I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 591: Here comes: Qinzi: I practice justice and fairness (10,000 per day)

Chapter 591 is here: Qinzi: I practice justice and fairness (Riwan·Fourth update)


Pomo Demon was stunned, but Qin Yao did not lose his mind. He flew up in the air and struck the opponent with a powerful sword like a rainbow.

There was just a chirping sound, as if the silk was being torn apart by a sharp blade, and the invisible energy body was split into two pieces with a knife.

The two energy bodies dissipated rapidly in the air, and the trend of dissipation did not stop until they were reunited.


  The Soul Demon is not a mindless beast. Seeing that the main target has been killed, he is still willing to stay and fight, so he turns around and disappears into the void.

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows and glanced at the entire hall with his peripheral vision. After he was sure that the demon had left, he turned to the frightened Sakai and asked, "Can you lend me your phone?"

At this moment, Qin Yao's image in Sakai's eyes was not only extremely vicious, but also someone who could kill someone without blinking an eye. How dare he say no? He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it over respectfully.

Qin Yao took the phone, dialed Zhenqin's number, and said calmly: "Ask your sister to call me."

 After saying that, he hung up the phone directly. Soon after, the phone in his palm suddenly vibrated violently.

“I killed the landlord.” Qin Yao said bluntly as he reached out and pressed the answer button.

 “Where are you?” Qinzi asked after being silent for a while.

 “Qingmusen Hospital.”

"Okay, I understand. You go ahead. I will arrange for someone to collect the body and deal with the aftermath."

Qin Yao hesitated for a moment and said pointedly: "There is still one and a half hostages..."

One refers to Tahara Kana, Tahara Hideki’s cheating wife; the other half refers to Tahara Kana’s cheating partner, Tsuda Daigo.

"They just have bad morals, and their crimes will not lead to death." Qinzi said calmly, as if he knew everything.

 In fact, with the energy she possesses, the Tahara family's trivial matters are no different from being transparent to her.

Qin Yao said calmly: "A woman's kindness is not a good advantage."

Qinzi: “What you do must be worthy of heaven and worthy of your heart, only then will it not become a mental obstacle.

If having an affair is punishable by death, how many men would be left in this country? If you kill them because of this, will you kill other people who have affairs with you?

If you don’t kill, where is the justice?

If you don’t even have justice in your heart, you will have gone astray. "

Qin Yao shrugged and said, "You have big fists, so whatever you say makes sense, hang up."

Then, without waiting for Qinzi to respond, he hung up the phone, handed the phone back to Sakai, and said lightly: "Thank you."


Sakai, who was trembling all over, was stunned. It wasn't until he watched Qin Yao's back walking out of the hospital door that he said calmly: "No... you're welcome."

 Tahara's home.

Tahara Kana stood on the balcony, drying her clothes and looking at the two girls playing a game of eagle and chicken in the living room. A warm smile couldn't help but bloom on her fair face.

 “I’ve got you.”

Makoto pounced and pushed Chisa down on the sofa, making the little girl laugh and twist her body in an attempt to escape.

 “Ding dong.”

At this time, the electronic doorbell suddenly rang in the room. Makoto let go of the giggling little girl, stood up and opened the door, and asked in surprise: "Why is it just you, Mr. Tahara?"

 “It’s hard to say anything, let’s talk about it after we go in.” Qin Yao said lightly.

After Makoto let him in, he closed the door, turned around and came to Chisa, and said with a smile: "Chisa, let's play a game of hide and seek."

 “Okay, okay.” Zhisha said innocently. She likes this little sister very much. Since she came, her whole world has become happy.

"You go hide first, I will find you later." Makoto said, turned and walked towards the balcony.

 “No peeking.”

Zhisha shouted loudly, moved her short legs, and ran quickly to her room.

"I want to tell you some very unfortunate news. Mr. Tahara Hideki was killed." Qin Yao waited for Makoto at the balcony door, then took her to Tahara Kana and said with a heavy face.

The two women were stunned at the same time. The difference was that Makoto was simply shocked, while Kana seemed a little relieved despite being shocked.

 Not at all like a wife who hears bad news about her husband.

 “Pomo Demon?”

 After a long time, Makoto asked.

Qin Yao nodded and raised his eyes to look at Kanai: "Xiu Shu is dead, and the next target of the Pomo Demon is very likely to be you."

Chanel's delicate body trembled, and the indescribable joy in her heart disappeared instantly: "Me? How could I become the target of the Pole Demon?"

Qin Yao did not explain this, but said seriously: "The only way you can survive is to take good care of Zhisha and try not to let her be wronged. If possible, it is best to change Zhisha's name. This name... is ominous."

Chanel's heart trembled, and she clenched her rough hands tightly: "In other words, the source of everything is Zhisha?"

Qin Yao: "No, the source is that guy named Tsuda Daigo. You'd better keep a distance from him to avoid being dragged into the abyss by him."

 Chanel: “…”

This tone…

 Did he know something?

 After a while, Makoto found Zhisha in the cabinet, brought her into the living room, and then, together with Qin Yao, solemnly bid farewell to mother and son.

Zhisha was very reluctant to leave, but could only watch them leave. When they were the only two people left in the huge room, she suddenly felt a hint of coldness and asked in a low voice: "Mom, where is dad?"

Shanai raised her hand, wanting to take her into her arms out of habit, but in the end she paused: "Dad went on a business trip far away, and it will take a long, long time before he comes back. The two of us must be well..."

 That night.

 It’s exactly twelve o’clock in the morning.

In a hotel in Heguang Community, the sounds of men’s breathing and women’s groans intertwined, and the bedcloth rippled like water ripples.

About ten minutes later, the man sat at the head of the bed and lit a cigarette. The bright **** of the cigarette illuminated a bearded face.

 The woman put her arms around his back and whispered softly: "Xiu Shu is dead."

The man stiffened slightly and turned around in shock: "So sudden?"

 “Isn’t this just what you want?”

The woman said: "Tsuda, take me away, take me away from this place."

Tsuda Daigo was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "Kana, you know, I can't just leave."

Chanai said in a trembling voice: "But I'm very scared. Qin Yao said that the Pomo Demon has been targeting me. If I don't leave as soon as possible, I'm worried that one day I will..."

Tsuda Daigo: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, as long as you are good to Chisha, the Pomo Demon will not do anything to you. He will only punish those people who make children feel resentful."

Kana: "But when I see Chisa now, I will think of the dead Hideki and the terrifying Pozu Demon. In this case, I can't get close to him at all. So the only way I can think of is Just run away, the further away the better..."

 (End of this chapter)

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