I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 578: The difference between Qin Yao and Heiying

Chapter 578 The difference between Qin Yao and Heiying

 Old man: “…”

 My thoughts are broken, how can I make them up? Bah, what else can I say?

It turns out that this guy is Qin Yao, the most promising kid in Waimao now.

It is said that he is still a day traveler?

 A majestic **** comes down to earth to listen to an old man bragging. What kind of **** is this?

"Stop playing big brother, I'll call you brother." Simu nodded slightly at the old men, then grabbed Qin Yao's arm, held him under his armpit, pulled him up, and dragged him towards Yuanfu Palace. : "If you sit here, would the leader come down to accompany you?"

Qin Yao was helpless: "I really don't want to sit on it and be in the limelight... The trees are as beautiful as the forest, but the wind will destroy them."

"Fart." Si Mu said angrily: "Just say that you have those backers, what kind of wind can blow you away? Don't worry, the leader is still waiting for you."

In a blink of an eye, four eyes pulled him into the palace. One master and two pairs, more than 20 people on three tables looked at them.

"What are you doing outside?" the old head asked, sitting on the main seat with his head held high.

Qin Yao: "There is sunshine outside, it is comfortable to bask in it."

The old boss twitched the corner of his mouth, pointed to the seat next to Uncle Jiu and said, "Sit there and don't give me any more trouble."

Qin Yao shrugged, walked to Uncle Jiu, called Master, and sat next to him.

 Nearly three hours after the Daqing banquet…

Representatives of various religions left one after another, and the junior disciples of Waimao walked among the wine tables to clean up. Qin Yao came to the outside of Yuanfu Palace with a cup of tea, rinsed his mouth, and spit it directly on the steps with a pop.

 “You’re already out, can’t you just spit it out as far away as possible?!”

 In the palace, the old head of the palace who was talking to Uncle Jiu suddenly jumped in his temples and shouted loudly.

“Sigh, it’s really troublesome...” Qin Yao complained.

 Old leader: “…”

Uncle Jiu coughed dryly and changed the subject: "Master, if there is nothing else to do, we, master and apprentice, will leave first."

"Stay for two days before leaving. You can also take this opportunity to teach your fellow disciples how to get promoted." the old head suggested.

Uncle Jiu: “…”

 What experience can he impart?

If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, you must first recruit an apprentice who can help you get promoted and make a fortune?

Despite the fact, how could he possibly say this?

 “I can’t stop, I can’t stop, there are still a lot of things going on at the inn.” Uncle Jiu declined.

The old master didn't want to use his master's authority on the pair of masters and disciples, so he personally took Four Eyes, Qianhe and others to send them out of Maoshan. Looking at the setting sun burning the clouds like fire in the sky, he said with emotion: " Lin Jiu, Qin Yao, Maoshan will always be your home."

Qin Yao: "I can vomit wherever I want at home."

The old boss was speechless: "Why do you hold a grudge so much?"

 Chin Yao: “Thank you.”

 “Did I praise you?”

 “Didn’t you just praise me for my good memory?”

 Old leader: “…”

"Say less." Uncle Jiu reached out and patted Qin Yao's back twice, then turned around and said, "Master, junior brothers, let's go."

 “Bon voyage.” Everyone waved together.

 Two days later.

 It is noon.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand to open the door of the inn and called out: "Miss Bai, Miss Bai..."

There was silence in the small building. Until the master and the apprentice entered the main hall, there was no reply.

"There is a letter." Uncle Jiu said, pointing to a table.

Qin Yao strode forward, picked up the letter and recited: "I'll wait for you at the pawnshop No. 8."

 Signed by: Han Nuo.

“The scar has healed and the pain has been forgotten.” Qin Yao waved his hand and inserted the letter squarely into the desk, saying coldly.

Uncle Jiu: "Don't be careless, and don't be impulsive. Once you step into No. 8 Pawn Shop, you are really at your mercy. In that kind of place, it is difficult to ask for magic." Qin Yao: "Han Nuo probably thinks the same way. Yes, I dare not enter No. 8 Pawn Shop and cannot rescue Bai Rourou, but if I don’t teach him a deeper lesson this time, he will definitely become more unscrupulous in the future.”

 “What are you going to do?”

"If asking God doesn't work, then ask Buddha... I have far more trump cards than that fool imagined." Qin Yao took out his space bag, summoned the relics left behind by Tianxiu after his ascension, and held them tightly. in hand.

 In the unfinished building opposite.

 Fourth dimension, **** shop No. 8.

Han Nuo, dressed in a long black dress, slowly came to Bai Rourou, who was suppressed by the talisman, and said expressionlessly: "Qin Yao is back. Do you think he will risk his life to save you?"


Bai Rourou said flatly: "I'm just an employee he recruited. Will you fight for an employee under you?"

Han Nuo: "Is this kind of person worth your life for?"

"What do you mean?"

 “Join No. 8 Pawn Shop, we have everything you want here.” Han Nuo said seductively.

"Okay." Bai Rouju said, "I will join Pawn Shop No. 8, please let me go."

Han Nuo: "I can let you go, but I need your loyalty."

Bai Rourou sneered: "If you have to pay a heavy price to get anything, why should I join this **** **** shop of yours? Loyalty? I am only loyal to myself, why should I give my loyalty to you? Are you out of your mind?"

 Han Nuo: “…”

 What happened to me? I was suddenly scolded.

 Second floor.

 In front of the corridor railing.

The Blood Demon and the Corpse King stood behind the black shadow and said, "Do you think Qin Yao will come?"

 “No.” Black Shadow and Corpse King said at the same time.


At this time, a three-headed and six-armed statue suddenly broke into the **** shop, grabbing Bai Rourou who was tied to the chair with one hand, and grabbing Han Nuo's body with the other hand, leading them to retreat out of the door as fast as possible.

 “How brave!”

The black shadow raised his right hand towards the golden body in mid-air, and countless black chains suddenly flew out of the void, stabbing the golden body fiercely.

A golden relic suddenly flew out from the center of the golden body's eyebrows, instantly fixing countless black chains in the void.

 “Real Buddha relics?!” the black shadow said in surprise.


The next moment, the relics suddenly exploded above the golden body. The powerful force was concentrated on one point under the control of a spiritual thought, and a vortex was suddenly blown out of time and space.

Under the Buddha's light, the three evil spirits, the black shadow, the blood demon, and the corpse king, could not get close. They could only watch the Arhat's golden body exit the fourth dimension.

“As a leader in Maoshan, it is understandable that he is listed as a key target of attention by Sanmao. Why does the real Buddha relic appear on him?” Black Shadow murmured.

Even if the relics are placed in the heaven, they are not a common item. This is because relics can only appear when the Buddha practices enlightenment or when the true Buddha dies.

Even in the Western Buddha Realm, every relic is extremely precious. He really couldn't understand how a Maoshan Taoist priest could have such a high-level relic!

"Why he has the relics of the real Buddha is no longer important. What is important now is that Han Nuo was captured by him. Do we want to rescue him?" The Golden Armored Corpse King said seriously.

 The shadow suddenly fell silent.

In order to save Bai Rourou and take Han Nuo away, Qin Yao was willing to pay the price of a true Buddha relic!

If they want to save Han Nuo, what will they have to pay?

Hannuo, is it worth the effort? ?

 (End of this chapter)

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