I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 527: Uncle Jiu: Bullying my son? ? ?

Chapter 527 Uncle Jiu: Bullying my son? ? ?


Stepping into the main hall, Qin Yao clasped his fists and saluted.

 “How are you doing outside?”

Uncle Jiu said with a smile.

 Qin Yao's heart trembled.

As the saying goes, when Uncle Jiu smiles, life or death is unpredictable, so these words were automatically translated in Qin Yao's mind as: Do you still know how to come back?

"A golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own dog's...small nest. No matter how good you live outside, it is not as comfortable as being in your own home." He said.

 Uncle Jiu glared at him angrily.

 A doghouse is a doghouse. What does a doghouse mean?

“Ah Yao, while you were gone, master missed you very much and often chanted your name.” Qiu Sheng said with a wink.

 “You are the only one who talks too much.” Uncle Jiu scolded.

Qin Yao can understand the father-like heart of Uncle Jiu. In his previous life, he had been wandering away all year round. Every time he came home, he would see his father waiting at the entrance of the village. When asked, he would reply that he was idle.

"Master, I'm here to ask for help." After a while, he opened his mouth to help Qiu Sheng.

Uncle Jiu’s face changed slightly and he said hurriedly: “Who bullied you?”

"There is an evil demon called the Lord of Darkness who has taken a fancy to me and wants to take me under his account and drive me."

 Chin Yao said.

“He doesn’t know your identity?” Uncle Jiu asked in a deep voice.


Qin Yao nodded slightly: "Therefore, he did not dare to force me to submit. Instead, he planned to use other means to force me to surrender. If I guessed correctly, this is also his consistent style."

 “What a courage!”

Uncle Jiu raised his hand, and the peach wood sword hanging on the wall suddenly turned into a golden light and fell into his palm: "Do you know where he is? Take me to see him. The disciple who wants to accept me, Lin Fengjiao, asked me Do you have any opinions?”

 Chin Yao: "If nothing else happens, he should be on Hong Kong Island."

"Wencai, go and pack your things for me. I will follow Qin Yao to Hong Kong Island." Uncle Jiu ordered.

 “Yes, Master.”

Wencai responded and hurried out of the lobby.

“Master, where are Nianying and Ah Li?” After they left, Qin Yao helped Jiu Shu sit down and asked softly.

If the two girls were still in Yizhuang, it would be impossible for them not to be seen until now.

"Ah Li accompanied Nianying to the Marshal's Mansion to have a wedding. If you don't come back for such a long time, you can't have people waiting for you without leaving the ground, right?" Uncle Jiu asked in return.

Qin Yao was silent and sighed: "I can't help them."

"It's good that you know." Uncle Jiu said earnestly: "No matter how important your practice is, you can't ignore your Taoist companions. They are all good children, and you can't break their hearts."

Qin Yao nodded heavily: "I'm from my province, master."

“Master, can we follow you and Master to Hong Kong Island?” Axing looked at Qin Yao expectantly.

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and said: "You heard it just now. Our trip to Hong Kong Island this time is not for fun, but to deal with an extremely terrifying and powerful enemy, which is full of dangers. If you follow us, your lives may not be guaranteed. "

"If it's so dangerous...then let me follow you." Axing said.

"No, I have to go with you." Ah Yue said hurriedly: "I also want to help Master, even if it's just to do my little bit."

Looking at the sincere expressions on their faces, Qin Yao trembled slightly in his heart, but there was no sign of it on his face: "Ask your master, even I have to listen to his old man."


Xingyue and the others immediately gathered around Uncle Jiu, and one of them grabbed one of his sleeves.

"Stop dawdling, go, all go. Master is here and I will definitely not let any evil spirits harm you." When he said this, he couldn't help but give Qin Yao a hard look.

This **** has no sense of responsibility as a master at all. After taking people into the door, he just dumped them directly to himself.

As a result, now he is clearly the master of the two children, but he is more like their master.

 “Master, the ceremony has been done.”

At this time, Wen Cai walked in with a package and said respectfully.

Qin Yao naturally took the package from his hand and said, "Wencai, after master and I leave, Qiu Sheng will go to Fucheng soon, and I will leave all the Yizhuang to you to take care of."

Wencai was stunned and said in astonishment: "Will you be there for a long time?"

"It's hard to say." Qin Yao said, "If I go there for three to five years, are you okay?"

Wencai shook his head: "All the work in Yizhuang has been on track for a long time. In terms of force, Mr. Nintendo guarantees it, so I have no problem."

"That's good." Qin Yao smiled slightly, turned around and said, "Master, let's go."

 Seven days later, Hong Kong Island.

Uncle Jiu wore a black Bagua hat and a yellow Taoist robe. He held a golden compass in his right hand. Under the guidance of the constantly trembling pointer, he led his disciples to the busy city and stopped at a building that released a gloomy and sinister energy in broad daylight. In front of the unfinished building.

 “The heavenly secret has revealed its answer, and this is the right place.”

Uncle Jiu put away the compass in his hands, raised his arm and drew out the peach wood sword tied behind his back.

"This is an unfinished building." Ah Yue said in surprise: "If the **** shop is in an unfinished building, will there be customers?"

Qin Yao: "The mystery has been passed down through the ages and exists in the fourth dimension of space. Pawnshop No. 8 has no return, only pawns cannot be redeemed. Pawnshop No. 8 is in this unfinished building, but it is not in our time and space."

"Qin Yao, open the altar. I'll see if I can open the **** shop door." Uncle Jiu ordered.

Qin Yao took out the space bag, summoned the altar and a number of items from it, and placed them in front of Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu held the mahogany sword in his hand and stepped on the seven-star diagram. The mahogany sword gently touched the yellow talisman on the altar. The tip of the sword pierced the yellow talisman, picked up one, placed it on the candlelight and ignited it. As he turned his wrist, Draw a golden Bagua with burning flames, and hit the gate of the unfinished building in the air.


The Bagua fell in the center of the door, and the dark door suddenly burst into waves, swallowing up the Bagua like a candle in an instant.


This unfinished building is already in a busy city. Uncle Jiu's Taoist priest costume and Qin Yao's behavior of taking out the altar out of thin air have already been noticed by many people, and they even silently surrounded it.

At this moment, seeing with their own eyes the mysterious scene after Uncle Jiu cast the spell, the crowd was in an uproar.

"Hello old man, please ask, what is going on in this unfinished building?" Just as Uncle Jiu was trying to open the door to time and space for the second time, Qin Yao walked up to a man wearing a Tang suit with two books in his hand. Glossy walnuts, in front of the rich-looking old man.

Generally speaking, this kind of old man with a laid-back attitude has nothing serious to do and knows a lot more rumors than the average person.

"It's hard to explain in words!" The old man stared at Uncle Jiu and said casually: "This unfinished building was supposed to be a large shopping mall. Who would have thought that when the shopping mall was topping out, eighteen construction workers died one after another. As a result, whenever construction started, people would definitely die, so the developer ran away, and the place became an unfinished building. It was so windy all day long that no one dared to come here at night. "

 Qin Yao’s eyes narrowed.

 Using the absolute Yin land to cultivate the fourth dimension is undoubtedly the most trouble-free and cheapest method.

But the problem is that the land of absolute yin needs to be irrigated with blood and ghosts. If they want to keep the yin energy alive, the people in charge of the pawnshop will definitely continue to kill people in the unfinished building.

 In front of the Dharma Platform.

Uncle Jiu cast seventeen unblocking spells one after another, and the pure black door of the unfinished building suddenly transformed into two vicious images of door gods, with **** eyes and evil aura rising into the sky, scaring countless onlookers to step back.


When Uncle Jiu walked around the altar and was about to open the door, Qin Yao's soul suddenly trembled, and he felt a frightening feeling for no reason.

“What’s wrong?” Uncle Jiu put down his arm and turned around to ask.

 Qin Yao raised his right arm, making a sword hand with his hand, and touched the two-finger Zen point shining with white gold light between his eyebrows. He suddenly opened a vertical eye above his eyebrows and looked at the dark door.

Shao Qing, his vertical vision easily penetrated the restricted door. Behind the door, he saw the Lord of Darkness floating in the air with two figures, black smoke billowing from his body, and blood rushing to the top. He was obviously gathering strength for an attack. .

Qin Yao looked at the two people standing behind him. The blood demon was indeed the blood demon in his memory. Although it was the first time for him to see the golden armored corpse with the two swords on his back, he always had a very familiar feeling. .

“With your cultivation, combat prowess, magical powers, and magic weapons, you are second to none among the monks of the same level to whom you belong.”

The Lord of Darkness met his gaze and chuckled: "Ayao, I appreciate you more and more. You were born to be a warrior in the dark world, no, it should be said to be the God of War in the dark world. Join the darkness and wait for us After unifying the world, you will become the God of War on earth."

Qin Yao said indifferently: "Evil cannot prevail against good, you will not have such a chance."

"Childish." The Lord of Darkness refuted: "History books are written by the victors. There is no evil that cannot defeat the good. Only the victor is king. When we achieve the final victory, we will be right."

Qin Yao was not in the mood to argue with him, and stared at the golden-armored corpse: "Where have we seen it before?"

Golden Armored Corpse King: "You killed my coffin bearer. Sooner or later, I will have to settle this account for you."

"It is you!"

Qin Yao suddenly realized, and glanced at the three demons in turn: "I think you don't want to call it the dark world or the dark camp. Let's just call it the Anti-Qin Yao Military Alliance, which is more appropriate."

 Dark Lord: "Stop talking nonsense, do you dare to come in?"

“Silly.” Qin Yao scolded, “Why did I go in even though I knew it was a trap?”

 The Lord of Darkness: “…”

The blood demon, all the golden-armored corpses looked at him strangely, laughing in their hearts.

Qin Yao looked at the golden-armored corpse again and said solemnly: "There are few of my enemies who are nameless, and my most powerful enemy is the most prominent magic sword giant. I don't know what you call me, and what's the origin?"

 Golden Armored Corpse: “No comment.”

The Lord of Darkness was very angry and said angrily: "If you want to come in, then come in. If you don't, then leave. What's the point of catching the Corpse King all the time and asking questions?"

Qin Yao: "I'm curious, I have to know who my enemy is, right? Lord of Darkness, if you tell me his details, I will leave now."

“It’s none of my business whether you leave or not. You don’t dare to come in anyway.”

 The Lord of Darkness can be said to be the sober and forthright person in the world.

The last trace of luck in Qin Yao's heart was shattered. He suppressed his curiosity about the golden-armored zombie for the time being. He closed his eyebrows and looked around, finally focusing on a teahouse across the street from the unfinished building.

 “Master, let’s go.”

 “Where to go?” Uncle Jiu was stunned for a moment.

 Qin Yao turned and pointed at the teahouse, smiled and said: "Drink a cup of tea, moisten your throat, and calm your heart, and then slowly discuss how to deal with the three-headed devil hiding in the **** shop."

Uncle Jiu now understood why he suddenly stopped calling him...


Everyone boarded the antique teahouse together. Qin Yao ordered a window seat on the second floor facing the unfinished building. After the waiter brought the tea, he handed over a big tip: "Please call your shopkeeper, I will If you have anything to discuss with him..."

Money can make you go round, and the waiter who took advantage of it quickly invited an old man in Tang suit over. Qin Yao became happy when he saw him, and said with a smile: "Old man, this teahouse is yours." ah?"

No wonder this old man is wandering around very leisurely, it turns out his home is here.

"It's mine!" The old man squeezed the walnuts in his hand and said in surprise: "Do you have a problem with me?"

Qin Yao nodded, pointed to the unfinished building outside the window and said: "This evil building is opposite the tea house. The tea house business must have been affected a lot, right?"

"you do not say."

The old man sighed and said: "Originally, I was hoping that after this shopping mall was built, it would drive the business of my tea house. After all, it was only across the road.

Who would have thought that something like this would happen, and no one would dare to stay around. As a result, the business of my tea house in one month is not as much as it was in the past three days.

Master, can you eliminate the evil spirits in this unfinished building? If possible, I am willing to sponsor you. "

Qin Yao: "We can't eliminate them for the time being... There are three demon kings in the unfinished building. They are all catastrophe-level monsters. They are not easy to solve."

 “Oh, I knew this would be the result.”

 The old man sighed again, and then suddenly reacted: "Wait a minute, you've been talking for a long time, and you still haven't told me what you want from me."

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said: "Suppressing the three catastrophe-level demon kings will definitely take a lot of time and energy. Your teahouse is opposite the unfinished building, which makes it convenient for us to monitor the demon king's movements at any time, so I want to invest in buying your teahouse. Teahouse, I wonder if I would bear the pain and part ways with you?"

The old man's heart moved, and he stared at Qin Yao: "How much can you pay?"

“How much do you think your teahouse is worth?” Qin Yao asked.

 “At least this number.”

 The old man raised his right hand and raised a finger.

“A hundred yuan of ocean?” Qin Yao said.

“Are you kidding? This is the most prosperous area in Yau Ma Tei. You can rent it for a year for only 100 yuan.” The old man shouted.

Qin Yao stretched out five fingers and said: "At most five hundred yuan, if you are not willing to let go, then keep it for yourself.

I can tell you responsibly that there will definitely be murders in unfinished buildings in the future, and the business in your teahouse will never pick up again. "

 Old man: “…”

Shortly after.

The old man reluctantly left the teahouse with a silver note. As the new boss, Qin Yao laid off all the workers working in the teahouse, closed the teahouse that day, and replaced the plaque.

From now on, this teahouse will no longer entertain ordinary people, but will only open its doors at midnight to entertain all kinds of weirdos.

Hence, Qin Yao’s second Worry-Free Inn was opened opposite No. 8 Pawn Shop...

 (End of this chapter)

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