I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 573: Zombies are reborn in seven days: Do you know what I have been doing in the past three

Chapter 573 Zombie: Rebirth in Seven Days: Do you know how I have spent the past three years?


Facing the eight eyes of the four evil spirits, Qin Yao answered decisively: "Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If I don't save him today, who will save me tomorrow?"

 The four Yinzai were stunned.

How many years have they not seen such a pure good person?

How many years have they not seen such resounding words of kindness?

Having seen many times, people's hearts are like ghosts, living in a daze, but suddenly they see a white lotus in a puddle of mud. The four Yinza who came back to their senses were inexplicably moved.

"well said!"

At this time, the Taoist Priest, who was dressed in unique flip-flops, strode over with a clack-tapping sound. He put his hands on his chest and held the Five Elements Luo Geng in his arms. His thick leg hair was fluttering like seaweed in the cold wind. .

The four major evil forces followed the sound at the same time. Invisibly, the four pressures were superimposed on each other. As their eyes fell on the person who came, Ayou seemed to be instantly trapped in a quagmire, almost unable to move.

 "Qin Sheng, Luo Geng lends it to you."

Ayou circulated the magic power in his body and threw Luo Geng towards Qin Yao with all his strength.


Qin Yao stretched out his hand to support Wu Xing Luo Geng, turned to look at the four great evil spirits, and said calmly: "He has no tendency to attack you. Don't make the atmosphere so tense."

The leader Yin Zai raised the edge of his umbrella slightly, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes, staring closely at Qin Yao and the Five Elements Luo Geng in his hand: "Today is the first day, I will give you a face. When we come back tomorrow, It’s not that easy to get rid of…”

As he spoke, he slowly turned around and continued to move forward with his three subordinates.

"Thank you Luo Geng." Seeing their figures fading away, Qin Yao silently withdrew his gaze and delivered the Five Elements Luo Geng back to Ayou.

Ayou looked solemn, stretched out his hand to push Luo Geng into his arms, and said in a deep voice: "Isn't there still six days? You should keep this Luo Geng first. It will be more effective in your hand than in my hand. Wait until it is over. After this, it’s never too late to pay me back.”

Qin Yao's eyes were full of surprise, and he laughed and said: "Aren't you afraid that I will use it and return it to you?"

Ayou raised his head and looked into Qin Yao's eyes with a calm expression: "I believe you won't."

Qin Yao stretched out his hand to touch Luo Geng's cold watch case and joked: "That's not necessarily true. Is there any change faster than changing your mind?"

 Ayou: “…”

 Big brother, please stop messing with me, okay? !

Room 2419.

 Inner room.

Ah Jiu, who was dressed in a black Taoist robe and had a face as golden as paper, knelt down in front of a statue of an evil god. He held a handful of off-white powder in his hand and carefully sprinkled it on a piece of cigarette paper. Finally, he even used a small brush to dip his hand into it. The remaining powder was brushed back into an urn without wasting any of it.

In the corner, a child who was so unreal that it was almost light and shadow squatted on the ground, looking at this scene in horror.

The urn contains his ashes, and it can only roll one cigarette at most.

  When all the ashes are smoked out by the other party, what awaits him will be the ending of being wiped out in ashes.

Just like the friends who remained in his memory, only the broken urn under his feet can prove that they once really existed.


Ah Jiu took out a match, lit it, lit the ashes cigarette in his mouth, and took a deep breath. His face, which was like gold paper, suddenly regained its rosiness.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something. He held a cigarette in his mouth, strengthened his legs, stood up from the futon, slowly walked out of the inner room, and looked at the door with cold eyes.

Outside the gate, four undercover men stood side by side in the middle of the corridor, facing the door of Room 2419, like vultures waiting for death to feed, silently carrying awe-inspiring murderous intentions.


Ah Jiu finished smoking a cigarette and exhaled a stream of black air. He slowly came to the door, stretched out his hand to open the security door, raised his eyes and looked directly at the leader of the evil forces standing in the middle: "It's been three years, you and I have been together for three years." Years, more than a thousand days and nights, I am still alive. Even if you stay with me for another three years or ten years, I will never run out of life."

 “What do you want to say?” asked the leader Yin Zai.

"Can you stop staring at me?" Ah Jiu said with a hint of pleading on his face: "Let me go, and let yourself go."

"No." The leader Yin Cha said coldly: "This is the law. The law is like a furnace. Those who violate the law will be burned, no matter you or me!"

Ah Jiu’s cheek twitched violently.

Even though he was mentally prepared before coming out, he still felt a sense of despair when his hope was shattered.

After today, the ashes of the children at home can still roll one cigarette at most, which means they can last another day.

 In this era, with the development of technology and medical system, the possibility of children dying in infancy is getting lower and lower. In the past three years, he has dug countless graves, even many old graves, just to find the ashes of some children.

Today, three years of accumulation have finally come to an end. There are no children's graves around for him to dig. He is not proficient enough in refining corpse energy to increase life span, so he spent a lot of money to get the corpse. It is still kept in the Taoist hall.

As for killing the children himself and turning their new bones into his own medicine... it's not that he hasn't thought about it, he just doesn't dare to do it.

 No one will care if there is one less jar of ashes in the grave. But if a child is killed by evil, God knows how many monks in the spiritual world will jump out to fight for him?

 At that time, not to mention extending your life, you will be lucky if your soul is not wiped out in ashes!

 It’s so hard to live.

 But he didn’t want to die no matter what.

  What is destroyed in reincarnation is the self. If there is no self anymore, what is the difference between it and being wiped out in ashes? !

Thinking of this, a strong fear appeared in Ah Jiu's eyes, and he stepped back into the room and closed the door. "Brother, there have been many sorcerers since ancient times. Why don't I go in and take a look. If we can find evidence of his evil crimes, we will have a reason to attack him." When the door was locked, a sinister said softly.

The leader of the gang, Yin Zai, shook his head and said, "Absolutely not! When he was still alive, you broke into his home without finding any evidence. How could you explain it to the judge?

In the information age, it may only take a few seconds for news to spread throughout the underworld. When we enforce the law, we must protect ourselves..."

 Gradually, it gets brighter.

After all, the four evil spirits did not wait until Ah Jiu died, so they had no choice but to disappear into the corridor before the sun rose.

Even though there is only one word difference between the God of Day Tour and the God of Night Tour, in certain jurisdictions, one word is as important as Mount Tai, and the gods cannot violate it.


 Eight o'clock in the morning.

Uncle Dong was wearing a rather festive dress, carrying two boxes in his hand, and brought Aunt Mei, who was also wearing new clothes, to the door of Room 2442, and knocked gently on the door with the back of his hand.

"It's you." After a while, Qin Yao opened the door and looked at the couple in surprise.

 “Yes, my benefactor.”

Uncle Dong smiled with a smile on his face and raised the gift box in his hand: "This is a pastry made by the two of us when we got up early in the morning. Please accept it."

Qin Yao pursed his lips, smiled, reached out to take the cake, and turned sideways: "Come in and sit for a while, I just have something to tell you."

Aunt Mei’s smile paused slightly, but Uncle Dong didn’t show any abnormality. He raised his legs and stepped into the room.

Aunt Mei had no choice but to endure the fear in her heart and follow the door of 2442.


After entering the door, Uncle Dong subconsciously looked around, and was surprised when he saw Luo Geng hanging on the wall by Qin Yao.

“What’s wrong?” Qin Yao put the snacks on the square table and raised his eyes to ask.

Uncle Dong pointed at Luo Geng and said with a smile: "This thing is very similar to the Luo Geng from Sharp Friend's house..."

Qin Yao thought about the nickname Sharp Friend for a while, and found it surprisingly appropriate. He said casually: "It's not the similarity, this is his Luo Geng."

Uncle Dong was stunned: "He always values ​​this treasure more than his eyes, how could he..."

“To save you.” Qin Yao said flatly.

Uncle Dong: “???”

"You guys sit down first and let me tell you slowly." Qin Yao waved his hand and called the two of them to sit down. He then recounted what happened at their doorstep last night. The old couple listened. Eyes dull.

If Qin Yao hadn't really saved Uncle Dong's life first, they wouldn't believe it at all.

"In other words, if we can't stop the evil in the next six days, I will still die?" Uncle Dong murmured after closing his chin.

Qin Yao nodded slightly: "That's right, so in order to block the evil, we have to do a few things next."

Uncle Dong took a deep breath and said, "You said, we all listen to you."

Qin Yao: "First, you go to the market later and buy more sacred tea and Yulei peach wood charms; buy more incense and incense burners; buy a statue of Emperor Huaguang and set up a altar directly opposite the door. , enshrine the statue on the altar. In the next six days, we must ensure that the door gods and household gods continue to have incense..."

Uncle Dong tried his best to write down everything Qin Yao said, and then left Room 2442 with Aunt Mei.


Walking in the dilapidated and silent corridor, Aunt Mei suddenly spoke.

"I know what you want to say." Uncle Dong said: "But have you ever thought about whether Sharp Friend will join others to deceive us? If you are really worried, go to Sharp Friend's house to check and see what he does. explain."

Aunt Mei nodded: "I'm going to ask him right away. It's not that I don't want to believe Qin Sheng, it's mainly that what he said is too bizarre."

If it weren't for the fear of Uncle Dong being angry, what she said would not be bizarre but ridiculous.


The couple parted at the elevator entrance. Uncle Dong went to the market to buy things. Aunt Mei went straight to the door of Ayou's house and knocked on the door.

“I knew you would come.” Ayou who followed the sound opened the door, invited Aunt Mei into the room, and asked, “Water or tea?”

“No more drinks.” Aunt Mei waved her hand and said, “Brother You, please tell me seriously, did those things really happen last night?”

Ayou shrugged and said: "Let me tell you this. In order to commemorate something, Qin Sheng spent 180 million to buy this building. What precious things do you have in your family that are worthy of his plans?" of?"

 Aunt Mei: “…”

 Suddenly I feel like a clown.

Without understanding the truth, he actually suspected that a billionaire was coveting his three melons and two jujubes.

“Qin Sheng is a good man. You two are lucky to meet him.”

Ayou said seriously: "Remember, you must listen to Qin Sheng's words and don't do anything on your own initiative. Only then will you two be able to survive this calamity. It's not a joke to risk your life due to sin." !”

 (End of this chapter)

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