."

The parrot tilted its head and looked at him, as if listening, but the strangely screaming animals did not stop making noise.

Mao Xiaofang frowned, bent down and picked up a stone: "One last warning, don't harm these livestock!"

The parrot glanced at the stone in his hand, as if it had a premonition of danger, and suddenly flapped its wings crazily. Gusts of wind flew out from its small wings, flying sand and rocks, and instantly swept away everyone except Qin Yao. It blew up.

 The difference is that the villagers staggered to the ground, while Mao Xiaofang stabilized his body in the violent hurricane, maintaining his balance and landing on the ground.

Tilting his head and staring at the motionless Qin Yao, the parrot's eyes flashed with surprise, and it suddenly stood upright, waving its wings desperately, trying to overturn him.

Qin Yao raised his hand and drew out the God-Beheading Sword behind him, walked against the wind, and walked towards the Dragon Vein Tree step by step.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the yellow-crested parrot immediately fell into the canopy of the tree, stood on the dragon vein stone that emitted gleaming light, and said: "Stop!"

Qin Yao didn't know whether it had the power to destroy the Dragon Vein Stone, but it was obviously not a good thing to gamble on.

  It's not that he is afraid that he will be criticized after the Dragon Vein Stone is broken, but that it will not do him any good to corner the parrot.

"Master Qin, let's go back first and consider the long term." Mao Xiaofang said in a deep voice.

Shortly after.

 Fuxi Hall.

Mao Xiaofang walked around the hall with his hands behind his back, and suddenly asked: "Taoist Master Qin, do you have any advice?"

Qin Yao: "No, Gao Jian, if you don't care about the Dragon Vein Stone, I have many ways to drive away or even kill the parrot.

Having said this in a hurry, there is one thing I can’t help but say. Can your dragon vein stone really protect the town?

 In my memory, at the beginning, it was the evil cultivators who snatched the Dragon Vein Stone, which indirectly threatened the safety of the people in the town.

 After that, the Lei Gang Incident broke out and the people in the town were brutally enslaved. Can the Dragon Vein Stone have any reaction? "

Mao Xiaofang hesitated and said: "Dragon Vein Stone is mainly used to protect people from good weather and good harvests."

Qin Yao laughed: "So, Gantian Town is protected by Dragon Vein Stone, so it must be richer than other towns?"

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

 It doesn’t seem to be the case.

“If the wealth of Gantian Town is the same as other towns, it is not even as rich as other towns...you can taste it carefully.” Qin Yao said with a half-smile.

Mao Xiaofang coughed dryly and said, "I suddenly thought of a way to deal with the strange bird."

Qin Yao shrugged and cooperated with him to change the subject: "What can we do?"

“According to records in ancient books, it is said that the Shennong family lived in trees in order to avoid being attacked by beasts. The tree they lived in was a sandalwood tree, which had the effect of calming livestock.

 We can take sandalwood, mix it with straw man and herbs, and see if we can make the parrot feel uncomfortable and take the initiative to leave the dragon vein tree. "Mao Xiaofang said.

Qin Yao: "Now that we have a direction, let's give it a try."

Mao Xiaofang nodded silently and shouted: "Xiao Hai, Ah Chu."

 “Master.” The two disciples said, cupping their hands.

“Early tomorrow morning, you first go to the mountain to cut a load of sandalwood, and then go into the mountain to collect herbs.” Mao Xiaofang ordered.

“Master, can you just buy the herbs from the pharmacy?” Ah Chu asked.

Mao Xiaofang: "Doesn't it cost money to buy it? Are you paying for it?"

Ah Chu smiled bitterly: "Forget me for talking too much, we will collect materials early tomorrow morning."

Xiaohai and Axiu twitched their cheeks at the same time, and managed to hold back their gloating laughter.

the next day.

Qin Yao sat in the hall and used the power of faith to eliminate the poisonous poison for the long queue of people; Xiaohai and Ah Chu pushed the wooden cart up the mountain to chop down trees; Master Mao stood in the hall and taught Lei Xiu Taoism.

Everyone performs their duties and is busy but not in a hurry.

 It was noon in a blink of an eye.

Just when Qin Yao was about to finish the morning's treatment to the villagers, several villagers suddenly ran into Fuxi Hall in a panic and shouted: "Master Mao, Master Mao..."

 “What happened again?” Mao Xiaofang’s heart skipped a beat and he led Axiu out of the main room.

“The livestock in the town started to go crazy and tended to attack people.” One person said with a look of horror on his face: “If I hadn’t run fast, these eyes would have been pecked out by chickens.”

"Is it so serious? No, we can't wait any longer. Axiu, come with me to the drug store to get some medicine!" Mao Xiaofang said solemnly.

“Yes, uncle.” Lei Xiu nodded and followed him out of Fuxi Hall in a hurry.

 A few hours later.

Xiaohai and Achu brought a cart of sandalwood, followed closely by Master Mao and Axiu, carrying large and small bags of medicinal materials.

Qin Yao sat in front of the main room, purifying the poison while watching them chop tree stumps, weed people, and divide medicinal materials... Time passed unknowingly, and soon it was evening.

 “It’s time to get off work, it’s time to get off work, there’s no need to wait in line for those behind me.”

The moment the sun set, Qin Yao stood up from the wooden chair and said to the villagers who were still lining up outside Fuxi Hall.

The villagers all knew that he was not easy to mess with, let alone easy to talk to, so they did not force him and dispersed in twos and threes, and the Taoist temple became quiet instantly.

 “Need help?” After driving away everyone, Qin Yao walked up to Master Mao Xiaofang and asked with a smile.

"It's ready." Mao Xiaofang asked his apprentices to put the wooden piles with runes carved on them onto the wooden cart again, and said, "I hope it will be effective..."

In the evening, everyone pushed the wooden cart to the Dragon Vein Tree. They were shocked to find that all the previously crazy livestock were lying quietly on the ground. A family of three stood among the livestock, and the weird parrot appeared from nowhere. He flew down from the tree crown and stood on the shoulder of a little girl, rubbing his head against the side of the girl's face affectionately.

“Is it your bird?” After a long time, Ah Chu asked with eyes wide open.

"No." The little girl shook her head and said, "This is the first time I have seen it."

Ah Chu was stunned: "Then why is it so close to you?"

"Is such that."

The middle-aged man dressed as a Tubo man said: "Since my daughter was born, she has had a miraculous ability to get close to all kinds of beasts. Even if she is thrown into the mountains and forests, those beasts will not hurt her."

Everyone was surprised, and Qin Yao suddenly asked: "Are you from Qinghai?"

A flash of surprise flashed across the middle-aged man's face, and he subconsciously asked, "How do you know we are from Qinghai?"

Qin Yao: "The calculation, if my inference is correct, you and your family of three must have fled to avoid a disaster."

 “It’s amazing!” The couple were stunned and the middle-aged man murmured.

"You have great wisdom, great magic power, and great supernatural powers." The little girl stared at Qin Yao for a while, then suddenly turned to her parents and said: "Father, mother, he is your nobleman, if you can get his blessing, your disaster will disappear. "

The couple looked at each other and bowed deeply to Qin Yao at the same time: "Luo Ning, Yangliu, pay my respects to your noble lord."

 Qin Yao raised his eyebrows and looked into the little girl's eyes: "How do you know that I am a noble person of your parents?"

Little girl: "I can't tell, but I do know it. I had a premonition that my parents would be in a big disaster, so I begged them to go all the way south to here."

Qin Yao looked at her deeply and said, "It's a miraculous ability." The little girl knelt on the ground and kowtowed sincerely: "Please protect the safety of my parents. I will remember this kindness forever."

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and said, "You should find a place to live near Fuxi Hall. Their doom is approaching, and I will try my best to help them survive this calamity."

 He remembered clearly that in the original work, the couple were killed not long after they arrived in Gantian Town.

Now in reality, they have arrived in Gantian Town, isn’t it that their doom is approaching?

However, what surprised him was that he was able to learn the fate of the couple based on his understanding of the original work, but how did the little girl learn the fate of her parents.

When you know the sky, you can discern principles, distinguish faults, understand yin and yang...a combination of the four great monkeys?

 How strange!

While marveling, Qin Yao suddenly felt something. He turned around and saw the yellow-crested parrot standing on the little girl's shoulder, staring at him with hatred.

 “What are you looking at, silly bird.”

Qin Yao scolded.

The yellow-crested parrot's eyes turned cold, and it suddenly flew up. Its wings trembled, setting off a storm, and rushed towards Qin Yao.

There was a flash of white light in the void, and Athena in a long white dress appeared out of thin air. She drew her bow like the full moon, aimed the arrow at the yellow-crowned parrot, and suddenly released her fingers.

With a crashing sound, the white-gold divine arrow flew out of the air, instantly blasting the parrot into the air and throwing it backwards.

 “Little bird.” The little girl subconsciously exclaimed.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Child, let me remind you that just because that stupid bird is close to you, it does not mean that it is a good bird.

Before you came, it had already disturbed the animals, chickens and dogs in Gantian Town.

 You can enter the town, but it cannot. "

 The little girl quickly calmed down, lowered her eyes and said, "I know..."

 “Get up.” Qin Yao said lightly.

 The little girl nodded, stood up with the support of her parents, and said sincerely: "Thank you, big brother."

Not far away, a yellow-capped parrot glanced at them, fluttering its wings and flying towards the sky.

Qin Yao raised his head and looked at the parrot's leaving figure, and said slowly: "If you don't come early, you won't come late, but you will come when you are about to arrive in the town.

  I won’t leave early or late, but I will leave after you arrive in the town.

 Children, this parrot is obviously aimed at you. The owner behind the parrot may be the source of your parents’ misfortune! "

 The little girl's heart tightened, and she bowed deeply like a young adult: "Then I'll leave it to you."

Qin Yao waved his hand: "I'll do my best!"

the next day.

 Early morning.

A group of strong monks wearing red monk robes and pointed hats, led by a bearded monk, stepped into Gantian Town, stopped a villager and said: "Buddha Amitayus, we are from Tubo The monks saw the purple energy rising here, and there were obviously monks in charge. May I ask where the masters in the town are?"

“Monk, master...Master is talking about Master Mao, right?”

The villager raised his finger and pointed in the direction and said: "Go straight along this street, turn left at the end, then keep walking, then turn right again, and you will see a Taoist temple with the sign of Fuxi Hall. Master Just in the Taoist temple.”

 “Thank you.” The bearded man clasped his hands together and bowed.

The villagers quickly clasped their hands and said in return: "You're welcome."

Not long after, the bearded man led people to the front of Fuxi Hall. He was slightly startled when he saw the crowds of people leaving Fuxi Hall. He reached out and patted the last person on the shoulder: "Little brother, please ask, what are you doing?"

 “Queue for treatment!” The young man was bored while waiting, so he turned around and said.

 “Treat diseases?” The bearded man asked in surprise: “Why are there so many patients?”

“Sigh, it’s hard to put it into words. It’s all Master Lei’s fault. Bah, it’s all Lei Gang’s fault.” The young man spat, and then briefly explained the process.

"Such a thing actually happens!" The bearded man murmured, and then smiled: "Little brother, please wait in line first while I go to visit the Taoist master."

As he spoke, the bearded man led ten monks past the crowd, entered the Taoist temple, and followed the crowd to Qin Yao.

 “Fan Monk?”

Qin Yao pressed his palm on the head of the villager opposite, and released white light from his hand, which invaded the villager's body. He looked up at the bearded man in front of him.

 “Atisha, the envoy of the shrine, has met fellow Taoist monks.” The bearded man saluted.

Qin Yao nodded slightly and asked knowingly: "Master, what do you want to do?"

As a viewer who has gone through all six units of Zombie Taoist Master, as long as the plot changes are not serious, then he is a **** who can understand everything.

 The so-called suspense, mystery, weirdness... have no place to hide here.

For example, this Master Atisha seems to be righteous and magnanimous. Who would know that he is a bad person until the end?

 “Taoist Master Qin.”

Mao Xiaofang led his disciples out of the main hall and greeted Qin Yao, but glanced at Atisha and others.

Atisha introduced himself again: "The poor monk Atisha comes from the shrine and comes specifically to preach and promote our Buddha's Dharma."

Mao Xiaofang was surprised and said: "The Potala Palace is far away from here due to high mountains and roads. How could Master come here to preach?"

Atisha: "Wherever Amitayus Buddha goes, there is a dharma, either here or anywhere. After passing here, he will go somewhere else again. But wherever there are people, my Buddha's light will shine."

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

This statement sounds very Zen, but in fact it means nothing.

“Then why did Master come to Fuxi Hall?”

“We are going to preach in this town, so naturally we have to visit the town’s senior officials in advance to ask for their opinions to avoid any conflicts,” Atisha said.

Mao Xiaofang secretly thought: I have to leave after all. If these great monks are really capable and can protect Gantian Town, then it will be a blessing for Gantian Town.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "I have no objection to this... Masters, come in and have a cup of tea."

Atisha waved his hand and said: "No, no, it's inappropriate to bother me, so we won't bother you too much. By the way, do you dare to ask your friend's name?"

 “In Xia Mao Xiao Fang.”

 “Where are you, donor?” Atisha turned to look at Qin Yao.

 “I am Qin Yao.”

“Taoist Qin, Taoist Mao, and the poor monk say goodbye.”

Atisha clasped her hands together, bowed, and greeted the followers to leave quickly.

Mao Xiaofang stared at the backs of them as they left, thinking of the weird parrot, and murmured: "Why are there so many weird things and so many masters recently?"

 (End of this chapter)

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