I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 589: Coming: Conspiracy is a joke in front of the prophet (

Chapter 589 is here: Conspiracy is a joke in front of the prophet (Riwan·Second update)

“Will the Pole Demon hurt our friends if it can’t hurt our family?”

Soon after returning home, Hideki Tahara asked the three exorcists with a serious face.

In the little free time he had just gone upstairs, he had already searched on his mobile phone. News about Setsuko Oisaka's death in a car accident did appear on the Internet, and there were even real-life pictures of the scene of the car accident.

In the picture, the person lying in a pool of blood is exactly the same as Setsuko next to him, which reversely verifies what Sister Makoto said - Setsuko Oisaka was indeed killed in a car accident!

 “I certainly don’t know.”

 At this time, in the room, Makoto said very bachelorly.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said slowly: "It's possible."

“If it hurts you, I think it will,” Setsuko Aisaka said.

Tahara Hideki took a silent breath and looked at Setsuko Aisaka sincerely: "Setsuko-senpai, I have a very good friend who may be in danger now. Can you help me protect him?"

Setsuko Aisaka frowned: "But the task I received is to protect you..."

"With Mr. Qin and Miss Makoto here, I believe there won't be any problems on our side." Tahara Hideki said seriously: "These words are not without purpose. The last time the Pomo Demon attacked, it was Mr. Qin and Miss Makoto. Join forces to repel it.”

At this point, Feng Saka Setsuko could no longer refuse, otherwise in a sense, it would be looking down on Qin Yao and Zhenqin: "In that case, please give me his name and address, and I will go to him to have a look. By the way, you'd better contact him in advance to avoid being too abrupt."

Tahara Hideki picked up a black notebook on the table, tore off a piece of paper, took out a pen from his pocket and wrote down the information the other party wanted. He raised his hands and handed it over: "Please, Setsuko-senpai."

Setsuko Fengsaka put away the paper and said calmly: "Don't worry, as long as your friend is willing to listen to me, it doesn't matter even if the Pomo Demon comes."

"I will explain it clearly to him and let him listen to you." Tahara Hideki promised.

Not long after, Setsuko Saka left the living room with his hospitality. Qin Yao slowly narrowed his eyes and looked at Hideki with eyes full of deep meaning.

 A guy who is different on the surface and only thinks of himself, would actually send reinforcements away because he is worried about the safety of his friends?

What kind of joke are you kidding me?

That night.

Thousands of lights are like stars, and thousands of communities are like stars.

 Tahara's home.

Tahara Hideki sneaked out of the bedroom and tiptoed to the kitchen. He took out a piece of cloth from his arms and wrapped all the knives. Just as he turned around, he saw a figure blocking the door of the kitchen. The dim light in the living room illuminated Its shadow is very long.


Tahara Hideki was indeed frightened. He subconsciously took two steps back. His legs became weak and he sat down on the ground. The knives in his arms were scattered all over the ground.

“What are you doing up late at night?” the tall figure asked.

Tahara Hideki thought of what Sister Makoto said about the Eyes of the Pole Demon, and laughed dryly, trying to get through: "I want to find two weapons to defend myself..."

Qin Yao pointed to the large and small knives on the ground and said calmly: "This doesn't seem to be one."

“An extra hand will give you an extra sense of security,” Tahara Hideki said.

Qin Yao stared straight into his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Are you hiding something from us?"

"No." Tahara Hideki said: "I will not joke with the lives of my whole family."

Qin Yao nodded slightly, turned around and walked to the second bedroom: "Go back and rest early. I'm here to guard you, so you don't need to use the knife." In the kitchen, looking at his quickly leaving back, Tahara Hideki relaxed slightly. He squatted down from the ground, put the knives back into the cloth bag, thought for a moment, and threw the cloth bag together from the kitchen window.

This is also midnight, and there are no residents wandering down below. Otherwise, who knows, someone might be walking and suddenly get stabbed in the forehead.


After throwing away the knife, Tahara Hideki turned to the bathroom, picked up a pair of pliers placed on the windowsill, and gently broke the glass on the faucet.

 “Dong dong dong.”

At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the bathroom door from outside. Tahara Hideki shivered subconsciously and asked in a trembling voice: "Who... who?"

 “I, Qin Yao, Mr. Tian Yuan, come out and have a chat.”

Tahara Hideki was helpless.

Has this person been staring at me all night?

 Is it possible that he is possessed by the Poza demon?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He leaned over and took out a plastic basin from under the wash basin of the faucet. He took most of the basin of water and put it on his waist. Then he reached out and opened the door.

 He remembered Sister Makoto's words very firmly, Pomo is afraid of water!

Qin Yao stood in front of the bathroom door, looked up at the broken mirror facing him, glanced down at Tahara Hideki holding a basin of water, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he understood everything in an instant: "Tahara Sir, that phone call you received in the car was not from your company leader, was it? "

"Uh..." Tahara Hideki's breathing was slightly stagnant, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"If someone tells you that the Po'Hao Demon can use mirrors to enhance its strength, likes knives, and is afraid of water, then this person must be the Po'Haum Demon." Qin Yao said seriously: "Because the real Po'Hao Demon is afraid of mirrors and knives. I like water. If you lose your knife and break the mirror, if you keep putting a lot of water in the room stupidly at night, even I won’t be able to save you.”

 “Huh?” Tahara Hideki was dumbfounded.

After a long silence, he asked in confusion: "How did you guess it?"

"It's not important how I guessed it. What's important is that you were deceived." Qin Yao said.

Tahara Hideki took a deep breath and said, "The person who told me this is Makoto's sister."

"But..." Qin Yao said: "Zhenqin never gave your phone number to her sister."

Tahara Hideki: “…”

"I checked online and found that Setsuko Oisaka died in a car accident before we met her. There was something wrong with the Setsuko Oisaka we met." After a long time, he forcibly said.

Qin Yao sighed and said: "Are you sure what you saw on your phone is true? It will be difficult for the Pomo Demon to kill you in front of us, but if you do some tricks, we can't prevent it."

Tahara Hideki: “…”

 Who should he believe?


Qin Yao seemed to see his confusion and called softly.

"Here, here." Makoto ran out of a guest room and said cheerfully: "Is there anything you need me to do?"

 “Call your sister…”

 (End of this chapter)

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