I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 505: third generation goddess

Chapter 505 The Three Generations of Goddess

 “The way of demons…”

After listening to what the old boss said, Qin Yao subconsciously flashed the name of a movie and two beautiful faces.

These two people, one looking back and smiling, amaze everyone. The other has an ageless appearance and has been popular for three generations.

I still remember that in the story "The Legend of Mai", the Ksitigarbha ghost king with an immortal heart became the pioneer of the big boss Evil Princess in "The Way of Demons", and was responsible for awakening the Evil Princess.

At that time, Qin Yao was ruthless and ruthless. He killed her body and refused to give up. He directly asked Ksitigarbha Ghost King to receive the lunch box. The task of awakening the evil concubine was lost. I don’t know how the evil concubine will wake up in the future...

"What are you thinking about? You are so lost in thought." The old leader waved his hand in front of him, wondering.

"I was thinking about how to eliminate the devilish nature." Qin Yao quickly came back to his senses and responded with a smile.

“Tong’er, go and invite the leader of Weibo Sect, Baimei, and her two disciples.”

The old head shouted to the door, then looked at Qin Yao and said: "After they come, let's talk about this matter."


Wearing a long white gown, holding a white whisk in the palm of her hand, and with two long white eyebrows hanging down to her cheeks, the master stepped into the hall with two girls, bowed her hands and said, "Weibo Sect White Eyebrow, pay homage to the Master of Maoshan."

The old headmaster waved his hand and said: "Master Tai, there is no need to be polite... Qin Yao, why don't you pay a visit to Master Tai quickly?"

At the first place below, Qin Yao immediately saluted and said: "Qin Yao, the eighty-eighth generation disciple of Maoshan, pays homage to Master Baimei."

 “Taoist Master Qin is too polite.”

Master Baimei took a deep look at him and saw that his blood was surging, his divine power was hidden inside, and he had a faint aura of being in a position of superiority for a long time, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Qin Yao smiled and raised his eyes to look at the two women behind Master Baimei. He saw the **** the left who looked like "Zhang Min". She was wearing a dark red gown and carrying a long sword with a gold handle. She was extremely graceful and heroic.

The **** the right looks like Huimin, wearing a white lotus skirt, with long hair shawl, and a string of white jade beads exposed on the wrist of her right hand.

Spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, each is good at winning.

 They are equally beautiful in the world, and they are indistinguishable.

“Min’er, Caiyi, why don’t you hurry up and pay your respects to Daoist Master Qin.” Seeing him looking behind her, Master Baimei shouted quickly.

 “Meet Taoist Master Qin.”

The two girls clasped their fists and saluted at the same time, but they saw that Bai Miner looked heroic and had a gentle voice; Caiyi had a gentle appearance and a clear voice.

 Qin Yao returned the favor with his hand, and a very magical word suddenly flashed in his mind, and he blurted out: "I have seen these two sisters before."

Master Baimei: “???”

 Old leader: “???”

The two ladies looked at Qin Yao with a surprised look on their faces.

"Qin Yao, don't be rude!" After a long time, the old leader coughed dryly and shouted.

"It doesn't matter." Before Qin Yao had time to respond, Master Baimei waved her hand and looked at him with a smile: "I wonder where Daoist Master Qin has seen my two disciples?"

Qin Yao knew that if he casually said something in a dream, he would be recognized as a trapper in an instant. He thought about it and said solemnly: "A few years ago, I met a Ksitigarbha ghost king who was on the verge of death." When he died, he revealed that he was a subordinate of Xie Ji and was responsible for awakening Xie Ji. He begged me to spare his life. I ignored this at the time, and then I started dreaming about these two sisters every night. figure."

Hearing that he was thought about day and night by a senior brother from the spiritual world, he blushed slightly, and something strange gradually emerged in his heart.

Of course, this feeling occurs entirely because they have substituted into the "reality" described by Qin Yao.

 Otherwise, I am afraid that the other person will feel frivolous now.

"You will reap what you sow... Cause and effect is a line of fate. No wonder the first thing I thought of after the accident was Maoshan. It turns out that fate has buried a long line." Master Baimei murmured to himself, with an old face. But there was a hint of joy.

“Master Tai, please briefly explain the situation to him.” The old head said immediately.

Master Baimei took a breath silently and said: "Okay. Taoist Master Qin, what did the Ksitigarbha Ghost King tell you? In other words, how much do you know about Xie Ji?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "I just said that Xie Ji is a very scary demon and asked me not to be an enemy of them. Nothing else."

Master Tai Baimei nodded slightly: "Then let me sort out the entire incident from beginning to end. Everything can be traced back five hundred years ago."

“Five hundred years ago, the evil queen was born. Master Liansheng led a group of monks to suppress the demons, but unfortunately he was no match for the evil queen.

In order to unite the Buddha and the demons, Xie Ji used the five hundred years of self-proclaimed as a cover to coax Master Liansheng into gouging out his heart and feeding the demons.

In order to bring the evil queen back to her rightful ways and influence her, Master Liansheng cut out his own heart without hesitation and handed it over to her.

Unexpectedly, Xie Ji changed her mind after taking the heart and insisted on killing Liansheng.

At the critical moment, the Bodhisattva from the Buddhist world came to the world, convinced Xie Ji, and strictly ordered her to keep her promise. Only then did she have five hundred years of stability.

Now that the five-hundred-year deadline is approaching, Xie Ji is about to break the seal and come out. My second disciple Caiyi is the body of a seven-star witch, which is a great complement to Xie Ji.

If they are captured by her and combined into one, they will be able to open the door to the devil's world and release hundreds of ghosts and thousands of demons. Then it will be a catastrophe.

Therefore, I have arranged a marriage for Caiyi. As long as her virginity is broken and the yang energy invades during the night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, she will be able to break the body of the Seven-Star Witch. Even if the evil queen comes to find her, she will not be afraid anymore.

Unexpectedly, the husband was obsessed with immortality and had no interest in the love affairs between men and women. Even when the colorful attire and sedan chair arrived at the door, he went to practice immortality, which made us very embarrassed.

 First of all, it is difficult to get married again in a short time, and secondly, it is not that easy to find a man born in the yang year, yang month, yang day, yang day, yang year, yang month, yang day and yang day. Really, I had no choice, so I asked Maoshan. "

Hearing this, Qin Yao's expression suddenly became strange, his eyes wandered over Master Baimei and the old master, and asked: "So, what do you mean?"

The old master coughed dryly and said: "Although you are not a full-yang body, you are born with a divine body and can break the seven-star demonic body."

 Chin Yao: “…”


 At this point, he realized that this was a blind date!

“Master Baimei, Master Chen may not have time to tell you that I am not alone.”

 Shao Yan, Qin Yao said quickly.

Although the young Huimin suited his taste, he couldn't do anything like pretending to be single and defrauding money and sex.

 In fact, given his current status, if he were simply lustful, there would be no need to use such despicable methods!

"Headmaster Chen has already said that we all know that you have several confidantes, and they even have high status. But this proves that you are very good, doesn't it?" Master Baimei said with a smile.

 Chin Yao: “…”

  He had forgotten that today, not in later generations, society is unimaginably tolerant of men.

It is perfectly normal for an excellent man to have three wives and four concubines. Except for a small group of men who live with one wife, most of them have unsatisfactory lives...

 Even compared to the secular world, the phantom world is more conservative and less affected by new ideas and trends. What most women care about is not how many women their husband has, but their status in the family.

 This has been the case for thousands of years.

“Do you think so too?” Qin Yao looked sideways at Caiyi and asked seriously. Caiyi was silent for a moment and said, "I didn't think much about it. I just didn't want to become the source of disaster."

 Chin Yao: “…”


This is indeed a kind-hearted girl. Her ideological consciousness has long surpassed men and women, transcended both sexes, and reached the level of redemption.

Just like the Buddha cutting off his flesh and feeding it to eagles, or the lotus plucking out his heart and feeding it to the devil.

"Taoist Master Qin, I don't have much time left. I don't have time to make other arrangements." At this time, Master Baimei suddenly stared at Qin Yao and said solemnly: "Caiyi's future will be left to you. I hope You can treat her well."

As soon as she finished speaking, Master Baimei began to leak air.

That's right, he wasn't dead, but he was leaking air. In front of Qin Yao, he leaked into a piece of human skin in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yao was immediately dumbfounded.

He did remember that in the original work, Mrs. Baimei passed away due to a leak of air, but at this time and at this place, leaks leaked and left at the drop of a hat. How could there be no intentional element in it?


Bai Min'er and Caiyi screamed at the same time, fell to their knees with a bang, hugged the master's clothes and human skin, and cried loudly.

Qin Yao's cheeks twitched slightly, he looked at the old head fiercely, and said through a message: "Did you arrange this?"

“Don’t speak so hastily, it’s not big or small.” The old leader glared and responded secretly.

"Don't worry about anything else, you know what I'm talking about." Qin Yao frowned.

Old head master: "Don't make false accusations against good people, I don't know anything. However, you can't really ignore Master Baimei's entrustment before her death, right?"

Qin Yao rolled his eyes, seriously suspecting that this matter was led by the old boss. The two old guys sang a double act in front of him.

 Otherwise, how could such a coincidence happen?

If it were such a coincidence, he would have eaten the whole hall!

"Don't be too sad. Your master only died physically, but his soul has not died. There will definitely be a day when he will achieve enlightenment." At this time, the old master looked down at the two girls kneeling in the hall and comforted softly. With.

 The two women gradually stopped crying, and together they started to put away Master Baimei's clothes.

“After Xie Ji is born, Caiyi will definitely be her first target.”

The old master then looked at Qin Yao and said solemnly: "Qin Yao, since Master Baimei has entrusted Caiyi to you, then it is up to you to send her two disciples back to the ancient tomb. Before the evil princess is truly eliminated, , don’t come back!”

 Chin Yao: “…”

I have to say that although he was a little speechless, he didn't have much resistance to this.

This is like someone trying every possible means to give you money, beautiful women, and benefits, but there are no hidden dangers.

 You don’t have to accept it, but you can’t dislike the other person because of it.

 This is the selfish side of human nature, but it is also a common problem among most people.

"Thank you so much, Master Chen." After gathering the master's clothes and human skin, the two girls kowtowed to the old master in unison.

The old headmaster raised his palms, and a spiritual energy lifted them both up at the same time. He said gently: "If you have any trouble in the future, please contact Qin Yao. He can represent us in Maoshan."

 Chin Yao: “…”

  After a long time.

 Qin Yao, who was in a complicated mood, took his two sisters out of Yuanfu Palace, and Xiaoxia and Athena, who were guarding outside Yuanfu Palace, immediately came to greet them.

"Let me introduce you." Qin Yao pointed at the two of them and said to the two girls beside him: "This is Xiaoxia and Athena. They are both my fighting partners. They live and die together with me, and our lives are intertwined."

Looking at Xiaoxia and Athena, a flash of amazement flashed through their eyes at the same time. As the senior sister, Bai Min'er took the lead and said, "My name is Bai Min'er. I have met two Taoist friends."

“Caiyi has met two Taoist friends.” Caiyi followed and saluted.

 Xonxia and Athena were startled at the same time.

After all, they are not from a noble family and are very unfamiliar with this kind of etiquette.

 “What are you waiting for? Return the favor.”

 Qin Yao waved his hand in front of their eyes, but his eyes scanned these four charming faces, and thought to himself: Why do I feel that there are more and more warblers and swallows around me?

This scene is almost catching up with Fuso’s harem episode...

 A few days later.


Shu Shu flew with swords, passed through Qingming, and stopped above a green mountain with Qin Yao and three others walking in the air.

Bai Min'er reached out and pointed at a stone gate hidden in the green hills, and said with a smile: "Taoist Master Qin, that is the ancient tomb of our Weibo sect. All the disciples of my sect grew up in the ancient tomb."

Qin Yao nodded silently, his peripheral vision suddenly swept across a building on the top of the mountain, pointed and asked: "Where is that place?"

 “It’s the Immortal Academy.”

Bai Min'er responded: "This Lingshan Mountain not only has a sect called our Microwave Sect, but also a sect called the Zhenxuan Sect. The two sects share the same spirit and have a good relationship, so they jointly established a fairy school. The sect leader will go to class when he is free, and all his disciples will attend."

Qin Yao nodded slightly and asked, "What is the name of the current leader of the Facsimile Sect?"

 “Qiu Chunan.” Bai Miner said.

 ‘It was indeed him. ’ Qin Yao muttered in his heart.

“Senior Sister, look.” At this time, Cai Yi, who was standing on the flying sword, suddenly pointed in one direction and said in a deep voice.

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger and saw three thieves holding wicker sticks and beating a group of little zombies, causing the little zombies to scream and wail in pain.

“He is a disciple of the Zhenzhao Sect.” Bai Miner frowned and said.

"They actually didn't even let go of such a small zombie. It's really hateful." Caiyi said, Yu Jian flew down and shouted: "Stop!"

“This is Second Senior Sister. Good evening, Second Senior Sister.”

Among a group of little zombies, a man wearing a blue gown, a long braid, and a pair of glasses on his fat face looked at Cai Yi with a squinting look and said with a smile.

"Who is your second senior sister? Deng Tianliang, how can you bully these children!" Caiyi scolded.

“They are zombies, not children.” Deng Tianliang slapped the wicker stick on a little zombie, causing sparks to fly. He said with a smile, “Look, there will be sparks.”

Caiyi was furious, and immediately jumped off the flying sword, raised his hand and pointed, and the flying sword shot out from under his feet, cutting off the wicker in Deng Tianliang's hand, and shouted: "Get out of here, don't let me see you again!"

 “Why are you so fierce? Do you want to fight?”

Deng Tianliang showed a hint of dissatisfaction on his face. He raised his hand and pulled out the magic sword tied behind his back. He slashed Caiyi's sword with one blow and said unwillingly, "I'm just giving in to you. Are you serious about it?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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