I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 494: The dust has settled and the harvest has been counted

Chapter 494 The dust has settled and the harvest has been counted

 “Taoist Master Qin.”

 “Taoist Master Qin.”

Seeing him face to face, master and apprentice Mao Xiaofang quickly stood up to greet him. Hua Yanhong, with red and swollen eyes, also followed them to the door.

Qin Yao took Xiaoxia and Athena into the main hall, waved his hands and said: "Sit down, everyone. Miss Hua, what's wrong with you? My eyes are swollen from crying..."

Hua Yanhong said in a hoarse voice: "Master Qin, Yi Xiaolong came back for revenge. He killed Brother Tang."

Qin Yao paused for a moment and said softly: "My condolences."

"It's not just that." Ah Chu said quickly: "Yi Xiaolong also forced Mrs. Tang to marry him. He asked her to prepare the phoenix crown and harem and come and marry her tonight."

Qin Yao slowly narrowed his eyes: "That's just right. Let's catch a turtle in an urn for him tonight!"

 “We think so too.” Mao Xiaofang nodded.

“Have you decided who will pretend to be Miss Hua?” Qin Yao asked.

Mao Xiaofang said in surprise: "Are you still using disguise?"

In his opinion, it was just a newly reincarnated evil spirit. As long as the other party dared to come out, just a few of their masters and disciples could handle it. There was no need to do anything extra.

"You don't know yet, Yi Xiaolong got the slowness energy from the Zombie King's mouth, and now he has the ability to make people slow. In addition, he has swallowed two souls now, and his magic power has greatly increased. Even Master Mao and I, It may not be affected," Qin Yao explained.

“Master, Taoist Master Qin, what is dull energy?” Xiao Hai asked curiously.

“After a person dies and gathers Qi for a thousand years, the corpse Qi can be turned into some special powers. Slow Qi is one of them.” Mao Xiaofang explained.

 “Gathering Qi for a thousand years? It’s so scary…”

Ah Chu murmured.

A life span of just a few decades can be called a lifetime, and a thousand years is enough to turn the sea into mulberry fields.

Qin Yao turned to look at Xiaoxia and asked, "Do you know how to resolve the dull energy?"

  Xiao Xia: "In such a short period of time, the evil spirit cannot refine the dull energy, so it can **** it out mouth to mouth."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 I’m afraid none of you here are willing to do such a thing.

“Besides this, is there any other way?”

Xiao Xia nodded and said: "Of course. You can also forcefully blow out the energy, but it will be difficult to complete this operation when he will spit out the dull energy at any time and slow us down."

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and said: "I have some Ksitigarbha robes here. After we put them on, the ghosts can't see us. They are suitable for dealing with Yi Xiaolong."

“Axiu, come here and pretend to be Mrs. Tang.”

Mao Xiaofang said.

"No." Qin Yao raised his hand to stop him: "Axiu has not been practicing Taoism for a long time. It is too dangerous to do this. Leave this matter to me and I will arrange the candidates."

 “That’s fine.” Mao Xiaofang nodded, turned around and said, “Axiu, why don’t you thank Daoist Master Qin quickly.”

Lei Xiu lowered his head and said in a voice as soft as a mosquito: "Thank you, Taoist Master Qin."

 Qin Yao smiled, took out the space bag, summoned two Ksitigarbha robes, and handed one of the blue ones to Mao Xiaofang: "Leave it to the two of us to deal with the dull energy, so as to avoid any accidents."

Mao Xiaofang reached out to take the cassock and said firmly: "With the two of us here, there will be no accidents!"

That night.

 The moon is hidden, the stars are few, and the wind is freezing.

With a black hat on his head and a groom's jacket, Yi Xiaolong rode the cold wind and landed in front of the brightly lit hotel. He hummed an inexplicable tune and in a few seconds, he appeared in the corridor on the second floor, walking cheerfully. With a quick pace, he arrived in front of a suite.

 “Dong dong dong.”

Rather than simply walking in through the door, he even knocked on the wooden door elegantly and asked softly: "Madam, can I come in?"

"If you don't want to come in, you can leave now." Hua Yanhong's voice came from the room.

"I'm here to enter the bridal chamber today, why would I want to leave?" Yi Xiaolong laughed lewdly, then walked through the wooden door and looked at the bride, who was wearing a phoenix crown and harem and sitting on the bed, with a trace of fascination flashing in his eyes.


At this moment, a gust of evil wind suddenly hit the back of his head. When he just felt the airflow, it hit him **** the back of the head, knocking his body to the ground instantly.

Yi Xiaolong was frightened, angry, hurt and resentful. He suddenly turned into a dark wind and rushed towards the bed, shouting: "Bitch, you dare to betray me!"


The bride on the bed did not sit still. She stood up suddenly and rushed towards Yi Xiaolong with an afterimage. The two bodies passed each other. Yi Xiaolong failed to catch each other, but there were five black scratches on his chest. .

“You are not Hua Yanhong!” Yi Xiaolong quickly turned around, looked at the bride whose fingernails were so red, and shouted angrily: “Who are you, Hua Yanhong?”


Suddenly, he was hit **** the back, his body leaned forward uncontrollably, and he opened his mouth to spit out a stream of white mist.

 “What is it, come out.”

He floated up from the ground with a whooshing sound. Yi Xiaolong circulated Yin Qi in his eyes, his pupils turned dark green, and he looked at the entire suite, but he still didn't see the thing hidden in the dark.



In fear, he kept turning on the spot, opening his mouth and spitting out slow breaths.

In the blink of an eye, the room was filled with white mist. Qin and Mao, who were wearing Ksitigarbha robes, were affected at the same time, and their movements were slowed down countless times.


Seeing that the situation was not good, the bride immediately passed through the door and scolded: "Hurry up and put on the talisman."

With a bang, the wooden door of the room opposite was suddenly opened. Xiao Hai, A Chu, and Lei Xiu held a stack of yellow talismans in their hands and flew in and stuck them on the door and wall.


Having a bad premonition, Yi Xiaolong quickly rushed towards the wooden door, but hit his forehead **** the wooden door. His soul was forcibly bounced back by a golden light, and he almost fell to the ground.

In desperation, he had no choice but to change direction and quickly hit a wall.

However, as the talisman on the other side of the wall flashed, Yi Xiaolong was launched into the air again and fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, the dull energy in the suite gradually became thinner, and the power of the curse dissipated rapidly.

Qin Yao seized the opportunity, raised his hand to draw out the God-killing Sword tied behind his back, and threw it hard at Yi Xiaolong on the ground.


The divine sword made a clear sound in flight, turned into a black light, flew across the void in an instant, and stabbed deeply into Yi Xiaolong's chest, nailing him to the ground.


Yi Xiaolong let out bursts of roars, and spewed out a large amount of dull air. The white mist in his belly was quickly sprayed out, leaving a smoke ring-like ring remaining in his mouth.

Affected by the slowness, Qin Yao and Mao Xiaofang's movements slowed down again, but their initial plan was successful, and the scale of victory completely shifted to their side.

Yi Xiaolong also knew this very well, so he became more and more anxious. He pulled out the soul body from the God-killing Sword and endured the beatings of the two people again and again. He kept hitting every corner of the room, trying to find out A place to break out.

But what made him despair was that the mastermind behind the scenes seemed to have sealed the entire suite, leaving no gap for him at all.     “Bang!”

Soon, when the second wave of dull energy dissipated in the air, Qin Yao and Mao Xiaofang kicked Yi Xiaolong one after another.

Distinctly different power exploded on this soul body, forcibly expelling the last ray of dull air hidden in his mouth from his nostrils, turning into two puffs of smoke and drifting away.

"Don't kill me. There are still two ghosts in my body. If I die, they will never be reincarnated." After Qin and Mao pulled back their legs, Yi Xiaolong collapsed to the ground and used all his strength to fight. roared.

"Thanks for your reminder."

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Wenjun, take the souls of Liang Shaohui and Ying Jintang out of his body."

 “Swish, swish, swish…”

Strands of black hair crazily emerged from the floor and spread to Yi Xiaolong's body. Then he forcibly opened his mouth and poured into his mouth, straight into his chest and abdomen.

In the blink of an eye, two strands of black hair flew out, dragging two non-human-shaped souls, and hung in the air in front of Yi Xiaolong.

Qin Yao took out the Demonic Spirit Orb, silently put away the two ghosts, and then spread his palm in the direction of the Divine Killing Sword. The Divine Killing Sword trembled slightly, and suddenly turned into a black light and rushed through the void, and the handle fell into the palm of his hand.


Turning his wrist and placing the blade on Yi Xiaolong's neck, Qin Yao asked coldly: "Do you have any last words to say?"

"You are a sinister agent of the underworld. I should be sent to the underworld for trial. You cannot kill on your own." Feeling the cold air on the blade, the frightened Yi Xiaolong said sternly.

 “Go to the underworld and be judged...are you worthy?”

After saying this, Qin Yao chopped off his head with a knife and watched quietly as his head and soul gradually dissipated...

the next day.

 Early morning.

Mao Xiaofang, Song Zilong, Zhou Yuan and others sent the entire troupe out of the gate archway of Gantian Town and said goodbye: "Tiancheng, Miss Hua, have a good trip."

Ye Tiancheng looked up at Gantian Town and sighed: "We didn't even sing a single part of the play, but we cast two famous actors. It's true to what I said. Tomorrow or accident, no one knows which one will come first."

Mao Xiaofang: “We are helpless when fate plays tricks on us.”

Ye Tiancheng nodded and asked, "Why haven't you seen Daoist Qin?"

Mao Xiaofang glanced at the expressionless Hua Yanhong and said softly: "Taoist Master Qin went to send the souls of Liang Shaohui and Ying Jintang to the underworld. He won't be back until tomorrow night at the earliest."

 “A Tang, alas…”

Ye Tiancheng sighed deeply, cupped his hands and said, "I won't mention it anymore, I won't mention it anymore, Senior Brother Mao, Captain Song, let's go."

Mao Xiaofang took Song Zilong and said in return: "Have a nice trip..."

 “Hello, Mao Xiaofang.”

Not long after, when Master Mao passed by Rose Rice Shop alone, Black Rose, who was standing at the door eating melon seeds, suddenly shouted.

 “Is something wrong?” Mao Xiaofang paused.

"I am planning to open a second branch recently, and I would like to ask you to help me figure out where to open this branch to make a lot of money and have good luck." Black Rose said.

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and said, "Sorry, Fuxitang does not have this business."

"What does this have to do with Fuxitang? Just tell me whether you know how to do it. After you do it, if I don't give you money, doesn't it count as business?" Black Rose said.

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

This magical logic prevented him from turning around for a moment.

If you don’t pay, it won’t be considered business. This sounds fine, but the problem is, if you don’t pay, why should I count it for you?

 It’s simply baffling!

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Seeing Mao Xiaofang's eyes getting more and more strange, Black Rose asked with a frown.

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and was about to excuse himself when he suddenly caught a glimpse of black energy between Black Rose's eyebrows.

 The Yintang turns black, this is an ominous sign!

 “Tell me your birthday and birth date.”

Black Rose was overjoyed. She took out a small note from her pocket and handed it to Mao Xiaofang: "I understand your operation and have already prepared it."

Mao Xiaofang took the note, opened it, looked at it, and deduce it with his fingers, his face gradually became serious.

"how is it going?"

Black Rose looked at him with unblinking eyes. Seeing him put down his arms, he asked quickly.

“I didn’t calculate the location of the store, but I calculated that you will have a big disaster in the near future.”

Mao Xiaofang said honestly.

Black Rose's face stiffened and she said, "Brother, don't tease me, it's so scary!"

"Who is teasing you?" Mao Xiaofang handed the small note back to her and said, "Be careful, Miss Rose. This disaster is very severe, and your life may be in danger."

Black Rose held the note with trembling fingers, swallowed her saliva and said, "Master Mao, Brother Mao, you are an expert, please tell me how to resolve this disaster?"

Mao Xiaofang hesitated for a moment and said: "If you have the innate conditions, you can try to be happy. But remember, the other party's horoscope must match your horoscope, otherwise it will not be said that it can resolve the disaster, but it will easily lead to a disaster within a disaster."

Black Rose was so frightened that she quickly asked: "Then have you figured out who in Gantian Town matches my horoscope?"

Mao Xiaofang waved his hand and said: "I didn't count this, so as not to cause trouble to others. In addition to celebrating happiness, if you want to avoid this disaster as much as possible, then it is best not to go out. There is a house **** guarding your home, which should be able to keep you safe. "

After saying this, he completely ignored Black Rose's efforts to stay and turned around to leave.

 The next day.


Qin Yao took Xiaoxia and Athena back to the human world through the teleportation array, and asked: "Xiaoxia, are you going to work in the store, or are you going on a business trip with me first?"

Xiaoxia: "Of course I will follow you! Every time I achieve a breakthrough in my strength, I will challenge you. If one day I defeat you, the agreement between us will be automatically abolished."

Qin Yao shrugged and encouraged: "Then come on."

Not long after, on the way back to Gantian Town, Qin Yao silently took out the white jade official seal and called up the recent Yin De income details:

 Save Hua Yanhong and gain 100 Yin Virtue points.

 Kill Yi Xiaolong and gain 288 points of Yin De.

Captured Liang Shaohui and Ying Jintang, and obtained 220 points of Yin De.

 Total: six hundred and eight points.

The current total amount of Yin Virtue is: five thousand one hundred ninety-one points.

“More than six hundred points, although it’s not bad, it’s not as high as expected.”

Qin Yao muttered silently in his heart, and subconsciously turned his head to look at classmate Xiao Xia flying beside him.

Unsurprisingly, the reason why this "magic reform" story has not gained more than a thousand dollars is because of her.

If she and her brother, the Millennium Zombie King, were killed or escorted to the underworld, they would gain at least six to seven hundred virtuous qualities.

Forget it.

forget about it.

  He would not do such a thing as betraying one of his own people, even if the benefits were doubled a hundred times or a thousand times.

 (End of this chapter)

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