I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 730: One level after another

Chapter 730 One level after another


In Jinshan Temple, the stooped old abbot put his hands together and took the initiative to salute Fa Hai who was walking in front of Qin Yao and Jiu Shu.

"Abbot." Fahai returned the greeting and then said warmly: "I want to take these two friends to the Main Hall. Please immediately organize all the monks in the temple to go down the mountain and leave by boat."

 The old abbot's expression changed and he asked subconsciously: "What happened?"

"Don't ask, don't think, come back tomorrow." Fa Hai's face gradually became serious and he ordered in a low voice.

The old abbot's heart sank, and he did not dare to neglect: "I know, I will organize the monks to go down the mountain."

 Lean less.

Fahai led the master and his disciples into the spotless palace, came to the wall with eight portraits of heavenly dragons, bowed and said: "Venerable Sir, I have brought over the person you want to see."

In the murals that cover the entire wall, the image of the King of Heaven, who lives among five-colored clouds and has a golden body, holding three strands in his right hand, supporting his left hip with his left hand, and his left foot hanging down, quickly lights up with golden light, and his eyes are as dazzling as the sun and stars. It makes people dare not look directly at its light.

Qin Yao and Uncle Jiu clearly felt the scrutinizing eyes on themselves, trying to see their essence and analyze the cause and effect on them.

"Rogue cultivator?" After a long time, Emperor Shitian seemed to be murmuring, as if asking.

"What advice do you have, sir?" Qin Yao asked.

 “No advice, only questions.”

Emperor Shitian said: "When I was observing the cause and effect of Mohuraka, I found that the line of cause and effect formed by the two of you was blurred, like looking at flowers in the fog. No matter how I speculated, I could not get your information from the heaven. But. Now that I see you, everything is clear to me. Can you tell me the reason for this?"

Qin Yao shook his head and said, "We don't have the ability to observe causal lines, so we can't explain what is going on."

Even though he had made multiple preparations, Qin Yao still maintained enough caution and restraint when actually talking to Emperor Shitian, and strictly practiced the response method of talking too much and making mistakes, and being silent.

 Before your strength grows to keep pace with it, the awe you should have is actually a talisman for yourself.

Di Shitian's eyes kept wandering over the two masters and disciples. After a long time, he said quietly: "Maybe it's because of the unpredictable nature..."

He will not admit that he is wrong, or even think that he is wrong, so the unpredictable reason can give him a step up and allow him to step down calmly.

Fa Hai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Do you have any other questions, Your Majesty? If there are no questions..."

“You look a little nervous.” Emperor Shaktian suddenly interrupted him and said seriously.

Fahai's heart was raised again because of this sentence, and he gave a satisfactory answer in a flash: "They are my friends, Buddhism is my belief, and I am the person who least wants anything to happen between the two."

 “You’re nervous in the wrong place.”

Di Shitian struck lightly, and then turned his attention to Qin Yao: "You are destined to be a Buddhist, why don't you worship Buddha right now, I can guarantee that you can achieve the right fruition."

Qin Yao thought of countless answers in his mind in an instant, and finally lowered his eyes and said: "Because of Taoism, I have the opportunity to live forever. I think a person needs to be grateful. In this case, if the Taoism does not abandon me, I will not Abandon the way."

The so-called talking about people when meeting people, and talking about ghosts when meeting ghosts.

 In front of Fahai, he was able to show his deep master-disciple relationship with Uncle Jiu and that he would not betray Uncle Jiu. But in front of Emperor Shitian, I can no longer throw the blame to Uncle Jiu. But if it is from one's own perspective, then the answer must not be sharp, cannot provoke the other party's sensitive nerves, or even be too mature, otherwise it will be suspected of premeditation.

 There is nothing wrong with being naive.

“Childish.” As expected, Emperor Shitian whispered, and then he no longer cared about it in his heart, and turned to look at Fahai: “Mohuraka, do you want me to open the memory of your past life for you?”

Fa Hai did not hesitate at all, shook his head and said: "No need, Your Majesty, I want to let nature take its course and recall the memories of my past life by myself."

 For Emperor Shakti, this was just a matter of sooner or later. But for Fahai, this is a question of whether Fahai's personality is the main one or Mohu Luojia's personality is the main one.

If the memory is opened rashly, Fahai's personality will become a memory, instead of turning Mohu Luojia into a memory.

“Forget it, I’m waiting for your return in the Buddhist world.” Emperor Shitian said, the light of the characters on the mural gradually dissipated, and the looming pressure was swept away.

Until now, with his mind relaxed, Fahai suddenly realized that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

 Di Shektian was right, he was indeed very nervous.

In fact, it is no wonder that he was so nervous about the situation just now. Once Qin Yao said something wrong, or Emperor Shitian asked some questions that Qin Yao and his disciples could not answer on a whim, it would not end in this way.

"Let me take you away." Fahai exhaled silently and said to the two of them.

Then, the three of them walked out of the Main Hall. Unexpectedly, the waves just flattened and then rose again. Looking around, they saw densely packed flying swords all around Jinshan Temple, with a figure standing on each flying sword.

Qin Yao and Uncle Jiu looked at each other and guessed the origins of these people.

As a witness to the Baifu massacre, Fahai knew very well what these people were here for, but at this time he still pretended not to know and asked: "You are here, do you have any advice?"

"A few days ago, Maoshan Quanzhenzi invited all the comrades to go to Qiantang to slay demons. Nearly three hundred spiritual cultivators did not survive." A bearded man stepping on a black giant sword stepped out of the crowd and said coldly: "After our constant inquiries, Investigate, deduce, and finally determine that this matter has something to do with you, Master Fahai, what is your explanation?"

Fa Hai glanced at the seven or eight hundred spiritual cultivators with indifferent eyes, and said coldly: "Where is the evidence? Come up with evidence. If there is no evidence, how can you expect thousands of people to confuse right and wrong?"

The bearded man shouted: "All the people in Qiantang County are witnesses!"

 Fa Hai: “I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

"The White Mansion disappeared overnight. It was obviously an illusion. According to folklore, the five great immortals in the Bai Mansion were one monk, two Taoists and two immortal maidens. Now we have seen one monk and two Taoists. May I ask, master, where are those two immortal aunts now? Are they monsters?" The bearded man's voice gradually became louder and sounded like thunder.


This logic is indeed impeccable.

If the two immortals are demons, and all the spiritual cultivators are there to eliminate the demons, then how could Fa Hai, one of the five immortals of Bai Mansion, not be involved?

"I have a question." When Fahai was speechless, Qin Yao slowly came to him and faced the dense spiritual practice in the air.

 “What’s your problem?” asked the bearded man.

 (End of this chapter)

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