I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 568: Zombie Rebirth in Seven Days: Slightly Spicy?

Chapter 568: Zombie·Rebirth in Seven Days: Slightly Spicy?

Room 2442.

Qin Yao locked the door, turned around and looked at the two resentful spirits standing side by side under the ceiling fan, still with black air all over their bodies, and said sincerely: "Believe me, I am really here to help you."

The two sisters stared at his face with blood-red pupils, their minds highly tense.

Qin Yao raised his right arm and summoned a ball of faith with a flip of his hand. It condensed into a misty white ball of light above his palm, which contained endless vitality: "Look, as long as you are willing, I can purify you at any time." "

Judging from the fact that Uncle Yan will arrange new residents in 2442, the two sisters did not harm anyone after becoming ghosts.

 Otherwise, Uncle Yan should replace Lao Jiu and become the villain in the entire story.


At this time, the big girl ghost suddenly grabbed the little girl ghost and rushed into a closet, trying to interrupt communication with him.

Qin Yao absorbed the power of faith with a flick of his hand, raised his eyes and said: "I understand your current vigilance and caution. After all, before your tutor exposed his beastly nature, you also trusted each other wholeheartedly.

 Fortunately, I still have time, and I won’t take any drastic measures against you until the last moment. I tell you seriously and sincerely that you really still have a future..."

at the same time.

 At Ayou’s house.

 Qian Xiaohao took a breath silently, turned around and said, "I'll go find Uncle Yan to change rooms."

 Although he has the intention to die, it does not mean that he can accept being in the same room with two female ghosts.

Looking at his hurried away figure, Ayou shook his head and sighed: "What's wrong with living in the same room as a ghost? You don't have to become a ghost after you die. The worst thing is that you can't even become a ghost!"

 “Uncle Yan.”

Soon, Qian Xiaohao came to the security room and greeted him in a low voice.

In front of the desk, Uncle Yan reached out to turn off the old radio that was at least fifty years old, stood up from the cushioned chair, and asked in a gentle voice: "Is something wrong, Xiaohao?"

"I'd like to change my room."

Uncle Yan was stunned: "Isn't that room bad?"

“The room is nice, but there are already guests in the room.” Qian Xiaohao pursed his lips and said softly.

Uncle Yan was surprised: "No, that house has been empty for three years..."

  “They are a pair of twin sisters.”

Qian Xiaohao interrupted: "Mr. Qin is providing psychological counseling to them at the moment."

 Uncle Yan: “…”

“Uncle Yan, who is Mr. Qin?”

Not long after, Qian Xiaohao could not hold back his curiosity and asked in a low voice.

Uncle Yan suddenly came back to his senses. Two young and beautiful faces flashed through his mind. Their expressions were quite complicated for a moment: "To be honest, I don't know who Mr. Qin is. I only know that he spent 180 million to buy Got off this building and named it in memory.”

“One hundred and eighty million.” Qian Xiaohao looked slightly startled.

 This is a number that he could not even imagine even in his heyday.

"Yes, I have never seen so much money in my life." Uncle Yan said with emotion: "If he can casually take out nearly 200 million in cash, how much net worth do you think he should have? The strange thing is that he has never had it before. I’ve heard of Qin Sheng’s name!”

Hearing this, Qian Xiaohao suddenly had a thought in his heart, and the idea of ​​​​wanting to die gradually dissipated...

 “Qin Sheng.”

 Shao Yan, in front of room 2442.

Seeing Qin Yao open the door and come out, Qian Xiaohao quickly greeted him with a respectful attitude.

"You can change your room." Qin Yao nodded and ordered.

 “Already replaced, 2463.”

Qin Yao turned aside and said: "Your things are still in there, go and take them out. Don't worry, as long as I am here, the two sisters will not do anything to you."

 Qian Xiaohao walked into the house, but did not pack his things. Instead, he leaned over and picked up a zombie robe from the suitcase. There was a trace of reminiscence and a trace of hope in his eyes: "Qin Sheng, can I talk to you?"

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows and strode into the door: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

 Qian Xiaohao took a breath and said, "Investment, I have a movie plan."

 Chin Yao: “Tell me about it.”

“I want to write, direct, and star in a zombie film to pay tribute to zombie culture, bid farewell to zombie films, and bring a successful end to this twilight theme.” Qian Xiaohao said sincerely. Qin Yao was silent for a moment and said: "You also know that the zombie genre is already in decline. The possibility of losing money on this investment is far more than 50%. Why should I lose money investing in you?"

Qian Xiaohao: “Because the people born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s are still alive, and everyone still remembers Lin Zhengying and Xu Guanying.

As long as the quality of the film is excellent, coupled with the people who have become symbols of zombie films, it will definitely awaken the memories of many people, and many people will definitely pay for the sentiment. Qin Sheng has something to gain. "

Qin Yao: “Where’s the script?”

Qian Xiaohao was overjoyed: “I’ll write it now and I’ll show it to you after I finish it.”

Qin Yao glared at him angrily and scolded him with a smile: "Just leave it here and give me a free hand."

 Qian Xiaohao said sheepishly: "I never thought I would have such a great opportunity to meet you here. If you hadn't come in time, I'm afraid..."

 “Afraid of what?”

"Nothing, nothing." Qian Xiaohao shook his head repeatedly, then quickly packed his things and turned back as he walked: "Qin Sheng, I'm going to write the script. I'll bring it to you for review after I finish it."

Qin Yao waved his hand and silently watched the other party go away.

 In the cabinet, two female ghosts hugging each other looked at his back and whispered.

 “Qin Sheng.”

 At eight o'clock in the evening, Uncle Yan came to room 2442 and called softly.

"Is something wrong, Uncle Yan?" Qin Yao's voice came from the room.

Uncle Yan: "It's okay, it's okay. I was just passing by here to see if you had left."

"I will live in this house for a while." Qin Yao said.

Uncle Yan did not dare to ask any more questions and said, "If you need anything, you can always go to the security room to find me."

Qin Yao nodded: "Okay. It's getting late. You should go and have a rest early."

 “Yes, Qin Sheng.”

 The next morning.

 The morning sun rises, shining with golden light.

Qin Yao, who was sitting cross-legged on a soft cushion, slowly stood up, walked to the cabinet, reached out and knocked on the cabinet door: "Are you awake?"

 In the cabinet, the twins hugging each other shuddered at the same time and slowly opened their eyes.


Qin Yao knocked on the cabinet again and said, "Speak."

The twins were helpless. The younger sister looked at her elder sister. The elder sister opened her mouth and said faintly: "Wake up."

 “What’s for breakfast?” Qin Yao asked.

 The big sorceress: "?"

 Xi Jie female ghost: "?"

This man, didn’t he regard them as ghosts?

 “Speak.” Qin Yao said impatiently: “What do you want for breakfast?”

Under his power, the big **** ghost said in a dry voice: "Noodles... noodles?"

 “Want it spicy?”

 The big sorceress: “???”

 “Would you like it spicy?” Qin Yao repeated.

 The big double ghost hesitated for a moment: "Slightly spicy?"

"Just wait." Qin Yao said, turned around and went out.

 The big sorceress: “…”

“Sister, can we... also have something to eat?” After hearing the sound of the door closing, the female ghost asked in a low voice.

 (End of this chapter)

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