I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 551: The super gold content of coconut milk

Chapter 551 The super gold content of coconut milk

 “These souls…”

 Punishment of evildoers, Si Mingdian.

Zhong Kui sat behind the judgment table, looking at the three resentful souls summoned by Qin Yao from the Buddha umbrella, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

 “Is there any problem?” Qin Yao asked tentatively with his heart skipping a beat.

Zhong Kui counted his fingers and frowned: "I can't see their roots, and I can't calculate their lives..."

Qin Yao: "How would you normally deal with this kind of situation?"

“They are sent to **** and their karma is washed away through punishment; after the karma is washed away, they are given a sip of Mengpo soup and sent to reincarnation.”

Zhong Kui said, a hint of curiosity suddenly flashed across his face: "Speaking of which, where did you capture these three souls from?"

Qin Yao took out Kayako's diary from his pocket and handed it to Zhong Kui's desk: "Not long ago, I took on a task called arresting the Grudge. These three souls are all people related to the Grudge. At present, the Grudge It’s been sealed in this diary by me. Brother, you can handle it as you please.”

Zhong Kui spread his right hand, pressed it on the diary, flicked the tip of his index finger, and immediately raised his head to glance at Qin Yao, his eyes full of meaning.

 My brother-in-law seems to be hiding a big secret.

However, although he was curious, he had no intention of asking the question to the end.

The biggest characteristic of secrets is that they are indescribable and have untouchable privacy.

He will ask what should be asked, but he won't mention a word about what shouldn't be asked!

 “Okay, don’t worry about it, just go and do your work.”

After a while, Zhong Kui put away the three resentful ghosts on his sleeves and said, "Just wait for Yin De to arrive."

Qin Yao's eyes were filled with gratitude, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, brother."

Zhong Kui waved his hand, with a warm smile on his square and majestic face.

Not long after, Qin Yao left the Evil Punishment Department and boarded the Naihe Bridge. He looked down at the flowers on the other side of the river that were as red as blood and called out softly: "System."

  【Please speak, I am listening. 】

“Tell me why you are nowhere to be seen in the Grudge World.”

  【The upgraded system has greatly strengthened the filial piety attribute, thereby preventing the filial piety system from deteriorating.

 The upgraded filial piety system is, in principle, prohibited from appearing in a world where Uncle Jiu does not exist.

 If you feel that there is no system, safety cannot be guaranteed. Then before entering reincarnation, you can pay a certain fee in advance to unlock the permission to use the system in the reincarnation story. 】

Qin Yao scratched his head and complained: "You have not forgotten your original intention."

  【Only by never forgetting your original intention can you achieve success. If the core nature of what motivates filial piety changes, then the filial piety system will cease to exist. 】

Qin Yao nodded silently and stopped worrying about this topic. He took out the white jade official seal and called up the recent details of his evil virtues:

 Sealing Kayako across borders, gaining 3,400 points of Yin De.

Cross-border ferry to Toshio Saeki and gain 220 Yin De points.

Cross-border ferry Shunsuke Kobayashi, get 100 points of Yin De.

  Cross-border ferry to Minako Midorikawa, and gain 100 points of Yin De.

 Total: three thousand eight hundred and twenty points.

The current Yin De balance totals: 8,000, 5,002,13 points.

  【Based on the current Yin De income, this reincarnation requires you to pay 764 points of Yin De, accounting for 20% of the total income. This is the travel fee mentioned at the beginning of the contract. As for the realm breakthroughs and various magic weapons you obtained in the reincarnation story, they are no longer within the scope of collection. 】

 At this time, the system characters flashed again, like a brand new tax bill.

Qin Yao was surprised and said: "What do you want Yin De for?"

  【After the system is upgraded, you can use the power of Yin De for your own use. 】

Qin Yao's eyes brightened slightly and he asked: "So, can Yin Virtue and Filial Piety Value be exchanged for each other now?"

【Can't. Filial piety points can only be obtained by performing filial piety and cannot be obtained in any other way. This is the iron rule of the filial piety system. 】

Qin Yao sighed slightly and silently gave up his fantasy.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to fulfill his filial piety to Uncle Jiu, the key is that compared to the process of fulfilling his filial piety, it is much easier to defeat monsters and accumulate moral virtue, and the knot can be done immediately without waiting for too long.

It’s a pity that the filial piety system has not deteriorated!

 “Authorize, pay taxes.”

 After a moment, Qin Yao came back to his senses and said while holding the white jade official seal.

As soon as he finished speaking, wisps of golden light flew out from the jade seal, using Qin Yao's body as a portal, and flew into the fantasy house.

 At the same time, the balance of Yin De above the jade seal changed accordingly...

 The current total Yin De balance is: 7,000, 700, 50, 90 points. Since then, everything has settled, Qin Yao put away the official seal with his hands, and secretly counted the gains of this grudge trip in his heart:

 First of all, the biggest gain is that the cultivation level has been upgraded from the third level of Earth Master to the fourth level of Earth Master.

Had it not been for the promotion at this critical moment, he might not have subdued Kayako yet.

This upgrade alone is worth 10,000 points of yin.

 Secondly, he gained 3,056 points of Yin Virtue.

This is not my highest income from a single story, but the gold content of BOSS is the highest ever.

 In the past, incomes exceeding 2,000 points were basically accumulated based on a large number of bases, except in rare cases.

 A BOSS has an income of more than 3,000 points, which seemed unimaginable in the past, but now it has become a reality.

 This also reflects from the side that the quality of the stories he has experienced has undergone a qualitative leap.

 Finally, there are the five Buddhist treasures...

 From experience, with the blessing of various Buddha treasures, the combat power of the Arhat's golden body can be increased by at least 30%, which is already terrifying.

 Therefore, although it felt strange for a Taoist priest to use Buddhist magical powers, he never thought of giving up this trump card.

 The leader once said that a black cat or a white cat is a good cat if it catches mice.

 If it is useful, it doesn’t matter whether he is a Buddha or a Taoist, as long as he is not a demon or a demon.

 Buddha is originally Tao, and since Buddhism and Tao have the same origin, it can barely be explained...

 A few days later.

 Fourth dimension.

 Pawnshop No. 8.

The Lord of Darkness led the blood demon, and the golden-armored zombies sat on three black wooden chairs engraved with various patterns. They quietly looked at Han Nuo, who was wearing a golden dress at the bottom, and said indifferently: "The people of the Bai family are going crazy. Snipe the Dark Messenger, and it will be difficult for customer information to appear on the appointment wall in the future. If you want to continue doing business, you will need to take people to find customers. "

Han Nuo had never thought about where the information on the appointment wall came from before. Now he understood what the black shadow said and asked, "Master, what is the situation in the Bai family?"

“Those are a group of slaves of gods. They are the most hypocritical, disgusting, and shameless group in the world.”

The Lord of Darkness said: "You have to remember that if someone named Bai approaches you in the future, you must be careful and careful. Nine times out of ten, the person has bad intentions."

Han Nuo cupped his fists and said, "Yes, Master."

 The shadow waved his hand and said, "Go find a suitable soul and bring Ah Jing with you. She can help you."

Han Nuo nodded, turned around and walked out of the room, walking down the stairs to the second floor.

 “Boss, what do you want to eat today?”

 In the lobby on the first floor, Ah Jing came up to him quickly and asked with a smile.

“We’re not eating at home today, we’re going out to eat.” Han Nuo said expressionlessly.

 “Okay, okay.” Ah Jing was overjoyed: “Although the things at home are full of color and fragrance, they lack a worldly atmosphere.”

Han Nuo was not in the mood to respond to such nonsense. He waved his sleeves and led Ah Jing to the crowded streets.

“I know there is a delicious restaurant called Four People’s Row. I will take you there.”

Ah Jing took a deep breath of the scent of the human world and walked forward happily.

Han Nuo followed her leisurely and suddenly said: "Ah Jing, if you were asked to choose guests, how would you choose?"

"It's very simple, choose a bad person!" Ah Jing said without thinking: "The worse a person is, the easier it is to sell his soul. Parents, children, and even husbands or wives can sell it. When these are all sold, it's time to Selling myself."

Han Nuo nodded slightly and said, "I'll give you a task. Find a suitable guest before the sun goes down today."

 “Don’t worry, I’ll keep it with you.”

Ah Jing patted her chest and said.

 Two hours later.

Ah Jing, who was full of food and tea, rubbed her belly and walked out of the restaurant. Han Nuo straightened his back and slowly followed her, reminding her: "Can we find someone?"

A flash of red light flashed in Ah Jing's eyes. He looked at the pedestrians coming and going, and suddenly pointed at a man in a pink suit and said, "That's him, he's the person we're looking for."

Han Nuo didn't ask why. He took out an invitation and strode towards the man.

But just when he was within a stone's throw of the man, a tall and mighty figure in a white suit suddenly appeared, blocking the sunlight above his head and shrouding him in his own shadow.

 “Boss Han, long time no see…”

 (End of this chapter)

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