I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 524: Influence Chu Renmei

Chapter 524 Influence Chu Renmei

 It seemed like a few seconds had passed.

 It seems like many years have passed.

As a Chu Renmei, Qin Yao experienced the darkest period in her life, truly felt her suffering and pain, and truly understood her hatred and madness.

 Do not encourage others to do good unless they have suffered.

 No one can guarantee that they will still be kind after going through this.

  【The system detects that the host soul is under attack and activates the protection program. 】

  【The protection program has been activated to block alien mental attacks. 】

  【The blocking was successful, the host status has been restored, and the protection program continues to operate...】

After a while, as a few lines of characters flashed before his eyes out of thin air, the empathy lingering in Qin Yao's heart instantly dissipated, and his rationality overcame his sensibility.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Chu Renmei's pale and frosty face, and she immediately began to struggle violently.

Qin Yao no longer had any worries, and the big hole spiritual energy violently poured into Li Gui's brain along the palm of his hand, forcibly breaking up her consciousness.

 When his consciousness was lost, a ray of his spiritual thoughts quickly penetrated into the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, but he was surprised to find that there was nothing in it.


Disappointed, Qin Yao used his palms to crush the head of Chu Renmei's clone with one hand. The ghost energy absorbed in his palm turned into a blue light bead the size of a pill.

 Qin Yao held the light bead tightly in his hand, summoned the altar and the golden basin with the other hand, then spread his palm, put the blue light bead into the water, turned his wrist and lifted the copper bell.

 “When, when, when.”

As the bell rang, pollen-like spiritual energy fell into the water in the golden basin, creating ripples.

“Mr. Li, please come over and take a look.” Qin Yao called.

Li Qiang and Su Ziming came to the altar together and looked down. They saw the golden basin of water gradually revealing a scene under the ripples. However, before they could take a closer look, the blue light beads placed at the bottom of the water appeared. It shattered with a bang and water splashed everywhere.

Qin Yao reached out and patted the water stains on his suit, then turned to look at Li Qiang: "Have you seen where it is?"

 “It looks like a snake mountain.”

 Li Qiang said cautiously.

Qin Yao: "How far is it from here?"

“It’s not far, no more than three hundred miles,” Li Qiang replied.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand to grab the skirts of Li Qiang and Su Ziming, led them to fly into the air, and shouted: "Soldiers are very fast, and we must not give her another chance to transfer the bones. Li Qiang pointed the way, and the other ghosts and gods followed me, their soldiers were furious. Panshan!"

 Snake winding mountain.

 In the ruins of the village.

 A blue ghost figure slowly rose from under the dusty stage, its black hair fluttering in the wind, revealing a pair of terrifying white eyes.


Chu Renmei raised her head to the sky and screamed loudly. Circles of ghost energy flew out from her **** mouth, and the operatic voice of the famous Cantonese opera star resounded throughout the village.


An arm suddenly stretched out from the ground covered with fallen leaves and weeds, and in the blink of an eye, a one-armed mummy stood up.

From then on, mummies emerged from the ground one after another, even saying hello to each other, and the desolate village soon became lively...

 A few hours later.

Qin Yao led the two of them to the outside of the mountain stronghold, where they saw dozens of mummies holding rusty and yellowed spears, standing in a queue, staring straight ahead.

 “Bah, bah, bah.”

When the three people came to the gate of the stronghold, dozens of mummies raised their weapons at the same time and shouted in unison: "Stop anyone who comes. The stronghold is an important place. Without a summons, no one will be allowed to pass."

A golden light flashed in Qin Yao's eyes, but he saw that these mummies were all in the middle of the human-teacher realm. They were fine for dealing with ordinary fledgling monks, but not enough to deal with a priest like him.

As his thoughts turned, he suddenly opened his eyebrows and raised his eyes. The white-gold ray swept across the bodies of the mummies from left to right, cutting off all the mummies at the waist.

Su Ziming and Li Qiang looked at him with astonishment on their faces. They looked at his brows and raised their eyebrows, then looked at the nearly 100 pieces of corpses on the ground. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

 Qin Yao raised his eyes with golden light, and Shi Shiran stepped into the village. Looking around, he saw countless mummies living like ordinary people, as if they didn't even know that they were no longer alive.

 “Who are you?”

At this time, a general wearing silver armor and carrying two hammers came with his men and stood in front of Qin Yao.

Qin Yao looked up at him, and a white-gold ray silently penetrated his helmet.


The general's knees weakened and he fell to the ground.

Qin Yao dispersed the rays in his eyes and looked around, everything in the village came into view.

It's a pity that no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any trace of Chu Renmei Ding.

Even, the smell of these mummies is like a mask, eliminating the possibility of finding people by smell.


 Qin Yao waved his hand and said.

 Behind him, hundreds of ghosts were walking at night, quickly killing the mummies.

Qin Yao took out a brocade cassock from his space bag, draped it on his body, and walked among the corpses. Every mummy that rushed toward him was bounced away by lotus flowers, so that they could pass through unimpeded.

Qin Yao, who walked over and over again in the village and found nothing, finally stepped onto the stage and looked down the stage with his eyes shining with platinum light.

 But even though he looked down hundreds of meters, he still couldn't find any clues.

 “Let’s go, her bones shouldn’t be here.”

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and said to the two people who were guarded by more than a dozen evil ghosts in the center.

"If it's not here, then where can it be?" Su Ziming asked blankly.

"Don't look at me, I don't know much more than you." Seeing them both looking at him at the same time, Li Qiang shook his head and said.

Qin Yao: "There's no point in spending time here. Let's go and think about countermeasures after we go back."

After a while, everyone left the village and walked on the bumpy loess road.

As he was walking, Qin Yao suddenly stopped, raised his hand to take off his cassock, and shouted in a low voice: "All ghosts return to their places!"

  Xiao Wenjun, Xiao Xia, Athena, the red and white demons and other ghosts all flew into the ring on his hand.

 Qin Yao turned the ring, took out the space bag, exchanged his cassock for the Ksitigarbha robe, and put it on his body: "Mr. Li, Xiao Ming."

“Mr. Qin, please give me your instructions.” The two said respectfully.

At this point, Qin Yao has become their last hope, and they have no choice but to obey his words!

"You two are waiting for me here. I'll go back and have a look." Qin Yao said.

Su Ziming was nervous and asked hurriedly: "What did you find?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "I didn't find anything, but I always feel that Chu Renmei's bones will be in that village."

Su Ziming: "Chu Renmei is proficient in spiritual spells. Could this be her misleading you? Or... it's a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. She will show up and kill us immediately after you leave." After a moment of surprise, he smiled and said: "This is not unreasonable...Xiao Wenjun, you stay to protect them."

 A beam of black light flew out of the ring again, manifesting into the form of a girl in black.

Looking at the girl’s pretty face, Su Ziming suddenly realized something: it’s not the ghosts that scare people, but ugly ghosts. The uglier the scarier they are!

Not long after, Qin Yao said goodbye to the two of them and returned to the village. He walked slowly among countless mummies when a sudden flash of light flashed in his mind:

If the bones are in this mountain stronghold, what is the purpose of Chu Renmei summoning these mummies?

The gap in realm is like a chasm. A group of human-level mummies cannot possibly be an opponent of an earth master.

Thinking of this, Qin Yao silently raised his eyebrows and looked at a mummy beside him, and found a small white jade bone among its black bones.

This bone does not seem to have any aura, so it is impossible to detect it without looking at it specifically, but once you look closely, it will appear unusually inconsistent.

Qin Yao looked away and looked at the second and third mummies. Without exception, each mummy had a jade bone inside.

If you piece together the bones from all the dry corpses present, you can probably piece together a complete skeleton.

 Therefore, Chu Renmei summoned these mummies not to rely on them to resist her, but to adopt the dark-under-the-lamp strategy. After all, no one would care about the indiscretion on the table.

In fact, this method is indeed effective. If Qin Yao hadn't confirmed that Chu Renmei's bones were here, she would have been fooled.

“Everyone Chu, the winner has been decided, let’s come out and have a chat.”

Qin Yao took off Ksitigarbha's robe, revealed his true body, raised his foot and crushed a mummy, and took out a jade bone from its chest and abdomen.


 An ugly and terrifying blue figure appeared out of thin air above the stage and said, "It's too early to say that the winner has been decided."

Qin Yao: "I promised Li Qiang not to kill you. If we don't kill anyone in the fight, this fight will be meaningless. Why don't we just have a civil fight? You tell me your trump card, and I will tell you mine. Let's Compete to see who has the bigger card, and obey the one with the smaller card.”

 Chu Renmei: “…”

 This was the first time she heard that it could be like this.

  This man... is simply too lazy.

Qin Yao pulled out the space bag from his pocket, summoned the Seven-Star Yanyue Sword, and slammed it on the ground: "This is the Seven-Star Yanyue Sword, also known as the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. It is indestructible and indestructible. It comes with the will of the Martial Saint and has an innate ability to deal with demons and monsters." The restraint effect, I ask you whether you can withstand it?”

 Chu Renmei: “…”

 Are you serious?

 Are you here to make a joke?

Thinking of this, she silently used her innate skill, illusion control.

  【Warning, you have been spiritually attacked by ghosts. The protection program continues to operate and you are immune to this attack. ] System characters suddenly flashed before Qin Yao's eyes.

Qin Yao paused for a moment, raised his eyebrows and said, "Miss Chu, you don't respect martial ethics. You agreed on a literary fight, but you still want to control me!"

Chu Renmei's body instantly disappeared from the spot and came to Qin Yao in an instant.


Qin Yao raised his eyebrows and caught the trajectory of her invisible movement. He turned his wrist holding the Seven-Star Yanyue Sword slightly, and Chu Renmei's head hit the blade.

 “A warning.”

 Chin Yao said.

Chu Renmei’s strongest tool is illusion control, but this trump card was directly discarded when cheated. It can only be said that she encountered a nemesis.

However, she was not the kind of paranoid person. After realizing the gap between the two sides, she suddenly wanted to retreat, and turned around and flew away with the power of the second blow.

Qin Yao watched her figure go away quietly, indifferently.

Probably because he knew that this was still a means of confusing the other party.

The most critical part of annihilating Chu Renmei is not to cut off his soul, but to collect his bones.

"Puff puff…"

Not long after, Qin Yao crushed all the mummies and pieced together a skeleton with the jade bones he took out. He looked at the skeleton and said, "Show yourself, everyone Chu, I know you are here."

Chu Renmei's soul teleported to him and said, "You know what I have been through, so you should understand that it was not me who was wrong."

Qin Yao shook his head: "Let's break it down...your husband falsely accused you of killing you, and it is only natural that you seek revenge from him. No one can say anything to you, but it is your fault. You should not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

 “Those people are not innocent.”

Chu Renmei said: "They stoned me to death. I was just seeking revenge!"

Qin Yao: "What do you say about killing those ordinary people playing games?"

Chu Renmei: "What they are playing is not an ordinary game, but a summoning game. It's like they picked up a knife and stabbed each other in the heart. Do you think the knife can be blamed for this? I didn't trick them into playing a summoning game." ”

Qin Yao laughed: "Did they call you by name? Did they call you by the name Chu Renmei?"

 Chu Renmei: “…”

"You were born for revenge. Just take revenge on you full-time. They didn't recruit you by name. Why are you joining in the fun?" Qin Yao questioned.

Chu Meiren: "After all, you are unwilling to let me go."

Qin Yao pulled the white jade frame with one hand, summoned the white-gold divine fire with the other hand, and threatened: "I will give you one last chance, otherwise I will have no choice but to break the contract."

 “Do you think you can scare me like this?”

Chu Renmei said: "It would be better to destroy the body. Without the bones, I will become a lonely ghost. But if I can escape today, I can live an unscrupulous life."

  That's it anyway, it's not bad to break the jar and smash it. What's more, as long as my resentment persists, I will never die. "

 “Aunt Mei, stop it.”

At this time, Li Qiang and Su Ziming hurried over and shouted loudly.

 “Get out!” Chu Renmei shouted fiercely.

Li Qiang turned a deaf ear to her scolding, turned around, came to Qin Yao, and asked in a deep voice: "Taoist Master, can you give me that silver bracelet?"

Qin Yao guessed what he wanted to do, and he took out the silver bracelet from his pocket very cooperatively and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

Li Qiang raised his hand to hold the bracelet and said: "If I don't care about her, no one in the world will care about her. If I don't care about her, no one in the world will care about her."

Hearing this, Chu Renmei's face changed slightly, and then she covered her face with her black hair to hide her emotions.

Qin Yao released his palm and said sincerely: "Help you succeed."

Li Qiang held the bracelet tightly and walked towards Chu Renmei step by step.

When he came closer to her, Chu Renmei suddenly reached out and dug into Li Qiang's chest, held the beating heart, and threatened: "Li Qiang, do you think I won't kill you?"

Li Qiang shook his head, enduring the pain from his chest and heart, reaching out to take Chu Renmei's other hand, and put the silver bracelet on her wrist.

Chu Renmei slowly squeezed his heart. Li Qiang was trembling in pain and sweating profusely, but remained unchanged.

Until the end, Li Qiang successfully put on the bracelet, and Chu Renmei did not really crush the fragile heart in her hands.

 In her darkest moment, it was Li Qiang who brought her a glimmer of light.

 At her craziest moment, he was the only one who could bring her back from the brink.

 It's just that Li Qiang was old after all, and his already failing heart suddenly stopped due to the stimulation of Yin Qi, and the luster in his eyes quickly dissipated.

 Chu Renmei was stunned.

 Watching a child-like soul walk out of Li Qiang's old body, he stretched out his white palm towards her and said with a smile: "Aunt Mei, let's go."

 (End of this chapter)

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