I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 507: The mountain flowers are blooming and the fragrance is burning

Chapter 507 The mountain flowers are blooming and the youth is burning

Deng Tianliang's soul shrank in the soap, and he raised his head slightly. He saw a woman wearing a light gauze skirt, so white that it shone like an elf, leaning down and holding it in her hand.

 “Suffered, suffered.”

Deng Tianliang panicked and subconsciously wanted to get away from the soap. However, that palm carried the power to seal his soul, locking his soul firmly and making him unable to move.


Athena held soap in her hand and slowly came to Caiyi.

 The breeze blew her long white-blond hair, exposing a pair of pointed elf ears.

Caiyi was slightly startled, took the soap without knowing why, and looked at the elf girl stupidly.

Athena reached out and flicked the soap, and a man's scream suddenly sounded from the soap.

Cai Yi woke up suddenly, her eyes sparkling with brightness, she looked at the soul hiding in the soap and shouted: "Deng Tianming!"

Seeing that no matter how hard he struggled, Deng Tianliang simply lay down and waved in the soap: "Good evening, girl in colorful clothes."

"Why are you in the soap..." Cai Yi blurted out a question, then suddenly reacted and scolded with a frosty face: "Dirty!"

“Miss Caiyi, this is a misunderstanding.” Deng Tianliang said loudly.

"Misunderstanding?" Caiyi sneered: "I will stab you now and say there is a misunderstanding. Are you willing to accept it?"

Deng Tianliang's face froze, and he immediately changed his words: "Junior Sister Caiyi, the Microwave Sect and the Fax Sect are on the same side. You can't act impulsively and do anything that will hurt your loved ones and make your enemies happy!"

Caiyi frowned, turned to Qin Yao and said, "Taoist Master Qin, I'll take him to Senior Sister first to discuss how to deal with this matter."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "Go, go. If this kind of thing is not severely punished, you may not know what will happen in the future."

I have to say that Deng Tianliang is a real prodigal and has done countless things that men want to do but cannot.


Bai Min'er led a group of sisters to a sect gate and shouted loudly: "Qiu Chunan, get out of here!"

 Inside the sect, in a bedroom lit with incense.

 The middle-aged man in white pajamas suddenly opened his eyes and murmured: "Have you heard hallucinations???"

"Qiu Chunan!" At this time, Bai Min'er's loud shout reached his ears again.

The long face was strong, and the beard that looked like hesitated was pumped on his face. After finding that it was not a dream, he hurriedly pulled out the robe on the shelf and put on the door and walked out of the room.

“Min’er, do you miss me? Hey, why are you bringing so many people?”

 Bai Min'er slammed the soap at his feet and shouted: "Who missed you? What nonsense are you talking about? Qiu Chunan, open your eyes and take a good look. What is this?"

“Soap, what else could it be?” Qiu Chunan said.

“Master, Master, it’s me!” Deng Tianliang said loudly inside the soap.

Qiu Chunan's face changed: "Why did you get into the soap?"

"It's like this, Master." Deng Tianliang said nonsense: "When I was practicing the Lost Soul Dafa, I accidentally broke into the ancient tomb, and accidentally attached to this piece of soap, and was discovered by others accidentally. And again and again…”

 “Shut up, you.”

Qiu Chunan kicked up the soap and slammed it against the wall, turning a deaf ear to Deng Tianliang's miserable howl.

“Master Qiu, what should we do about this matter?” Bai Miner asked.

Qiu Chunan immediately said: "Our Zhenzhen sect does not have disciples with such bad qualities. Deng Tianliang can do whatever you want. Kill him or her, it all depends on your mood."

Bai Min'er: "..."

As a mutually supportive sect, how could she kill the other's top disciple just because of this matter?

"Since this is the first time he has made a mistake, I will forgive him once, but if there is a next time, Qiu Chunan, don't blame me for falling out." Bai Min'er snorted coldly and waved: "Sisters, let's go."

“Sister,” Cai Yi said reluctantly, “Taoist Master Qin said that if such bad things are not severely punished, they will definitely happen again in the future.”

Bai Min'er reached out and grabbed her wrist, led her towards the ancient tomb, and said softly: "Although Deng Tianliang broke into the ancient tomb, he didn't do anything bad, so it's not good to fall out with them directly. But if it happens again If there is a next time, I will never forgive him."

“Taoist Priest Qin, which Taoist Priest Qin?” Looking at their leaving figures, Qiu Chunan frowned.

“It’s a man, Master.” Deng Tianliang controlled Soap and jumped over and said, “There is a man living in the ancient tomb.”

"What?" Qiu Chunan shouted: "How can other men live in a place like the ancient tomb where all girls live?"

 Deng Tianliang: “…”

"No, I have to tell Min'er that no man in the world is good. Putting a man in an ancient tomb is like putting a tiger in a sheepfold. Is this okay?" As he said this, Qiu Chunan suddenly He jumped into the air and disappeared into the night sky.

 Deng Tianliang: “…”

 Can you please first remove the restrictions on me? !

Not long after, Qiu Chunan hurriedly came to the ancient tomb, slapped the door of the tomb and said, "Min'er, Min'er."

Bai Min'er, who had just entered the ancient tomb with her sisters, paused slightly and said, "What's going on with Qiu Chunan?"

"It's definitely not a good thing." Caiyi said, "Sister, please leave him alone."

Bai Min'er shook her head and said, "You go back first, I'll go over and ask about the situation."

Seeing her figure disappear from sight, Cai Yi suddenly felt suffocated. Unknowingly, she came to Qin Yao's room. Just as she raised her arm to knock on the door, she suddenly realized that it was already very late, so she lowered her arm again. .

"What's the matter, Caiyi?" Just as she was about to turn around and leave, a voice suddenly sounded in the bedroom.

Caiyi opened her mouth and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I came to see if you were asleep."

Qin Yao stepped to the door of the room, stretched out his hand to open the wooden door, and looked at the girl with all the emotions written on her face: "Come in and talk."

"Huh?" Cai Yi blushed and stammered, "Isn't it good?"

 “That’s what you say?” Qin Yao laughed.

Cai Yi paused for a moment and said softly: "I'm really fine..."

"Come on, why are you unhappy?" Qin Yao understands women. When she says it's okay, you'd better not take it seriously. The key is to look at the look. If you can't see the look, just look at the other person's tone, or even the other person's tone. Number of words given.

Caiyi pursed her lips and said, "The other party didn't receive any punishment at all."

Qin Yao understood this and laughed dumbly.

 It seems that Caiyi is very well protected by Master Baimei, and his personality and temperament are still like those of a child...

"Because we discovered it early, he hasn't had time to do anything bad, and it's unlikely that he will punish the Facsimile Sect for this." He said patiently.

“We discovered it early, it’s thanks to sister Athena, it’s not a reason for them to reduce the crime!” Caiyi said unconvinced.

Qin Yao: "This is true, but the conviction still depends on the consequences.

For example, the crime of attempted murder cannot be the same as that of killing someone.

 Generally speaking, people have a forgiving mentality towards their first crime, and will not be severely punished as long as it does not cause any particularly bad consequences. Of course, this harsh standard is different for many people. "

After he said this, Caiyi felt much better and said, "Thank you, Taoist Master Qin."

Qin Yao waved his hand: "It's okay, go and have a rest. Remember, if you still can't accept something that makes you unhappy, then just forget it."

at the same time.

 In front of the ancient tomb.

After listening to Qiu Chunan's nonsense, Bai Min'er said calmly: "Master Qiu, this is an internal matter of our Microwave Sect, so I won't bother you."

"It's not a matter of trouble. No, it's just a matter of trouble. I'm willing to bother you." Qiu Chunan said.

Bai Min'er was speechless and waved her hand: "If you have some free time, why don't you teach more disciples. Well, I should go back. See you, Master Qiu."

Looking at her decisively leaving figure, Qiu Chunan sighed: "Min'er, Min'er, when will you understand my heart?"

 The next morning.

Like a white cloud, Caiyi flew to Qin Yao's door, gently knocked on the wooden door, and said with a smile on his face: "Taoist Master Qin, come with me quickly."

Qin Yao followed her out of the door with a confused look on his face, walked out of the ancient tomb, and couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong?"

 “You’ll find out later.”

Caiyi smiled and grabbed the corner of his clothes, leading him along. Soon he came to the top of the mountain. Looking around, he saw that half of the mountain pear flowers had bloomed here overnight. Looking from a distance, the clusters of pear flowers bloomed here. The white pear blossoms are like pieces of white clouds, inlaid in the blue sky, so beautiful.

Caiyi pulled him into the pear tree. The rich fragrance of flowers immediately surrounded the two of them, and the sweet smell hit people's heart.

“Second senior sister, I knew you would bring your fiancé here. How are you, second brother-in-law?” A round-faced girl came around from behind a few pear trees and said with a smile.

 “Stop shouting.” Cai Yi felt something strange in her heart and said with wide eyes.

 “Did I shout wrong?” the round-faced girl teased.

Cai Yi blushed at her smile. She subconsciously held Qin Yao's hand and led him deeper into the pear tree.

 Behind him, the round-faced girl suddenly laughed louder.

“Daozhang Qin, do you have any dreams?” Cai Yi pulled Qin Yao to a huge pear tree, letting go of his palm and asked softly.

Qin Yao raised his hand to catch a few petals that were torn off by the wind, and said with a smile: "Yes, I will go to the highest level step by step."

Caiyi was slightly startled and said: "What is the highest?"

“Station, power, cultivation, and magical power must all be the highest.” Qin Yao said with clear eyes.

Caiyi was puzzled and asked, "Is it because pursuing these things can bring you happiness?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "It's not that pursuing these things can bring me happiness, but if I am controlled by others, I will be very unhappy... Let me give you two examples."

Caiyi nodded silently and looked at him unblinkingly.

“You are an ordinary person, you don’t have any great connections, you are running around all day just for food and clothing.

Even so, you are quite satisfied with your current situation and feel that you can live a happy life through your own efforts.

 But one day, you got into an argument with someone because of a little quarrel, and your legs were broken.

 Afterwards, the other party will compensate you symbolically and find someone to force you to sign a settlement agreement.

You want to sue, but in the end you have no way to sue, and you end up being disabled for the rest of your life.

 The person who broke your leg is still living a comfortable and unrestrained life. "

 Caiyi stepped into the role for a moment, and instantly she felt bad.

Qin Yao: "This is the result of having no strength. Without strength, you are destined to be unable to withstand the slightest storm.

 Second example... You are a pregnant woman who is about to give birth, but there happens to be a disaster in the town. The whole town is surrounded by the government officials and you are not allowed to go out at will.

You are pregnant and about to give birth, but the government officials will not let you go out. When you ask, they will say that the superiors have instructions and do not allow anyone to leave the house easily.

In the end, your child was not saved, but when you turned around you saw that the family members of the town officials could come and go as they pleased, and even made a lot of money from it. "

 Caiyi: “…”

 It’s over.

This sense of immersion is deeper.

Qin Yao sighed: "This is the fate of having no power. A rural official at the lowest level, after gaining power, can easily strangle countless ordinary villagers by the throat.

If this is the case in the mundane world, how much more so in the spiritual and illusory world?

 You feel that this world is stable and you have simple happiness, but in fact, you have no ability to resist risks.

 Because you have nothing compared to higher beings, and they can deprive you of your rights and even your freedom of life at any time. "

Caiyi was slightly startled, and a thoughtful look gradually appeared on his face.

 Simple does not mean being stupid, and it does not mean that you cannot understand what is being said.

It’s just that no one has ever told her this before, and the darkness she can come into contact with is nothing more than the overt and covert fighting between a group of girls.

“Do you know why I’m telling you this?” Qin Yao suddenly asked.

 “Because I asked.” Caiyi said softly.

Qin Yao laughed and waved his hand: "No. Even if you ask, I have the right to say it or not.

 I tell you this because I hope you can grow up on your own.

Your master is gone, and your senior sister has to take on the responsibility of maintaining the Microwave Sect, and cannot fully protect you in all aspects.

 If you continue to be naive, it will not do you, her, or the entire microwave school any good. "

Caiyi suddenly understood, and a wave of warmth surged in her heart: "Taoist Master Qin, thank you for teaching me this."

Qin Yao smiled, looked at the pear blossoms all over the mountains and fields, and silently changed the subject: "Let me draw a picture for you..."

 “How to draw?” Caiyi said curiously.

Qin Yao pointed to the huge pear tree in front of them and said, "You can just stand under the tree."


 Qin Yao held the drawing board and brush he bought with ten filial piety points in his hand. He looked at the beautiful girl with a charming smile under the colorful falling flowers. He was slightly absent-minded, and his calm heart was filled with ripples...

People will like and even pursue all beautiful things. Just like a boy will be excited when he meets a beautiful girl while watching videos, and a girl will be moved by love when she meets a good-looking boy while watching videos.

 But this kind of liking is too universal. In other words, a person can like countless people and countless faces.

Only when we stand face to face, with ripples in our hearts and little deer in our hearts, can we call true feelings...

Qin Yao used a brush to outline simple lines on the white paper. Watching a graceful outline slowly take shape, a gentle smile gradually appeared between his eyebrows.

 (End of this chapter)

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