I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 519: The villain is in progress

Chapter 519 The villain is in progress

“I don’t know. It’s like the world has evaporated. Only his son is still at home.” The man with an iron nail embedded in the center of his forehead responded.

"Where are you all from?" Qin Yao nodded and asked suddenly.

 “Hell, aren’t you?”

"Me... too." Qin Yao paused for a moment and then said: "I begged a friend for a long time before he took me to the mortal world through the teleportation array. How did you all get here?"

"What kind of friend are you asking for? If you want to come up from the underworld in the future, just go to the black market and pay a sum of Yin De, and someone will help you sneak into the underworld." An old ghost preached as a person who had been there.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 As expected, there are people (ghosts) who make any kind of money.

"Okay, let's stop chatting. Let's discuss what to do next." The male ghost with a kitchen knife in his head said: "It's not easy to get here, we can't waste time here!"

“I propose to kidnap Zhao Dahai’s son and force him to show up.” An unrecognizable female ghost suggested: “He wouldn’t risk the life of his own son just to avoid us, right?”

  “Not allowed.”

The old ghost waved his hands repeatedly: "Zhao Dahai knows the law and breaks the law, and uses his power for personal gain. Our treatment of him is like beating a drowned dog, and there will be no negative consequences. But if we hurt or even kill his son, I'm afraid he won't be able to pass the judge's test in the future."

"We are not trying to harm his son, we just want to use this boy to lure his father out." The female ghost emphasized.


The green-faced ghost walked out of the bathroom and said, "The kid's body is shining with golden light. He is obviously protected by something. If you do it rashly, God knows what the consequences will be..."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what do you think we should do?" the female ghost asked angrily, and a dark wind suddenly blew in the living room.

  The group of ghosts remained silent, unable to do anything.

“I have an idea, it depends on whether you believe me or not.” Qin Yao suddenly said.

 “What can we do?” the female ghost asked.

Qin Yao raised his left hand, showed his ring to the ghosts and monsters, and said, "This ring is equivalent to my power amplifier. As long as a ghost is attached to the ring, the ghost power can be transmitted to me through the ring. If you can trust me, you can possess this ring and pass on the power to me. Then, with your help, what magic talisman can't be removed?"

The female ghost fell silent suddenly, her eyes looking at him full of suspicion.

Qin Yao shook his palm and said, "If you want to find Zhao Dahai, this is the best way."

"It's not that we don't want to believe you, it's because people are unpredictable, not to mention ghosts." After a long time, the old ghost whispered: "How about this. Apart from you, there are thirty-three ghosts in this room. We can start with Enter fifteen and try the effect, and the remaining ghosts will act as supervisors to prevent you from having any problems here."

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "Okay, you can discuss who will enter the ring."

After a while, the ghosts selected fifteen ghosts through guessing. Qin Yao raised his palm towards them, and the ghosts immediately flew towards the ring spontaneously.

"Xiao Wenjun, watch those ghosts. Athena, Xiaoxia, and the red and white demons are out to catch ghosts." When the fifteenth ghost flew into the ring, Qin Yao quickly took out a few talismans from his pocket and used The mana controlled the roof, the four walls, and the floor, and shouted loudly.

 One after another figures flew out of the ring and grabbed the remaining dozen or so ghosts.

 “You are not here to seek revenge.” The old ghost screamed.

Qin Yao smoothly pulled the cabinet in front of the door to his side, sat on the cabinet, took out a cigar from his arms, lit it with magic power, took a deep breath, and looked up at the battlefield without any intention of responding.

 “Bang, bang, bang…”

While the ghosts were trying to escape, they inevitably damaged a lot of things, just like when Erha demolished his house, and the living room became a mess in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, the cigarette in Qin Yao's hand burned down to the butt, and Athena and other ghosts and gods also defeated the remaining ghosts.

“Bring them back to the ring.” Qin Yao said calmly, crushing the cigarette butts and throwing them into the trash can.

The ghosts nodded slightly, roughly dragged the stowaway ghosts who had fallen to the ground, and controlled them to fly into the ring space.

Qin Yao turned the ring, smiled softly, and his body disappeared instantly.

 Early the next morning.

Zhao Zilong, with dark eyes, suddenly opened the quilt and sat up from the bed. After much hesitation, he put on a coat and ran to the Taoist hall run by the Wu family.

“Along, why are you here?” Wu Chunlai, who was sitting on a pearwood chair in the Taoist hall, asked in a low voice.

Zhao Zilong pulled out the chair in front of the other party's table and sat down, saying with lingering fear: "Uncle, something happened."

“Where are you injured?” Wu Chunlai asked.

Zhao Zilong was stunned and scratched his head: "I wasn't hurt... I was talking about last night, more than thirty ghosts came to my house and the living room was packed."

Wu Chunlai breathed a sigh of relief silently and said: "Look at the dark circles under your eyes. Did you not sleep all night? Don't be afraid. Ghosts are actually the human soul. You also have a soul. After your body dies, it will become Ghost, so what’s there to be afraid of?”

Zhao Zilong: "Having said that, people can be scared to death, let alone ghosts."

“Just get used to it. Anyway, as long as you stay together, those ghosts and monsters can’t do anything to you.”

Zhao Zilong shook his head and said: "It seems that you don't have to get used to it. Someone came in the middle of the night and took away all the ghosts."

“Who is here?” Wu Chunlai was startled and asked hurriedly.

 Zhao Zilong: "I'm not sure. I hid in the bedroom and didn't dare to go out."

Wu Chunlai calculated with his fingers and found nothing. He then opened the drawer of the table, took out an ancient turtle shell and three copper coins, stuffed the copper coins into the turtle shell, shook it wildly for a few times, then turned the direction of the turtle shell and poured out three copper coins. , closed his eyes, reached out and kept touching the copper coins.

Zhao Zilong's somewhat slow consciousness suddenly became nervous because of him. He didn't dare to express his anger and stared at Wu Chunlai with his eyes.


 Not long after, Wu Chunlai took a breath of cold air.

Zhao Zilong's scalp suddenly became numb, and he swallowed his saliva and asked, "What's the calculation?"

 Wu Chunlai shook his head and said, "Nothing has been calculated."

 Zhao Zilong: “…”

"Don't look at me with such weird eyes." Wu Chunlai reached out and patted him on the head, teaching him a lesson: "Although I didn't calculate anything, I can guess it. Trouble is coming. You shouldn't come today. Find me."

 Zhao Zilong looked stunned: "Why?"

"The people who took in those ghosts were most likely priests sent to the underworld by the underworld to deal with your father. They took in those stowaway ghosts, but they just happened to do it at the right time. You hurried to me today, ten There will be a chance that his eyes will be drawn to me, won’t it be troublesome then?”

 Zhao Zilong was dumbfounded...

After being dazed for a long time, he stood up with a roar and said, "I'm leaving now." "It's too late." Wu Chunlai sighed.

 “Then how many more places should I go to?” Zhao Zilong asked again.

"Don't waste your efforts. Now that you're here, just stay here honestly." Wu Chunlai waved his hand, stood up, took out five sticks of incense from a wooden cabinet, handed it to the other party, and pointed at the door. A statue on the altar said: "Go and offer incense to the door god. Whether you can save your father and my son this time depends entirely on the door god. Remember, every time you offer five sticks of incense, the incense will be burned before the matter is completed." It must not be broken.”

 “Yes, uncle.”

Zhao Zilong came to the statue with incense, lit the incense with a fire stick, and respectfully inserted it into the incense burner on the altar, worshiping: "Door God, door god, please help me to stop that evil god..."

 Not long.

 Qin Yao's muscular figure appeared in front of the door of the Taoist Hall, and just as he was about to step in, a golden light suddenly flashed on the two wooden doors of the Taoist Hall. This golden light intertwined into a network in the doorway, sealing the entire doorway.

 In the Taoist hall, Wu Chunlai felt something in his heart and raised his eyes to look at the door.


Qin Yao flicked the golden net with his fingers, looked at the circles of golden light rippling in the grid, looked towards the altar behind the door, stared at the statue of the door and asked: "What do you mean?"

 “It is a matter of loyalty to others when entrusted by others.” The door **** statue said.

 “Be bold!”

Qin Yao suddenly changed his color and shouted angrily: "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know who you are, so why would I stop you?" the door **** statue said, "I could smell the priestly smell on you from so far away... To be precise, it's the smell of the underworld's divinity. It must be a mistake to stop you. No."

Qin Yao sneered, took out the space bag, and summoned the Yanyue Sword: "You have a very good nose, but what are you going to do to stop me?"

 “We rely on unity to build a city.”

At this time, Wu Chunsheng came to the gate, looked at him and said: "I thought you would come at night, but I didn't expect you to come so fast and so early."

Qin Yao looked up at the face that looked exactly like Uncle Jiu, and said calmly: "Since you said so, I won't hide it anymore. Zhao Dahai knew the law and broke the law, acted favoritistically, and seriously violated the laws of the Yin Commandery. I tell you You know, if you hide him at home and use means to hinder me, the crime will be the same."

Wu Chunlai: "The Great Dao is fifty and Tianyan is forty-nine. If one of them escapes, he should have a chance of survival."

Qin Yao said indifferently: "If I had not come, they might still have a chance of survival, but if I come, this situation will not happen again."

Wu Chunlai glanced at the Yanyue Sword in his hand and said, "This is my territory. I don't welcome you. Please leave immediately."

“What if I don’t leave?” Qin Yao asked.

Wu Chunlai paused for a moment and said, "Then I'll call the police and let the police come and talk to you."

Qin Yao pondered for a moment, but he did not want to cause trouble, so he silently put away the Yanyue Sword: "The day belongs to human beings, and the night belongs to ghosts and gods. Tonight, at midnight, at midnight, I am here to take the lives of Zhao Dahai and Wu Guide. This is my underworld affairs. By then, If there are officials in the world who intervene, don’t say it was unforeseen.”

After saying this, he turned around and left.

“Taoist Master Wu.” After Qin Yao left, the door **** spoke.

 “Door God.” Wu Chunlai saluted.

“This priest has profound magic power and vast supernatural powers. I am afraid that I am no match for him. I will only stop him for two days at most. I hope you can make preparations in advance.” The door **** said.

 Wu Chunlai: “…”

Things have gone all the way in the direction they least wanted to see.

 In the evening of that day.

The father and son of the Wu and Zhao families gathered together. When the other three people listened to Wu Chunlai's explanation of the current situation, they all fell silent.

 “Dad, I don’t want to die!”

 After a long time, Wu Guide said with a pale face.

"I gave my Yangshou to Ade, and then obediently followed the priest to the underworld to receive the punishment. This disaster can be solved." Zhao Dahai said.

"No!" Wu Chunlai said flatly: "This matter happened because you saved Ade. You went to such a stage just to help us. If you are asked to cut off Yangshou to give him, what will become of us father and son? We are still vampires." White-eyed wolf?”

“Father, then give me some of your life.” Wu Guide said with panic on his face.

"You bastard, how long do you think your father and I can live? If I cut off my life for you, wouldn't it mean that I would die immediately?" Wu Chunlai twitched the corner of his mouth and cursed.

Wu Guide silently clenched his fists and said with a hint of tears: "Then is there any other way?"


At this time, a middle-aged woman wearing a black cheongsam and delicate makeup walked into the room and said in a deep voice.

 “Pearl…” Upon hearing her voice, Wu Chunlai stood up immediately.

 “Who is this?” Zhao Dahai asked doubtfully.

 Wu Chunlai licked his lips and said, "She is my new girlfriend. Her name is Pearl. She is good at divination and praying to gods."

“Aunt Pearl, you must save me.” Wu Guide said quickly as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Zhenzhu nodded and said: "After receiving the letter from Chun Lai, I immediately divined a divination. The divination showed that only by inviting the eminent monks from Nantian Shengjing Xuan Academy can there be a chance of survival."

“Nantian Shengjing Mysterious Academy, what kind of place is this?” Wu Guide asked in confusion.

"It's a Buddhist academy." Zhao Dahai said: "I went there when I was collecting souls. The monks there are indeed very capable, but asking them to help is really expensive."

"Now is not the time to worry about money." Wu Chunlai suddenly looked at Zhao Zilong and said, "Zilong, I will prepare some money for you. You can go to the southern paradise immediately. No matter what, you must invite the eminent monk here."

"How can I ask you to pay?" Zhao Dahai said immediately: "Zilong, please go home quickly. There is a lot of money under my bed. Take it all out."

"Okay, you two, stop arguing. I have been to the Southern Paradise and invited three eminent monks. Counting the time, they will be here soon," Pearl said.

 “Pearl.” Wu Chunlai said movingly.

 “Aunt Pearl, you are my reborn mother.” Wu Guide shouted movedly.

Zhuzhu waved his hand and said: "Don't rush to say thank you. To prevent any accidents, we still need to make two preparations. You should have a secret door here, right?"

Time flies, and it’s almost midnight in the blink of an eye.

In the cold wind, on the long street, Qin Yao, dressed in a white suit and holding a Yanyue knife, slowly came to the Taoist hall, looked up at the shining golden wooden door and said: "Door God, open the door!"

 (End of this chapter)

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