Chapter 490 A new chapter

"Child, give me this relic. I will take it back to the palace." Seeing that Qin Yao still ignored her, Ningma had no choice but to extend her palm to Luo Sang.

Rosang stretched out his hand to hold the relic and backed away slowly: "No, no!"

Ningma frowned: "Don't listen to Pasiba's nice words. In fact, he only burned his body, and his soul still maintained its integrity.

his soul is currently hidden in the relics. If you keep the relics, if he has evil intentions, the consequences will be disastrous. Don't forget, he ordered people to kill your parents two days ago. "

Rossang: "I sensed his repentance."

"It's possible that he cast some kind of mental spell on you." Ningma said: "Don't trust your feelings too much, because your feelings may deceive you at any time."

Rosang turned to look at his parents, with a trace of confusion on his face.

At this moment, the relic seemed to hear their conversation and suddenly released endless golden light, covering Luosang.

 In front of everyone's eyes, the relic instilled all the spiritual power into the girl's body through the initiation method. As a result, the girl slowly flew up and her whole body shone brightly.

  Ningma: “…”

 The slap in the face came too fast, like a tornado.

 This is very embarrassing.

“Taoist Priest Qin, Taoist Priest Qin, I brought the painting.”

At this time, Xiao Hai came back quickly holding a picture scroll and delivered it to Qin Yao.

Qin Yao took the scroll and slowly unfolded it. He saw mountains, water, a thatched cottage in the painting, and two dogs in front of the door.

A child who looked to be seven or eight years old was standing in front of the creek, looking at the goldfish jumping out of the water in the creek, with an eager expression on his face.

After identifying the scroll and confirming that it was not a treasure, Qin Yao came to the lobby with the painting and avoided the sunlight. He held both ends of the scroll with both hands and tore it gently. The scroll was immediately torn in half from the middle.

In an instant, a beam of green light flew out of the painting, landed lightly on the ground, and manifested into a boy with pigtails.

Qin Yao's right index finger glowed, and he gently touched the center of the boy's eyebrows, causing his soul to solidify. He said softly: "Stay in the house and don't move. The sun outside will hurt you. I'll call your parents." Come, give you a chance to say goodbye."

The boy didn't understand the meaning of goodbye, but he heard Qin Yao's request clearly, nodded silently, turned and looked out of the lobby...

 Qin Yao stepped out of the lobby and glanced at a couple in the crowd: "Brother Qing, Sister-in-law Qing, come into the house. The soul of your child is waiting for you in the house."

The couple was stunned for a moment, then walked into the main room holding hands and trembling bodies, and soon they could be heard crying.

 “Child, do you hear their cries? Do you still want to protect Pasiba?”

Ningma took the opportunity to ask the girl who fell from the sky.

Luo Sang held the dull relic in his hand and said seriously: "Killing to pay for one's life and debts to pay back money are indeed the only and right things. But Pasiba ordered people to kill the child, and now he has also given back his life. "Isn't this enough?"

"Of course not enough." Ningma said: "Suicide is his own choice, not a punishment from the palace. If you do something wrong, you must be punished. Otherwise, the price of doing something wrong is too low, and more and more people will take the initiative to make mistakes. many."

Rosang exhaled and said, "As the future owner of the shrine, the soul boy has the right to pardon, right?"

Ningma's face changed slightly: "The spirit bird has been raised by Pasiba for a period of time, and he chose you under his instructions. Strictly speaking, you are not necessarily a spirit child."

"There are only two people who have passed the test. If it wasn't me, it would be Xiao Xiami."

Rosang turned to look at Xiami and said sincerely: "Little Xiami, if you are a spiritual boy, can you help me pardon Pasiba?"

 “Of course.” Xiao Xiami said without hesitation.

 During the short time in the school, he and Luo Sang had the closest relationship.

 As a friend, how could he refuse such a simple request?

  Ningma: “…”

“Venerable Nyingma, please continue the selection ceremony.” Qin Yao said in a deep voice.

Ningma had no choice but to say: "Now that Luosang's body is full of energy, the spiritual blood test is no longer a fair test.

 The only way is to use magical powers to activate their wisdom. Unfortunately, the poor monk was seriously injured and unable to take on this important task. I wonder if any eminent monk is willing to help. The shrine will definitely be grateful in the future. "

“I’ll do it.” At this time, an old monk handed the Zen staff to the disciple beside him and slowly walked out of the crowd.

 “Thank you for your help, Master…”

Ningma didn’t know who the other party was, but she didn’t dare to show any contempt in her words.

The old monk with white beard and hair was the first to come to Luo Sang. He raised his right hand and gently placed it on Luo Sang's head. A bright golden light suddenly shone in his hand.

Not long after, a powerful wave suddenly came from Luo Sang's body, and countless images passed through her mind like water.

 “I am Lord Shenlan!” Luosang said involuntarily.

 Ningma was stunned.

Lord Shenlan...this is the previous Lord of the Shrine!

So, what about the previous lord of the shrine, Lord Cangyang?

 Suddenly, he thought of a possibility and suddenly turned his head to look at Xiao Xiami.

By the way, there won’t be two palace masters in this small place, right?

“Do you still need to activate his Su Hui?” the old monk raised his palm and pointed at Xiami and asked.

Ningma took a deep breath and said, "Open! Master Lao is here for you."

The old monk waved his hand, walked slowly to Xiami, and put his hand on his forehead.

Soon, Xiami’s eyes flashed with gold and he shouted: “I am Lord Cangyang.”

  Ningma: “…”

Sure enough.

 What to do next?

 Two saints rule together?

Qin Yao cupped his hands and said, "Venerable Ningma, I am so happy and congratulated."

  Ningma: “…”

There can be many venerables, but when there are too many lords, it becomes a problem!

 He did not think this was something worthy of congratulations.

 But the matter has come to this, and he can only fulfill his obligations...

 “Thank you, Taoist Master Qin.”

Nodding towards Qin Yao, Ningma looked at the two children again: "Follow me back to the palace, you two will be enthroned and crowned."

 “Okay.” The two said in unison.

At this point, the dust has settled and everyone left.

Qin Yao turned around and stepped into the main hall, whispering: "It's time to hit the road."

“Taoist Master Qin, can you let my son stay? He is only eight years old.”

 Two lines of clear tears flowed from Mrs. Qing's eyes, and she knelt down in front of Qin Yao, begging bitterly.

Qin Yao sighed: "Without practice, the Yin ghost can only live by devouring Yang energy. If he stays, you and your wife will die early."

“We don’t care.” Sister-in-law Qing said.

Qin Yao pointed at the child and said, "You are not afraid of death, but have you considered his feelings? Killing your parents is an unbearable burden for anyone!"

 Sao Qing: “…”

Brother Qing sighed, stretched out his hand to pull Sister Qing up, and said, "This is our fate. We have to admit it. Get up quickly and don't embarrass Taoist Qin."

Qin Yao took out the magic spirit bead, cast a spell to collect the child's soul, turned around and said: "Without further delay, I will send him off to the world. Don't worry, such a big child has not done anything bad, and he will eventually die." There will be a good result.”

 Brother Qing pulled Sister Qing to his knees and shouted to Qin Yao's back, "Thank you, Taoist Master Qin."

Qin Yao waved his hands to them and disappeared into the Taoist temple in a blink of an eye. The next day.

Qin Yao sent the child's soul to the Judgment Department and handed it over to Zhang Deyang to judge for a lifetime and arrange for reincarnation.

A case that Si Ming personally tried was of first-class priority in the Si Yamen. In just half an hour, the child was sent to the six realms of reincarnation, marking an unforgettable chapter for the soul boy of the shrine. A happy ending.

"I heard that you borrowed 85,000 Yin De from Mr. Zhong. Do you lack Yin De now? If so, I still have it here..." Soon, Zhang Deyang personally sent Qin Yao out of Siming Palace and said warmly.

 Qin Yao stopped and shook his head with a smile: "I don't lack virtue for the time being. If I need anything, I will definitely come to you."

 Zhang Deyang laughed and said, "I'll be here waiting for you to come over at any time."

 “That’s okay.”

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "Just send it here, brother. If you send it outside, I'm afraid someone will gossip."

 Zhang Deyang patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, slow down on the road."

 Qin Yao smiled and nodded. After leaving the Judgment Department, he walked slowly on the Huangquan Road full of Manzhu Shahua and summoned the white jade official seal with a flip of his hand.

Current Yin Virtue Details:

Kill Lei Gang and gain 688 points of Yin De.

 Save the Luo couple and gain 200 points of moral virtue.

 Expose Pasiba's conspiracy, help destroy his current life, and gain 399 Yin Virtue points.

 Total: one thousand, two hundred and eighty-seven points.

The current total Yin Virtue is: four thousand five hundred eighty-three points.

Looking at the floating characters above the official seal, Qin Yao had a smile on his face.

Everything has its own response, everything has its place. Every time you experience a story, you can immediately see the harvest from the story. This is called happiness!

 Two days later.

Qin Yao rushed back to Gantian Town from Maoshan. As soon as he stepped into the town, he saw hundreds of people gathered together, setting up wooden frames in an open space, working in full swing, and bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time.

 “Taoist Master Qin.”

 Brother Qing and Mrs. Qing suddenly appeared in front of him and bowed.

Qin Yao withdrew his gaze and asked, "Have you been guarding here since I left?"

The couple nodded silently, and Mrs. Qing said in a low voice: "I really can't sleep or eat well, and I can't rest assured."

Qin Yao said: "Now you can rest assured, he has been sent to reincarnation, and he will be a wealthy family in the next life."

 Brother Qing and Sister-in-law Qing breathed a sigh of relief at the same time and expressed their gratitude.

After a while, Qin Yao said goodbye to the two of them and returned to Fuxi Hall. He was greeted by Mao Xiaofang and stepped into the lobby. He asked curiously: "On the way here, I saw many people gathering together to build a wooden platform. Does Master Mao know?" What's happening here?"

"I know I know."

Ah Chu, who was following them, raised his hand and said: "What they built is a stage. The Qing Fenghuang Theater Troupe in the provincial capital is holding a tour performance and will arrive in our Gantian Town soon."

Qin Yao suddenly realized that it was "The Wronged Souls of the Troupe".

Looking at the entire Zombie Taoist II, there are only six units in total, namely "The Ghost Queen", "Flying to Seduce the Soul", "Lamp Moth into the Flame", "The Wrong Soul of the Theater Troupe", "The Soul Boy", and the final chapter. "The Great Demon".

 So far, ghost queens, flying souls, and ghost boys have all happened. It is not surprising that the innocent ghosts of the troupe appear at this time.

  In the original work, Yi Xiaolong, the ghost king in The Wronged Souls of the Troupe, is a growth-oriented BOSS. He can continuously strengthen himself by devouring other ghosts. In the end, he colluded with the zombies, causing huge trouble to Fuxitang...

Recalling the plot of the original work, Qin Yao thought to himself: "As long as there are no major changes to the plot, the situation must be controlled at the first moment when Yi Xiaolong is killed, so as to prevent Yi Xiaolong from leveling up like he is wearing the halo of the protagonist. ”

As for why Yi Xiaolong was not saved, the appearance of the innocent ghost in the troupe was completely avoided.

 First of all, Yi Xiaolong, a famous actor in the theater troupe, has a long-standing grudge with another actor Ying Jintang. He saved him once but failed to save him countless times.

 Secondly, in the original work, Yi Xiaolong's character is too bad and he has no interest in saving a white-eyed wolf.

 "Taoist Master Qin, Director Qin..."

Seeing that his face was both stunned and thoughtful, Mao Xiaofang blinked and couldn't help but call out.

Qin Yao quickly came to his senses and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was distracted."

Mao Xiaofang waved his hand and inadvertently changed the topic: "Are you still getting rid of the poison today?"


Qin Yao nodded: "The sooner you clear it, the sooner you can feel at ease."

Mao Xiaofang smiled and said: "Xiaohai, go and inform the villagers."

"Yes, Master." Xiaohai took the order, turned around and went out. Soon there was a long queue in Fuxi Hall as usual.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening, and people who saw the sun gradually setting left Fuxi Hall spontaneously. However, Song Zilong, the captain of the security team of the police station, went against the flow of people and entered the Taoist temple.

“Captain Song, why are you here?”

Mao Xiaofang led his disciples to greet him. He couldn't help but murmur in his heart: Could something happen again?

 “Master Mao.”

Song Zilong bowed his hands and said with a smile: "The Qing Fenghuang Troupe has arrived in Gantian Town, and through the police station, we want to invite local squires and prominent people to have dinner together.

You and Daozhang Qin are the patron saints of our Gantian Town, and neither of us can be without you, so I am here to invite you two to this dinner. "

These words were spoken so openly that Mao Xiaofang could not refuse for a moment, so he turned to look at Qin Yao: "Do you want to go, Chief Qin?"

 “Go, why don’t you go?”

Qin Yao said with a smile: "We are not young girls who are shy to see others."

In fact, he also wanted to get familiar with the troupe as soon as possible and find out the details of the two famous actors in the troupe...

That night.

Hehuan Tower.

When everyone in Fuxi Hall entered, they saw Police Chief Song and Song Zilong sitting at the main table, chatting and laughing with a man with slicked back hair, a crew cut, a yellow shirt, and white cuffs.

 “Tiancheng?” Mao Xiaofang said in surprise after seeing the man’s appearance clearly.

 “Mao Xiaofang?” The man followed the voice and stood up from his chair happily.

“Do you two know each other?” Director Song, the silver-haired director, stood up with Captain Song and asked with a smile.

"More than just acquaintance." Ye Tiancheng said with emotion: "Formally speaking, I would like to call him senior brother. Senior brother Mao, long time no see."

“Boss Ye is also a monk?” Song Zilong asked curiously.

"That's not true." Ye Tiancheng laughed and waved his hands: "Mao Xiaofang learned singing from my father back then, but he left not long after."

“It’s so sad to see each other after so many years.” Recalling the scenery of his youth, Mao Xiaofang sighed sincerely.

"It's great that there are no outsiders. Master Mao, Taoist Master Qin, sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

 Director Song waved his hands repeatedly.

As the two of them sat on the main seat, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu walked to a table at the bottom, said hello to the theater troupe, and sat down happily.

 With their current status, the two of them are not worthy enough to sit at the main table.

 (End of this chapter)

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