Chapter 706: Replacement of flowers and trees

 “You have to understand something.”

The Great Black Buddha Mother said: “Those 5 million people are not reciting mantras all the time, let alone reciting them once and they will become my followers.

 Every time they recite it, they will generate a new thought. When watching your video, they may be induced to recite it a few times, but after watching the video, who will recite this without any problem?

 After all, they are not monks, and I am not Amitabha. "

Li Ruonan felt suddenly, lowered his head and said, "Do I have to be the one to do it?"

"Definitely." The Great Black Buddha Mother said with no doubt: "If I take action, General Xiang can return to the body of the child in an instant, and it will be difficult to kill him by then."

Li Ruonan: "But...but..."

 “Nothing but!”

The Great Black Buddha Mother said coldly: "When you reach this point, you have no way out.

If General Damage acts kindly and removes all negative statuses for Qin Yao regardless of consumption, Qin Yao will definitely trace the blessing video.

You can buy traffic for this video, can’t he spend money to buy this video off the shelves?

 After he solves his worries, do you think he will still be soft-hearted towards you? "

Li Ruonan was speechless.

“That boy is in the 27th household of Zhuzi Lane. Go quickly, must be quick, and don’t give General Xiang a chance to return to aid Qin Yao.

Once Jitong dies and General Xi leaves, Qin Yao will have no time to care about you.

At that time, you go to the kindergarten to take Duoduo away and take her to the Chenjiazhuang tunnel. My real body will be waiting for you in the tunnel.

If everything goes well, today will be the day of my reincarnation. After my reincarnation is successful, I will help you erase the influence of murder. "The Great Black Buddha Mother said.

Li Ruonan gritted his teeth and said with a fierce heart: "I can go, but I need you to give me some abilities. Otherwise, even if I can kill the child by luck, I won't be able to take Duoduo away from the kindergarten."

 “What ability do you want?” asked the Great Black Buddha Mother.

“Strong enough explosive power, and... the ability to quickly hypnotize others.” Li Ruonan said without thinking.


  12:20 noon.

With a sharp knife in his waist, a black cap, a black mask, and a black sweatshirt, Li Ruonan came to Zhuzi Lane, stopped in front of the 27th house, and raised his hand to knock on the door.

"Who are you?"

With the sound of brisk footsteps, a round-faced man reached out and opened the vermilion door.

“Are you a **** who can summon the green-faced general?” Li Ruonan asked straight to the point.

"I am." The round-faced man nodded slightly and asked, "You need to get up? Why?"

"Because..." Li Ruonan paused slightly as he spoke, then looked into the courtyard: "I'm sorry, can you go inside and talk?"

The round-faced man thought for a moment and turned sideways: "Come in."

After a while, Ji Tong reached out to close the door and led the woman towards his study. Unexpectedly, the woman was armed with a sharp knife. She suddenly felt murderous and stabbed him in the neck with a flying knife from behind.


Blood spurted out and shot onto Li Ruonan's face, as if it had soaked into her pupils, causing them to quickly turn red...


In the courtyard, in front of the main hall, the woman holding a basin of water stared blankly at this scene. Then the basin fell and hit the bluestone tiles, making a loud sound.


Li Ruonan was afraid that Ji Tong would not die, so he pulled out the sharp knife stuck in the other man's neck, and stabbed him in the back of the heart with his backhand. After stabbing him three times in a row, he drew the knife away amidst the woman's screams.


After running out of the yard, she threw the sharp knife into a trash can on the street. As she ran quickly, she took off the mask on her face, took off her blood-stained coat, threw it into another trash can, and quickly sat on it. A taxi on the street. "Hello master, Huangjue Kindergarten..."

 In kindergarten.

 Small classes.

The green-faced General Sun suddenly manifested his Dharma in front of Duo Duo and said anxiously: "I helped you drive away the bad General Sun last time. I am your uncle's friend. Go find your uncle and tell him to summon General Sun." Ji Tong is dead."

Before he finished speaking, his body turned into a burst of cyan light and disappeared into the void.

Duoduo stared blankly at the place where he disappeared, then suddenly stood up with a loud voice and said loudly: "Report."

“What’s wrong, Duoduo?” the substitute teacher asked softly on the podium.

“I have something to ask the head teacher for,” Duoduo said seriously.

 The substitute teacher looked at the time and asked, "Wait for another ten minutes. Can I take you to Teacher Xie after class?"

Duoduo shook her head, turned around and walked out of the desk: "I know where her office is, just go there by yourself. Teacher, please continue with the class."

The substitute teacher thought for a while and said to the whole class: "I will take Duoduo to the office. You guys can read here for a while. When I come back, if I find that anyone is not in their position, I will ask them to copy what we learned today. text."


The substitute teacher led Duoduo to the office and said to Xie Miao, who was reading a book: "Teacher Xie, Duoduo said that she has something to do with you."

Behind the long table, on the chair, Xie Miao put down the book in his hand, stood up and said, "Okay, Teacher Sun, go ahead and do your work. Just leave Duoduo to me."

 The substitute teacher smiled slightly, turned around and went out.

After he left, Xie Miao came to Duoduo in a few steps and asked softly: "What's the matter, Duoduo?"

"Teacher Xie, can you call my uncle? I have something urgent to see him." Duoduo said.

"Of course." Xie Miao said, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Qin Yao's number.

 “Buzz, buzz…”

 City center.

 In an elegantly decorated study room in a blue villa.

Qin Yao's eyes were shining with white light, his right arm was slightly raised, and his right hand was placed on a head. His whirlwind-like divine power fixed the body under the head in mid-air.

Threads of black air flew out of his pores and were poured into the man's body through the mouth and nose in mid-air. The powerful curse force caused his appearance to age rapidly, and his hair became full of discoloration in the blink of an eye.


Feeling the vibration of the phone in his trouser pocket, Qin Yao raised his left hand, took it out with two fingers, held it in his palm while turning it, and pressed the answer button with one hand.

“Uncle, I am Duoduo.” The clear voice of the little girl came from the receiver.

Qin Yao's sharp eyebrows softened a little, and he asked calmly: "Is something wrong, Duduo?"

“Uncle, your green-faced friend has disappeared. Before disappearing, he asked me to tell you that the boy who summoned General Xiang is dead.” Duoduo recounted.

Qin Yao's heart trembled, and he immediately realized what had happened, and said calmly: "I understand, Duoduo, listen carefully. If that bad guy appears again, ask your name, remember not to ignore him, and stay in the kindergarten. Wait for me to pick you up. No matter who picks you up, don’t follow him.”

 “I know, uncle.” Duoduo said obediently.

Qin Yao hung up the phone with a snap, raised his eyes to look at the figure in front of him, and silently speeded up the transfer of the curse...

Good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds and evil deeds will be rewarded with bad deeds.

This animal seeks wealth and murder, steals wives, cultivates wings, and does whatever it wants...

All these are causes, and today’s calamity is the result.

 This is - karma!

 (End of this chapter)

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