I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 701: A bright future

Chapter 701: A bright future

 “What do you mean?” Li Ruonan asked with a confused look on his face.

Qin Yao pointed back at himself and said: "It's very simple. If you choose my side, you will help me deal with the Big Black Buddha Mother; otherwise, you will become my enemy."

  Li Ruonan lowered his head, not daring to look at him: "I don't want to choose either side. This is not something I can get involved in."

Qin Yao said solemnly: "Then let me ask you another way, do you choose my side? Don't take chances. You have to understand that there is no way that the Great Black Buddha Mother will let you go, or in other words, not Maybe you’ll let go of the child in your belly. If you don’t choose me, you’ll choose the Great Black Buddha Mother by default.”

Li Ruonan suddenly raised his head and said: "Why do I have to choose? I am like an ant between you two. Anyone can easily crush me, and I can't do anything to anyone. If you want to deal with the **** Buddha, you have to Just go and deal with it, why bother me, a woman?"


 Qin Yao clicked his tongue, strode to the stage without looking at her, handed a check to Ah Sheng, who played the role of the White Crane boy, and said gently: "Thank you for your hard work, this is the balance of your labor."

"Thank you, Boss Qin." Ah Sheng took the check and took a look, his face suddenly filled with a smile.

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "No need to thank me, you deserve this. I have to send donations to the dean of this hospital, so I won't send them to you. You can just leave on your own."

Ah Sheng nodded and said, "Okay, you go about your business."

After a while, he watched helplessly as the four people left one after another. The female nurse who was hiding in the dark slowly came out, stretched out her hand and twisted her thigh hard, and she grinned in pain: "This is not a dream... Auditory and visual hallucinations. fantasy?"

As a nurse in a mental hospital, she knew very well that if she told what she saw today without reservation, she would probably be regarded as a complete lunatic in the eyes of others!

On the other side, Li Ruonan stared closely at Qin Yao's farther and farther figure, his expression changing constantly.

 The word "fear" is enough to explain her current heart.

She was afraid of death, so she didn't dare to trust Qin Yao, let alone agree to his request.

 Choose Qin Yao to go against the Buddha Mother, and the Buddha Mother will definitely not let her go.

On the contrary, if you choose the Buddha Mother, according to what the Buddha Mother said to yourself before, as long as you sacrifice your future children, you can obtain stability for the rest of your life.

 The Buddha Mother is an evil **** who kills people without blinking an eye.

Qin Yao looks like a decent person, and a decent person shouldn't kill people randomly...right?

at the same time.

Dean chamber.

 Qin Yao sat sideways in the chair, reached out and took out a check from his pocket, and pushed it to Dean Li: "This is the agreed upon donation of 300,000 yuan."

Dean Li lowered his head and glanced at the check, and said with a smile: "You keep your word, Mr. Qin is a man of faith! If you are of any use to me in the future, feel free to ask."

Qin Yao rubbed the joints of his right hand with his left hand and said thoughtfully: "I really have something to trouble you."

 Dean Li's eyes lit up: "Please tell me."

Qin Yao: "Have you investigated Li Ruonan in the past two days?"

“Because of these three hundred thousand, she is now a VIP customer in our hospital.” Dean Li bounced the check and responded euphemistically.

Qin Yao said calmly: "Now that you have a clear understanding of her situation, I will keep the story short. Please help me pay attention to her situation. If she has any major changes, please call me immediately to inform me."

“What are the variables you are talking about?” Dean Li confirmed.

Qin Yao: "For example, if she gives birth or is discharged from the hospital, ordinary bumps and bruises are not counted."

Dean Li nodded silently: "Then I know. Don't worry, I will help you take good care of her."

Qin Yao smiled slightly and stood up: "Thank you, Dean Li."

“It’s not a big deal, you’re too polite.” Dean Li stood up and said, “Should I see you off?”

From this moment on, Li Ruonan fell into a spider web woven by Qin Yao himself.

 If you are unwilling to be a partner, you can only be a bait. At worst, he could wait six more years for the Great Black Buddha to bite the bait on her own.

At that time, Li Ruonan will be the best carrier of the Black Crow Curse!


 Six years later.

Taipei, Sanyang Theater.

Li Ruonan, who had been working for more than seven hours, threw his eyebrow pencil in front of the makeup mirror, slumped down on a white chair, and exhaled a long breath.

 Unknowingly, it has been almost two years since she was released from the mental hospital.

In the past two years, she has tried many jobs. Her current job is as a theater makeup artist. She does the work of three people by herself. She is so busy all day long that she has no time to think about those messy things, so as not to live in fear and confusion. In pain.

 She was very satisfied.

Having said that, since Qin Yao led the gods to disperse the Buddha Mother hidden in his body six years ago, he disappeared with the Buddha Mother and has never appeared in front of her in the past few years.

 Many times she couldn't help but think that the disaster of the Buddha Mother might have disappeared.

There are so many women in this world, and there are countless women who are more outstanding and better than her. What value does she have to make the evil **** wait for six years?

 “Li Ruonan.”

After a long time, just as she had regained some energy and started to walk towards the water fountain, a call like a sinister wind suddenly sounded from behind her, causing her to freeze on the spot and feel chills all over her body.

"haven't seen you for a long time…"

Behind him, the mirror on the dressing table suddenly turned into jet black, like a constantly rotating vortex. A unique Buddha statue stood in the middle of the darkness, speaking human words.

Li Ruonan's body was trembling slightly, and he mustered up the courage to gather the motivation to turn around. He looked up at the image of the Buddha Mother in the dark whirlpool: "I thought you would never appear again."

“White Crane Boy is too strong...” Big Black Buddha Mother sighed: “Any soul clone can hurt my origin, and I have been locked up in life and death for a full six years.”

  ‘Why didn’t I beat you to death? ’ Li Ruonan muttered silently in his heart.

“Do you still remember what you promised me?” Seeing her silence, the Great Black Buddha asked instead.

 Li Ruonan: "Remember, what do you want me to do?"

“Take your child out of the nursery, give it a formal name, and bring it up with you,” said the Great Black Buddha Mother.

Li Ruonan was silent for a moment and said, "Can I ask a question?"


 “What do you want my child to do?”

The **** Buddha Mother smiled coldly, her laughter was so cold that it penetrated people: "If nothing happens, you will become the Buddha Mother's Buddha Mother. This is why I said that as long as you sacrifice your child to me, I will keep you." The main reason for one’s life.”

 Li Ruonan's heart skipped a beat and he said, "Aside from being spared from death, what other benefits can I get?"

The Great Black Buddha Mother was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly: "What you care about at this time is not your daughter, but what benefits you can get... She is indeed the person I chose, cruel and ruthless, and has a bright future!"


PS: Several errors were pointed out in the previous chapter, which made me feel ashamed and uneasy, so I added another chapter.

 (End of this chapter)

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